AG Barr.....Shut Your Damned Mouth

He was telling Trump, I got this, you don’t need to tweet about this, I got your back. I’ll do whatever you want.

because four prosecutors quit a case and one left the DOJ completely. That’s never happened before.

Want to bet Trump supporters sent them threatening messages?
Seems you’re accusing Barr of lying to the media to manipulate us.

Not at all.

What lie?

Barr’s statements. They were rehearsed. Indicating it was an act.

Rehearsal to set up HOW, not WHAT. No lie.
What does that mean?

The order in which information is revealed, dependent upon the Democrats and media's expected reaction.
Sorry. I don’t have time for your cryptic replies.

This is great...
How much did Trump make on Art of the Deal? (hint: at least one mil in one year) And he didn't even write it.

Why are you always back to Trump? This is more about Tulsi Gabbard. She is the real American. Middle class, served two tours in Afghanistan, still a capitalist. Sanders is a loon.
Why am I always back to Trump? The OP is about TRUMP making AG's job difficult, according to AG. I was replying to someone "accusing" Bernie of becoming rich off a book. It was perfectly on point.

You missed the point of the cartoon. Amazing. You must be a Bernie Bros.
Nope. I didn't miss the point, either.
It was supposed to be comic relief and you went all TDS.
If the judge prosecutors investigators Weren't bias I would probably be interested in your opinion.. Even the anti stone Juror lied to get on the jury
Look jit, if you had evidence that he did not lie or threaten, you should have testified or filed an amicus brief. It is too late now. You and trumps stupid tweets probably will not effect the judge. You can see the Penguin when he gets out or is pardoned.
So if someone started to investigate you for supporting Obama asking you about emails from a year ago? Hey did you talk to Juan about fast and furious!? It was a perjury trap because you don’t know they have your emails. You lie now your in jail for emailing a Mexican!? Lol
No trap. You cold have told the truth, unless you think that the truth only depends on whether someone can prove you are a liar or you could have peaded the 5th.. Truth is truth, reality is real. You have a dishonest nature. A trump lying toad, by nature. Funny how he attracts scum that think like you do.
Obviously only trump supporters get charged . McCabe was let off for doing far worse

It goes far beyond Trump. Leftists took over about 1965.

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences
Remind me again how both parties are the same
And there’s 14 ongoing criminal trials left over from the Mueller report. Those will add to the number. Since every single person so far is been found guilty or pled guilty, I suspect in the 14 trials they’ll all plead guilty.
I know and She took his 1st amendment rights away which should have been restored .. bias everywhere .. leave the man alone

Stone is a convict. The gag order will be lifted after sentencing if it isn’t already.
Why he was convicted you hold the gag order to not effect jury.. you restore it after ... wht is she afraid of the truth? She’s going to be removed poor little girl let bias take her out

She can't be fired. She's a federal judge - appointed for life.

Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.

I'm not bashing America, I'm bashing Donald Trump.

How come you didn't know federal judges are appointed for life. Any politically astute American knows that. How come you can post 40 a day, 7 days a week? Don't you have a job? These are work hours. You're a 39 year old guy who clearly has no life, no family and no job. Or many you're not who you say you are.

#1) Where did I say I did not know?

#2) Because I travel a lot and when I do not I sit in an office and multi tasking with this is fun.

#3) I have a wife and two kids. Sending messages on this board relieves times of boredom.

Feel free to ask me any questions about Boston, my job (management consulting), etc. Happy to answer them.

Why are you interfering in our politics? You're Canadian and a Socialist.
How much did Trump make on Art of the Deal? (hint: at least one mil in one year) And he didn't even write it.

Why are you always back to Trump? This is more about Tulsi Gabbard. She is the real American. Middle class, served two tours in Afghanistan, still a capitalist. Sanders is a loon.
Why am I always back to Trump? The OP is about TRUMP making AG's job difficult, according to AG. I was replying to someone "accusing" Bernie of becoming rich off a book. It was perfectly on point.

