Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

Yea, so that justifies what they did. Smfh.
There is no way of knowing which lynchings were justified or not. I bet the vast majority of the lynched were guilty of whatever they were accused of. Blacks have proven themselves to quite the violent ones in our day and age.

But hey, lynchings are long gone and we have Democrat policies keeping blacks in check right? How is that working out? Far more blacks die because of these policies than ever did from lynchings. But you prefer it that way, because a bunch of white men hanging a black rapist or murderer is just too much for you to handle.
There is no way of knowing which lynchings were justified or not.
But you prefer it that way, because a bunch of white men hanging a black rapist or murderer* is just too much for you to handle.

I gotta admit, those are a couple of the more curious statements I've seen on this gossipboard.

A modern day mindset of "justified lynching"?
I had never heard of such thing.
A 'justified lynching'.

May I ask the good poster Hawk.....just what it is that 'justifies" a lynching?

Not enough evidence for a court?
Not enough deputies to effect an arrest?
Court docket too slow?
Chance the accused wouldn't be convicted?
Plea to a lesser crime?
Or 'justified' becaue he was black? or poor? or not white?

Or the whiteys just wanted to party?
So why not hang someone who ain't one of us as an excuse to have a bonfire and wet one's whistle?

*out of sense of curiosity, poster Hawk, have you found incidences where a mob of black folks lynched a white guy that they thought had raped a black woman?

That'd be an interesting story if you have found one in your research.
And......it would be interesting to measue how many of those incidence occurred vs. the reverse --white folks lynching black folks.

If you have such metrics, Hawk, please share 'em.
There is no way of knowing which lynchings were justified or not. I bet the vast majority of the lynched were guilty of whatever they were accused of. Blacks have proven themselves to quite the violent ones in our day and age. ]
So lynching a black man because he was black in your eyes is justified. Nobody has proven to be more violent than you. How can a murder just murder someone because of the color of their skin and then turn around and try and justify it.
But hey, lynchings are long gone and we have Democrat policies keeping blacks in check right?
No they are not long gone, they just don't do it with ropes anymore.
How is that working out? Far more blacks die because of these policies than ever did from lynchings.
You mean the policies that Republicans fight to uphold.
But you prefer it that way, because a bunch of white men hanging a black rapist or murderer is just too much for you to handle.
Last I checked this is a country that is governed by LAW, you are not allowed to take the Law into your own hands and to try and justify coward ass, white men lynching innocent black men is a disgrace even for a racist POS like you.
The objects of your hate have already been tried for killing the black criminal
The only criminals were the 3 racist rednecks who were convicted of murder and are on their way of being convicted of committing a hate crime. I hope they get all they deserve.
As it is whenever one goes out of their way to murder anyone, else they would likely be charged with manslaughter at most. Reckless homicide + expressed hatred = murder.
...+ doing it because he is black = hate crime

These guys are just worried because they see themselves in the McMichaels and worry that their prospects of bagging a black guy without consequences are diminishing.
Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial. The social media posts and other transcripts show what true slime buckets these three are. They are already sentenced to life in prison. Should they get the death sentence.
Their rants sounded like rants from disgusting racists on this message board.
If these three scum buckets are not already on this web site they should be.
I wonder if any of the racist posters on this site may get life in prison, someday.

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So what? They will be in prison for the rest of their life.
There is no way of knowing which lynchings were justified or not. I bet the vast majority of the lynched were guilty of whatever they were accused of. Blacks have proven themselves to quite the violent ones in our day and age.

But hey, lynchings are long gone and we have Democrat policies keeping blacks in check right? How is that working out? Far more blacks die because of these policies than ever did from lynchings. But you prefer it that way, because a bunch of white men hanging a black rapist or murderer is just too much for you to handle.
Hawk - the words of a sinful racist. He is clueless on how disgusting he is. I am shocked at the number of horrific individuals there are in the US. Trump has brought them out of their rat holes. We need to chase them back to their tat holes.
So what? They will be in prison for the rest of their life.
The so what is how similar their racist posts are to posts by people on this site. How close are the racist posters, on this site, are to acting on their hate and commit a murder.
These racist posters have the same mindset of KKK and Nazis. It is only a matter of time before they act on their hate.
Hawk - the words of a sinful racist. He is clueless on how disgusting he is. I am shocked at the number of horrific individuals there are in the US. Trump has brought them out of their rat holes. We need to chase them back to their tat holes.
Trump? Get a grip
Apparently you don't get it. Hundreds of whites were lynched in the 20th century by racist Democrats, primarily those who were opposed to slavery and Republicans. Look it up, Bubba.
And starting in the 1950's when the Democratic Party started advocating for civil rights they fled to the party which welcomed them with open arms and closed minds....your GOP.
And starting in the 1950's when the Democratic Party started advocating for civil rights they fled to the party which welcomed them with open arms and closed minds....your GOP.
Except the Democrats didn't do that starting in the 1950's.
May I ask the good poster Hawk.....just what it is that 'justifies" a lynching?
Well, in the old days if someone saw someone committing a crime, they’d know who did it and then the town would do a lynching.

You lefties should know. You love accusing people and not needing any evidence whatsoever. You all cheered for the people trying to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.
The only criminals were the 3 racist rednecks who were convicted of murder and are on their way of being convicted of committing a hate crime. I hope they get all they deserve.
arbrey was a criminal with a police record
Well, in the old days if someone saw someone committing a crime, they’d know who did it and then the town would do a lynching.

Well, that certainly seems "justified", now don' it?
At least, it does to the Imperial Wizard and Grand Dragon types.

If they couldn't find a 'justified' reason to drag a black man out of his bed, in front of his children, string him in the old oak, and set him afire.....well then, who could?

It's amazing how few rapes or murders were perpetrated by white guys......when there was a handy black guy around to lynch as sort of a Friday night stand-in. No?

It seemed so "justified" at the time, didn't it, good poster

You all cheered for the people trying to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.
Ah, poor poster Hawk....ummm?
"You all cheered"?
"You all"
.........really? "You all"!

What you can't seem to identify you then wanna throw a big old wrap over any stray boogeymen who vex your sleep? Is that it?

Hawk, mon ami, you are flailing about seemingly trying to blame someone, or something, for your curated collection of greivances, slights, and complaints.

Don't do that.
Try to be a better you.

Good luck. :thup:
Well, you don't know anything.
That's convincing.

The Republicans are the ones who provided the votes to pass the civil rights act in the 1960's . The Democrats were mostly opposed. The 1950's was when the KKK was an arm of the Democrat Party. Democrats were lynching black men all over the south back then.

Then Democrat president LBJ was a bitter racist.
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