AG: ‘No reason’ for special counsel on election, Biden’s son

You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
can you show us a couple of the sworn statements of these one-thousand affadavits that you find important or believable, that involves election fraud which would change the winner outcome, or are you just taking Giuliani's or Powell's word on it and havent gone through these sworn affadavits yourself?
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
can you show us a couple of the sworn statements of these one-thousand affadavits that you find important or believable, that involves election fraud, or are you just taking Giuliani's or Powell's word on it and havent gone through these sworn affadavits yourself?

Look up Alexandra Seely. She's one who signed an affidavit. She was in Detroit, Michigan at table 23 in the TCF center.

Also look up Andrew Sitto who was also at the TCF center. He also signed an affidavit. He saw much and couldn't get any of the officials to recognize him or his complaints as to what he saw. Sitto told USA Today he is convinced Trump lost because of widespread fraud. "If you were to put me on the stand. I would say yes."
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Barr is off on this one. I can understand no special council on Hunter but this election fraud needs a special council like right now. More than enough evidence out there to prove the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

The US Attyorneys said they saw no evidence of major election fraud.

They didn't look very hard. Hundred if not thousands of affidavits signed by both Dem and Rep watchers. One of the Dem watchers said he could believe what he was seeing. No one signs and affidavit falsely as that's a perjury charge. I don't know many people who would want to go to jail for perjury. Do you??

They know there will never be a investigation so they can say anything they want. Trump supporters do not think twice about lying.

Kinda hard to lie when the truth is looking you right in the eyes. Of course a lefty loon like you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in your stupid ass.

Now take that "truth" to's pretty simple.....

Or do you think all of the courts, all of the state and federal attorney offices and law enforcement agencies are all in on it??

Funny folks like you would be willing to believe that type of corruption but can't bring yourself to think those same agencies wouldn't lie about or cover up some unarmed kid being shot 13 times in the back
Barr is off on this one. I can understand no special council on Hunter but this election fraud needs a special council like right now. More than enough evidence out there to prove the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

The US Attyorneys said they saw no evidence of major election fraud.

They didn't look very hard. Hundred if not thousands of affidavits signed by both Dem and Rep watchers. One of the Dem watchers said he could believe what he was seeing. No one signs and affidavit falsely as that's a perjury charge. I don't know many people who would want to go to jail for perjury. Do you??

They know there will never be a investigation so they can say anything they want. Trump supporters do not think twice about lying.

Kinda hard to lie when the truth is looking you right in the eyes. Of course a lefty loon like you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in your stupid ass.

Now take that "truth" to's pretty simple.....

Or do you think all of the courts, all of the state and federal attorney offices and law enforcement agencies are all in on it??

Funny folks like you would be willing to believe that type of corruption but can't bring yourself to think those same agencies wouldn't lie about or cover up some unarmed kid being shot 13 times in the back
And let’s not forget the SCOTUS

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You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
Why just Dominion??

Why not all voting machine companies - if the "Deep State" can corrupt one -- why not corrupt all??

You already believe the Deep State made every Republican controlled legislature in every swing state rig the election for Biden -- so why is it a stretch to believe all voting mechanisms are controlled by the Deep State??

Or.....maybe your election fraud cosplay is just a function of sour grapes and butt hurt?? maybe its your new lost cause strategy to make you feel better about being duped by a guy that your great grandchildren will be asking you "WTF were you thinking??"

Dominion is the one in question. Texas investigated these machines in great detail and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

Oh and you fool no one. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud. No one signs affidavits on a whim. Its a charge of perjury if they are found to be false. Know anyone who wants to go to jail after they sign a false affidavit??
you do know that Georgia did two hand recounts, and several hand recounts in counties in the other states too......and the paper absentee ballots with hand filled out circles by the voters picking their candidate, matched the tally of the Dominion voting system machines?

You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
Why just Dominion??

Why not all voting machine companies - if the "Deep State" can corrupt one -- why not corrupt all??

You already believe the Deep State made every Republican controlled legislature in every swing state rig the election for Biden -- so why is it a stretch to believe all voting mechanisms are controlled by the Deep State??

Or.....maybe your election fraud cosplay is just a function of sour grapes and butt hurt?? maybe its your new lost cause strategy to make you feel better about being duped by a guy that your great grandchildren will be asking you "WTF were you thinking??"

Dominion is the one in question. Texas investigated these machines in great detail and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

Oh and you fool no one. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud. No one signs affidavits on a whim. Its a charge of perjury if they are found to be false. Know anyone who wants to go to jail after they sign a false affidavit??
you do know that Georgia did two hand recounts, and several hand recounts in counties in the other states too......and the paper absentee ballots with hand filled out circles by the voters picking their candidate, matched the tally of the Dominion voting system machines?


