AG Garland will investigate the State election audits

Can't wait until the Cyber Ninja's bring their "proof" to a court of law. It should be hilarious. We both know that they will never do that. Making the whole matter a fraud in and of itself.
They don't have to take it to the courts. Their evidence will precipitate changes in election laws to prevent repeating the fiasco of 2020. Other blatantly obvious evidence of election fraud has already done so.

The goal is not to overturn the election, throw the Biden Crime Family out and install the rightful President Donald J. Trump. The goal is to prevent another stolen election.
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Evidence is evidence whether it is presented in court or not.
Presenting evidence in court carries more weight since it's required to be truthful. Anyone can present completely fabricated "evidence" on television or social media.
Just like every other AG since we have an AG.

The only difference between 2020 and every other election is that the loser is screaming voter fraud--as he has done 3 times before. All three times, no sizable voter fraud was ever found.

Let me guess. Your blob is right and everyone else is wrong.
Never in history do ten people show up for on candidate and tens of thousands for another and the low level one wins. We pray for the blue cities to be eliminated.
Nope it's not trolling to ask somebody to support claims they make.
It is if evidence of their claims has already been presented enough to constitute common knowledge.

It's just a troll playing dumb.
It is if evidence of their claims has already been presented enough to constitute common knowledge.

It's just a troll playing dumb.
evidence. you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means, retard.
Math proves Democrats stole the election in six States. The odds that all statistically insignificant leads went from Trump to Biden in EVERY ONE of the six states is essentially zero. Not one stayed with Trump. Not one went from Biden and just got stronger. All six flipped. And all flipped in corrupt Democrat cities.

If the reverse happened you'd suddenly get that
yea trump used is "math" to ask for 11,780 votes in georgia.

evidence. you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means, retard.
I know that you don't know the difference between evidence and proof, retarded moron.

Here ya go:

ev•i•dence ĕv′ĭ-dəns​


  • n.

    A thing or set of things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.
  • n.

    Something indicative; an indication or set of indications.

proof proo͞f​


  • n.

    The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true.
  • n.

    The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions.
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That doesn't address what I said. Learn to read, moron
Besides that, he didn't "ask for votes". He asked that at least that many fraudulent votes be removed from Biden's count.
  • Thanks
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Seven states do exactly what you're suddenly finding fraudulent:

View attachment 518688

Have you ever questioned the validity of any of their previous elections or their officials? Nope. Only because your blob got his enormous ass kicked by an unprecedented margin are you questioning it now.
Those states mail ballots to legally registered voters only.

Please provide links to these above accusationsfor the 6 swing states Trump is contesting....



Which of the 6 swing states allowed ballot harvesting? Zero!

None of the 6 states used algorithms to produce votes. ZIP, ZERO, NONE.

YOU are relying on fabricated, lies and NOT the facts.
You're fabricating claims that you say I made. I don't recall claiming the "states used algorithms to produce votes". I have claimed that algorithms were used in the tabulation of "votes".

Of interest though is that Michigan was allowed ballot harvesting.

....and read this entire article:

Here's part of it:
9) Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference, a 2 hr. long video released about Mar. 19, implicates China, Iran, Serbia, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia in the U.S. election fraud. Per Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, in one county of NH, the vote on Nov. 3 started with a gift of 300 votes for Biden/Harris before the polls even opened. Dr. Douglas Frank stated that people that don’t exist were registered and then votes were ‘provided’ for them. He also indicated that in cases where voters were told at the polls that they had already voted, that this was because the algorithm had already voted for them. Per a camouflaged voice from a person called “John”, there is absolute proof of incursion into 150 election servers in 14 different states by China. The incursions also include multiple offices of the secretaries of state. “John” stated that “China chose Biden/Harris, not the American people.”

