AG: ‘No reason’ for special counsel on election, Biden’s son

Ah, so sorry. Bill Barr has become SUCH a big disappointment to the Loser-in-Chief:

AG: ‘No reason’ for special counsel on election, Biden’s son

So, Barr finally admits the earth is round.

He's just trying to save his own giant ass, at this point. Maybe they'll be lenient on him for his role in the Borschtgate scandals

"At his final press conference at the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr said he sees no reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden -- Mr Barr said that he has "not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave." He also said that he sees no reason for a special counsel to investigate the election, sees no basis for the federal government to seize voting machines, and sided with secretary of state Mike Pompeo over the president by saying the massive hack of government computers was the work of the Russians."

Just more proof that Barr was a Democrat all along and working on behalf of George Soros, Obama, Biden and the mustached guy from Hall & Oates...
View attachment 431852

We still have to wait for the Durham report to come out -- maybe he will indict Hunter's laptop with election fraud -- or maybe Barr's AG replacement will appoint special counsels to investigate Hunter and election fraud -- but right now, Trump should just order martial law and have the Bidens and Obama arrested for stuff.....

Barr did everything Trump wanted. It turned out this was a bridge too far. You try it and Trump should be arrested.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.

Trump has thousands of affidavits from poll watchers? Where the fuck are they? And how come the Affidavits which the poll watchers signed for the Secretaries of State in these elections are different than the ones Trump claims to have.

In order for the Secretaries of State to confirm the elections in their states, both the Democratic poll watchers, and the Republican poll watchers, had to sign affidavits that they saw nothing amiss.

So which time were these poll watchers committing perjury - when they certified nothing was amiss, or when they certified they saw shennanigans? The fact that we haven't seen these Affidavits saying shennanigans, makes their existence highly doubtful.

Go back to Canada and inflict your stupid self on the Canadians. dumbass.

I don't have to "go back to Canada", to you stupid, ignorant woman. This is the internet. I post from Canada, just like you post from whatever country it is that you live in.
No doubt Barr is a commie now.
Or a Never Trumper equivalent. The swamp is filled with vile
To claim the stolen election and Biden Crime Family misbehavior needs no special prosecutorial attention
is grossly disingenuous, to put it mildly.

The Trumpsters won't care how many times they're told "no". Their universe is telling them a different story.
When your attention is fixed on facts like a laser beam all the extraneous lies and liars sniping away
from the sidelines becomes absolutely irrelevant.

When Hell turns frosty and frozen Joe Biden will investigate his own family and election. He's a fucking thief and liar!

The Swamp is filled with "only the best people" who Trump hired. As for them being "vile backstabbers", they're merely following the lead of the "backstabber in Chief". Trump demands loyalty above all else, but he gives none, and treats employees as "disposable".
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.

Trump has thousands of affidavits from poll watchers? Where the fuck are they? And how come the Affidavits which the poll watchers signed for the Secretaries of State in these elections are different than the ones Trump claims to have.

In order for the Secretaries of State to confirm the elections in their states, both the Democratic poll watchers, and the Republican poll watchers, had to sign affidavits that they saw nothing amiss.

So which time were these poll watchers committing perjury - when they certified nothing was amiss, or when they certified they saw shennanigans? The fact that we haven't seen these Affidavits saying shennanigans, makes their existence highly doubtful.

Go back to Canada and inflict your stupid self on the Canadians. dumbass.

So in other words, once again, you have nothing.

"At his final press conference at the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr said he sees no reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden -- Mr Barr said that he has "not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave." He also said that he sees no reason for a special counsel to investigate the election, sees no basis for the federal government to seize voting machines, and sided with secretary of state Mike Pompeo over the president by saying the massive hack of government computers was the work of the Russians."

