Aha. More Biden evidence. He used a fake name for some emails as VP

He had a gun he should not have had and his whore at the time threw it away in a garbage bin near a kids playground. And you’re defending him. You are a person of questionable character
What did I say that made you think I defended that?! Quote me. You won’t
If you have to spend 5 years investigating a guy and in the end all you have are paperwork filing charges then that’s pretty weak. But if laws were broken then bust him. I expect you to support the trump tax charges int he same way. But here you are off in some alternate universe claiming crimes that still can’t be proven after 5 years. Get real
Everything is Trump with you.

The Bidens are dirty. Period. End of story.
Speaking of two-tiered justice systems isn't it amazing that Trump isn't sitting in jail awaiting trial like anybody else out on bail and violating their terms of release would be?
That's not what makes it a two tier justice system. Simp people are placed in jail because of a flight risk. And furthermore he's not going to be locked up because fake made up crimes make a free man.
That's not what makes it a two tier justice system. Simp people are placed in jail because of a flight risk. And furthermore he's not going to be locked up because fake made up crimes make a free man.
You want to list which ones of the 91 felony charges Trump is looking at and maybe explain how they are just "made up?"
Otherwise STFU.
That's not what makes it a two tier justice system. Simp people are placed in jail because of a flight risk. And furthermore he's not going to be locked up because fake made up crimes make a free man.
Can you name one crime specifically that is fake and made up?
Can you name one crime specifically that is fake and made up?
All of them everything Trump has been charged with was twisted from its intended purpose jack smith is a dumbass not to have learned from the last time the supreme court bitched slapped him.
All of them everything Trump has been charged with was twisted from its intended purpose jack smith is a dumbass not to have learned from the last time the supreme court bitched slapped him.
Gee how did I know you wouldn’t name one specific crime and you’de use the dimwitted excuse… “All of them”

Cop out.

But I’ll play. Since you said all of them… I’ll pick one…

Conspiracy to defraud the government.

See that’s a real crime. Here’s the law:

The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense "f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose

So as you can see… you’re a moron who can’t back up the shit you spew
That happens in a two tier justice system. Hell simp hunter almost got by with a sweet heart deal.
You can believe and talk all the silly speculative shit you want skippy, but your opinion doesn't change the fact that Trump is facing the rest of his life behind bars and Joe Biden so far has no charges on him.
Whining about the justice system doesn't change a thing.
All of them everything Trump has been charged with was twisted from its intended purpose jack smith is a dumbass not to have learned from the last time the supreme court bitched slapped him.
So you really don't even know what Trump has been charged with do you simp?
Bullshit. Prove that Trump betrayed his oath to the Constitution. If they had any evidence at all they wouldn't need all those fake indictments. If questioning an election is a 'coup' and we had a real honest AG, Hillary would be in jail.

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