AGAIN! Clinton Claims FBI Called Her Public Email Statements 'Truthful'

3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Completely BUSTED - proven a LIE, and Libs suddenly - AND PATHETICALLY - say, "OK she DID send classified....but it isn't enough to matter!


The liberal 'PU$$Y Generation' just needs to ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG and "F*ING GET OVER IT"!
She and Bill are pathalogical liars and they know their supporters are fools.

That is all you need to know.
111 emails in 52 chains apparently seen by hundreds of people who have decades of experience and not one was flagged? Why not? According to the head of the FBI, none of them were marked classified. Get over it fucktards.

Notice how liberals always attempt to invalidate the truth / facts with only their OPINIONS to back it up?! Please allow me to destroy your OPINION with FACTS......



Since you can't get the truth from Hillary, here it is again, directly from FBI Director Comey, testifying under oath before Congress:

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

'Reality' just isn't your 'cup of tea', rdean...neither is 'credibility'.
Look at this right here nitwit:

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

The Head of the FBI said nothing was marked classified. Did you hear what he said or what you wanted him to say?
Actually, he said there were emails with classified markings.

Yes and how many was that?

3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.
And 113 that should have been marked, that she failed to so mark.
3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Completely BUSTED - proven a LIE, and Libs suddenly - AND PATHETICALLY - suddenly say, "OK she DID send classified....but it isn't enough to matter!


The liberal 'PU$$Y Generation' just needs to ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG and "F*ING GET OVER IT"!

Red letters arent proof.

But now we are learning more about those emails from Comey, who testified before the House Oversight Committee on July 7, and State Department spokesman John Kirby, who addressed these emails at press briefings on July 6 and 7:

  • Comey said three emails had “portion markings” on them indicating that they were classified, but they were not properly marked and therefore could have been missed by Clinton. He said the emails were marked as classified with the letter “C” in the body of the email.
  • Kirby said the State Department believes that at least two of the emails were mistakenly marked as confidential. He could not speak to the third email, saying the department didn’t have “all of the records and documents that the FBI used in their investigation.”
  • Comey told the committee he is “highly confident” that FBI investigators consulted with the State Department about the marked emails. But he said he did not know that the department believes that any of them were marked in error.
The issue is a bit complicated, but important, because it provides Clinton with a stronger defense against claims that she sent and received material that was marked as classified over her private server when she was secretary of state.

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

Do you believe Comey or not?
3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Completely BUSTED - proven a LIE, and Libs suddenly - AND PATHETICALLY - suddenly say, "OK she DID send classified....but it isn't enough to matter!


The liberal 'PU$$Y Generation' just needs to ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG and "F*ING GET OVER IT"!
That is the Clinton way of dealing with a scandal. First, come out with a blanket assertion of innocence. "I didn't have any classified information on my server". Then, start walking it back and adding qualifiers when it's shown that you lied. "I didn't send or receive any information that was marked classified at the time". Her latest is a departure from the playbook, however, because now she's basically just lying about what the FBI found.
3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Completely BUSTED - proven a LIE, and Libs suddenly - AND PATHETICALLY - suddenly say, "OK she DID send classified....but it isn't enough to matter!


The liberal 'PU$$Y Generation' just needs to ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG and "F*ING GET OVER IT"!

Red letters arent proof.

But now we are learning more about those emails from Comey, who testified before the House Oversight Committee on July 7, and State Department spokesman John Kirby, who addressed these emails at press briefings on July 6 and 7:

  • Comey said three emails had “portion markings” on them indicating that they were classified, but they were not properly marked and therefore could have been missed by Clinton. He said the emails were marked as classified with the letter “C” in the body of the email.
  • Kirby said the State Department believes that at least two of the emails were mistakenly marked as confidential. He could not speak to the third email, saying the department didn’t have “all of the records and documents that the FBI used in their investigation.”
  • Comey told the committee he is “highly confident” that FBI investigators consulted with the State Department about the marked emails. But he said he did not know that the department believes that any of them were marked in error.
The issue is a bit complicated, but important, because it provides Clinton with a stronger defense against claims that she sent and received material that was marked as classified over her private server when she was secretary of state.

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

Do you believe Comey or not?
The bottom line, however, remains. She, as Sec State, was trained and responsible to identify and mark classified information. She did not.
3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Completely BUSTED - proven a LIE, and Libs suddenly - AND PATHETICALLY - suddenly say, "OK she DID send classified....but it isn't enough to matter!


The liberal 'PU$$Y Generation' just needs to ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG and "F*ING GET OVER IT"!

Red letters arent proof.