You missed the point of the cartoon. Amazing. You must be a Bernie Bros.
Nope. I didn't miss the point, either.
It was supposed to be comic relief and you went all TDS.
You call that "all TDS?" Buster, you need to quit while you're ahead.
McCabe. How was his offense far worse?
We can't comment on pending court cases.

There is no court case, cousin.


Two-tiered system of justice = Corruption

What offense did he commit?
Perjury for one
He corrected his own testimony a few days after this supposed perjury. How is that worse than what Stone did?
Stone is a convict. The gag order will be lifted after sentencing if it isn’t already.
Why he was convicted you hold the gag order to not effect jury.. you restore it after ... wht is she afraid of the truth? She’s going to be removed poor little girl let bias take her out

She can't be fired. She's a federal judge - appointed for life.

Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.

I'm not bashing America, I'm bashing Donald Trump.

How come you didn't know federal judges are appointed for life. Any politically astute American knows that. How come you can post 40 a day, 7 days a week? Don't you have a job? These are work hours. You're a 39 year old guy who clearly has no life, no family and no job. Or many you're not who you say you are.

#1) Where did I say I did not know?

#2) Because I travel a lot and when I do not I sit in an office and multi tasking with this is fun.

#3) I have a wife and two kids. Sending messages on this board relieves times of boredom.

Feel free to ask me any questions about Boston, my job (management consulting), etc. Happy to answer them.

Why are you interfering in our politics? You're Canadian and a Socialist.

1. You said the judge would be removed from the bench. That's not possible and if you were an American you would know that she can't be removed.

2. Gee last time I mentioned this you were at the gym and multi-tasking. When I was working, I spent my spare time doing tasks which would earn me money, help me get home sooner. I didn't spend hours and hours every day on social media.

3. When I had a husband and two children and a full time job, I didn't spend any time on social media.

Your background story is so full of holes that it looks like Swiss cheese. As a management consultant you could be using the time to earn real money. And if you really were an American, that's what you would be doing.

Nobody with a demanding job, a family, and the opportunity to earn based on effort spends as much time on any social media as you spend on this board. I have a lot of younger, hard charging friends who are single who don't spend half the time on social media that you do, and their jobs involve social media work.
Why are you always back to Trump? This is more about Tulsi Gabbard. She is the real American. Middle class, served two tours in Afghanistan, still a capitalist. Sanders is a loon.
Why am I always back to Trump? The OP is about TRUMP making AG's job difficult, according to AG. I was replying to someone "accusing" Bernie of becoming rich off a book. It was perfectly on point.

You missed the point of the cartoon. Amazing. You must be a Bernie Bros.
Nope. I didn't miss the point, either.
It was supposed to be comic relief and you went all TDS.
You call that "all TDS?" Buster, you need to quit while you're ahead.
I do. 100% you have the disease. You need to accept it.
Why he was convicted you hold the gag order to not effect jury.. you restore it after ... wht is she afraid of the truth? She’s going to be removed poor little girl let bias take her out

She can't be fired. She's a federal judge - appointed for life.

Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.

I'm not bashing America, I'm bashing Donald Trump.

How come you didn't know federal judges are appointed for life. Any politically astute American knows that. How come you can post 40 a day, 7 days a week? Don't you have a job? These are work hours. You're a 39 year old guy who clearly has no life, no family and no job. Or many you're not who you say you are.

#1) Where did I say I did not know?

#2) Because I travel a lot and when I do not I sit in an office and multi tasking with this is fun.

#3) I have a wife and two kids. Sending messages on this board relieves times of boredom.

Feel free to ask me any questions about Boston, my job (management consulting), etc. Happy to answer them.

Why are you interfering in our politics? You're Canadian and a Socialist.

1. You said the judge would be removed from the bench. That's not possible and if you were an American you would know that she can't be removed.

2. Gee last time I mentioned this you were at the gym and multi-tasking. When I was working, I spent my spare time doing tasks which would earn me money, help me get home sooner. I didn't spend hours and hours every day on social media.

