AG: ‘No reason’ for special counsel on election, Biden’s son

What they say they saw amounts to nothing. No risk of going to jail for what they’ve said they saw or felt. But their affidavids also prove nothing. Give it up
It's as valid as any eyewitness testimony in a court of law. But I guess that doesn't matter to you either
because nothing any eye witness saw or experience personally during this election could possibly sway the mind of a mentally defective crackpot sitting at his little keyboard spewing outrageous lying accusations around.

Just give us the detailed facts on just one of the whistleblowers that you know is lying, as you've stated, and
give someone a reason to believe your bullshit!
Or just fuck off and go away.
They aren’t claiming to have seen anything other than they didn’t like how they were treated.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.
Yes they do sign affidavits when they are lying. You can’t prove they didn’t see what they claim they saw. You’re acting like democrats are guilty just because some unhinged trump supporter were planted to try and steal this election.

And many of their claims have been debunked. For example they thought ballots were going in during the middle of the night but those were camera equipment from a news company

Would you sign a false affidavit?? I sure wouldn't.
Their affidavits weren’t false they were just wrong or didn’t prove anything.

Like one affidavit said someone was wearing a blm shirt. So what?
What they say they saw amounts to nothing. No risk of going to jail for what they’ve said they saw or felt. But their affidavids also prove nothing. Give it up
It's as valid as any eyewitness testimony in a court of law. But I guess that doesn't matter to you either
because nothing any eye witness saw or experience personally during this election could possibly sway the mind of a mentally defective crackpot sitting at his little keyboard spewing outrageous lying accusations around.

Just give us the detailed facts on just one of the whistleblowers that you know is lying, as you've stated, and
give someone a reason to believe your bullshit!
Or just fuck off and go away.
They aren’t claiming to have seen anything other than they didn’t like how they were treated.
This is a damn lie
can you show us a couple of the sworn statements of these one-thousand affadavits that you find important or believable, that involves election fraud which would change the winner outcome, or are you just taking Giuliani's or Powell's word on it and havent gone through these sworn affadavits yourself?
And what do YOU know about it? Who released all the affidavits to you so could screen them all?
what i know is the affadavits were solicited by the trump team n company.... on all the far right republican internet sites...

the thousand didn't report it or file a legitimate complaint... when what they THOUGHT was wrong doing happened.... it was after the election was over and after these thousand people found out Trump lost, Biden won.
That's all your spin! You have no idea who filed or when complaints were filed.
Taking the Detroit election workers for example, where so much intimidation was going have no idea
what threats were made to workers there.
I do know one of the whistleblowers said she was threatened with physical violence when she complained
about poll workers there with Biden gear on.
So tell your little story. It matters not one bit.

and on the ones that claimed poll watchers were not allowed is simply not the truth. By LAW only 3 official poll watchers are allowed near every vote counting station.... one D, one R, and one I.... any excess ha e to stand back and are not poll watchers, but are simply observers.

This Above, was shown in a court case that was brought.... that the trump team lost.
To give your dubious story false validity you point out the Trump team lost an appeal there, making some false equivalency between your little anecdote and the dubious legal ruling.
Isn't Detroit the place where boards were nailed up over the window where republican observers
were forced to stand behind? Yes. It was. DETROIT: Vote Counters Board Up Windows, Turn GOP Observers Away As Trump Voters Chant ‘Let Us In’
By the way the same thing happened to republican observers in Wisconsin.

Also, the court that saw the best of the best affadavits out of the thousand, that Giuliani presented in that suit case, were mostly just the witnesses misunderstanding of how the full election process and checks put in place, work,
That's YOUR spin and mischaracterization once again.
and the judge asked Giuliani if he was claiming any kind of fraud took place, and he said, "No, your honor".
Nice unsubstantiated anecdote. I wonder if anyone will ever be able to substantiate your claim?
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What they say they saw amounts to nothing. No risk of going to jail for what they’ve said they saw or felt. But their affidavids also prove nothing. Give it up
It's as valid as any eyewitness testimony in a court of law. But I guess that doesn't matter to you either
because nothing any eye witness saw or experience personally during this election could possibly sway the mind of a mentally defective crackpot sitting at his little keyboard spewing outrageous lying accusations around.

Just give us the detailed facts on just one of the whistleblowers that you know is lying, as you've stated, and
give someone a reason to believe your bullshit!
Or just fuck off and go away.
They aren’t claiming to have seen anything other than they didn’t like how they were treated.
This is a damn lie
One guy signed an affidavit that said 80% of the military vote seemed to go for Biden. His guestimate. And he found that odd because he always thought the military always voted Republican.

