Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial


(every now and then, one can get a threefer on this venue)
To wit:
You are on the wrong side of this one, good poster ......protectionist. Hint: Three unanimous verdicts of murder by a jury of peers.

Personally, I think the victim was availing himself of the "stand-your-ground' ethic of defending oneself against attackers. After all, he was a young man out for a regular jog. They pursued him, verbally accosted him, threatened him, pointed a gun at him. And when he 'stood-his-ground'.....they killed him.

Then, as testimony showed, as he lay gasping for life's breath in the middle of the road.......his killers screamed 'F*cking N*gger' at his dying body.

Yupper, in good poster Protectionist's worldview......there's not a thing wrong with any of that.
My avatar, though, will demur.
It's not certain at all that he was just out for a jog. That Arbery may have trespassed, maybe even stole hammer - and may not - is not justification to chase and threaten him with a gun.
I was able to watch the trial. The video was only the last portion of the pursuit. They had been actively chasing him in vehicles for some time. The videographer bad guy had actually sideswiped him with his truck previously. We must remember, they are chasing him around in vehicles, but didn't call the police until after the murder. If you see someone you think has committed a crime, you call the police. You do not try to run them down, hit them with your truck, etc. Thats what a racist does, a racist who didn't chase down anyone else, and who may just disappear him.

As to what do if someone is threatening you with a firearm. If Arbery himself had been armed, he would have been fully justified under state statutes to shoot them in self defense.

The McMichaels' proved their racism by their own words but, in other cases, these stories could be more about vigilantism than racism - based on the chase without calling the police. In either case, they'd have been wrong. But we know that racism was most certainly a factor for them, even if they really thought it was their job to chase down all potential criminals.
Only racists sideswipe people with trucks?

thats news

but if they intended to kill him no matter what why not just run over him and be done with it?
Not only racists hit people with vehicles but also racists do so. McMichaels' were clearly racists by their own words.

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