Just more proof that Barr was a Democrat all along and working on behalf of George Soros, Obama, Biden and the mustached guy from Hall & Oates...
View attachment 431852

We still have to wait for the Durham report to come out -- maybe he will indict Hunter's laptop with election fraud -- or maybe Barr's AG replacement will appoint special counsels to investigate Hunter and election fraud -- but right now, Trump should just order martial law and have the Bidens and Obama arrested for stuff.....
So? He's gone in 4 days, good riddance leaves plenty of time for a REAL AG to do something.
"good riddance leaves plenty of time for a REAL AG to do something."

Don't you get tired of whining that same old bullshit all the time??

When Jeff Sessions was cheered....especially when he made child separation his desired policy....

After Jeff Sessions -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech....

When Matt Whittaker was appointed, you Trumpers got your hopes up.....after Whittaker -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech....for some of you folks its "Matt Who?"

When Bill Barr was folks thought he would help you live out all of your autocratic fantasies...your panties really got moist when he had unmarked FEDS snatching protesters off the streets....

After Bill Barr -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech..

So is Jeff Rosen the real AG you been waiting for??
I haven't liked ANY of Trumps AG picks. Sessions was all talk no action. I don't even remember Whittaker and Barr was a crony from the 90's I despised so. Give me a bomb thrower like Sidney Powell and I will be happy. Trump's 2nd term whether it be in 2020 or 2024 will be very interesting to see. SO many swamp creatures have outed themselves I don't expect many to get jobs in the administration, we need complete outsiders who are loyal to America and Trump.

Of course you don't like them. Trump fired them all so of course you no longer have anything good to say about any of them.

Jeff Session, the guy you labelled the "do nothing" AG, approved and pushed forward the child separation policy, and more importantly, the program of have children dragged before the courts and deported without their parent. Under that program, Justice put children as young as 12 on planes back to their home country and left them at the airport to find they own way home when they got there. Toddlers as young as 3 were hauled before judges with no lawyers, for immigration proceedings.

Whitaker had confirmation problems because he was a crook, connected with shady corporations which had been shut down for fraud.

Barr has done real damage. The AG has never been a prosecutor and it shows. Real prosecutors refuse to work with him, and his mischaracterization of the Mueller Report was one of the most venal political acts in American history.

The only "Swamp Creatures" in the Trump Administration are Trump's own criminal friends and associates.

How bout you send messages on a Canadian board. We are sick of your stupid ass on this one.

You aren't American so your Canadian opinion is funny if nothing else. Fuck off shit for brains.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.

Trump has thousands of affidavits from poll watchers? Where the fuck are they? And how come the Affidavits which the poll watchers signed for the Secretaries of State in these elections are different than the ones Trump claims to have.

In order for the Secretaries of State to confirm the elections in their states, both the Democratic poll watchers, and the Republican poll watchers, had to sign affidavits that they saw nothing amiss.

So which time were these poll watchers committing perjury - when they certified nothing was amiss, or when they certified they saw shennanigans? The fact that we haven't seen these Affidavits saying shennanigans, makes their existence highly doubtful.

Go back to Canada and inflict your stupid self on the Canadians. dumbass.

I don't have to "go back to Canada", to you stupid, ignorant woman. This is the internet. I post from Canada, just like you post from whatever country it is that you live in.
No doubt Barr is a commie now.
Or a Never Trumper equivalent. The swamp is filled with vile
To claim the stolen election and Biden Crime Family misbehavior needs no special prosecutorial attention
is grossly disingenuous, to put it mildly.

The Trumpsters won't care how many times they're told "no". Their universe is telling them a different story.
When your attention is fixed on facts like a laser beam all the extraneous lies and liars sniping away
from the sidelines becomes absolutely irrelevant.

When Hell turns frosty and frozen Joe Biden will investigate his own family and election. He's a fucking thief and liar!

The Swamp is filled with "only the best people" who Trump hired. As for them being "vile backstabbers", they're merely following the lead of the "backstabber in Chief". Trump demands loyalty above all else, but he gives none, and treats employees as "disposable".
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.

Trump has thousands of affidavits from poll watchers? Where the fuck are they? And how come the Affidavits which the poll watchers signed for the Secretaries of State in these elections are different than the ones Trump claims to have.