3. When I had a husband and two children and a full time job, I didn't spend any time on social media.

Your background story is so full of holes that it looks like Swiss cheese. As a management consultant you could be using the time to earn real money. And if you really were an American, that's what you would be doing.

Nobody with a demanding job, a family, and the opportunity to earn based on effort would have any time at all to spend social media as you spend on this board. I have a lot of younger, hard charging friends who are single who don't spend half the time on social media that you do, and their jobs involve social media work.
I never said that. Find the post. Removed from the bench? LOL you’re lying.

What part of my story is full of holes? Your job was not as flexible as mine, LOL. All you do is lie. Today is Friday. Day off. I ll be here all day. Again, you’re Canadian why are you interfering in our elections?
She can't be fired. She's a federal judge - appointed for life.

Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.

I'm not bashing America, I'm bashing Donald Trump.

How come you didn't know federal judges are appointed for life. Any politically astute American knows that. How come you can post 40 a day, 7 days a week? Don't you have a job? These are work hours. You're a 39 year old guy who clearly has no life, no family and no job. Or many you're not who you say you are.

#1) Where did I say I did not know?

#2) Because I travel a lot and when I do not I sit in an office and multi tasking with this is fun.

#3) I have a wife and two kids. Sending messages on this board relieves times of boredom.

Feel free to ask me any questions about Boston, my job (management consulting), etc. Happy to answer them.

Why are you interfering in our politics? You're Canadian and a Socialist.

1. You said the judge would be removed from the bench. That's not possible and if you were an American you would know that she can't be removed.

2. Gee last time I mentioned this you were at the gym and multi-tasking. When I was working, I spent my spare time doing tasks which would earn me money, help me get home sooner. I didn't spend hours and hours every day on social media.

3. When I had a husband and two children and a full time job, I didn't spend any time on social media.

Your background story is so full of holes that it looks like Swiss cheese. As a management consultant you could be using the time to earn real money. And if you really were an American, that's what you would be doing.

Nobody with a demanding job, a family, and the opportunity to earn based on effort would have any time at all to spend social media as you spend on this board. I have a lot of younger, hard charging friends who are single who don't spend half the time on social media that you do, and their jobs involve social media work.
I never said that. Find the post. Removed from the bench? LOL you’re lying.

What part of my story is full of holes? Your job was not as flexible as mine, LOL. All you do is lie. Today is Friday. Day off. I ll be here all day. Again, you’re Canadian why are you interfering in our elections?

I notice that l since Trump has gone rogue and started his downward spiral, and I have been posting about it, all of the members of the 1000 post a month club are coming after me for being Canadian.

I guess those who are trying to use social media to prop up this failing Presidency can't stand the idea of having Trump exposed as the lying dictator wanna be that he is, to the general public.

Trump was promoting the election of racist, xenophic, misogynistic Andrew Scheer as Prime Minister of Canada. Go into the Canadian Forum here and American posters are decrying Canadian gun control, and promoting conservative policies for Canadians. The NRA has come into Canada and tried to change our gun laws. They succeeded too, killing the long gun registry over the objections of every police force in the country.

In the NAFTA negotiations, American negotiators have consistently tried to have our health care system declared an "unfair employer advantage" and have tried to force your health care system on us.

So don't tell me to mind my own business. You first.
The only reason this is in the news is because of the sentencing guidelines. The verdict was months ago.
I know and She took his 1st amendment rights away which should have been restored .. bias everywhere .. leave the man alone

Stone is a convict. The gag order will be lifted after sentencing if it isn’t already.
Why he was convicted you hold the gag order to not effect jury.. you restore it after ... wht is she afraid of the truth? She’s going to be removed poor little girl let bias take her out

She can't be fired. She's a federal judge - appointed for life.

Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.
Yes but Canadians good, Russians bad.
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.
We can't comment on pending court cases.

There is no court case, cousin.