I always knew that was a lie. So what he said proves nothing.
Typical establishment protection, the first duty of the DoJ.
Ah, the establishment conspiracy theory
It’s not a conspiracy when they do it right out in the open.

Just look at Comey. He said Hillary broke the law, yet didn’t “recommend” the DoJ press charges.

Will Trump serve jail time?

Extortion. The law describes it as “the extraction of anything of value from another person by threatening or placing that person in fear of injury to any person or kidnapping of any person.” Was the Ukrainian president, or any other person, put in “fear of injury” by Trump’s move? As Trump’s envoys made clear in their since-disclosed text messages, Ukraine’s cooperation in the investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden was driven by the promise of a White House visit for President Volodymyr Zelensky and the threat of withholding military aid. That’s not just wrong, it’s also a felony, as the president and other Ukrainians no doubt had “fear of injury.”

Attorney General William Barr’s Department of Justice has declined to press charges against Trump, though the House of Representatives is pushing forward with its impeachment inquiry. In the meantime, Trump has said that he will refuse to cooperate with lawful subpoenas — itself a prima facie violation of 2 U.S. Code § 192, “Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers,” punishable by a year in prison.

Coercing his deputies into joining in the conspiracy would also runs afoul of the law. “As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign,” Bill Taylor, the top American diplomat in Ukraine, reiterated in a text message to Trump official Gordon Sondland, strongly suggesting he was pursuing the strategy against his own wishes.

If Taylor felt coerced into helping with “a political campaign,” that implicates 18 U.S. Code § 610, which covers that crime rather clearly under the title: “Coercion of political activity.”

The law reads: “It shall be unlawful for any person to intimidate, threaten, command, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, command, or coerce, any employee of the Federal Government to engage in any political activity.” The sentence caps at three years.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
Why just Dominion??

Why not all voting machine companies - if the "Deep State" can corrupt one -- why not corrupt all??

You already believe the Deep State made every Republican controlled legislature in every swing state rig the election for Biden -- so why is it a stretch to believe all voting mechanisms are controlled by the Deep State??

Or.....maybe your election fraud cosplay is just a function of sour grapes and butt hurt?? maybe its your new lost cause strategy to make you feel better about being duped by a guy that your great grandchildren will be asking you "WTF were you thinking??"

Dominion is the one in question. Texas investigated these machines in great detail and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

Oh and you fool no one. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud. No one signs affidavits on a whim. Its a charge of perjury if they are found to be false. Know anyone who wants to go to jail after they sign a false affidavit??
you do know that Georgia did two hand recounts, and several hand recounts in counties in the other states too......and the paper absentee ballots with hand filled out circles by the voters picking their candidate, matched the tally of the Dominion voting system machines?

Then why would so many Trump supporters file after davids?
Yes they do sign affidavits when they are lying. You can’t prove they didn’t see what they claim they saw. You’re acting like democrats are guilty just because some unhinged trump supporter were planted to try and steal this election.
Tell us exactly who is lying and how YOU came to know these people were committing perjury.
Of course you have reported this to the FBI...right?
What a hero you are! Would you please please share details of just one of these cases you have uncovered?

And many of their claims have been debunked. For example they thought ballots were going in during the middle of the night but those were camera equipment from a news company
What a lovely unsubstantiated anecdote you have. Thanks for sharing your delusion.

I've seen people who were largely unaware of how they came across to others but you have ZERO self awareness.
That's surely a mental health red flag. You are telling fantastic lies as if they were truths.
Another leftist liar who conflates what is true with what he WISHES were true.

Boy. The lefty loons really don't want to believe there was a fraudulent election.

If Biden were Trump and all the evidence said that the Reps had stolen the election you can bet they would be screaming bloody murder.

But, But, But, Trump. LOL
Boy. The lefty loons really don't want to believe there was a fraudulent election.

If Biden were Trump and all the evidence said that the Reps had stolen the election you can bet they would be screaming bloody murder.

But, But, But, Trump. LOL
We all are very familiar with the leftist double standard.
It's because of that democrats were bold enough to put this plot in motion to begin with.
Yes they do sign affidavits when they are lying. You can’t prove they didn’t see what they claim they saw. You’re acting like democrats are guilty just because some unhinged trump supporter were planted to try and steal this election.
Tell us exactly who is lying and how YOU came to know these people were committing perjury.
Of course you have reported this to the FBI...right?
What a hero you are! Would you please please share details of just one of these cases you have uncovered?

And many of their claims have been debunked. For example they thought ballots were going in during the middle of the night but those were camera equipment from a news company
What a lovely unsubstantiated anecdote you have. Thanks for sharing your delusion.

