Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

I remember you.....you're the slime that slandered the American hero Jos. McCarthy.....and I made you eat your words.

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

I challenged you to name even one.......and you did your best:

“Let me give you one that was more famous and was part of the take down of McCarthy, Frederick G. Fisher, Jr .”
Yea Or Nay?

And then I destroyed you:
He fought against communism and communists.

After you claimed he ruined hundreds and thousands of lives of innocent Americans......
“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.” Yea Or Nay?

....you couldn't find a single one of such.

And when you claimed this one...
“Let me give you one that was more famous and was part of the take down of McCarthy, Frederick G. Fisher, Jr .”

Yea Or Nay?

....I proved that his own law partner, Welch, had outed him weeks before McCarthy mentioned his connections with communist front groups,....post #173

You remain a perfect example of the indelibility of the indoctrination of government schooling.

You must be a Democrat victim...I mean voter, huh?
Oh yes, that great American hero, Joseph McCarthy. So many historians and politicians from all parties agree with you. That is why there are so may statues built for him.

There is no way of knowing which lynchings were justified or not. I bet the vast majority of the lynched were guilty of whatever they were accused of. Blacks have proven themselves to quite the violent ones in our day and age.

But hey, lynchings are long gone and we have Democrat policies keeping blacks in check right? How is that working out? Far more blacks die because of these policies than ever did from lynchings. But you prefer it that way, because a bunch of white men hanging a black rapist or murderer is just too much for you to handle.
Wait how can a lynching be justified?
“We used to walk around committing hate crimes all day." - Travis McMichael
Yeah, who gives a shit about due process.
No silly man, the topic is about negroes today and their rampant crime rates. They kill each other way more than there were ever lynchings. All I am saying is modern day Democrat policy has led to more deaths of black people than lynching did back in the day. Those are the facts. It’s not “justifying” lynching or saying it should be brought back. It’s saying Democrat politicians and their policies should be thrown in the trash bin of history.
The first crime was due to carrying a handgun onto school property. The other crime was for fleeing police. His criminal records also show two separate police encounters in which Arbery threatened
and cursed at officers.

Yea he was a real menace to society. How many white boys came to school with shotguns and rifles in their pickup trucks when I was in school. Fleeing from police that is worthy of the Death Penalty. Two seperate encounters, hell getting pulled over for speeding is a encounter with police.

Give it up, there was NO justification for the murder these 3 racist rednecks committed and their asses will never see the light of day.
Oh yes, that great American hero, Joseph McCarthy. So many historians and politicians from all parties agree with you. That is why there are so may statues built for him.

Actually, you are the proof that I am correct.....I always am.

But to smash that custard pie in your ugly kisser was certainly proof that you believe every Leftist lie.

Clearly there are no 'innocent Americans whose lives were ruined by McCarthy."

Bet you believed all the lies about Trump, too.....

McCarthy warned about Soviet spies and fellow travelers in sensitive government positions.....and he has been proven right....certainly by you.

“… I would like to call attention to the principle of jurisprudence “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” (False in one thing, false in all). Although written in Latin, it’s English common law from the early 17th century, stating that “a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible to testify about any matter.” Durham Reveals Democrats Behaving Like KGB; Is More Coming?
No silly man, the topic is about negroes today and their rampant crime rates.
No JB Stoner, the topic is about 3 racist, redneck cowards that murdered a young, innocent black man.
They kill each other way more than there were ever lynchings.
It is sick that you would even try to justify lynching, that's sick within itself.
All I am saying is modern day Democrat policy has led to more deaths of black people than lynching did back in the day. Those are the facts.
What policies would that be?
It’s not “justifying” lynching or saying it should be brought back. It’s saying Democrat politicians and their policies should be thrown in the trash bin of history.
Isn't that ironic, it is Republicans who fight to keep those policies in place. It's Republicans today that fight against the John Lewis Voting Rights bill, the George Floyd Police Reform bill.
Yea he was a real menace to society. How many white boys came to school with shotguns and rifles in their pickup trucks when I was in school. Fleeing from police that is worthy of the Death Penalty. Two seperate encounters, hell getting pulled over for speeding is a encounter with police.

Give it up, there was NO justification for the murder these 3 racist rednecks committed and their asses will never see the light of day.
I may have mentioned this before

To put it simply, blacks have worn me out with their constant complaints

By attacking the police your side (meaning blacks and woke white libs) has caused a vast increase in crime

no more

in those rare cases of police misconduct juries will decide

Unless i am on that jury I simply dont care how many criminals with the Black Brain Disease get theirs
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This is a messy icky thread.
I'm pretty sure I see more than a little racism and bigotry against blacks hiding behind some sort of 'they deserve it' mantra.
And some moke, I forget his avatar name, but some moke trying to explain that he thinks lynchings can be "justified".

'Justified'!....in America.

I opened the links the good poster Mac-7 offered in post #184.
I read this:
"Unlike the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, many conservatives sided with the prosecution in the Ahmaud Arbery case as they believed the actions of the three defendants were driven by race and that they acted as vigilantes."

'Driven by race......as vigilantes'? Who woulda ever imagined that?
Then I read this in Mac-7's links:

"Judge Timonthy Walmsley barred damaging information about the defendants and the victim — calling some of the material too inflammatory and prejudicial.

After Travis MicMichael shot Arbery, who is black, in the torso twice, he allegedly blurted "F—ing n——" as the 25-year-old took his final breaths, according to Bryan's statement to an investigator."

I love this bar. There be nutters here. But kinda sorta informative ones, in a way ----as their example offers all a stark illustration of a certain mindset.
Kind of a repellent one, I might add.
Isn't that ironic, it is Republicans who fight to keep those policies in place. It's Republicans today that fight against the John Lewis Voting Rights bill, the George Floyd Police Reform bill
Republicans are fighting to keep Democrat policies? :cuckoo:

Democrats have been running every major urban shithole for decades. Their failed policies of allowing criminals to thrive and let loose on the streets keeps black neighborhoods unsafe, drug use rampant, kids with lowest IQs, highest unemployment rates, illiteracy rates, highest crime rates, families with no fathers, highest murder rates. Yea, Dems have done so much good for blacks! Keep voting Dem, now you’ll even get free crack pipes from Biden! That will really make things better!
I may have mentioned this before

To put it simply, blacks have worn me out with their constant complaints
Well most racist don't really want to hear anything from black folks, so it's no surprise.
By attacking the police your side (meaning blacks and woke white libs) has caused a vast increase in crime

no more
More racist propaganda.
in those rare cases of police misconduct juries will decide.
Unfortunately too many juries are made up of folks like you, so Justice is never done. Police Reform would do so much more in the quest of Justice.

Unless i am on that jury I simply dont care how many criminals with the Black Brain Disease get theirs.
Well most racist don't care when black folks are murdered by police, so nothing new to see here.
Republicans are fighting to keep Democrat policies? :cuckoo:
Yep those policies from the 50s and 60s.
Democrats have been running every major urban shithole for decades. Their failed policies of allowing criminals to thrive and let loose on the streets keeps black neighborhoods unsafe, drug use rampant, kids with lowest IQs, highest unemployment rates, illiteracy rates, highest crime rates, families with no fathers, highest murder rates. Yea, Dems have done so much good for blacks! Keep voting Dem, now you’ll even get free crack pipes from Biden! That will really make things better!
What have Republicans been doing for all these decades? Not a damn thing.

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