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AG Barr's investigation about the IG report (Video)

You mean like when leftist call cops racist for attempting to bring a black man down? If 3 white cops ended up getting a warrant for a black man by "accidently" leaving out crucual bits of information and many other "mistakes" coupled with emails that were CLEARLY racist, I have a sneaking suspicion they wouldn't get a pass on the issue. Pretty sure racism would be yelled from the roof top. What is different here? Many of the lead guys were not just Democrats, but Trump haters, as seen in their text messages. These are the guys making the "mistakes".

It depends what you caught him doing. I live in a state where we've sent 13 people to death row because cops lied in warrants, lied about confessions, lied about evidence.

The thing is, Carter Page was double-dealing with the Russians, and he worked for Trump. Flynn worked with the Russians. Manafort worked with the Russians. There are a whole lot of Russian agents in Trump's orbit, Trump himself has a lot of business in Russia... and nothing to see here.

Oh, yeah, and Russia State News just called Trump "Our Agent".

Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’

Per a FISA court judge:

""The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the [Office of the inspector general] report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above. The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable," federal Judge Rosemary Collyer wrote in an order from the court published Tuesday."

So either Obama FBI was inept or they were corrupt. My guess is a latter since the all the "usupported or contradictory information" was used against Trump. If they truly wanted to get to the bottom of things fairly, they would have had a moment of pause when contradictory information was un-covered, but they didn't care, they just wanted to damage then candidate Trump. I wouldn't at all be suprised to find out that the DNC and or Hillary Clinton had something to do with this, other than the obvious by funding the dossier used as a substantial part of their "evidence" to get their FISA warrant.
Case in point of why people think JoeB is a nut job. So now he changes his narrative from the IG report did not find anything to “good luck with a biased jury”. My goodness what a waste of a life he is.

Wow, your reasoning skills are something to behold.

IG report didn't find anything criminal.

Which if Durham ever tries to charge anything, that person can point to the IG report and say, "No Political Bias."
Funny as the Mueller Report didn’t find anything criminal and you stated otherwise. The IG report certainly found 17 errors and and 17 errors towards the favor of the Democrats. It would be like me saying the referees at the football game were unbiased just made some mistakes. Of course all 17 were in favor of the home team. So do you think it the optics show bias?

Poor crazy JoeB
Horowitz was only allowed to look at the DOJ.
What happens if Durham and Barr can prove a multi-department deep state conspiracy against Trump, aka Crossfire Hurricane?
Can Barr order issue a new "DOJ" report that supersedes the IG report, and includes Durham's findings, outing Crossfire Hurricane as the worst political scandal in US history?
Crossfire Hurricane makes Nixon's "plumbers break in" to DNC HQ look innocent by comparison. Crossfire Hurricane used the power of the US intel agencies and the FBI to setup and take down an opposition party candidate for president. Then when that failed, had an "insurance policy" to damage Trump's presidency by having the Mueller Investigation to prove Russian Collusion with Trump creating an illegitimate 2016 election. All of which was totally untrue because the democrats actually were the ones who colluded with and paid the Russians to create the Steele Dossier. You can't make this shit up. Then after all that the democrats impeach Trump for non-crimes?!
Or they had legitimate concerns and they did what all cops do when they apply for a warrant... just bring up the worst point.
Your defense of Democrat corruption and unlawful spying on a political opponent is pitiful, but expected by your party leaders. Good Fascist...

They changed the meaning of a sentence from "was a CIA informant" to "was not a CIA informant". They puposely did this to deceive the judge.

To legally get a FISA warrant the applicant must include known exculpatory evidence. Obama's FBI knew that when they purposely excluded it.

Why? Because in every other court I'm aware of, the target of a warrant always, eventually, gets to challenge the warrant. FISA warrants have a higher standard because the victims of sleazy warrants might never know the government investigators wiped their ass with the Bill of Rights.