I've seen people who were largely unaware of how they came across to others but you have ZERO self awareness.
That's surely a mental health red flag. You are telling fantastic lies as if they were truths.
Another leftist liar who conflates what is true with what he WISHES were true.

Boy. The lefty loons really don't want to believe there was a fraudulent election.

If Biden were Trump and all the evidence said that the Reps had stolen the election you can bet they would be screaming bloody murder.

But, But, But, Trump. LOL
More like the right wing nuts want to believe the election was a fraud. And when other Republicans tell you that you're wrong, you write them off too. So even half the Republicans in America know Trump just lost.

And we all know what you are trying to do. You want to keep denying it and HOPE that the Supreme Court will decide in January that it will come down to a 50 state vote. Each state getting 1 vote. This is how Rudy and Trump plan or hope to plan to steal this election. Unfortunately it's not even close so they can't get away with it. If they could I'm sure the Supreme Court would go along but it's not so they aren't.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.
Yes they do sign affidavits when they are lying. You can’t prove they didn’t see what they claim they saw. You’re acting like democrats are guilty just because some unhinged trump supporter were planted to try and steal this election.

And many of their claims have been debunked. For example they thought ballots were going in during the middle of the night but those were camera equipment from a news company

Would you sign a false affidavit?? I sure wouldn't.
Affidavit's saying what?

Inside Detroit’s absentee-ballot-counting center, one Republican poll watcher complained that workers were wearing Black Lives Matter gear. She thought one of them — a “man of intimidating size” — had followed her too closely.

Another Republican poll watcher complained about the public address system. Workers were using it to make announcements. It was loud. “This was very distracting to those of us trying to concentrate,” he said.

A third poll watcher noticed that when absentee ballots came in from military personnel, many showed votes for Democrats. He found that odd.
“I can estimate that at least 80% of military ballots I saw were straight ticket Democrat or simply had Joe Biden’s name filled in on them,” the man wrote. “I had always been told that military people tended to be conservative, so this stuck out to me.”

To back up that lawsuit, Trump’s campaign had promised “shocking” evidence of misconduct.
Instead, the campaign produced 238 pages of affidavits from Republican poll watchers across Michigan containing no evidence of significant fraud but rather allegations about ballot-counting procedures that state workers have already debunked — and in some cases, complaints about rude behavior or unpleasant looks from poll workers or Democratic poll watchers.

For the Trump campaign, the biggest problem with these affidavits might be that they raise questions with only a small number of ballots: a few hundred at most, from The Washington Post’s analysis, far less than the number by which Trump trails in Michigan.
But Trump’s allies have said they are still working on other evidence that could prove wide-scale fraud.

Others described interactions that — while tense and unpleasant — did not indicate any problems with ballots. One Chinese American woman said she was told “you are not American.” Another said she had been told to “go back to the suburbs, Karen,” by a Democratic poll watcher.

Others complained that while inside the ballot-counting room, they were not allowed to speak with front-line election workers, or were required to stay six feet away from them because of coronavirus protocols. That often left them guessing about what they had seen and complaining about being unable to look more closely.
They often seemed hampered by a lack of knowledge about Michigan’s election system. One challenger noted with concern that a group of absentee ballots “appeared in pristine condition, as if they had never gone through the U.S. Postal Service.” Michigan allows voters to drop off absentee ballots in drop boxes or at clerks’ offices, avoiding the mail, although it is not clear the circumstances around those ballots.

The poll watchers’ most common concerns centered on two practices that the city of Detroit has said are legal and common.

You got nothing

Well Seely and Sitto sure saw something. They signed affidavits to that effect.

I know you would sign a false affidavit and get charged with perjury but no one else would.
What they say they saw amounts to nothing. No risk of going to jail for what they’ve said they saw or felt. But their affidavids also prove nothing. Give it up

Tell me. Would you give it up if Biden were Trump and you had evidence that Trump stole the election??

How bout a resounding HELL NO.
OMG you know what Trump wants to try now? Have another election in all the swing states he lost.

Those allies have floated suggestions that include having Trump declare martial law and rerunning the election in states where he narrowly lost.

trying to get congressional Republicans to void Biden’s win during a session next month; and seizing voting machines.

“My involvement is I was in the room when it happened,” Byrne wrote in a tweet.

“The raised voices included my own. I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers. They want him to lose and are lying to him. He is surrounding by mendacious mediocrities.”

Byrne later wrote, referring to Powell and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, “For the first time in my life I feel sorry for Donald Trump. He is standing up to his waist in snakes. Trust Rudy and Sidney only.”

