AGW and Green Movement: Its ALL about the politics!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Those AGW advocates that post regularly in this forum are always talking about "the science".......or in their own words, "the real science".

In the bigger picture though, the science stands on its own. Clearly, it is having little impact on public policy ( Ive asked the AGW crowd to post up one single link showing me how it is mattering......2 years ago I asked......still zero:up: )

Like anything else in life, everything always boils down to the politics..............which are clearly unfavorable to environmentalists >>

The green movement has a Millennial problem - The Washington Post

Look at the history of the past 25 years.........the AGW crowd has been in the mode of perpetually throwing bombs with predictions of catastrophy that has played HUGE in the news and to what end? They've barely moved the goalposts a single yard. Cap and Trade is dead. Carbon trading...........dead. Every poll on Americans concern about global warming is listed in the area of about #21 or of 22 areas of concern. WTF??!!:uhh:. The fact is........when you talk incessantly about a "warming" earth and the country goes outside almost the whole year and must dress to protect against frostbite, the people aren't going to take you seriously...............thus, the politics.:thewave:. Most Americans cant even name the vice president and .............what...........they are going to be on the internet learning about the "real science"!!!!

Why do I have 100X more fun in here as compared to committed global warming nutters like Mamooth, ROlling Thunder and Crick? Because I know my side owns the politics...........which means Im winning ALL the time!!!

Some thoughts..........
Even Yale University recently wrote about how environmentalism as a movement is failing >>>

Environmental Failure br A Case for a New Green Politics by James Gustave Speth Yale Environment 360

How do they propose to change the landscape? Push against economic growth!!! Speaks to the "need to push the idea of significant lifestyle changes for all"

Yup..........that'll sure win the day politically!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Which is why I can say with 100% certainty to the AGW k00ks.....................

U'll lOsE!!!!
From the Yale article ( see link above )..............check out what the author says..............

"Today’s environmentalism also believes that problems can be solved at acceptable economic costs — and often with net economic benefit — without significant lifestyle changes or threats to economic growth. It will not hesitate to strike out at an environmentally damaging facility or development, but it sees itself, on balance, as a positive economic force"


Now can you see why progressive academic types are viewed as total mental cases??? Because they are...............they spend their lives in the realm of fantasy!!! Doesn't work in the real world.:woohoo:

These guys with zero connect the dots abilities. Imagine a candidate running on this platform............

"We must seize the day.........go boldly into our future with a comittment to a new world. No more more cell more fire places and you people who have gotten used to your air conditioning on hot summer days? FUCK YOU..............we embark on a new mission with great passion and desire!!!!"
AGW is EnviroMarxism and they have a lot of Useful Idiots in the Cult
Yep and what that is (IMHO), is simply a way to extort and to redistribute the wealth by all of these things in which they have joined up with or do create in these ways for such purposes.

I bet when a student walks in the door at their favorite college now, the first thing that hits them is activist wanting them to join a cause, and in that cause lay a whole separate economy built on such activism. Even the professors are in on the Bull Crap, and they promote their favorite destructive ideologies in which they pump out to these kids minds while there. I mean look at the weather so called underground, and where their members have ended up these days (in colleges as professors?), I mean your kidding me right ?
AGW is EnviroMarxism and they have a lot of Useful Idiots in the Cult
Yep and what that is (IMHO), is simply a way to extort and to redistribute the wealth by all of these things in which they have joined up with or do create in these ways for such purposes.

I bet when a student walks in the door at their favorite college now, the first thing that hits them is activist wanting them to join a cause, and in that cause lay a whole separate economy built on such activism. Even the professors are in on the Bull Crap, and they promote their favorite destructive ideologies in which they pump out to these kids minds while there. I mean look at the weather so called underground, and where their members have ended up these days (in colleges as professors?), I mean your kidding me right ?

The IPCC admitted there's no science and that it's all about redistribution of wealth
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AGW is EnviroMarxism and they have a lot of Useful Idiots in the Cult
Yep and what that is (IMHO), is simply a way to extort and to redistribute the wealth by all of these things in which they have joined up with or do create in these ways for such purposes.

I bet when a student walks in the door at their favorite college now, the first thing that hits them is activist wanting them to join a cause, and in that cause lay a whole separate economy built on such activism. Even the professors are in on the Bull Crap, and they promote their favorite destructive ideologies in which they pump out to these kids minds while there. I mean look at the weather so called underground, and where their members have ended up these days (in colleges as professors?), I mean your kidding me right ?

Fortunately, seems the mellennials aren't the same mindless dolts that embraced progressive causes back in the 60's, 70's and 80's.............

Why is Ron Paul so popular with college students

The big government progressives have weirded the college kids........they like their rights and privacy above all!! Theyve seen the Obama government in your face all the time crap and it is being rejected. Who knew we'd see a day when it was the young college kids that were going to end up saving America from the k00k progressives? Certainly not I!!:2up:
AGW is EnviroMarxism and they have a lot of Useful Idiots in the Cult
Yep and what that is (IMHO), is simply a way to extort and to redistribute the wealth by all of these things in which they have joined up with or do create in these ways for such purposes.

