Agree with the Pope...disagree with the Pope (R-W'ers hypocrisy)

Just some of the many, many examples of right wing hypocrisy regarding religiosity….

Agree with the Pope on rejecting same sex-marriages…

Disagree with the Pope on the devastating impacts of global warming

Agree with the Pope on banning all abortions

Disagree with the Pope on the evils of wealth inequalities

Agree with the Pope in not separating church from government

Disagree with the Pope on the moral responsibilities of taking in illegal immigrants

Pick and choose your religious beliefs?

It appears that Pope Francis is actively involved in current affairs, & his slant is to the left; from global warming, to open borders, to redistribution of wealth. When the Pope & Obama met in 3/14, with another meeting scheduled in 9/23/15, I'm they'll continue to agree on many issues.
His slant is towards facts.
It just so happens that facts have a well-known liberal bias.

Keep telling yourself that. You might actually believe it someday
Just some of the many, many examples of right wing hypocrisy regarding religiosity….

Agree with the Pope on rejecting same sex-marriages…

Disagree with the Pope on the devastating impacts of global warming

Agree with the Pope on banning all abortions

Disagree with the Pope on the evils of wealth inequalities

Agree with the Pope in not separating church from government

Disagree with the Pope on the moral responsibilities of taking in illegal immigrants

Pick and choose your religious beliefs?
what hyprocrisy? Thought the left always said the right we're sheep fool?
Do I even need to point out the hypocrisy of the liberals who disagree with the Pope on gay marriage or abortion but agree with him on global warming? Funny they disagree with the Pope on morale and religious issues but not global warming which is hardly an area of expertise for the church. Final thought if the Pope had claimed global warming was a punishment from God for the nations sins and failing to follow Gods teachings I doubt few on the left would support that and few on the right would challenge it both sides have plenty of hypocrisy to go around on this topic.
You've got it backwards...The Pope agrees with 'Liberals' (and others concerned about climate change), not the other way 'round.
How does this change the hypocrisy point? Liberals using his agreeing with them as a point of validation for their global warming views is just as hypocritical as conservatives using his views on gay marriage as validation for their views on that.
So, according to you, if you disagree with someone about an must disagree with them about every issue.
That pretty much sums up the partisan mindset - pick a side and stay there.

Which is precisely what is wrong with the original post. The one you are agreeing with.

How is this not freaking obvious?
Do I even need to point out the hypocrisy of the liberals who disagree with the Pope on gay marriage or abortion but agree with him on global warming? Funny they disagree with the Pope on morale and religious issues but not global warming which is hardly an area of expertise for the church. Final thought if the Pope had claimed global warming was a punishment from God for the nations sins and failing to follow Gods teachings I doubt few on the left would support that and few on the right would challenge it both sides have plenty of hypocrisy to go around on this topic.
You've got it backwards...The Pope agrees with 'Liberals' (and others concerned about climate change), not the other way 'round.
How does this change the hypocrisy point? Liberals using his agreeing with them as a point of validation for their global warming views is just as hypocritical as conservatives using his views on gay marriage as validation for their views on that.
So, according to you, if you disagree with someone about an must disagree with them about every issue.
That pretty much sums up the partisan mindset - pick a side and stay there.
Nope not it all my point is if your going to call some people hypocrites for agreeing with someone on some issues but not others in this case the Pope as the the OP did with the right you better be willing to acknowledge your own hypocrisy in agreeing with the same person again the Pope on some issues but not others.
You might have a point - except that the hypocrites cited in the OP constantly refer to religious authority (the Bible, Pope, etc) to back up their arguments.
Either the Bible and the Pope are right or they aren't...I thought they were supposed to be infallible.
That's where the hypocrisy lies and that's the point of the OP.
The OP (I'm guessing) is agreeing with the Pope on these matters - not citing him as an authority.

Please cite the bible verse that opposes global warming? The temperature and logic oppose it
Just some of the many, many examples of right wing hypocrisy regarding religiosity….

Agree with the Pope on rejecting same sex-marriages…

Disagree with the Pope on the devastating impacts of global warming

Agree with the Pope on banning all abortions

Disagree with the Pope on the evils of wealth inequalities

Agree with the Pope in not separating church from government

Disagree with the Pope on the moral responsibilities of taking in illegal immigrants

Pick and choose your religious beliefs?

Do you agree with every single thing Obama says? Do you agree with every single thing Hillary says? What's the difference? BTW...if someone did accept every single thing the Pope said you would simply argue that they are incapable of thinking for themselves so your motives here are easily identified.
The Op might have had a point if they had pointed to specific people instead of simply making a blanket statement about right wingers I would also point many on the left use the bible and Pope to back up their arguments that entitlement spending and looser imigration laws are part of the bibles command to help the poor and downtrodden. This takes us right back to people on both sides using religion and religious figures when it suits there pusposes and dismissing them when they don't.

I could almost.....almost, agree with you. Both Sts. Augustine and Aquinas spoke of God laws and moral laws.

I would ten to agree with the Pope on the moral issues but disagree with the Pope on God Laws (which really boil down to a bunch of ancient marketing gurus and advertising geniuses writing the Bible.)