Two-tiered system of justice = Corruption

What offense did he commit?
Perjury for one
He corrected his own testimony a few days after this supposed perjury. How is that worse than what Stone did?
Stone wasn't given the option to claim a correction.
I know and She took his 1st amendment rights away which should have been restored .. bias everywhere .. leave the man alone

Stone is a convict. The gag order will be lifted after sentencing if it isn’t already.
Why he was convicted you hold the gag order to not effect jury.. you restore it after ... wht is she afraid of the truth? She’s going to be removed poor little girl let bias take her out

She can't be fired. She's a federal judge - appointed for life.

Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.
Yes but Canadians good, Russians bad.
Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.

I'm not bashing America, I'm bashing Donald Trump.

How come you didn't know federal judges are appointed for life. Any politically astute American knows that. How come you can post 40 a day, 7 days a week? Don't you have a job? These are work hours. You're a 39 year old guy who clearly has no life, no family and no job. Or many you're not who you say you are.

#1) Where did I say I did not know?

#2) Because I travel a lot and when I do not I sit in an office and multi tasking with this is fun.

#3) I have a wife and two kids. Sending messages on this board relieves times of boredom.

Feel free to ask me any questions about Boston, my job (management consulting), etc. Happy to answer them.

Why are you interfering in our politics? You're Canadian and a Socialist.

1. You said the judge would be removed from the bench. That's not possible and if you were an American you would know that she can't be removed.

2. Gee last time I mentioned this you were at the gym and multi-tasking. When I was working, I spent my spare time doing tasks which would earn me money, help me get home sooner. I didn't spend hours and hours every day on social media.

3. When I had a husband and two children and a full time job, I didn't spend any time on social media.

Your background story is so full of holes that it looks like Swiss cheese. As a management consultant you could be using the time to earn real money. And if you really were an American, that's what you would be doing.

Nobody with a demanding job, a family, and the opportunity to earn based on effort would have any time at all to spend social media as you spend on this board. I have a lot of younger, hard charging friends who are single who don't spend half the time on social media that you do, and their jobs involve social media work.
I never said that. Find the post. Removed from the bench? LOL you’re lying.

What part of my story is full of holes? Your job was not as flexible as mine, LOL. All you do is lie. Today is Friday. Day off. I ll be here all day. Again, you’re Canadian why are you interfering in our elections?

I notice that l since Trump has gone rogue and started his downward spiral, and I have been posting about it, all of the members of the 1000 post a month club are coming after me for being Canadian.

I guess those who are trying to use social media to prop up this failing Presidency can't stand the idea of having Trump exposed as the lying dictator wanna be that he is, to the general public.

Trump was promoting the election of racist, xenophic, misogynistic Andrew Scheer as Prime Minister of Canada. Go into the Canadian Forum here and American posters are decrying Canadian gun control, and promoting conservative policies for Canadians. The NRA has come into Canada and tried to change our gun laws. They succeeded too, killing the long gun registry over the objections of every police force in the country.

In the NAFTA negotiations, American negotiators have consistently tried to have our health care system declared an "unfair employer advantage" and have tried to force your health care system on us.

So don't tell me to mind my own business. You first.
So you admit you lied about my post? Never posted about judges terms. Stop interfering in your elections and bashing one party while clapping for the other. Stop spreading lies about me. Stop lying altogether. Show a link about the NRA going to Canada. LOL what can they possibly do to your socialist country?
There is no court case, cousin.


Two-tiered system of justice = Corruption

What offense did he commit?
Perjury for one
He corrected his own testimony a few days after this supposed perjury. How is that worse than what Stone did?
Stone wasn't given the option to claim a correction.

Total nonsense. He could have corrected his testimony after he falsely gave it. Instead he texted his buddy Credico telling him not to testify to the truth and expose his lies.
I know and She took his 1st amendment rights away which should have been restored .. bias everywhere .. leave the man alone

Stone is a convict. The gag order will be lifted after sentencing if it isn’t already.
Why he was convicted you hold the gag order to not effect jury.. you restore it after ... wht is she afraid of the truth? She’s going to be removed poor little girl let bias take her out

She can't be fired. She's a federal judge - appointed for life.

Again, you're Canadian. Stop bashing America and interfering in our politics.
Yes but Canadians good, Russians bad.
LOL indeed. Is this hockey talk?

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