AG Holder recuses himself from IRS hearing


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Breaking News (AP)

Justice Department AG Eric Holder has recused himself from involvement in the AP phone leak investigation. Link forthcoming.

Your thoughts? Initial belief is that he may not have signed off on the the actions of the Justice Department's seizure of phone records from the Associated Press.
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Holder should have been sacked over Fast and Furious.

Not doubt EP was invoked by Barry to save Holders ass.
WOW! Liberals fighting liberals.

The following statement can be attributed to Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project:“Obtaining a broad range of telephone records in order to ferret out a government leaker is an unacceptable abuse of power. Freedom of the press is a pillar of our democracy, and that freedom often depends on confidential communications between reporters and their sources.”
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