AG Holder has been found in contempt ....

I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.


He exposed himself for being purely political and vengeful in going after Holder AFTER the Executive privilege was invoked.
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.


He exposed himself for being purely political and vengeful in going after Holder AFTER the Executive privilege was invoked.

What am I missing? What alternate universe are you people in? :lol
poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.

really sad Jilly, you supposedly being a lawyer

not "supposed"... "am"

aside from your non sequitur, i'm not sure what you're whining about

you guys just screwed yourselves. but you're a wacko so you can't discern reality.

and, i might add...

Obama Leads In Poll As Voters View Romney As Out Of Touch

Obama Leads in Poll as Voters View Romney as Out of Touch - Bloomberg

how come you always come across as stupid?
Eric Holder should be in jail.


Obstruction of justice
Accessory to murder
Malfeasance in office.

No telling where this ride will end.

Wow, it seems like you have him tried and convicted without actually going through the process. Aren't you part of the crowd who chastises people about "trying and convicting" Zimmerman without him going through the process? Maybe I have you mixed up with someone else.

How did he allegedly commit "perjury"?
How did he allegedly commit "Obstruct justice"
Accessory to murder? Give me a fucking break! Thanks for the laugh!
Malfeasance in office? LOL, how?
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

Not exactly...

They still have to take it to the House floor.

Obstruction of justice
Accessory to murder
Malfeasance in office.

No telling where this ride will end.

Wow, it seems like you have him tried and convicted without actually going through the process. Aren't you part of the crowd who chastises people about "trying and convicting" Zimmerman without him going through the process? Maybe I have you mixed up with someone else.

How did he allegedly commit "perjury"?
How did he allegedly commit "Obstruct justice"
Accessory to murder? Give me a fucking break! Thanks for the laugh!
Malfeasance in office? LOL, how?

He testified under oath he didnt know anything about the operation. And then produces a claim of executive privilege. Someone is lying.
He has refused to hand over evidence. They are probably frantically scouring computers and erasing evidence as we speak.
An agent was killed because of Holder's stupidity.
No telling what else this investigation will turn up. We haven't scratched the surface yet.
Watergate started with a botched burglary.
Obama getting in on the coverup is an awful development. How bout that 'Hope & Change?' The man should be ashamed of himself.
What I found amusing was Eric Holder defending the DOJ bringing Roger Clemens to trial on perjury because Holder thought Clemens had lied to Congress while Holder seems to have very little problem with the Attorney General lying to Congress.

Is it just me or does Holder have a hard time with the whole "justice" concept?

He obviously didn't care about justice when he pushed Marc Rich's pardon through in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration. He didn't care much about it when he decided that a night stick wielding member of the New Black Panther Party standing in front of a polling place didn't constitute a violation of law. He certainly didn't care about the rights of Mexican nationals or Americans living along our southern border that he endangered with the ill advised Operation Fast & Furious. I've asked this question many times before and I'll ask it once again...WHY IS ERIC HOLDER OUR ATTORNEY GENERAL?
Because Holder is loyal to Obama and to the leftist agenda. Justice? That's just something printed on his business cards.
Obstruction of justice
Accessory to murder
Malfeasance in office.

No telling where this ride will end.

Wow, it seems like you have him tried and convicted without actually going through the process. Aren't you part of the crowd who chastises people about "trying and convicting" Zimmerman without him going through the process? Maybe I have you mixed up with someone else.

How did he allegedly commit "perjury"?
How did he allegedly commit "Obstruct justice"
Accessory to murder? Give me a fucking break! Thanks for the laugh!
Malfeasance in office? LOL, how?

He testified under oath he didnt know anything about the operation. And then produces a claim of executive privilege. Someone is lying.
He has refused to hand over evidence. They are probably frantically scouring computers and erasing evidence as we speak.
An agent was killed because of Holder's stupidity.
No telling what else this investigation will turn up. We haven't scratched the surface yet.
Watergate started with a botched burglary.

I'll BET Holder went to Obama and demanded EP...or Holder would spill the beans on Obama and what Holder KNOWS about him...

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