AGW and Green Movement: Its ALL about the politics!!!

Like anything else in life, everything always boils down to the politics..............which are clearly unfavorable to environmentalists >>

The green movement has a Millennial problem - The Washington Post

Your linked article says that while millennials are less likely to label themselves as enviros, they are more likely to back AGW, according to a 2011 Pew survey.

Yep....and PEW also noted that on a list of 22 concerns of the public, AGW was #21.:up:

Just sayin'............nobody cares about this shit!!!:desk:

21 or 22 seems appropriate. Millennials rate it higher because they've been bombarded by propaganda in school for years.

I'm the opposite of a millennial (a Gen X self-identified enviro who doesn't care about warming).
My concerns are deforestation, nuke war and nuke waste, garbage and sewage in the ocean, oil spills, groundwater pollution from fracking, etc.. AGW from CO2 doesn't come close to breaking my top 20 concerns.

Yep....well the fallout from Fukishima finally arrives here on our coast during this year.......when Ive posted up threads, it is met with a gigantic yawn by all of the AGW crowd in here.

Radiation from Fukishima Reactor Reaches Canadian Coast eCanadaNow

Zero level of concern from these idiots.

I am with you on the nukes my friend!!
Frank and Beagle, why do you think, Obama is the messiah? That's just weird, the way most deniers worship the guy.

I see Skook is also hysterical about Fukushima radiation arriving. even though it's already arrived.

The summary of that would be Fukushima has increased radioactive caesium levels in the northern Pacific (and not anywhere else) to levels last seen in the 1980s, when the caesium from atmospheric A-bomb tests hadn't decayed away so much . And yet we all survived the 1980s, or the previous decades when radioactive fallout levels all across the globe were much higher.
Frank and Beagle, why do you think, Obama is the messiah? That's just weird, the way most deniers worship the guy.

I see Skook is also hysterical about Fukushima radiation arriving. even though it's already arrived.

The summary of that would be Fukushima has increased radioactive caesium levels in the northern Pacific (and not anywhere else) to levels last seen in the 1980s, when the caesium from atmospheric A-bomb tests hadn't decayed away so much . And yet we all survived the 1980s, or the previous decades when radioactive fallout levels all across the globe were much higher.
Probably is what all the cancer is about now in the nation... You said 1980's right, and then we see people dying left and right from cancer these days ? Now that would be the better studies worth investigating...
Frank and Beagle, why do you think, Obama is the messiah? That's just weird, the way most deniers worship the guy.

I see Skook is also hysterical about Fukushima radiation arriving. even though it's already arrived.

The summary of that would be Fukushima has increased radioactive caesium levels in the northern Pacific (and not anywhere else) to levels last seen in the 1980s, when the caesium from atmospheric A-bomb tests hadn't decayed away so much . And yet we all survived the 1980s, or the previous decades when radioactive fallout levels all across the globe were much higher.

Obama is your Messiah. He lowered the seas
Most denier threads these days should be moved into the conspiracy folder, along with Skook's stories of chemtrails and the faked moon landing.

There's really no other way to respond to them. Skook is just crazy, well beyond the reach of rational thought, and even mocking him grows tiresome.
And here responds the evidence of Skooks writings. Number one uno!! Mantooth all unknowing on the message board!! ah yes, mantooth has a pleasant visit everyday to set forth lie and insult the American way!!!
Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them when the inevitable happens. A rising sea level alone will see to that.
and at that point what difference does it make?

Edit: BTW, look up the definition of inevitable you goof!!!!
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always about the politics..........always will be ( except for the religion )

Well over two years ago, I asked every AGW bozo to post up a SINGLE link that displayed to observers of the forum........where is the science mattering?

Even the dang crickets stopped chirping long ago...............:oops-28:
Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them when the inevitable happens. A rising sea level alone will see to that.

Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them

They already know. It's any nutjob like yourself who tries to convince others that global warming / climate change is real, that it's a threat, and that its man-made. :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

AGW/CC is a lie.
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Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them when the inevitable happens. A rising sea level alone will see to that.

Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them

They already know. It's any nutjob like yourself who tries to convince others that global warming / climate change is real, that it's a threat, and that its man-made. :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

AGW/CC is a lie.
Yes, and it is something that someone figured out a good while back that the masses would be confused on this forever. Meanwhile or in the meantime the treasury is robbed over this farce or disguise that is really a huge scam and bank job/heist in which they have been working this nation over and on.
Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them when the inevitable happens. A rising sea level alone will see to that.

Problem here is that people are going to remember just who was bullshitting them

They already know. It's any nutjob like yourself who tries to convince others that global warming / climate change is real, that it's a threat, and that its man-made. :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

AGW/CC is a lie.
Yes, and it is something that someone figured out a good while back that the masses would be confused on this forever. Meanwhile or in the meantime the treasury is robbed over this farce or disguise that is really a huge scam and bank job/heist in which they have been working this nation over and on.

They might be somewhat confused ( the AGW people talking about a warming world and 90% of the country is frozen solid right matters!!) but every single solitary poll shows clearly: the American public, despite hearing 2 decades of bomb throwing scare tactics, don't give a flying fuck about global warming!!! In 2014, the optics suck for the advocates of global warming/green energy. Epic levels of suck, in fact!!! LOL.....go look a the thread on electric vehicles on the face page of this forum!!! Nobody is buying electric vehicles and sales are so low, it is probable that some companies will be going out of business ( posted up new report yesterday)!!! The AGW folks promised years ago that sales would be through the roof. They're all......nobody cares!!!:spinner:

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