You know, a good measure of a person's character is how they act when they discover they've been wrong. Do they admit it, deny it, or attempt to minimize it with dishonest rationalizations?
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1. McCabe Lying to investigators 3 or 4x is NOT doing his job. Strzok and Page nailed "Andy" as one of the ring leaders of the (legally started, but criminally ended) Operation Crossfire Hurricane coup plots. His wife getting $700,000 from the DNC for her campaign might have affected his judgment?

2. Is this comment to Obama? "If you see a foreign government trying to steal an election don't say anything?" Why didn't BO stop the FB ads? The Obama admin deliberately kept the Trump campaign in the dark hoping that they'd contact a Russian...they didn't, as Mueller confirmed.

Actually, they did, because Manafort, Flynn, and a bunch of other Trump associates are going to jail. Hope they save a chair for Rudy.

Here's the real problem. No one on either side really thought that Trump would win on a technicality. They figured he was going to lose, so there was no point in making a bigger deal about it. Now we are papering it over because they don't want to let us know our elections can be so easily rigged by a foriegn power.

Heck, I think we won't find out how much the Russians interference helped Trump for decades...
Win on a technicality? What technicality are you referring too?
You mean like when leftist call cops racist for attempting to bring a black man down? If 3 white cops ended up getting a warrant for a black man by "accidently" leaving out crucual bits of information and many other "mistakes" coupled with emails that were CLEARLY racist, I have a sneaking suspicion they wouldn't get a pass on the issue. Pretty sure racism would be yelled from the roof top. What is different here? Many of the lead guys were not just Democrats, but Trump haters, as seen in their text messages. These are the guys making the "mistakes".

It depends what you caught him doing. I live in a state where we've sent 13 people to death row because cops lied in warrants, lied about confessions, lied about evidence.

The thing is, Carter Page was double-dealing with the Russians, and he worked for Trump. Flynn worked with the Russians. Manafort worked with the Russians. There are a whole lot of Russian agents in Trump's orbit, Trump himself has a lot of business in Russia... and nothing to see here.

Oh, yeah, and Russia State News just called Trump "Our Agent".

Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’
It turns out that Carter Page was working for the CIA, not Trump. Go figure.
The FISA Court just DESTROYED your parroted lies and false narratives. The evidence is undeniable, to the point where the FISA Court came out and released an un-precedented rebuke of Obama's DOJ & FBI for historic levels of crime by committing FISA Court abuses that have consisted of committing crimes, violating the Constitution, and trampling citizens' rights..

Ho-hum.... you guys had no problem with FISA doing this when it was doing it to brown people.

Carter Page was NOT 'double-dealing'. What some idiots, like you it seems, still don't know / understand Page was an official INTELLIGENCE SOURCE, which means the DEEP STATE INTEL COMMUNITY already knew Page was having contact with Russians and was providing information on that contract.

Um... yeah, and pretty clearly they didn't trust him, which is why they wanted a wiretap.

I'm not sure why you are soooooo concerned about the rights of a supposed double agent who was willing to sell this country out.

Oh, that's right. Because he's pals with Cheeto Jesus.
So either Obama FBI was inept or they were corrupt. My guess is a latter since the all the "usupported or contradictory information" was used against Trump. If they truly wanted to get to the bottom of things fairly, they would have had a moment of pause when contradictory information was un-covered, but they didn't care, they just wanted to damage then candidate Trump. I wouldn't at all be suprised to find out that the DNC and or Hillary Clinton had something to do with this, other than the obvious by funding the dossier used as a substantial part of their "evidence" to get their FISA warrant.

If they wanted to damage Candidate Trump, then why not release ALL this information before the election?

Instead they kept it confidential, but they did slime Hillary one more time by insinuating that copies of emails they had already seen on Huma's computer were somehow new information.

Seems to me that if they were out to get Trump (which is a worthy cause, given Trump is human slime) they would keep the Hillary Stuff secret and then leak out all the stuff about Pee Hookers and payoffs from Russia.
unny as the Mueller Report didn’t find anything criminal and you stated otherwise.

