AG: ‘No reason’ for special counsel on election, Biden’s son

Not only lost, he got schlonged!!!
Here's proof!

You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Or Wisconsin? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
There were no rigged elections this year. We simply mailed everyone in the state eligible to vote an absentee ballot and record number of voters voted this year.

Jeb bush stole Florida for his brother in 2000 though and how? With all the tactics you claimed happened this year. We know Diebold voting machines were corrupt back then. What evidence do you have voting machines this year were hacked?

Why did you ignore What happened in 2000 and believe these thing ps now happened to you today? Hanging chads anyone?

And you tried to disrupt the recount this year like you did in 2000 only we wouldn’t allow it. No even republican governors and Secretary of states would risk their careers and reputations to lie for trump

Sure. That's why there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the Rep and Dem watchers. Cause there was nothing to see. I mean people sign affidavits that if found to be false are perjury charge all the time.

If Biden were Trump and had all this evidence you'd be screaming bloody murder about a fraudulent election and you know it.
Of course they know better. Some fool whining about the 2000 election (even after I specifically sent a link
from a consortium of newspapers nationwide proving Bush did indeed win the presidency)
is just having an online tantrum.

There is so much evidence of fraud it's incredible but getting to courts to actually acknowledge proof
of corruption has been impossible, so far.
Of all the cases rejected so far NOT A SINGLE ONE has been judged on the merits of the case itself!

Every case has been dismissed based on procedural matters alone. We can't even get the corrupt judiciary
to pay attention to the actual facts themselves.

The way the Texas case was shut down is a great example. It's sham. A lie. A great deception.

The Texas case was the most ridiculous piece of horseshit filed in this mess. An attempted overthrow of the legally elected government of the United States of America. Shameful, and quite rightfully tossed 9 - 0.
Typical establishment protection, the first duty of the DoJ.
Ah, the establishment conspiracy theory
So you deny the establishment protects itself from investigation? You can't be that naive can you?
You don’t get to write off every republican who has come out against trump as a deep state establishment rino.

There was no election fraud. Every republican who admits that is not an establishment rino. They may be part of the establishment but that establishment is the United States of America.

You trump supporters are anarchists Who want a king not a democracy. You want rigged elections like in Russia.
Now I know you are just a blind partisan hack. You can't take a serious look at the results in each state and claim there was no election fraud. There is no reason to even debate with someone who is so blind.
could you define "election fraud"?
The Texas case was the most ridiculous piece of horseshit filed in this mess. An attempted overthrow of the legally elected government of the United States of America. Shameful, and quite rightfully tossed 9 - 0.
You are a parody of an irrational know nothing crank. To respond to your idiocy is to legitimize it yet to not respond to such ignorance is to condone it. Quite a dilemma.
Maybe he knows he has to do his job correctly. Maybe you're being conned. Your world is getting smaller.
Oh, is ignoring and condoning massive corruption doing his job "correctly"?

Or are you just an anti ethical shit storm?
Maybe he knows he has to do his job correctly. Maybe you're being conned. Your world is getting smaller.
Oh, is ignoring and condoning massive corruption doing his job "correctly"?

Or are you just an anti ethical shit storm?
Perhaps the evidence of the "massive corruption" you have heard about is wrong, distorted, or completely fabricated. Clearly, you believe everything you have heard.

I think that I'll side with the Republican governors, Republican election officials, Trump-appointed judges, the Attorney General and the Supreme Court. You're free to believe everything you're told.
USA is a banana republic on par with Venezuela and Cuba
Trump’s supporters are calling for martial law and another election so you’re not entirely off base.
How about a fair election and T wins by 10 million
It was a fair election and "T" lost by 7 ....or was it 8 million votes. Catch up, surely your feeble mind can remember who won the election.
He only won because he had several million free votes !! Biden is an illegitimate swine !!
Biden won’t be even president for more than 9 months as an even far more repulsive creature will take over.
T won by a lot and the evidence is substantial
Biden won’t be even president for more than 9 months as an even far more repulsive creature will take over.
T won by a lot and the evidence is substantial

No he didn't. Trump lost by lots and lots.
Ah, so sorry. Bill Barr has become SUCH a big disappointment to the Loser-in-Chief:

AG: ‘No reason’ for special counsel on election, Biden’s son

The doctor finally stopped refilling his prescription for stupid pills.

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