The president’s discussions with Powell and the others were quickly leaked to The New York Times and other media outlets, underscoring their reports that Trump’s own White House advisors are worried about the tenor of those talks.



Twitter promptly labeled Trump’s tweet with the message: “This claim about election fraud is disputed.” The social media site has repeatedly slapped that label on Trump’s tweets in recent weeks.

Trump’s ranting on Twitter about the election — and lack of messages about the spiraling coronavirus death toll — has led a number of observers to compare the president to King Lear, the Shakespeare character who madly rages over his perceived betrayal.

Trump and his allies have lost or withdrawn all of the dozens of lawsuits that sought to undo or undercut Biden’s victory, as the Electoral College confirmed Biden’s win last week, and as a number of Republican members of Congress have accepted that Trump lost.

Particularly painful for the president was Attorney General William Barr telling The Associated Press that the Justice Department, which Barr oversees, had seen no evidence of widespread ballot fraud that would lead to Biden’s victory being undone.

You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.
Yes they do sign affidavits when they are lying. You can’t prove they didn’t see what they claim they saw. You’re acting like democrats are guilty just because some unhinged trump supporter were planted to try and steal this election.

And many of their claims have been debunked. For example they thought ballots were going in during the middle of the night but those were camera equipment from a news company

Would you sign a false affidavit?? I sure wouldn't.
Affidavit's saying what?

Inside Detroit’s absentee-ballot-counting center, one Republican poll watcher complained that workers were wearing Black Lives Matter gear. She thought one of them — a “man of intimidating size” — had followed her too closely.

Another Republican poll watcher complained about the public address system. Workers were using it to make announcements. It was loud. “This was very distracting to those of us trying to concentrate,” he said.

A third poll watcher noticed that when absentee ballots came in from military personnel, many showed votes for Democrats. He found that odd.
“I can estimate that at least 80% of military ballots I saw were straight ticket Democrat or simply had Joe Biden’s name filled in on them,” the man wrote. “I had always been told that military people tended to be conservative, so this stuck out to me.”

To back up that lawsuit, Trump’s campaign had promised “shocking” evidence of misconduct.
Instead, the campaign produced 238 pages of affidavits from Republican poll watchers across Michigan containing no evidence of significant fraud but rather allegations about ballot-counting procedures that state workers have already debunked — and in some cases, complaints about rude behavior or unpleasant looks from poll workers or Democratic poll watchers.

For the Trump campaign, the biggest problem with these affidavits might be that they raise questions with only a small number of ballots: a few hundred at most, from The Washington Post’s analysis, far less than the number by which Trump trails in Michigan.
But Trump’s allies have said they are still working on other evidence that could prove wide-scale fraud.

Others described interactions that — while tense and unpleasant — did not indicate any problems with ballots. One Chinese American woman said she was told “you are not American.” Another said she had been told to “go back to the suburbs, Karen,” by a Democratic poll watcher.

Others complained that while inside the ballot-counting room, they were not allowed to speak with front-line election workers, or were required to stay six feet away from them because of coronavirus protocols. That often left them guessing about what they had seen and complaining about being unable to look more closely.
They often seemed hampered by a lack of knowledge about Michigan’s election system. One challenger noted with concern that a group of absentee ballots “appeared in pristine condition, as if they had never gone through the U.S. Postal Service.” Michigan allows voters to drop off absentee ballots in drop boxes or at clerks’ offices, avoiding the mail, although it is not clear the circumstances around those ballots.

The poll watchers’ most common concerns centered on two practices that the city of Detroit has said are legal and common.

You got nothing

Well Seely and Sitto sure saw something. They signed affidavits to that effect.

I know you would sign a false affidavit and get charged with perjury but no one else would.
What they say they saw amounts to nothing. No risk of going to jail for what they’ve said they saw or felt. But their affidavids also prove nothing. Give it up

Tell me. Would you give it up if Biden were Trump and you had evidence that Trump stole the election??

How bout a resounding HELL NO.
OMG you know what Trump wants to try now? Have another election in all the swing states he lost.

Those allies have floated suggestions that include having Trump declare martial law and rerunning the election in states where he narrowly lost.

trying to get congressional Republicans to void Biden’s win during a session next month; and seizing voting machines.

“My involvement is I was in the room when it happened,” Byrne wrote in a tweet.

“The raised voices included my own. I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers. They want him to lose and are lying to him. He is surrounding by mendacious mediocrities.”

Byrne later wrote, referring to Powell and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, “For the first time in my life I feel sorry for Donald Trump. He is standing up to his waist in snakes. Trust Rudy and Sidney only.”