Look up the two people I named above. They saw plenty of fraud and both signed affidavits. Andrew Sitto and Alexandra Seely. Both of them signed affidavits as to what they saw.
Two minutes can and will be easily ignored by the nutcases like Claudette

Well we can all easily ignore an idiot like you and it would take 30 seconds.
So you don't feel some type of way about Newsmaxx and Fox News debunking all of their own conspiracy shit they've been pushing??

The same conspiracy shit they have gotten you to believe??

All because of a lawsuit that they know if it ever went to court; they would lose.......

Which is funny, because if all of these conspiracies were true -- they would have no fear over defending themselves against a lawsuit -- they would just present all of that voter fraud evidence
Two minutes can and will be easily ignored by the nutcases like Claudette

Well we can all easily ignore an idiot like you and it would take 30 seconds.
So you don't feel some type of way about Newsmaxx and Fox News debunking all of their own conspiracy shit they've been pushing??

The same conspiracy shit they have gotten you to believe??

All because of a lawsuit that they know if it ever went to court; they would lose.......

Which is funny, because if all of these conspiracies were true -- they would have no fear over defending themselves against a lawsuit -- they would just present all of that voter fraud evidence

No conspiracy at all. Plenty of signed affidavits out there. You think people would sign a false affidavit and go to jail?? I sure don't.

As I said. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and you know it.
Two minutes can and will be easily ignored by the nutcases like Claudette

Well we can all easily ignore an idiot like you and it would take 30 seconds.
So you don't feel some type of way about Newsmaxx and Fox News debunking all of their own conspiracy shit they've been pushing??

The same conspiracy shit they have gotten you to believe??

All because of a lawsuit that they know if it ever went to court; they would lose.......

Which is funny, because if all of these conspiracies were true -- they would have no fear over defending themselves against a lawsuit -- they would just present all of that voter fraud evidence

No conspiracy at all. Plenty of signed affidavits out there. You think people would sign a false affidavit and go to jail?? I sure don't.

As I said. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and you know it.
Biden wouldn't be Trump --- there is no both sides to it...

The reason conservatives like you do the shit you do is because you know Biden wouldn't be like Trump

You know that Democrats are more likely to adhere to maintaining the political norms and institutions and you weaponize that against them.....

Obama had every right to hold the Bush admin's feet to the fire when he took office -- even you trumpers agree the Bush admin was trash and corrupt -- but what did Obama do? he turned the page...even invited lifelong republicans in his cabinet as a show of "bipartisanship" -- what did it get him? Demonized for 8 years...

If Biden was like Trump (as you suggest) -- Biden will be talking about locking Trump and his family up like WE KNOW TRUMP WOULD HAVE DONE because HE HAS DONE IT
Two minutes can and will be easily ignored by the nutcases like Claudette

Well we can all easily ignore an idiot like you and it would take 30 seconds.
So you don't feel some type of way about Newsmaxx and Fox News debunking all of their own conspiracy shit they've been pushing??

The same conspiracy shit they have gotten you to believe??

All because of a lawsuit that they know if it ever went to court; they would lose.......

Which is funny, because if all of these conspiracies were true -- they would have no fear over defending themselves against a lawsuit -- they would just present all of that voter fraud evidence

No conspiracy at all. Plenty of signed affidavits out there. You think people would sign a false affidavit and go to jail?? I sure don't.

As I said. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and you know it.
Biden wouldn't be Trump --- there is no both sides to it...

The reason conservatives like you do the shit you do is because you know Biden wouldn't be like Trump

You know that Democrats are more likely to adhere to maintaining the political norms and institutions and you weaponize that against them.....

Obama had every right to hold the Bush admin's feet to the fire when he took office -- even you trumpers agree the Bush admin was trash and corrupt -- but what did Obama do? he turned the page...even invited lifelong republicans in his cabinet as a show of "bipartisanship" -- what did it get him? Demonized for 8 years...

If Biden was like Trump (as you suggest) -- Biden will be talking about locking Trump and his family up like WE KNOW TRUMP WOULD HAVE DONE because HE HAS DONE IT

Oh so you are saying if Biden were Trump in this last election and there were signed affidavits about election fraud and Trump stole the election you'd be okay with that??

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.
Two minutes can and will be easily ignored by the nutcases like Claudette

Well we can all easily ignore an idiot like you and it would take 30 seconds.
So you don't feel some type of way about Newsmaxx and Fox News debunking all of their own conspiracy shit they've been pushing??

The same conspiracy shit they have gotten you to believe??

All because of a lawsuit that they know if it ever went to court; they would lose.......

Which is funny, because if all of these conspiracies were true -- they would have no fear over defending themselves against a lawsuit -- they would just present all of that voter fraud evidence

No conspiracy at all. Plenty of signed affidavits out there. You think people would sign a false affidavit and go to jail?? I sure don't.

As I said. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and you know it.
Biden wouldn't be Trump --- there is no both sides to it...

