AG Jeff Sessions Recuses himself from Russian Investigations

For those interested in what actually happened....Sessions came out and showed the media just how foolish and biased they are.
He completely denied, indeed even laughed off the notion that he was involved in any kind of Russian tie with the campaign. He laid out very well what the two meetings with Russia was, and of course meeting with a Russian ambassador is not in the least out of the ordinary as he met with many foreign ambassadors.
So, in a nutshell, CNN's story is totally and utterly false. They took information that Sessions met with Russians, and on their own made the leap and assumption that it was nefarious.
This is by definition.
For those interested in what actually happened....Sessions came out and showed the media just how foolish and biased they are.
He completely denied, indeed even laughed off the notion that he was involved in any kind of Russian tie with the campaign. He laid out very well what the two meetings with Russia was, and of course meeting with a Russian ambassador is not in the least out of the ordinary as he met with many foreign ambassadors.
So, in a nutshell, CNN's story is totally and utterly false. They took information that Sessions met with Russians, and on their own made the leap and assumption that it was nefarious.
This is by definition.
this was so biased (tears running)

Sessions met with top Russian official twice -
Well done sir! It's the honorable move to recuse himself. This way in the investigations there will be not even a hint of bias.
stand in front of the press, recuse yourself, then answer follow up questions with " I don't recall "

Otay Butwheat ..
Not at all, he did the honorable thing. WE do that - you don't.
He's covering his ass. He didn't recuse himself when he came into office. He recused himself when he was CAUGHT. Yeah real honorable. Lol
Trump tools fit to be tied.

Why? Ir is the honorable move. Now he can move forward into investigating who has been leaking all the classified information.



It's sweet that you think that, but Sessions isn't going to have any time to "investigate" anything in the next couple monthes.

He's going to be spending all his time in depositions and answering subpoenas.
Not at all, he did the honorable thing. WE do that - you don't.


Ah yes, the honorable conservatives, lying under oath and recusing themselves only when the lying gets uncovered and options on the table for you are somewhere between resigning and recusing yourself.

Exemplarly conduct for sure! :disbelief:

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