But now we are learning more about those emails from Comey, who testified before the House Oversight Committee on July 7, and State Department spokesman John Kirby, who addressed these emails at press briefings on July 6 and 7:

  • Comey said three emails had “portion markings” on them indicating that they were classified, but they were not properly marked and therefore could have been missed by Clinton. He said the emails were marked as classified with the letter “C” in the body of the email.
  • Kirby said the State Department believes that at least two of the emails were mistakenly marked as confidential. He could not speak to the third email, saying the department didn’t have “all of the records and documents that the FBI used in their investigation.”
  • Comey told the committee he is “highly confident” that FBI investigators consulted with the State Department about the marked emails. But he said he did not know that the department believes that any of them were marked in error.
The issue is a bit complicated, but important, because it provides Clinton with a stronger defense against claims that she sent and received material that was marked as classified over her private server when she was secretary of state.

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

Do you believe Comey or not?
The bottom line, however, remains. She, as Sec State, was trained and responsible to identify and mark classified information. She did not.

Thats because as Comey said it wasnt marked properly and thats why she missed it.

Do you believe Comey or not?
Do you believe Comey or not?

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

The question is not if I believe Comey or not - it's if YOU will believe Comey or continue to believe the lying bitch who was just exposed by 3 FactCheck organizations as a habitual, pathological LIAR?

3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

YOU even admitted it! SHE SENT CLASSIFIED...and now you're trying to run from your own declaration!

111 emails in 52 chains apparently seen by hundreds of people who have decades of experience and not one was flagged? Why not? According to the head of the FBI, none of them were marked classified. Get over it fucktards.

Notice how liberals always attempt to invalidate the truth / facts with only their OPINIONS to back it up?! Please allow me to destroy your OPINION with FACTS......



Since you can't get the truth from Hillary, here it is again, directly from FBI Director Comey, testifying under oath before Congress:

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

'Reality' just isn't your 'cup of tea', rdean...neither is 'credibility'.
Look at this right here nitwit:

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

The Head of the FBI said nothing was marked classified. Did you hear what he said or what you wanted him to say?
Actually, he said there were emails with classified markings.
He said there were 3 emails with some kind of markings.
When you take this situation and add it to the baggage the Clinton's already have, it's amazing this is the best the Dims could come up with.
Do you believe Comey or not?

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

The question is not if I believe Comey or not - it's if YOU will believe Comey or continue to believe the lying bitch who was just exposed by 3 FactCheck organizations as a habitual, pathological LIAR?

3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

YOU even admitted it! SHE SENT CLASSIFIED...and now you're trying to run from your own declaration!

Wow, if you hate liars, you must hate Trump, right?

Donald Trump's file
When you take this situation and add it to the baggage the Clinton's already have, it's amazing this is the best the Dims could come up with.
Baggage or GOP conspiracies.

Unlike Trump or Bush, she has never been charged with anything and never found guilty of any crime.
3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Completely BUSTED - proven a LIE, and Libs suddenly - AND PATHETICALLY - suddenly say, "OK she DID send classified....but it isn't enough to matter!


The liberal 'PU$$Y Generation' just needs to ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG and "F*ING GET OVER IT"!

Red letters arent proof.

But now we are learning more about those emails from Comey, who testified before the House Oversight Committee on July 7, and State Department spokesman John Kirby, who addressed these emails at press briefings on July 6 and 7:

  • Comey said three emails had “portion markings” on them indicating that they were classified, but they were not properly marked and therefore could have been missed by Clinton. He said the emails were marked as classified with the letter “C” in the body of the email.
  • Kirby said the State Department believes that at least two of the emails were mistakenly marked as confidential. He could not speak to the third email, saying the department didn’t have “all of the records and documents that the FBI used in their investigation.”
  • Comey told the committee he is “highly confident” that FBI investigators consulted with the State Department about the marked emails. But he said he did not know that the department believes that any of them were marked in error.
The issue is a bit complicated, but important, because it provides Clinton with a stronger defense against claims that she sent and received material that was marked as classified over her private server when she was secretary of state.

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

Do you believe Comey or not?
The bottom line, however, remains. She, as Sec State, was trained and responsible to identify and mark classified information. She did not.

Thats because as Comey said it wasnt marked properly and thats why she missed it.

Do you believe Comey or not?
I believe that Hillary, as Secretary of State, was incompetent if she did not recognize and mark at least the stuff that was of the highest classification. Comey is talking about the black and white areas of the law. He clearly indicated that she was extremely careless with classified information, but that they decided not to indict. That doesn't mean the FBI has declared her innocent of improperly handling classified information, quite the opposite.

I do not believe he would have extended that cover for a lower level official found to be "extremely careless". In fact, I believe there are several ongoing cases in which the defendants' lawyers are going for the Hillary defense. "I didn't mean to" is the new escape clause.
'She missed it'?!

The WH declared Hillary's server / e-mails contained information SO classified that it could not be released in any form because 'IT WOULD CAUSE GRAVE DANGER TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY'.


THAT is the GREATEST argument for NOT allowing her to be near any more classified information for the rest of her life and for NEVER being entrusted with the office of the Presidency. THAT is a whole nother REALM of dangerously STUPID!
She and Bill are pathalogical liars and they know their supporters are fools.

That is all you need to know.
111 emails in 52 chains apparently seen by hundreds of people who have decades of experience and not one was flagged? Why not? According to the head of the FBI, none of them were marked classified. Get over it fucktards.