The reason conservatives like you do the shit you do is because you know Biden wouldn't be like Trump

You know that Democrats are more likely to adhere to maintaining the political norms and institutions and you weaponize that against them.....

Obama had every right to hold the Bush admin's feet to the fire when he took office -- even you trumpers agree the Bush admin was trash and corrupt -- but what did Obama do? he turned the page...even invited lifelong republicans in his cabinet as a show of "bipartisanship" -- what did it get him? Demonized for 8 years...

If Biden was like Trump (as you suggest) -- Biden will be talking about locking Trump and his family up like WE KNOW TRUMP WOULD HAVE DONE because HE HAS DONE IT

Oh so you are saying if Biden were Trump in this last election and there were signed affidavits about and election Trump stole you'd be okay with that??

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.
You folks claim Hillary was the Anti-christ -- that Hillary controls the Deep State, murdered 91847821712 people....but Hillary couldn't swing 50K votes in her direction across 3 states..

Hillary conceded the next day -- she didn't launch multiple lawsuits, Obama didn't hold cabinet meetings to gameplan how to declare martial law and force a military controlled recount....

But here you are still....still trying to both sides the lunacy of the Trump admin by saying "but but but what if Biden blah blah blah"
Two minutes can and will be easily ignored by the nutcases like Claudette

Well we can all easily ignore an idiot like you and it would take 30 seconds.
So you don't feel some type of way about Newsmaxx and Fox News debunking all of their own conspiracy shit they've been pushing??

The same conspiracy shit they have gotten you to believe??

All because of a lawsuit that they know if it ever went to court; they would lose.......

Which is funny, because if all of these conspiracies were true -- they would have no fear over defending themselves against a lawsuit -- they would just present all of that voter fraud evidence

No conspiracy at all. Plenty of signed affidavits out there. You think people would sign a false affidavit and go to jail?? I sure don't.

As I said. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and you know it.
Biden wouldn't be Trump --- there is no both sides to it...

The reason conservatives like you do the shit you do is because you know Biden wouldn't be like Trump

You know that Democrats are more likely to adhere to maintaining the political norms and institutions and you weaponize that against them.....

Obama had every right to hold the Bush admin's feet to the fire when he took office -- even you trumpers agree the Bush admin was trash and corrupt -- but what did Obama do? he turned the page...even invited lifelong republicans in his cabinet as a show of "bipartisanship" -- what did it get him? Demonized for 8 years...

If Biden was like Trump (as you suggest) -- Biden will be talking about locking Trump and his family up like WE KNOW TRUMP WOULD HAVE DONE because HE HAS DONE IT

Oh so you are saying if Biden were Trump in this last election and there were signed affidavits about and election Trump stole you'd be okay with that??

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.
You folks claim Hillary was the Anti-christ -- that Hillary controls the Deep State, murdered 91847821712 people....but Hillary couldn't swing 50K votes in her direction across 3 states..

Hillary conceded the next day -- she didn't launch multiple lawsuits, Obama didn't hold cabinet meetings to gameplan how to declare martial law and force a military controlled recount....

But here you are still....still trying to both sides the lunacy of the Trump admin by saying "but but but what if Biden blah blah blah"

Doesn't negate the fact that you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud.

"But,but,but Trump. LOL
Surely Donald can find some toady to replace Barr and arrest Joe and Hunter before Joe takes office.
Why not go with Sidney and her Kraken?


She should be arrested.

Was just watching Morning Joe and after Rudy claimed that Sidney was no longer advising the president and no one was listening to her, she's been to the White House three out of the last four days meeting with Donald plus the likes of Convicted Felon Flynn, QAnon Conspiracy Idiot Marjorie Taylor Green, Goober Gohmert, Tommy Tuberville, Gym Jordan, Mo "Stooge" Brooks and of course - RUDY.

You couldn't ask for a more Rag Tag Gang of Clowns! :laugh2:
can you show us a couple of the sworn statements of these one-thousand affadavits that you find important or believable, that involves election fraud which would change the winner outcome, or are you just taking Giuliani's or Powell's word on it and havent gone through these sworn affadavits yourself?
And what do YOU know about it? Who released all the affidavits to you so could screen them all?
you do know that Georgia did two hand recounts, and several hand recounts in counties in the other states too......and the paper absentee ballots with hand filled out circles by the voters picking their candidate, matched the tally of the Dominion voting system machines?

Did Kemp or Raffensperger tell you that?
And OJ Simpson says he didn't murder his wife.
I am just posting this Newsmaxx clip to make Trumpers feel uncomfortable.....

The only reason why their lawyers forced newsmax to do that was they were hit with a lawsuit by the computer companies for defamation.

Newsmax, oan and Fox News are looking at possible loss of millions because of the lies they spread about those computer companies.

They didn't do that because it was true or the right thing to do. They did it because they are looking at losing a lot of money for the lies they have spread about those computer companies.

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