The president’s discussions with Powell and the others were quickly leaked to The New York Times and other media outlets, underscoring their reports that Trump’s own White House advisors are worried about the tenor of those talks.



Twitter promptly labeled Trump’s tweet with the message: “This claim about election fraud is disputed.” The social media site has repeatedly slapped that label on Trump’s tweets in recent weeks.

Trump’s ranting on Twitter about the election — and lack of messages about the spiraling coronavirus death toll — has led a number of observers to compare the president to King Lear, the Shakespeare character who madly rages over his perceived betrayal.

Trump and his allies have lost or withdrawn all of the dozens of lawsuits that sought to undo or undercut Biden’s victory, as the Electoral College confirmed Biden’s win last week, and as a number of Republican members of Congress have accepted that Trump lost.

Particularly painful for the president was Attorney General William Barr telling The Associated Press that the Justice Department, which Barr oversees, had seen no evidence of widespread ballot fraud that would lead to Biden’s victory being undone.

Good idea. We need a whole new election. This time everyone except those out of the country go to the polls.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
can you show us a couple of the sworn statements of these one-thousand affadavits that you find important or believable, that involves election fraud, or are you just taking Giuliani's or Powell's word on it and havent gone through these sworn affadavits yourself?

Look up Alexandra Seely. She's one who signed an affidavit. She was in Detroit, Michigan at table 23 in the TCF center.

Also look up Andrew Sitto who was also at the TCF center. He also signed an affidavit. He saw much and couldn't get any of the officials to recognize him or his complaints as to what he saw. Sitto told USA Today he is convinced Trump lost because of widespread fraud. "If you were to put me on the stand. I would say yes."
Gordon Sondland got on the stand and confirmed quid pro quo in the call trump made to Ukraine. He is a republican and was appointed by trump. You didn’t believe him and he was under oath.

Sitto saw much? He’s convinced but has no evidence? Get out of here.
Well the replacement for the do noting Barr will do something. And the libtards here will be crying about it.

There will be no replacement. The Senate isn't going to confirm anyone for 30 days.
You are a dumbfuck. Ever hear of the deputy? So, yes there will be a replacement. Now go back to Canada and STFU idiot.

A Deputy AG is not a duly appointed AG. He will be an acting AG.

What makes you think that Barr's Deputy will be willing to risk his career and reputation to do Trump's bidding? He could end up disbarred or in jail. Bill Barr will lose his license to practice law over his actions at AG. The process has already begun in the Barr Association.

I don't have to go back to Canada, you stupid piece of shit. You need to get a clue. Even if it would be the lonely.
Well the replacement for the do noting Barr will do something. And the libtards here will be crying about it.

There will be no replacement. The Senate isn't going to confirm anyone for 30 days.
You are a dumbfuck. Ever hear of the deputy? So, yes there will be a replacement. Now go back to Canada and STFU idiot.

A Deputy AG is not a duly appointed AG. He will be an acting AG.

What makes you think that Barr's Deputy will be willing to risk his career and reputation to do Trump's bidding? He could end up disbarred or in jail. Bill Barr will lose his license to practice law over his actions at AG. The process has already begun in the Barr Association.

I don't have to go back to Canada, you stupid piece of shit. You need to get a clue. Even if it would be the lonely.
That was one of the biggest piles of shit ever posted. Dumb even by your standards moron. Hey dumbfuck, the replacement will be the AG until further notice. When Barr is not disbarred leave this board forever. Put up or shut up you uneducated bitch. Go back to Canada you drain on society. Now STFU. My dog is more intelligent than you. Don’t post again until you get out of grade school.
What they say they saw amounts to nothing. No risk of going to jail for what they’ve said they saw or felt. But their affidavids also prove nothing. Give it up
It's as valid as any eyewitness testimony in a court of law. But I guess that doesn't matter to you either
because nothing any eye witness saw or experience personally during this election could possibly sway the mind of a mentally defective crackpot sitting at his little keyboard spewing outrageous lying accusations around.

Just give us the detailed facts on just one of the whistleblowers that you know is lying, as you've stated, and
give someone a reason to believe your bullshit!
Or just fuck off and go away.

The people filing these affidavits aren't trained and registered poll watchers. They are people who turned up at ballot counting centres as self-appointed poll watchers who filed affidavits about being barred from entering counting facilities. Poll Watchers aren't self-appointed or random. They're volunteers who work for their parties, are assigned to specific polling stations and/or ballot counting centres, and who are trained as to to what to expect, and they are to look for. When they finish they sign an form confirming they've seen nothing improper.

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