Yes, it did. It found a lot of criminality from Trump associates and where Trump himself had obstructed justice. This is why Barr had to lie about what was in it. Mueller left the issue of impeachment up to Congress... which it chose not to do anything about because Trump would never be stupid enough to try something like that again.... oh, wait. He totally did.
So either Obama FBI was inept or they were corrupt. My guess is a latter since the all the "usupported or contradictory information" was used against Trump. If they truly wanted to get to the bottom of things fairly, they would have had a moment of pause when contradictory information was un-covered, but they didn't care, they just wanted to damage then candidate Trump. I wouldn't at all be suprised to find out that the DNC and or Hillary Clinton had something to do with this, other than the obvious by funding the dossier used as a substantial part of their "evidence" to get their FISA warrant.

If they wanted to damage Candidate Trump, then why not release ALL this information before the election?

Instead they kept it confidential, but they did slime Hillary one more time by insinuating that copies of emails they had already seen on Huma's computer were somehow new information.

Seems to me that if they were out to get Trump (which is a worthy cause, given Trump is human slime) they would keep the Hillary Stuff secret and then leak out all the stuff about Pee Hookers and payoffs from Russia.

You are hopeless.
You are hopeless.

Your concession is duly noted.

If the Corrupt FBI was "out to get" Trump, why not leak the investigations of him BEFORE the election?

Here's the thing... no one really thought Trump was going to win, that the Russian meddling was going to be as effective as it obviously was. So they decided they would wait for Hillary to win and then quietly deal with the bad actors after the election.

It was a huge mistake.
unny as the Mueller Report didn’t find anything criminal and you stated otherwise.

Yes, it did. It found a lot of criminality from Trump associates and where Trump himself had obstructed justice. This is why Barr had to lie about what was in it. Mueller left the issue of impeachment up to Congress... which it chose not to do anything about because Trump would never be stupid enough to try something like that again.... oh, wait. He totally did.

You guys love you some process crimes. Accuse somone of anything and then hope they do virtually anything to defend themselves or protect their privacy so you can get them on obstruction. Innocent until proven guilty is the Democrats way Remember Pelosi wanted to impeach Trump supposedly PRIOR to having any information from the whistleblower. Frankly, Democratic voters are so stupid, the Democratic policiticans can get away with virtually anything without raising the eyebrows of their minions.
You guys love you some process crimes. Accuse somone of anything and then hope they do virtually anything to defend themselves or protect their privacy so you can get them on obstruction. Innocent until proven guilty is the Democrats way Remember Pelosi wanted to impeach Trump supposedly PRIOR to having any information from the whistleblower. Frankly, Democratic voters are so stupid, the Democratic policiticans can get away with virtually anything without raising the eyebrows of their minions.

Uh, guy, after Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars persecuting everyone Clinton knew for "Process" crimes only to admit the only thing he found Clinton to be guilty of is lying about a blow job, you really have no business to talk.

The fact is, Pelosi was reluctant to impeach... until Trump got caught red handed trying to shake down the Ukraine.
You are hopeless.

Your concession is duly noted.

If the Corrupt FBI was "out to get" Trump, why not leak the investigations of him BEFORE the election?

Here's the thing... no one really thought Trump was going to win, that the Russian meddling was going to be as effective as it obviously was. So they decided they would wait for Hillary to win and then quietly deal with the bad actors after the election.

It was a huge mistake.

So you answered your own question. They didn't think he would win. They obviously didn't want him to win. Have you read the personal texts from some of the lead investigators? What about the texts from the Democratic lawyer who altered emails to the FISA court? Read any of those?
You guys love you some process crimes. Accuse somone of anything and then hope they do virtually anything to defend themselves or protect their privacy so you can get them on obstruction. Innocent until proven guilty is the Democrats way Remember Pelosi wanted to impeach Trump supposedly PRIOR to having any information from the whistleblower. Frankly, Democratic voters are so stupid, the Democratic policiticans can get away with virtually anything without raising the eyebrows of their minions.

Uh, guy, after Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars persecuting everyone Clinton knew for "Process" crimes only to admit the only thing he found Clinton to be guilty of is lying about a blow job, you really have no business to talk.

The fact is, Pelosi was reluctant to impeach... until Trump got caught red handed trying to shake down the Ukraine.

