Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

Uh, no, you don't know. If you did know, you would have been saying the third guy was wrongfully charged with murder.
This conversation is getting repeative and boring

there are more important things to discuss than black criminals in the hood who get themselves killed
This conversation is getting repeative and boring

there are more important things to discuss than black criminals in the hood who get themselves killed
This thread is about the 3 white criminals serving life in prison for his death. Just more you don't understand.
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This thread is about the 3 white criminals serving life in prison for his death. Just more you don't understand.
I think everyone has said all there is to say

certainly you and Superbadbrutha just chanting the same old stuff and my replies remain the same also
I think everyone has said all there is to say

certainly you and Superbadbrutha just chanting the same old stuff and my replies remain the same also
I was able to watch the trial. The video was only the last portion of the pursuit. They had been actively chasing him in vehicles for some time. The videographer bad guy had actually sideswiped him with his truck previously. We must remember, they are chasing him around in vehicles, but didn't call the police until after the murder. If you see someone you think has committed a crime, you call the police. You do not try to run them down, hit them with your truck, etc. Thats what a racist does, a racist who didn't chase down anyone else, and who may just disappear him.

As to what do if someone is threatening you with a firearm. If Arbery himself had been armed, he would have been fully justified under state statutes to shoot them in self defense.
I was able to watch the trial. The video was only the last portion of the pursuit. They had been actively chasing him in vehicles for some time. The videographer bad guy had actually sideswiped him with his truck previously. We must remember, they are chasing him around in vehicles, but didn't call the police until after the murder. If you see someone you think has committed a crime, you call the police. You do not try to run them down, hit them with your truck, etc. Thats what a racist does, a racist who didn't chase down anyone else, and who may just disappear him.

As to what do if someone is threatening you with a firearm. If Arbery himself had been armed, he would have been fully justified under state statutes to shoot them in self defense.
Only racists sideswipe people with trucks?

thats news

but if they intended to kill him no matter what why not just run over him and be done with it?
Translation: He was white.....the fact is he did nothing wrong
[that was in reference to neighbor Roddy]
felony murder is when a white person kills someone who is black......then libs add a phony bs hate crime on top of that

Yes, the poster Mac7 is right. The exchanges on this thread are getting repetitive.

But, in my avatar's humble opinion, the avatar Mac7 is coming across as an unrepentant racist.
Time and time again, he attempts to lay the fault on the now murdered jogger.
A jogger who not done anything wrong, yet was pursued, threatend, attacked, and then murdered.

But some specifics, that I just pulled from the latest posts: (see the two pulled quotes above)

Poster Mac7 attempts to argue that neighbor Roddy did nothing wrong.
The 24 member juries who heard and read all of the evidence presented....from the prosecuiton.... AND...from the defense ---disagree with Mac7. All 24 disagree. Unanimously.

Neighbor Roddy followed the chase, video'g it.
He was there at the death.
In fact, it was his testimony that the shooter screamed at the gasping victim...."You f*cking N*gger".
His testimony that that the jogger was threatened by the killers with "Stop or we'll blow your f*cking head off".
In short, he was an integral part of the action.

And then, damningly.....he knew he had the revealing video.
He shared it with the shooter and the father.
He did not reveal to the police he had that video.
He could have. He should have.

And then, in the subsequent 'hate crime' trial.....his social media messaging was as damning to him as the shooter's was to the shooter. In short, racial animus was clearly conveyed in communications by Roddy.
He got a 1st degree murder conviction by a unanimous decision of 12 jurors who heard all of the evidence ----- that poster Mac7 did not.

Guilty. As charged.

And then Mac7....states: "then libs add a phony bs hate crime on top of that".*

(ps....Mac, "libs" didn't do it. Prosecutors did.)

As if, poster Mac7 listened to, or read, the social messaging of the father and son, and the neighbor.
He hasn't, of course.
But the jury did.
The 12 member jury, overwhelmingly white, did hear and read what all three of these murderers conveyed.
And the 12 member jury clearly, obviously, determined that racial animus was a motivating factor.

But, poster Mac7 didn't hear any of that testimony, or read or listen to the social media messaging.
However, through his own racial animus --- he believe what he believes. Mac7's own racial animus drives his conclusions.

So be it. It is what it is. To each his own.

No argument from any skeptic on this messageboard is going to convince Mac7 that the victim was blameless. Or that the murderers were solely to blame.