A cybersecurity and advanced threats expert, who was not named and whose image was blurred, spoke of a cyber footprint that was locked in time. He then went into detail about 19 instances of incursion. He said all of these 19 incursions were initiated by China and that 2,295 counties in the US had been attacked in all 50 states. Votes for Trump/Pence went down over time and Biden/Harris went up. The downtrend is impossible in a valid system. In just these 19 incursions, 518,617 votes switched from Trump to Biden. The unnamed person stated that using data from just these incursions, Trump won AZ, MI, WI, PA, and GA
10) Mike Lindell’s Scientific Proof, a 1 hr. long video released Mar. 31, is devoted almost entirely to the work of Dr. Douglas G. Frank, a Ph.D. physicist who looked in-depth into vote manipulation by voting machines. Dr. Frank adeptly presents multiple graphs and charts to make his case. His first clue that there was something amiss was when he looked at a voter database and noticed that there were far too many registered voters who voted only in the Nov. 3, 2020 election. He and his volunteer team knocked on 1600 doors and found out that 32% of them did not exist. They were phantom voters. This led to checking a curve of registrations by age group against a curve of ballots actually submitted by age group. This curve comparison shows gaps pointing to which demographics don’t vote as much and subsequently where there is room to ‘provide’ ballots without exceeding the numbers of registered voters in that demographic. Dr. Frank determined how much room there was for the fraudulent expansion of the votes (registrations vs. actual voting) in each demographic in 14 counties in Ohio, took an average of that discrepancy for each age group, and plotted the discrepancies. The curve can be described mathematically with only 6 numbers instead of 82 (ages 18 thru 100) plus a seventh number for turnout to predict the 2020 election numbers. His predictions fit perfectly with ballots submitted (not necessarily all valid). The fit was so perfect in all 88 counties that it was statistically impossible as shown by extremely high correlation coefficients (R) – even 1.00. For example, it showed that across the whole state of Ohio, the exact same percentage of 70 yr-olds voted in each county. This was true for all age groups and is not normal behavior. It could maybe be accepted in a precinct or two, but not across 88 counties and all with the exact same formula (algorithm) for deceit. It could only be accomplished by machine manipulation of registrations and votes and Dr. Frank had discovered the algorithm that accounted for the fraud. He also discovered because he noticed the same two strange little glitches in all the curves of county data (impossible), that the algorithm was based on 2010 census data. Those population data were used to program the voting machines to increase registrations so that the illegally input votes would not exceed registration numbers for each demographic thus making it less suspicious. An adjusted algorithm for PA. showed the same evidence of deceit. However, because the turnout was so great, and Trump/Pence voters so predominant, the algorithms were not enough. Therefore, we get the shut down in the middle of the night so algorithms could be adjusted and more illegal votes input into the system. Thus in one county in Colorado, 150% of the population was ‘registered’ to vote. In fact, in the first 20 or so counties listed by Dr. Frank, in Colorado, there were more registered to vote than in the total population. This anomaly may not have been discovered if 2020 census data were available and used in the programmed machine algorithms. The voting machines had to be, and were, online before, during, and after the election to accomplish this. They are not supposed to be online at all. These illegal vote additions occurred across the country, not just in swing states. So even in states where Trump/Pence was given a win, they won by much more than was reported. Apologies to Mike Lindell and Dr. Frank if this summary doesn’t do them justice.
You're fabricating claims that you say I made. I don't recall claiming the "states used algorithms to produce votes". I have claimed that algorithms were used in the tabulation of "votes".

Of interest though is that Michigan was allowed ballot harvesting.

....and read this entire article:

Here's part of it:
9) Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference, a 2 hr. long video released about Mar. 19, implicates China, Iran, Serbia, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia in the U.S. election fraud. Per Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, in one county of NH, the vote on Nov. 3 started with a gift of 300 votes for Biden/Harris before the polls even opened. Dr. Douglas Frank stated that people that don’t exist were registered and then votes were ‘provided’ for them. He also indicated that in cases where voters were told at the polls that they had already voted, that this was because the algorithm had already voted for them. Per a camouflaged voice from a person called “John”, there is absolute proof of incursion into 150 election servers in 14 different states by China. The incursions also include multiple offices of the secretaries of state. “John” stated that “China chose Biden/Harris, not the American people.”