In order for the Secretaries of State to confirm the elections in their states, both the Democratic poll watchers, and the Republican poll watchers, had to sign affidavits that they saw nothing amiss.

So which time were these poll watchers committing perjury - when they certified nothing was amiss, or when they certified they saw shennanigans? The fact that we haven't seen these Affidavits saying shennanigans, makes their existence highly doubtful.

Go back to Canada and inflict your stupid self on the Canadians. dumbass.

So in other words, once again, you have nothing.

"At his final press conference at the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr said he sees no reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden -- Mr Barr said that he has "not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave." He also said that he sees no reason for a special counsel to investigate the election, sees no basis for the federal government to seize voting machines, and sided with secretary of state Mike Pompeo over the president by saying the massive hack of government computers was the work of the Russians."

Just more proof that Barr was a Democrat all along and working on behalf of George Soros, Obama, Biden and the mustached guy from Hall & Oates...
View attachment 431852

We still have to wait for the Durham report to come out -- maybe he will indict Hunter's laptop with election fraud -- or maybe Barr's AG replacement will appoint special counsels to investigate Hunter and election fraud -- but right now, Trump should just order martial law and have the Bidens and Obama arrested for stuff.....
So? He's gone in 4 days, good riddance leaves plenty of time for a REAL AG to do something.
"good riddance leaves plenty of time for a REAL AG to do something."

Don't you get tired of whining that same old bullshit all the time??

When Jeff Sessions was cheered....especially when he made child separation his desired policy....

After Jeff Sessions -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech....

When Matt Whittaker was appointed, you Trumpers got your hopes up.....after Whittaker -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech....for some of you folks its "Matt Who?"

When Bill Barr was folks thought he would help you live out all of your autocratic fantasies...your panties really got moist when he had unmarked FEDS snatching protesters off the streets....

After Bill Barr -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech..

So is Jeff Rosen the real AG you been waiting for??
I haven't liked ANY of Trumps AG picks. Sessions was all talk no action. I don't even remember Whittaker and Barr was a crony from the 90's I despised so. Give me a bomb thrower like Sidney Powell and I will be happy. Trump's 2nd term whether it be in 2020 or 2024 will be very interesting to see. SO many swamp creatures have outed themselves I don't expect many to get jobs in the administration, we need complete outsiders who are loyal to America and Trump.

Of course you don't like them. Trump fired them all so of course you no longer have anything good to say about any of them.

Jeff Session, the guy you labelled the "do nothing" AG, approved and pushed forward the child separation policy, and more importantly, the program of have children dragged before the courts and deported without their parent. Under that program, Justice put children as young as 12 on planes back to their home country and left them at the airport to find they own way home when they got there. Toddlers as young as 3 were hauled before judges with no lawyers, for immigration proceedings.

Whitaker had confirmation problems because he was a crook, connected with shady corporations which had been shut down for fraud.

Barr has done real damage. The AG has never been a prosecutor and it shows. Real prosecutors refuse to work with him, and his mischaracterization of the Mueller Report was one of the most venal political acts in American history.

The only "Swamp Creatures" in the Trump Administration are Trump's own criminal friends and associates.

How bout you send message on a Canadian board. We are sick of your stupid ass on this one.

You aren't American so you Canadian opinion is funny if nothing else. Fuck off shit for brains.
Ah, nothing like a dash of Trumpian Christian Conservatism to brighten our morning!
Ah, so sorry. Bill Barr has become SUCH a big disappointment to the Loser-in-Chief:

AG: ‘No reason’ for special counsel on election, Biden’s son

What a f*ing Lying, gutless traitor...

Joe Biden is a proven liar. He said he never knew anything Hunter was doing, never talked to him about it, never met with anyone from Burisma - all 100% debunked as complete lies by irrefutable evidence that includes testimony under oath before Congress, whistle-blower 1st-hand-account testimony / signed affidavits, PHOTOS, official financial records in the possession of the DHS and Treasury Departments, etc....