Notice how liberals always attempt to invalidate the truth / facts with only their OPINIONS to back it up?! Please allow me to destroy your OPINION with FACTS......



Since you can't get the truth from Hillary, here it is again, directly from FBI Director Comey, testifying under oath before Congress:

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

'Reality' just isn't your 'cup of tea', rdean...neither is 'credibility'.
Look at this right here nitwit:

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

The Head of the FBI said nothing was marked classified. Did you hear what he said or what you wanted him to say?
Actually, he said there were emails with classified markings.

Yes and how many was that?

3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Oh, it's a quantity thingy!!!
111 emails in 52 chains apparently seen by hundreds of people who have decades of experience and not one was flagged? Why not? According to the head of the FBI, none of them were marked classified. Get over it fucktards.

Notice how liberals always attempt to invalidate the truth / facts with only their OPINIONS to back it up?! Please allow me to destroy your OPINION with FACTS......



Since you can't get the truth from Hillary, here it is again, directly from FBI Director Comey, testifying under oath before Congress:

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

'Reality' just isn't your 'cup of tea', rdean...neither is 'credibility'.
Look at this right here nitwit:

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

The Head of the FBI said nothing was marked classified. Did you hear what he said or what you wanted him to say?
Actually, he said there were emails with classified markings.
He said there were 3 emails with some kind of markings.
Classified markings.
She and Bill are pathalogical liars and they know their supporters are fools.

That is all you need to know.
111 emails in 52 chains apparently seen by hundreds of people who have decades of experience and not one was flagged? Why not? According to the head of the FBI, none of them were marked classified. Get over it fucktards.

Notice how liberals always attempt to invalidate the truth / facts with only their OPINIONS to back it up?! Please allow me to destroy your OPINION with FACTS......



Since you can't get the truth from Hillary, here it is again, directly from FBI Director Comey, testifying under oath before Congress:

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

'Reality' just isn't your 'cup of tea', rdean...neither is 'credibility'.
Look at this right here nitwit:

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

The Head of the FBI said nothing was marked classified. Did you hear what he said or what you wanted him to say?
Actually, he said there were emails with classified markings.

Yes and how many was that?

3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

Oh, it's a quantity thingy!!!
Another classic Clinton escape hatch. Prior to Bubba, many feminists claimed that a powerful man in the office could not have a truly consensual relationship with a women that has less power. After Bubba, not only has that barrier vanished, but we've instituted the "one free grope" rule, wherein Bubba was let off the hook if he stopped fondling a woman if she said no. They love to do this, make blanket claims of complete innocence, then when shown to have dirty hands, "It was only a little bit".
For example, Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy asked Comey if Clinton was telling the truth when she said that she did not send or receive marked classified material. Comey said she wasn’t.

Gowdy, July 7: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails either sent or received. Was that true?

Comey: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

But later in the hearing, Democratic Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman asked Comey if he knew that the State Department had said that the emails were marked classified in error. Comey replied, “No.”

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

You can go with the easy to remember "she lied" or you can go with the complicated facts.
Do you believe Comey or not?

HILLARY: Said she never put America's national security in jeopardy - LIE!
"Clinton’s email practices put America’s secrets at risk and her actions constituted the “definition of carelessness.”

HILLARY: 'NOTHING I sent or received was marked classified' - LIE!
“That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

HILLARY: 'I only used one device' - LIE!
“She used multiple devices.”

HILLARY: 'I turned in all State Department-related Documents." - LIE!
“No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”
*** This proves Hillary broke the law - SEVERAL LAWS - the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to be specific!

LIBERALS / HILLARY SUPPORTERS: "Hillary did nothing wrong!" - LIE!
"If Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

COMEY: "Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

The question is not if I believe Comey or not - it's if YOU will believe Comey or continue to believe the lying bitch who was just exposed by 3 FactCheck organizations as a habitual, pathological LIAR?

3 whole emails. And Comey said it was reasonable that it couldve been missed. 3 whole emails.

YOU even admitted it! SHE SENT CLASSIFIED...and now you're trying to run from your own declaration!

Wow, if you hate liars, you must hate Trump, right?

Donald Trump's file

Deflecting again?
This shit from the same people that make such a big deal about Trumps statement about saying a thousand Muslims were dancing when we have video that many were dancing....completely ignoring the main fact about the this case the Hildebeast lied BUT because of politics she will not be indicated!...It's the numbers right, Anti-Americans!
When you take this situation and add it to the baggage the Clinton's already have, it's amazing this is the best the Dims could come up with.
Baggage or GOP conspiracies.

Unlike Trump or Bush, she has never been charged with anything and never found guilty of any crime.
let's ask Vince Foster, oh wait, he's dead. Let's ask the Ambassador to Benghazi, oh wait he's dead. Oh my, pattern has developed. wow. who'd of thunk that, a presidential candidate with death as her baggage. yep let's give her more power immediately.

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