A cybersecurity and advanced threats expert, who was not named and whose image was blurred, spoke of a cyber footprint that was locked in time. He then went into detail about 19 instances of incursion. He said all of these 19 incursions were initiated by China and that 2,295 counties in the US had been attacked in all 50 states. Votes for Trump/Pence went down over time and Biden/Harris went up. The downtrend is impossible in a valid system. In just these 19 incursions, 518,617 votes switched from Trump to Biden. The unnamed person stated that using data from just these incursions, Trump won AZ, MI, WI, PA, and GA
10) Mike Lindell’s Scientific Proof, a 1 hr. long video released Mar. 31, is devoted almost entirely to the work of Dr. Douglas G. Frank, a Ph.D. physicist who looked in-depth into vote manipulation by voting machines. Dr. Frank adeptly presents multiple graphs and charts to make his case. His first clue that there was something amiss was when he looked at a voter database and noticed that there were far too many registered voters who voted only in the Nov. 3, 2020 election. He and his volunteer team knocked on 1600 doors and found out that 32% of them did not exist. They were phantom voters. This led to checking a curve of registrations by age group against a curve of ballots actually submitted by age group. This curve comparison shows gaps pointing to which demographics don’t vote as much and subsequently where there is room to ‘provide’ ballots without exceeding the numbers of registered voters in that demographic. Dr. Frank determined how much room there was for the fraudulent expansion of the votes (registrations vs. actual voting) in each demographic in 14 counties in Ohio, took an average of that discrepancy for each age group, and plotted the discrepancies. The curve can be described mathematically with only 6 numbers instead of 82 (ages 18 thru 100) plus a seventh number for turnout to predict the 2020 election numbers. His predictions fit perfectly with ballots submitted (not necessarily all valid). The fit was so perfect in all 88 counties that it was statistically impossible as shown by extremely high correlation coefficients (R) – even 1.00. For example, it showed that across the whole state of Ohio, the exact same percentage of 70 yr-olds voted in each county. This was true for all age groups and is not normal behavior. It could maybe be accepted in a precinct or two, but not across 88 counties and all with the exact same formula (algorithm) for deceit. It could only be accomplished by machine manipulation of registrations and votes and Dr. Frank had discovered the algorithm that accounted for the fraud. He also discovered because he noticed the same two strange little glitches in all the curves of county data (impossible), that the algorithm was based on 2010 census data. Those population data were used to program the voting machines to increase registrations so that the illegally input votes would not exceed registration numbers for each demographic thus making it less suspicious. An adjusted algorithm for PA. showed the same evidence of deceit. However, because the turnout was so great, and Trump/Pence voters so predominant, the algorithms were not enough. Therefore, we get the shut down in the middle of the night so algorithms could be adjusted and more illegal votes input into the system. Thus in one county in Colorado, 150% of the population was ‘registered’ to vote. In fact, in the first 20 or so counties listed by Dr. Frank, in Colorado, there were more registered to vote than in the total population. This anomaly may not have been discovered if 2020 census data were available and used in the programmed machine algorithms. The voting machines had to be, and were, online before, during, and after the election to accomplish this. They are not supposed to be online at all. These illegal vote additions occurred across the country, not just in swing states. So even in states where Trump/Pence was given a win, they won by much more than was reported. Apologies to Mike Lindell and Dr. Frank if this summary doesn’t do them justice.

The summary does them all the justice they's hilarious.

This is why there is no action in courts, no actions on arrests.... Its theater.
You’re hero and Covid 19 expert told the country there was no problem voting in person using masks and social distancing. Why did the swing states ignore the science and change the election rules just months before the election?

Six feet apart X 800 people standing in line is what, a mile long line? Does that sound remotely practical to you?

PS: Many states (Texas included) changed election rules for good reason.... And it was done by executive decree.
Six feet apart X 800 people standing in line is what, a mile long line? Does that sound remotely practical to you?

PS: Many states (Texas included) changed election rules for good reason.... And it was done by executive decree.
Not legally. No telling how many they mailed.

Yes there is... There is a record of every mailed ballot. What are you talking about? Link to any state that mailed ballots to everyone (ps...where would they get the names and addresses)?
Bad move by the AG...

I don't see that anyone is breaking laws with these frivilous audits. You've giving weight to the sideshow by investigating them. Now, that being said, obviously I'm not going to click on the Gateway pundit site and give them any more traffic than they deserve so it's very likely a case of GP over hyping (i.e. lying).
Remember when we could trust the media to report honest news without bias, spin or unscrupulous framing device, making alternate media redundant?

Nope... me either...

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