Released FBI Documents and evidence held the DHS and Treasury Departments prove undeniably that Hunter Biden committed criminal money laundering of Russian Oligarch money, that Hunter and James Bide, Joe's brother, engaged in Influence peddling - violated the RICO law accepted hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars from the Russians, criminal Ukrainian businesses, and that the Biden Family, to include Joe Biden, received more than A BILLION AND A HALF DOLLARS from the CCP.

Then there is the more frightening discovery that the CCP paid the election voting machine company, whose machines were used in the recent election - the same machines and company Democrats years ago warned posed a national Security risk - was paid $400 MILLION by the CCP in October, right before the election.

The Biden family has been exposed as a literal crime syndicate and that Joe Biden is a compromised agent / puppet, bought and paid for, by China - at the least there are MASSIVE Conflicts of Interest, all of which have been confirmed by the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Dept.

But Barr is now declaring, 'Nothing To See Here'. WTF?

If KNOWN propaganda authored by the Russian Intelligence Services, delivered by a foreign Trump-hating ex-spy, despite an internal investigation that found zero evidence of any crime, resulted in the appointment of a Special Counsel and a 3-year faux criminal investigation of a President then already substantiated of Biden family financial crimes and illegal pay-offs from our nation's enemies deserves a Special Counsel appointment and investigation.

You are a gutless little Nazi. The DOJ is perfectly capable of continuing the investigation. There is absolutely no evidence of anything you say. Just crazy ramblings.

No one was paid anything. Both Newsmax and Fox have been forced to retract the claim made by Trump crazies. The investigation did find something. The Trump campaign held meetings with a Russian business associate of manafort and turned over internal polling data and other campaign information.
Barr is off on this one. I can understand no special council on Hunter but this election fraud needs a special council like right now. More than enough evidence out there to prove the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.

Trump has thousands of affidavits from poll watchers? Where the fuck are they? And how come the Affidavits which the poll watchers signed for the Secretaries of State in these elections are different than the ones Trump claims to have.

In order for the Secretaries of State to confirm the elections in their states, both the Democratic poll watchers, and the Republican poll watchers, had to sign affidavits that they saw nothing amiss.

So which time were these poll watchers committing perjury - when they certified nothing was amiss, or when they certified they saw shennanigans? The fact that we haven't seen these Affidavits saying shennanigans, makes their existence highly doubtful.

Go back to Canada and inflict your stupid self on the Canadians. dumbass.

I don't have to "go back to Canada", to you stupid, ignorant woman. This is the internet. I post from Canada, just like you post from whatever country it is that you live in.
No doubt Barr is a commie now.
Or a Never Trumper equivalent. The swamp is filled with vile
To claim the stolen election and Biden Crime Family misbehavior needs no special prosecutorial attention
is grossly disingenuous, to put it mildly.

The Trumpsters won't care how many times they're told "no". Their universe is telling them a different story.
When your attention is fixed on facts like a laser beam all the extraneous lies and liars sniping away
from the sidelines becomes absolutely irrelevant.

When Hell turns frosty and frozen Joe Biden will investigate his own family and election. He's a fucking thief and liar!

The Swamp is filled with "only the best people" who Trump hired. As for them being "vile backstabbers", they're merely following the lead of the "backstabber in Chief". Trump demands loyalty above all else, but he gives none, and treats employees as "disposable".
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.

Trump has thousands of affidavits from poll watchers? Where the fuck are they? And how come the Affidavits which the poll watchers signed for the Secretaries of State in these elections are different than the ones Trump claims to have.

In order for the Secretaries of State to confirm the elections in their states, both the Democratic poll watchers, and the Republican poll watchers, had to sign affidavits that they saw nothing amiss.

So which time were these poll watchers committing perjury - when they certified nothing was amiss, or when they certified they saw shennanigans? The fact that we haven't seen these Affidavits saying shennanigans, makes their existence highly doubtful.

Go back to Canada and inflict your stupid self on the Canadians. dumbass.

