Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

The Democrat Party of the 1950's and into the 60's was horribly racist. You're the dip-shit. Faggot
I get it. You're embarrassed. Not only did you say something stupid, you said something that was the complete opposite of reality. Frankly you should be embarrassed. Not just for getting basic history wrong but for this coward strategy you morons have decided to adopt by trying to paint today's Democratic Party as the party of racists. It's not convincing. No one buys it. Black Americans certainly don't, they vote with the Democratic Party by a margin of over 90%. Who is this a convincing argument to? Its a cowards argument from cowards and cucks who have to live their lives pretending they aren't racists because they know that's a losing position. Honestly I love the fact that white racists have to live their lives pretending in shame. I find that hilarious.

To answer your back-pedaling (previously you said most democrats in the 60s opposed civil rights, this is factually wrong as per the record of the passage of the Civil Rights Act), that the Democratic Party of the 50s and 60s was horrible racist, my response to you is no shit. America itself was horribly racist as the America of the 50s and early 60s was an apartheid state. But a large part of the Democratic Party included black democrats. Certainly you aren't suggesting they were racist against themselves? Those black democrats cucked the white racists in their Party and took it from them. Those cowards fled to the Republicans. It's why today you only find Republicans defending statues of Confederates, who were the most racist Democrats.
he initiated the problem by going inside private property. and he had committed crime before = he was up to no good
............he went inside private property. if he had minded his own business and didn't trespass, nothing would have happened
whether he was guilty in that specific incident or not he still ended up dead because he was stupid
................he’s dead because he’s stupid
I dunno guys.

Has there been testimony that the white murderers actually saw him in the under-construction house?
Testimony that they saw him pick up anything or remove it from the site?
Testimony that they knew he had allegedly committed a crime in the past, as the poster harryo alleges.

I think the victim made a relatively common mistake of minor tresspass onto a construction site. But, if he took nothing, the murderers saw him take nothing, may not have even seen him on the site, and yet.....they had let white folks on several occasions also trespass at that site without shooting them.....well, it is hard to argue that they ain't racists murderers.
And should get every inch of what they got comin' to them
(no offense Ned Beatty).

I've tresspassed myself, oh about a gabillion times. I used to be builder when much younger. I still went onto sites of other builders. For a whole variety of reasons.

So, the upshot is that the victim is NOT dead because he was 'stupid'. He made a common mistake. But that is no justification for killing him in the middle of the road....and then screaming "Ni**er" at him as he lay dying.

I would argue that the victim is dead because the three murderers were.......hold for it......stupid.

And racist.
This bitch an idiot too.

you seem to be raising a new goal post that I dont reconize

is she the neighbor who called 911?
I dunno guys.

Has there been testimony that the white murderers actually saw him in the under-construction house?
Testimony that they saw him pick up anything or remove it from the site?
Testimony that they knew he had allegedly committed a crime in the past, as the poster harryo alleges.

I think the victim made a relatively common mistake of minor tresspass onto a construction site. But, if he took nothing, the murderers saw him take nothing, may not have even seen him on the site, and yet.....they had let white folks on several occasions also trespass at that site without shooting them.....well, it is hard to argue that they ain't racists murderers.
And should get every inch of what they got comin' to them
(no offense Ned Beatty).

I've tresspassed myself, oh about a gabillion times. I used to be builder when much younger. I still went onto sites of other builders. For a whole variety of reasons.

So, the upshot is that the victim is NOT dead because he was 'stupid'. He made a common mistake. But that is no justification for killing him in the middle of the road....and then screaming "Ni**er" at him as he lay dying.

I would argue that the victim is dead because the three murderers were.......hold for it......stupid.

And racist.
thats a weak reply to my argument
you seem to be raising a new goal post that I dont reconize

is she the neighbor who called 911?

thats a weak reply to my argument
Maryland photo of ashti babbitt the idiot who did something stupid at the Capitol.
Maryland photo of ashti babbitt the idiot who did something stupid at the Capitol.
Yes, I think she got carried aeay and paid for it with her life

but that doesnt alter the fact that abrey was stupid and paid it it with his life too
he initiated the problem by going inside private property. and he had committed crime before = he was up to no good
If that does not warrant the death penalty, I do not know what does. Those 3 great, fat faced, white supremacists saved the government the cost of a trial, confinement and execution by doing it all, right there is the street in 15 minutes.
What great patriots. And they are being put in jail for life. Unbelievable.
What is unbelievable are dumbasses like harryo. He is an embarrassment to the USA,. I would like to throw his sorry ass out of our country. That is positive vigilantism
If that does not warrant the death penalty, I do not know what does. Those 3 great, fat faced, white supremacists saved the government the cost of a trial, confinement and execution by doing it all, right there is the street in 15 minutes.
What great patriots. And they are being put in jail for life. Unbelievable.
What is unbelievable are dumbasses like harryo. He is an embarrassment to the USA,. I would like to throw his sorry ass out of our country. That is positive vigilantism
Bet one has already cried in jail...
Hate crime laws are unconstitutional. Hate, including hate speech, is constitutionally protected. Murder, on the other hand, is not. Just put the three of them to death and get it over with.
Hate crime laws are unconstitutional. Hate, including hate speech, is constitutionally protected. Murder, on the other hand, is not. Just put the three of them to death and get it over with.

The Wehrmacht....er, Democrats, demand the 'right' to dictate what you are thinking. Hence, making it a crime to think other than their orthodoxy.....creating 'hate crimes.'
The Wehrmacht....er, Democrats, demand the 'right' to dictate what you are thinking. Hence, making it a crime to think other than their orthodoxy.....creating 'hate crimes.'
It is perfectly normal to hate Trump minions, who are bringing down our democracy, but it is not OK to shoot one.
There are those who think the Trump minions are so dangerous to our Republic they should be shot.
Hate crime laws could protect Trump minions from being shot.
It is perfectly normal to hate Trump minions, who are bringing down our democracy, but it is not OK to shoot one.
There are those who think the Trump minions are so dangerous to our Republic they should be shot.
Hate crime laws could protect Trump minions from being shot.

I remember you.....you're the slime that slandered the American hero Jos. McCarthy.....and I made you eat your words.

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

I challenged you to name even one.......and you did your best:

“Let me give you one that was more famous and was part of the take down of McCarthy, Frederick G. Fisher, Jr .”
Yea Or Nay?

And then I destroyed you:
He fought against communism and communists.

After you claimed he ruined hundreds and thousands of lives of innocent Americans......
“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.” Yea Or Nay?

....you couldn't find a single one of such.

And when you claimed this one...
“Let me give you one that was more famous and was part of the take down of McCarthy, Frederick G. Fisher, Jr .”

Yea Or Nay?

....I proved that his own law partner, Welch, had outed him weeks before McCarthy mentioned his connections with communist front groups,....post #173

You remain a perfect example of the indelibility of the indoctrination of government schooling.

You must be a Democrat victim...I mean voter, huh?

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