I bet when a student walks in the door at their favorite college now, the first thing that hits them is activist wanting them to join a cause, and in that cause lay a whole separate economy built on such activism. Even the professors are in on the Bull Crap, and they promote their favorite destructive ideologies in which they pump out to these kids minds while there. I mean look at the weather so called underground, and where their members have ended up these days (in colleges as professors?), I mean your kidding me right ?

The IPCC admitted there's no science and that's it's all about redistribution of wealth

Yep........all over the internet you can find UN training manuals for employee's and right on the cover, it talks about "sustainable growth of nations"...........and "redistribution" being essential.:ack-1::ack-1:
AGW is EnviroMarxism and they have a lot of Useful Idiots in the Cult
Yep and what that is (IMHO), is simply a way to extort and to redistribute the wealth by all of these things in which they have joined up with or do create in these ways for such purposes.

I bet when a student walks in the door at their favorite college now, the first thing that hits them is activist wanting them to join a cause, and in that cause lay a whole separate economy built on such activism. Even the professors are in on the Bull Crap, and they promote their favorite destructive ideologies in which they pump out to these kids minds while there. I mean look at the weather so called underground, and where their members have ended up these days (in colleges as professors?), I mean your kidding me right ?

The IPCC admitted there's no science and that's it's all about redistribution of wealth

Yep........all over the internet you can find UN training manuals for employee's and right on the cover, it talks about "sustainable growth of nations"...........and "redistribution" being essential.:ack-1::ack-1:

It's a Cult and the leaders behind the Hari Krishna Crazies handing out flyers like Trolling Blunder, Crick and Old Rocks, are laughing at how stupid and gullible the True Believers are! Hide the Decline, Mann's Nature Trick, IPCC admitting there no science to AGW that its about redistibution, and the Cult Crazies still hand out "Bow to the CO2 Molecule!!!!" Flyers. The Marxists pulling the strings are hysterical at how the puppets dance for them
AGW is EnviroMarxism and they have a lot of Useful Idiots in the Cult
Yep and what that is (IMHO), is simply a way to extort and to redistribute the wealth by all of these things in which they have joined up with or do create in these ways for such purposes.

I bet when a student walks in the door at their favorite college now, the first thing that hits them is activist wanting them to join a cause, and in that cause lay a whole separate economy built on such activism. Even the professors are in on the Bull Crap, and they promote their favorite destructive ideologies in which they pump out to these kids minds while there. I mean look at the weather so called underground, and where their members have ended up these days (in colleges as professors?), I mean your kidding me right ?

The IPCC admitted there's no science and that it's all about redistribution of wealth
Obama and his minions are the worst abusers of this to date I believe.

Zero input from the religion........because they have the political IQ's of a bunch of small soap dishes.

Throw up anything that counters the AGW religion and they are in the thread like white on rice!!

But still losing.:spinner:
Most denier threads these days should be moved into the conspiracy folder, along with Skook's stories of chemtrails and the faked moon landing.

There's really no other way to respond to them. Skook is just crazy, well beyond the reach of rational thought, and even mocking him grows tiresome.
Most denier threads these days should be moved into the conspiracy folder, along with Skook's stories of chemtrails and the faked moon landing.

There's really no other way to respond to them. Skook is just crazy, well beyond the reach of rational thought, and even mocking him grows tiresome.

Conjecture with zero links is ghey.:spinner::spinner:

Might be crazy.........but love all the winning!!!
Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them when the inevitable happens. A rising sea level alone will see to that.
Like anything else in life, everything always boils down to the politics..............which are clearly unfavorable to environmentalists >>

The green movement has a Millennial problem - The Washington Post

Your linked article says that while millennials are less likely to label themselves as enviros, they are more likely to back AGW, according to a 2011 Pew survey.

Yep....and PEW also noted that on a list of 22 concerns of the public, AGW was #21.:up:

Just sayin'............nobody cares about this shit!!!:desk:
Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them when the inevitable happens. A rising sea level alone will see to that.

hide the decline

Mann's nature trick

East Angelic Data Fudging University

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.
Like anything else in life, everything always boils down to the politics..............which are clearly unfavorable to environmentalists >>

The green movement has a Millennial problem - The Washington Post

Your linked article says that while millennials are less likely to label themselves as enviros, they are more likely to back AGW, according to a 2011 Pew survey.

Yep....and PEW also noted that on a list of 22 concerns of the public, AGW was #21.:up:

Just sayin'............nobody cares about this shit!!!:desk:

21 or 22 seems appropriate. Millennials rate it higher because they've been bombarded by propaganda in school for years.

I'm the opposite of a millennial (a Gen X self-identified enviro who doesn't care about warming).
My concerns are deforestation, nuke war and nuke waste, garbage and sewage in the ocean, oil spills, groundwater pollution from fracking, etc.. AGW from CO2 doesn't come close to breaking my top 20 concerns.

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