This thread has run its' race.


while we are on the subject why demand the arbrey come to a complete stop before shooting him?

at short range a shotgun cant miss no matter how fast he runs
When have I ever said that?

your overwhelming black bitterness is putting words in my mouth

the father and son were involved in a wrongful death

but libs are a bloodthirsty mob themselves and should see themselves in a mirror
The father, son and Roddy were involved in a murder
Only racists sideswipe people with trucks?

thats news

but if they intended to kill him no matter what why not just run over him and be done with it?
They were trying.
while we are on the subject why demand the arbrey come to a complete stop before shooting him?

at short range a shotgun cant miss no matter how fast he runs
Guy with the shotgun had been driving. If you think a shotgun at short range never misses, hasn't shot a shotgun at short range. At the distance this occurred thats a half fist sized spread.
The father, son and Roddy were involved in a murder
Again, we are just repeating ourselves
They were trying.

Guy with the shotgun had been driving. If you think a shotgun at short range never misses, hasn't shot a shotgun at short range. At the distance this occurred thats a half fist sized spread.
if they are close enough to sideswipe him they could have killed him in acvarity of ways if they wanted too

Yes, the poster Mac7 is right. The exchanges on this thread are getting repetitive.

But, in my avatar's humble opinion, the avatar Mac7 is coming across as an unrepentant racist.
Time and time again, he attempts to lay the fault on the now murdered jogger.
A jogger who not done anything wrong, yet was pursued, threatend, attacked, and then murdered.

But some specifics, that I just pulled from the latest posts: (see the two pulled quotes above)

Poster Mac7 attempts to argue that neighbor Roddy did nothing wrong.
The 24 member juries who heard and read all of the evidence presented....from the prosecuiton.... AND...from the defense ---disagree with Mac7. All 24 disagree. Unanimously.

Neighbor Roddy followed the chase, video'g it.
He was there at the death.
In fact, it was his testimony that the shooter screamed at the gasping victim...."You f*cking N*gger".
His testimony that that the jogger was threatened by the killers with "Stop or we'll blow your f*cking head off".
In short, he was an integral part of the action.

And then, damningly.....he knew he had the revealing video.
He shared it with the shooter and the father.
He did not reveal to the police he had that video.
He could have. He should have.

And then, in the subsequent 'hate crime' trial.....his social media messaging was as damning to him as the shooter's was to the shooter. In short, racial animus was clearly conveyed in communications by Roddy.
He got a 1st degree murder conviction by a unanimous decision of 12 jurors who heard all of the evidence ----- that poster Mac7 did not.

Guilty. As charged.

And then Mac7....states: "then libs add a phony bs hate crime on top of that".*

(ps....Mac, "libs" didn't do it. Prosecutors did.)

As if, poster Mac7 listened to, or read, the social messaging of the father and son, and the neighbor.
He hasn't, of course.
But the jury did.
The 12 member jury, overwhelmingly white, did hear and read what all three of these murderers conveyed.
And the 12 member jury clearly, obviously, determined that racial animus was a motivating factor.

But, poster Mac7 didn't hear any of that testimony, or read or listen to the social media messaging.
However, through his own racial animus --- he believe what he believes. Mac7's own racial animus drives his conclusions.

So be it. It is what it is. To each his own.

No argument from any skeptic on this messageboard is going to convince Mac7 that the victim was blameless. Or that the murderers were solely to blame.

This thread has run its' race.

Correction: Bryan shared the video with police at the crime scene. That is part of the problem -- police had that video, and others, and testimony from all 3 from day one yet the local DA's office protected those three from prosecution. It was only after Gregory McMichael stupidly had that video, which the police had from the start, released to the public that the DA could no longer protect them.
You are on the wrong side of this one, good poster Mac.

Hint: Three unanimous verdicts of murder by a jury of peers.

  • "the more he ran"....For the clueful: people who are out for a jog -----run.

  • "no intention of killing"........ but, having a gun, pointing it at the runner, when he had not shown to be guilty of anything other than joggging in a white area......gives one pause to doubt Mac7's unique speculation on the 'intentions' of murderers.
  • "should not have grabbed".........in hindsight, perhaps. Or they would've gunned him down despite his right to "stand-your-ground" against attackers? Conversely , they should not have aimed a gun at him for jogging in a white neighborhood.

    Speculation puzzle: Would the McMichaels have shot him in the back if he had simply jogged around him?
When someone points a gun at another person, a loaded and cocked gun, the assumption should always be that they intend to shoot. Though Arbery failed in his attempt to do so, attacking a gun is often the right answer because you can't outrun a bullet.

Attack a gun, run from a knife. There are exceptions to both but only Arbery could make that decision.

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