So in other words, once again, you have nothing.

"At his final press conference at the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr said he sees no reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden -- Mr Barr said that he has "not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave." He also said that he sees no reason for a special counsel to investigate the election, sees no basis for the federal government to seize voting machines, and sided with secretary of state Mike Pompeo over the president by saying the massive hack of government computers was the work of the Russians."

Just more proof that Barr was a Democrat all along and working on behalf of George Soros, Obama, Biden and the mustached guy from Hall & Oates...
View attachment 431852

We still have to wait for the Durham report to come out -- maybe he will indict Hunter's laptop with election fraud -- or maybe Barr's AG replacement will appoint special counsels to investigate Hunter and election fraud -- but right now, Trump should just order martial law and have the Bidens and Obama arrested for stuff.....
So? He's gone in 4 days, good riddance leaves plenty of time for a REAL AG to do something.
"good riddance leaves plenty of time for a REAL AG to do something."

Don't you get tired of whining that same old bullshit all the time??

When Jeff Sessions was cheered....especially when he made child separation his desired policy....

After Jeff Sessions -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech....

When Matt Whittaker was appointed, you Trumpers got your hopes up.....after Whittaker -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech....for some of you folks its "Matt Who?"

When Bill Barr was folks thought he would help you live out all of your autocratic fantasies...your panties really got moist when he had unmarked FEDS snatching protesters off the streets....

After Bill Barr -- the same ole whiny good riddance speech..

So is Jeff Rosen the real AG you been waiting for??
I haven't liked ANY of Trumps AG picks. Sessions was all talk no action. I don't even remember Whittaker and Barr was a crony from the 90's I despised so. Give me a bomb thrower like Sidney Powell and I will be happy. Trump's 2nd term whether it be in 2020 or 2024 will be very interesting to see. SO many swamp creatures have outed themselves I don't expect many to get jobs in the administration, we need complete outsiders who are loyal to America and Trump.

Of course you don't like them. Trump fired them all so of course you no longer have anything good to say about any of them.

Jeff Session, the guy you labelled the "do nothing" AG, approved and pushed forward the child separation policy, and more importantly, the program of have children dragged before the courts and deported without their parent. Under that program, Justice put children as young as 12 on planes back to their home country and left them at the airport to find they own way home when they got there. Toddlers as young as 3 were hauled before judges with no lawyers, for immigration proceedings.

Whitaker had confirmation problems because he was a crook, connected with shady corporations which had been shut down for fraud.

Barr has done real damage. The AG has never been a prosecutor and it shows. Real prosecutors refuse to work with him, and his mischaracterization of the Mueller Report was one of the most venal political acts in American history.

The only "Swamp Creatures" in the Trump Administration are Trump's own criminal friends and associates.

How bout you send message on a Canadian board. We are sick of your stupid ass on this one.

You aren't American so you Canadian opinion is funny if nothing else. Fuck off shit for brains.
Ah, nothing like a dash of Trumpian Christian Conservatism to brighten our morning!

Who say's I'm a Christian. I worship a goat in the corner and love to sacrifice to him.

That Canadian bitch isn't American so I doubt anyone cares what her stupid ass has to say. She should stick to Canadian politics.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
Barr is off on this one. I can understand no special council on Hunter but this election fraud needs a special council like right now. More than enough evidence out there to prove the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

The US Attyorneys said they saw no evidence of major election fraud.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me
Barr is off on this one. I can understand no special council on Hunter but this election fraud needs a special council like right now. More than enough evidence out there to prove the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

The US Attyorneys said they saw no evidence of major election fraud.

They didn't look very hard. Hundred if not thousands of affidavits signed by both Dem and Rep watchers. One of the Dem watchers said he could believe what he was seeing. No one signs and affidavit falsely as that's a perjury charge. I don't know many people who would want to go to jail for perjury. Do you??
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
Barr is off on this one. I can understand no special council on Hunter but this election fraud needs a special council like right now. More than enough evidence out there to prove the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

The US Attyorneys said they saw no evidence of major election fraud.