There IS a difference between the two sets of "guidelines"...basically the difference between religiosity and morality......just ask your average would-be terrorist,

In other words, you can agree and disagreed with the pope as you please. If rws do, it's hypocrisy.

That, my friend, is what is generally called a double standard. Occasionally called hypocrisy.

Not to mention completely ironic:)
Which Right winger claimed to always agree with the Pope?

Most Catholics(non-clergy Catholics) do not always agree with the Pope! That is not hypocrisy, that is questioning and disagreeing with what the clergy is claiming.

Not only that, but Catholics are only bound by what he says officially as doctrine of the church. His own personal statements are not doctrine.
How is it hypocrisy to support someone when they are right and oppose the when they are wrong?

...because, like it or not, in the orthodoxy of religion, the Pope is not just "someone" to sometime agree and or disagree with.
The pope is infallible on the issues Conservatives support, not so infallible on those Conservatives oppose.

Cafeteria Catholicism?
what hyprocrisy? Thought the left always said the right we're sheep fool?

Oh, make no mistake, you still ARE part of the sheep herd when it comes to right wing're just hypocrites when it comes to adherence to religious gun toting/killings and capital punishment.
GOP presidential candidates enter the Catholic cafeteria National Catholic Reporter

A headline in the Washington Post Friday morning said, A Test of Faith: Pope Francis Puts GOP Hopefuls on the Defensive.” And, well, he might. After all, Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ is an affirmation of the scientific consensus on climate change, and very strong instruction that the world needs to do something about it… and fast. Most GOP candidates are at least climate change skeptics; some are outright deniers. Most, I suspect, would love to attract generous donations from fossil fuel interests. So, they are having a fit.
The pope is infallible on the issues Conservatives support, not so infallible on those Conservatives oppose.

Cafeteria Catholicism?

Indeed................and passages in the Bible (both testaments) support the "pick-n-choose" attitudes of right wingers; for example, they also do the same thing with the Constitution when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the15th amendment.
what hyprocrisy? Thought the left always said the right we're sheep fool?

Oh, make no mistake, you still ARE part of the sheep herd when it comes to right wing're just hypocrites when it comes to adherence to religious gun toting/killings and capital punishment.
again sorry to burst your bubble, I am against the death penalty, in your little mind you think all of us live in Massachusetts and all loved the mandate

You are a fool, we are not partisan sheep, like the past Democrat congress proved your side is.

You are the hypocrit to the max, by posting this thread

Woo hoo the pope agrees on climate change......

Your ilk cherry picks , not us.....
The pope is infallible on the issues Conservatives support, not so infallible on those Conservatives oppose.

Cafeteria Catholicism?

Indeed................and passages in the Bible (both testaments) support the "pick-n-choose" attitudes of right wingers; for example, they also do the same thing with the Constitution when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the15th amendment.
Lmfao you are getting upset that us Catholics won't vote for democrats and follow the popes ideas on man made climate change

Sorry pal us American Catholics are not sheep, bitch.........
Sorry pal us American Catholics are not sheep, bitch.........

Ahhhh, a true expression of how "wonderfully" a Catholic right winger's mind functions when challenged.

(Hey, Bear....can you say, "baaaaah"?)
Sorry pal us American Catholics are not sheep, bitch.........

Ahhhh, a true expression of how "wonderfully" a Catholic right winger's mind functions when challenged.

(Hey, Bear....can you say, "baaaaah"?)
see you getting real upset now, I don't tow the party or my religion line bitch, your the sheep, a partisan hack.... Not me

Did you also know I agree with the 1968 gun law and it should be enforced?

Also can't stand obama for not enforcing the federal drug laws on the books

You are the sheep not me, by a long shot bitch....
How is it hypocrisy to support someone when they are right and oppose the when they are wrong?

...because, like it or not, in the orthodoxy of religion, the Pope is not just "someone" to sometime agree and or disagree with.

You clearly don't understand religion then. The Pope only applies to the Catholic Church, thus, you can ignore him all you want unless you are....gasp....Catholic. Now let's consider the following:

"50% of Catholics voted for Al Gore versus 47% for George W. Bush in the very close 2000 election. 52% of Catholics voted for Bush's successful reelection compared to 47% for the Catholic John Kerry in 2004, versus 51% to 48% overall.[5] Barack Obama, who chose the Catholic Joe Biden as his running mate, received 54% of the Catholic vote in 2008 compared to John McCain's 45%, close to the overall 52% to 46%. In 2012 Obama and Biden faced Mitt Romney and the Catholic Paul Ryan. Obama won 50% of the Catholic vote to Romney's 48%, close to their 51% and 47%, respectively, of the overall vote."

Catholic Church and politics in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So it appears to me that if you are going to attempt to correlate "Catholic hypocrisy" to voting patterns it should be directed at Democrats and not Republicans.
So it appears to me that if you are going to attempt to correlate "Catholic hypocrisy" to voting patterns it should be directed at Democrats and not Republicans.

I don't think I stated "republicans" but, rather, "right wingers".....Now, if you're both................

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