AG Holder has been found in contempt ....

I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.

really sad Jilly, you supposedly being a lawyer
Good. Now arrest the bastard. I would love to see that asshole in an orange jumpsuit. And fuck Obama too, for covering this tragedy up.
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.

really sad Jilly, you supposedly being a lawyer

not "supposed"... "am"

aside from your non sequitur, i'm not sure what you're whining about

you guys just screwed yourselves. but you're a wacko so you can't discern reality.

and, i might add...

Obama Leads In Poll As Voters View Romney As Out Of Touch

Obama Leads in Poll as Voters View Romney as Out of Touch - Bloomberg
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

Hey dumb ass, you jumped the gun, as usual.

Voting on strictly partisan lines, a House committee recommended 23-17 Wednesday that Attorney General Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over documents relating to the botched Fast and Furious weapons sting operation.

Are you really that stupid that you don't know the difference between a committee recommending someone be cited for contempt, and the actual House vote required to cite someone for contempt?

I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.

really sad Jilly, you supposedly being a lawyer

Jillian's always the obedient Nazi. If there's a 'D' by their name, you can bet she's onboard. She has no credibility.
Wow. Look at all the liberal deflections! :lol:

So now it's Issa who looks pathetic?

If the thought process wasn't so outrageous it would be funny. By the time the likes of Behar, Garafolo and Matthews have spun this story, they'll have Issa pulling the trigger that killed that poor Border Guard and Holder having had nothing to do with Fast and Furious.

Unreal. Cue twilight zone music.
Wow. Look at all the liberal deflections! :lol:

So now it's Issa who looks pathetic?

If the thought process wasn't so outrageous it would be funny. By the time the likes of Behar, Garafolo and Matthews have spun this story, they'll have Issa pulling the trigger that killed that poor Border Guard and Holder having had nothing to do with Fast and Furious.

Unreal. Cue twilight zone music.

Clearly Holder and Obama have legit reasons for not releasing the documents. It all seems LEGIT......:lol:




Wow. Look at all the liberal deflections! :lol:

So now it's Issa who looks pathetic?

If the thought process wasn't so outrageous it would be funny. By the time the likes of Behar, Garafolo and Matthews have spun this story, they'll have Issa pulling the trigger that killed that poor Border Guard and Holder having had nothing to do with Fast and Furious.

Unreal. Cue twilight zone music.

Pathetic is a good word coupled with desparate and applied to the deflection of the Obama supporters...

this isn't going to bode well for Obama at all...

Yeah Economy is in the toilet thanks to Obama and others?

But THIS hits the very fabric of the Constitution and everything WE stand for as a people...

Jillian is not lawyer. That much is clear. I don't think you can get a law degree from J.C. Penny's.

As for Holder, being held in contempt is a real problem if you are the top law enforcement agent in the country.
Here's Wm McGurn discussing this case. Note this was about a week ago.
McGurn: Eric Holder's Politics of Contempt -

Should the House hold him in contempt, Mr. Holder would be left with three choices: standing by as a U.S. attorney begins prosecuting him; directing the U.S. attorney not to prosecute him; or invoking executive privilege to justify not releasing the documents Congress seeks.

There are huge downsides to all three. Let's take them one by one.

Attorney General Eric Holder before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday.

A sitting attorney general under federal prosecution would be fatally weakened, with his continuing presence in the job a fat target for the president's political opponents. On the other hand, ordering a U.S. attorney not to prosecute him suggests a massive conflict-of-interest, not to mention conveying that he has something to hide. Ditto for "executive privilege." Not only does executive privilege have a tainted history, it couldn't be invoked without admitting that the White House is also implicated in Fast and Furious.
Jillian is not lawyer. That much is clear. I don't think you can get a law degree from J.C. Penny's.

As for Holder, being held in contempt is a real problem if you are the top law enforcement agent in the country.
Here's Wm McGurn discussing this case. Note this was about a week ago.
McGurn: Eric Holder's Politics of Contempt -

Should the House hold him in contempt, Mr. Holder would be left with three choices: standing by as a U.S. attorney begins prosecuting him; directing the U.S. attorney not to prosecute him; or invoking executive privilege to justify not releasing the documents Congress seeks.

There are huge downsides to all three. Let's take them one by one.

Attorney General Eric Holder before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday.

A sitting attorney general under federal prosecution would be fatally weakened, with his continuing presence in the job a fat target for the president's political opponents. On the other hand, ordering a U.S. attorney not to prosecute him suggests a massive conflict-of-interest, not to mention conveying that he has something to hide. Ditto for "executive privilege." Not only does executive privilege have a tainted history, it couldn't be invoked without admitting that the White House is also implicated in Fast and Furious.

The remaining question is how long before Obama in an election year creates another 'Speed Bump'...?

And it's Coming. Obama will abandon Holder...and when that happens? Holder will start spilling the beans on Obama...

Just sit back and watch. Obama didn't just Grant EP for nothing...and EP means nothing now.
This is the crookedest administration in U.S. history. I wonder if he will end up pardoning Holder and maybe even himself. ~shrug~ So much for the first black president.
So Holder breaks the law, and that's going to make Republicans look bad?

What the heck are you guys smoking?
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.


It really is marvelous to watch all the Obama fluffers making excuses for their dear leader. If Obama raped a 3-year-old on the capital steps, you would all be attacking the the police officers who arrested him.

Ya know who's really pathetic? Look in the mirror.
When Nixon Used EP over Watergate the SCOTUS ruled it did not apply, I see no reason to think they would not rule the Exact same way in this Case.
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

Shocking! Now I hope the administration tells the teabagger congress screw balls to go fuck themselves.

Right, when they are draggnig him down the White House steps in cuffs.

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