They didn't look very hard. Hundred if not thousands of affidavits signed by both Dem and Rep watchers. One of the Dem watchers said he could believe what he was seeing. No one signs and affidavit falsely as that's a perjury charge. I don't know many people who would want to go to jail for perjury. Do you??

They know there will never be a investigation so they can say anything they want. Trump supporters do not think twice about lying.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
Why just Dominion??

Why not all voting machine companies - if the "Deep State" can corrupt one -- why not corrupt all??

You already believe the Deep State made every Republican controlled legislature in every swing state rig the election for Biden -- so why is it a stretch to believe all voting mechanisms are controlled by the Deep State??

Or.....maybe your election fraud cosplay is just a function of sour grapes and butt hurt?? maybe its your new lost cause strategy to make you feel better about being duped by a guy that your great grandchildren will be asking you "WTF were you thinking??"
Barr is off on this one. I can understand no special council on Hunter but this election fraud needs a special council like right now. More than enough evidence out there to prove the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

The US Attyorneys said they saw no evidence of major election fraud.

They didn't look very hard. Hundred if not thousands of affidavits signed by both Dem and Rep watchers. One of the Dem watchers said he could believe what he was seeing. No one signs and affidavit falsely as that's a perjury charge. I don't know many people who would want to go to jail for perjury. Do you??

They know there will never be a investigation so they can say anything they want. Trump supporters do not think twice about lying.

Kinda hard to lie when the truth is looking you right in the eyes. Of course a lefty loon like you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in your stupid ass.
You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
What evidence? Each time we disect your claims they turn out to be false.

Or can be proven either way. Can what prove what they say happened happened?

Yes, the rnc sent thousands of liars to disrupt the recount in florida. Spread out over 5 states trump could easily find 1000 liars Or nuts.

Oh there's evidence out there. Loads on the Dominion machines and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it since falsifying one is perjury.

You don't want to see any evidence and if Biden were Trump you'd be singing a different tune.

So how come the hand count of ballots in Georgia produce the same result as the supposed "rigged machines". And why has the Trump legal team not given a single Affidavit to the courts in any of the 50+ legal cases that have been tossed out of court. I've read the filings, and they don't even claim the things you're claiming.

Trump had a pile of file folders on a desk which he said were the documents putting all of his assets into a blind trust. They were empty, and Trump never put his assets into any trust - blind or otherwise. Trump saying something is true, is absolutely no evidence that it is.

People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that's a perjury charge. I don't know to many people who would risk jail on a false affidavit,, do you??

Dominion has already been investigated by Texas. They refused to use those machines based on what they found.

Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

All kinds of evidence out there but you lefty loons don't believe any of it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.

That was worker error. Trump won the majority of counties in which the voting machines were used.

And you know that how?? That machine took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Texas investigated those machines and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad other States didn't do the same.
How many didn't they catch in every election ever held??

How do we know anyone was ever really elected -- or do you ONLY have these mastabutory musings when your desired candidate loses??

Sounds like feelings over facts to me

How many elections has Dominion been involved in??

Oh and we all know that if Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud. I doubt you would think you had hurt feelings.
Why just Dominion??

Why not all voting machine companies - if the "Deep State" can corrupt one -- why not corrupt all??

You already believe the Deep State made every Republican controlled legislature in every swing state rig the election for Biden -- so why is it a stretch to believe all voting mechanisms are controlled by the Deep State??

Or.....maybe your election fraud cosplay is just a function of sour grapes and butt hurt?? maybe its your new lost cause strategy to make you feel better about being duped by a guy that your great grandchildren will be asking you "WTF were you thinking??"

Dominion is the one in question. Texas investigated these machines in great detail and didn't like what they found and refused to use them. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

Oh and you fool no one. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud. No one signs affidavits on a whim. Its a charge of perjury if they are found to be false. Know anyone who wants to go to jail after they sign a false affidavit??

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