Aha. More Biden evidence. He used a fake name for some emails as VP

Vice President Biden used another name for emails. See:

Now Comer wants them all. 👍

It keeps on coming on. I guess that’s the nature of coverups once they get actual scrutiny.
Wow y’all are desperate. It’s quite sad. You should be embarrassed
Oh, a laptop existed. One supplied by the Russians, using data they hacked from Hunter Biden's laptop during one of his blackout binges in Ukraine.

It's not complicated, but the commiesuckers here just can't grasp it. Or at least they pretend not to do so, on orders from Moscow.
They don't realize that nothing on the laptop can be used in court because there are 4-5 know copies of the hard drives. And all could have been manipulated.
Do you have a link to any actual crimes he has been indicted for thus far?
He’s a sitting President. He isn’t charged with anything.

He might yet get impeaxhed, though. The investigation into what may very well be an old pay to play scheme is
Speaking of Trump (and common sense) I'm glad you brought him up.

I didn’t. You did. Man alive. You lie like a fuckin’ rug.

Beyond that, you’re off topic. I decline to play your transparent games. 😎
Wow y’all are desperate. It’s quite sad. You should be embarrassed
Not a hint of desperation. In fact, I’m not even close to desperate. It may be fun to see how this pans out. Looking forward to the prospect of the Brandon impeachment.

He should be embarrassed. And for supporting that man, you should feel deep and abiding shame.
Not a hint of desperation. In fact, I’m not even close to desperate. It may be fun to see how this pans out. Looking forward to the prospect of the Brandon impeachment.

He should be embarrassed. And for supporting that man, you should feel deep and abiding shame.
Of course you’re desperate… you're creating threads about emails with an Alias…. Going after the guys kid for the last 5 years trying to paint the dad as a criminal. All to justify Trumps failed October surprise. It’s sad.

Hate to burst your bubble but Biden isn’t getting impeached
Of course you’re desperate… you're creating threads about emails with an Alias…. Going after the guys kid for the last 5 years trying to paint the dad as a criminal. All to justify Trumps failed October surprise. It’s sad.

Hate to burst your bubble but Biden isn’t getting impeached
Biden definitely is dirty. Impeaching him is dumb. Let him run. Dirty Biden is easier to beat than Newsome,
Biden definitely is dirty. Impeaching him is dumb. Let him run. Dirty Biden is easier to beat than Newsome,
Typically when we use the word “definitely” it means it’s proven. Can you prove it or are you just stating an opinion based on third hand information you’ve heard in the media?
Are you sugfesting without evidence that some crime is being covered up?
If so what crime?
No. Don’t be so plodding.

I am suggesting WITH evidence that there is reason (there are millions of reasons, actually) to believe that there were crimes committed. And, of course, it is just as reasonable to assume that they wouldn’t want any criminality exposed.

But please feel free to hide your eyes.

It will all pan out one way or the other over time.
Typically when we use the word “definitely” it means it’s proven. Can you prove it or are you just stating an opinion based on third hand information you’ve heard in the media?
You’re kidding, right? He blatantly lied during the debates. He is dirty. 10% for the big guy.

He might yet get impeaxhed, though. The investigation into what may very well be an old pay to play scheme is
Selective outrage much bitch?
I don't see that you were whining much or launching OP's "not really accusing anybody of anything" (your words) about it back when Trump was lining his pockets off the presidency.
So....either you have a REALLY short short memory......
or you are a dishonest, lying poser.
Which is it?

American Constitution Society

Law and Policy Analysis

OCTOBER 1, 2019

Profiting off the Presidency: Trump’s Violations of the Emoluments Clauses​

GABE LEZRA Staff Counsel, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington


This blog is one in a series of blogs in a symposium examining different legal aspects of the impeachment inquiry of President Trump. View the entire Impeachment Blog Symposium.
President Donald Trump has been violating the Constitution since noon on January 20, 2017. His decision in the months prior to his inauguration to retain ownership and control of his sprawling business empire—a move that went against both long-standing historical practice and the advice of career government ethics officials—put him at odds with the Constitution’s original anti-corruption provisions the moment he was sworn in. Generally, these anti-corruption provisions, the so-called Emoluments Clauses, prohibit the president from receiving any profit, gain, or advantage from any foreign or domestic government. Impeachment, as outlined by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 65, is a political remedy (though not the only remedy) for a president’s egregious violations of these prohibitions.

You’re kidding, right? He blatantly lied during the debates. He is dirty. 10% for the big guy.

Interesting. Is that your standard for impeachment. Lying to the public? Is that a universal standard or just applicable to Biden? Are you sure Joe knew about the money his son made? He would have to know about it for it to be a lie, right?
Interesting. Is that your standard for impeachment. Lying to the public? Is that a universal standard or just applicable to Biden?
When did I say he should be impeached? You lied again. At least you’re consistent. Biden lied. Red handed, you turn a blind eye. You’re still such a dishonest and awful person. You lie to yourself daily. Don’t lie to me.
When did I say he should be impeached? You lied again. At least you’re consistent. Biden lied. Red handed, you turn a blind eye. You’re still such a dishonest and awful person. You lie to yourself daily. Don’t lie to me.
Oh my bad you didn’t say he would be impeached. I misread

I didn’t lie. I was mistaken. There’s a difference. Happens with EVERYBODY
Of course you’re desperate… you're creating threads about emails with an Alias…. Going after the guys kid for the last 5 years trying to paint the dad as a criminal. All to justify Trumps failed October surprise. It’s sad.

Hate to burst your bubble but Biden isn’t getting impeached
Zzz. Nah. But you’re free to believe it if it makes you feel better.😎
Selective outrage much
Not at all. Everyone should be disgusted with Brandon. Even you.

Tha balance of your screed is off topic. As you know. Still not biting. 👍
Bullshit. Nice try and nice diversion. You watched it live and in living color. Biden lied.
There’s not bullshit in what I said. I was talking about the impeachment comment and a mistake I made reading your post. Not a lie. You turn into such a drama Queen and hyberolize everything. Why do you do that?

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