So this is payback for dirty ole Bill? Oh ok, that makes sense and I tend to believe it. The dirtball Clinton's have a lot of pull and I am sure were all for this after Hillary lost.

For starters, Trump wasn't caught red-handed at all. The transcripts are not even close to a Quid Pro Quo. Secondly, Pelosi said she wanted to impeach BEFORE the whistleblowe complaint was made. In other words, it was a setup. Creepy Schiff and Pelosi were trying ot fing ANYTHING and likely coached a person to become the whistleblower. Schiff didn't want the person to testify for a reason.

He won't be convicted as some sanity will return in the Senate. I do hope they call Schiff and others to testify and then when he refuses, they convict him of obstruction of justice, among other things.
You guys love you some process crimes. Accuse somone of anything and then hope they do virtually anything to defend themselves or protect their privacy so you can get them on obstruction. Innocent until proven guilty is the Democrats way Remember Pelosi wanted to impeach Trump supposedly PRIOR to having any information from the whistleblower. Frankly, Democratic voters are so stupid, the Democratic policiticans can get away with virtually anything without raising the eyebrows of their minions.

Uh, guy, after Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars persecuting everyone Clinton knew for "Process" crimes only to admit the only thing he found Clinton to be guilty of is lying about a blow job, you really have no business to talk.

The fact is, Pelosi was reluctant to impeach... until Trump got caught red handed trying to shake down the Ukraine.

It wasn't the blow-job he got impeached for, it was the cigar up her ass.
For starters, Trump wasn't caught red-handed at all. The transcripts are not even close to a Quid Pro Quo. Secondly, Pelosi said she wanted to impeach BEFORE the whistleblowe complaint was made. In other words, it was a setup. Creepy Schiff and Pelosi were trying ot fing ANYTHING and likely coached a person to become the whistleblower. Schiff didn't want the person to testify for a reason.

You're sputtering.

Trump told the Ukraine to investigate Biden.
He withheld Aid.
He then found out that Congress knew what he was up to, and scrambled to release the aid.

Not sure how it was a "setup". A setup implies that he had no choice. Clearly, he could have not tried to shake down the Ukraine.
For starters, Trump wasn't caught red-handed at all. The transcripts are not even close to a Quid Pro Quo. Secondly, Pelosi said she wanted to impeach BEFORE the whistleblowe complaint was made. In other words, it was a setup. Creepy Schiff and Pelosi were trying ot fing ANYTHING and likely coached a person to become the whistleblower. Schiff didn't want the person to testify for a reason.

You're sputtering.

Trump told the Ukraine to investigate Biden.
He withheld Aid.
He then found out that Congress knew what he was up to, and scrambled to release the aid.

Not sure how it was a "setup". A setup implies that he had no choice. Clearly, he could have not tried to shake down the Ukraine.

LOL...Trump ASKED Ukraine to investigate 2 things. The origins of the Russian investigation and Biden, which implied Burisma. Ukraine said they didn't feel any pressure. You can't have a "bribe" if the other party isn't aware of it.

There was no Quid Pro Quo. Now with Biden, that is another story entirely.
LOL...Trump ASKED Ukraine to investigate 2 things. The origins of the Russian investigation and Biden, which implied Burisma. Ukraine said they didn't feel any pressure. You can't have a "bribe" if the other party isn't aware of it.

There was no Quid Pro Quo. Now with Biden, that is another story entirely.

Uh, guy, when you are desperate for aid, you aren't being "asked", you are being extorted.

Trump had no business holding up that aid.
LOL...Trump ASKED Ukraine to investigate 2 things. The origins of the Russian investigation and Biden, which implied Burisma. Ukraine said they didn't feel any pressure. You can't have a "bribe" if the other party isn't aware of it.

There was no Quid Pro Quo. Now with Biden, that is another story entirely.

Uh, guy, when you are desperate for aid, you aren't being "asked", you are being extorted.

Trump had no business holding up that aid.

Yes he did. It is perfectly ok for a President to withold aid. Biden and Obama explicitly said they were going to do it if Ukraine didn't do what they asked.

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