Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial


Well, that certainly seems "justified", now don' it?
At least, it does to the Imperial Wizard and Grand Dragon types.

If they couldn't find a 'justified' reason to drag a black man out of his bed, in front of his children, string him in the old oak, and set him afire.....well then, who could?

It's amazing how few rapes or murders were perpetrated by white guys......when there was a handy black guy around to lynch as sort of a Friday night stand-in. No?

It seemed so "justified" at the time, didn't it, good poster


Ah, poor poster Hawk....ummm?
"You all cheered"?
"You all"
.........really? "You all"!

What you can't seem to identify you then wanna throw a big old wrap over any stray boogeymen who vex your sleep? Is that it?

Hawk, mon ami, you are flailing about seemingly trying to blame someone, or something, for your curated collection of greivances, slights, and complaints.

Don't do that.
Try to be a better you.

Good luck. :thup:
Flailing about? I said we have no real way of knowing which ones were unjustified, meaning when innocent men were killed. You are the one inferring all lynchings killed innocent men. Which we know is ridiculous.
You are the one inferring all lynchings killed innocent men. Which we know is ridiculous.
Maybe that's how things work in your shithole country.

In the united states, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And extrajudicial execution is murder. As your hillbilly heroes just found out the hard way.

It doesn't matter what color your skin is, when it comes to this. Most functional adults in 2022 already know this. Now you finally do, too. Your friends and family can log on here to personally thank me, if they like.
Well, in the old days if someone saw someone committing a crime, they’d know who did it and then the town would do a lynching.

You lefties should know. You love accusing people and not needing any evidence whatsoever. You all cheered for the people trying to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.
You give conservatives a bad name. Could you be a liberal plant with that as your goal?
Flailing about? I said we have no real way of knowing which ones were unjustified, meaning when innocent men were killed. You are the one inferring all lynchings killed innocent men. Which we know is ridiculous.
How so?

The words of a white person only?
If I were black as the Ace of Spades I would have walked away from the situation that arbrey failed to

he was stupid
He stole nothing and was jogging away when the racist trio started their action.
That's convincing.

The Republicans are the ones who provided the votes to pass the civil rights act in the 1960's . The Democrats were mostly opposed. The 1950's was when the KKK was an arm of the Democrat Party. Democrats were lynching black men all over the south back then.

Then Democrat president LBJ was a bitter racist.

Where did you learn history you fucking moron? A majority of the Democratic Party voted to pass the Civil Rights Act of 64' and the Voting Rights Act of 65' and of course they were both signed into law by Democratic President Lyndon Johnson. The Republican Party voted to pass both pieces of legislation by a greater majority but to argue that the Democratic Party mostly opposed them is factually wrong. The only demographic that could be accurately described as adamantly against ending segregation and ensuring voting rights for Black Americans were southern white Conservatives. Over 90% of representatives from the South and from former Confederate states voted against both bills. That included both southern Democrats and southern Republicans. In fact the only two representatives from southern states who voted in favor of both the Civil Right Act and Voting Rights Act belonged to the Democratic Party. Looking back through history, southern white conservatives opposed equality for Blacks at every turn. They instigated a civil war to preserve white supremacy and voted as a majority just 58 years ago to deny Black Americans equal rights, and while the Democratic Party may have been the Party of white southern conservatism in the 1800s - early 1900s, it's laughable to argue the same today. There is a reason why Black Americans vote over 90% for the Democratic party, why the Republican Party is so overwhelmingly white, and why they defend vigorously the statues of old dead Democrats who were slavers while demonizing the Democrats of today. Only a complete moron couldn't put those pieces together and arrive at the undeniable truth.
ElmerMudd blacks use racist rants all the time ...in fact, blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa so the blacks are worse than whites when it comes to interracial murder
You are the one inferring all lynchings killed innocent men.
Umm, that's a sad misread by the poster "Hawk".
The quick --and only ----response is: Noper, I ain't.
Nor am I suggesting it is even relevant.

However, I think some here could make an argument that your poor avatar, Hawk, is advocating that someone....the neighbors, the Grand Wizard, the high school football rival ..... is the one to decide if hanging that black guy on the bridge is "justified".

Personally, I demur on your inference.
But that's just like me to do that.

You give conservatives a bad name. Could you be a liberal plant with that as your goal?
I'll note that one. But pass on commenting.
Far be it from me.....to overdrive the nail.
he initiated the problem by going inside private property. and he had committed crime before = he was up to no good
If he merely looked at a house under construction and took nothing, what no good was he up too.

Also, at the trial it was testified too that many people looked at the construction site, but the trio of racists didn't chase them.
Hint and pro-tip: Try doing your own homework next time.
I said they are doing life in prison. You responded with "state prison." Prison is prison. Your comment was pointless.

It has nothing to do with me doing my homework.
If he merely looked at a house under construction and took nothing, what no good was he up too.

Also, at the trial it was testified too that many people looked at the construction site, but the trio of racists didn't chase them.
it doesn't matter what happened to other people
he went inside private property. if he had minded his own business and didn't trespass, nothing would have happened

most of the time, these blacks start the problem by doing something illegal
and the bigger problem is, blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa, but they make a big deal out of this. I just posted a thread on an innocent white lady murdered by a black
"If I were black as the Ace of Spades...."
Well, that brings up an interesting thought puzzle.

What if one was not that 'black'?
Say coffee colored......would you still have walked?
Or, say mocha .......still walking?
How 'bout carmel?
Or maybe cafe leche?
Or what if you were black....but could pass for white?
Still walk away?

What if you slowed down to walk and those dicks prevented you, hassled you, restrained you?
Or what if one of 'em stood in your way threatening you with a shotgun?

Lastly, good poster Mac-7, --and I do not mean this pejoratively --- but my sense of it is that your avatar is just chompin'-at-the-bit to let its' racism run free.

Do you think that too?

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