Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap


You know, good poster Smith, you can make a corrosive allegation on an internet chatroom.....and do it without having to back yourself up.
After all, you post anonymously and using a fake name.
Not a whole lot of skin in the game.

Or me either.
So......so, I call your avatar a fake and a phony who is either unable or unwilling to back up his own word.

But, you can...if able.... rehabilitate yourself.
Articulate to the forum how you know deadsolidperfect.....that this guy was NOT jogging.
Articulate how you know he was a thief that afternoon.
Articulate that he was 'casing' the framed-up house that afternoon.

Or go.
Lest other avatars also will think your avatar is a fake and phony too.

Batter up, mon ami.

None of the lawyers defending those three stooges could prove any of that in court. How do you expect an inbred like DudleySmith to prove it here?
Patriots take note. These people do not believe in the rule of law. And they would like to see us all dead. (They honor the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg, burn the flag or defend those who do, and then call us "traitors", a word they never used in their lives until they saw it might be a useful tool. )

Yes, they want us dead.

But how many patriots have yet to take this fact on board? How many of us are still sitting at our computers, or watching the flat-screen ... when we should be thinking about how to organize to defend ourselves?

The 6 January fiasco, and the killing of Arbery by those three men, happened because OUR SIDE IS NOT ORGANIZED.

If we were, those three men would have been taught about what a "citizens' arrest" really involves, and the consequences of white people trying to carry one out on Black people in today's America. If they thought Arbery was a thief, there would have been a much better way to catch him.

In Washington, we should have had an organized group of prepared and equipped stewards -- a few thousand men with the appropriate gear, encircling the edge of the crowd, ready to deal with provocateurs -- who certainly played A role, if not THE role, in the breach of the Capitol [Ray Epps!] (a monumentally stupid idea), and with deal with any AntiFa vermin that might try to attack the crowd. ("Appropriate gear", at this point, does not mean firearms, atlhough we must be organized and trained for their use as well.)

Things are changing in America, fast. AND the world is moving towards war. The last 30 years have been a Golden Age, compared to what's coming. We don't have forever.
Patriots take note. These people do not believe in the rule of law. And they would like to see us all dead. (They honor the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg, burn the flag or defend those who do, and then call us "traitors", a word they never used in their lives until they saw it might be a useful tool. )

Yes, they want us dead.

But how many patriots have yet to take this fact on board? How many of us are still sitting at our computers, or watching the flat-screen ... when we should be thinking about how to organize to defend ourselves?

The 6 January fiasco, and the killing of Arbery by those three men, happened because OUR SIDE IS NOT ORGANIZED.

If we were, those three men would have been taught about what a "citizens' arrest" really involves, and the consequences of white people trying to carry one out on Black people in today's America. If they thought Arbery was a thief, there would have been a much better way to catch him.

In Washington, we should have had an organized group of prepared and equipped stewards -- a few thousand men with the appropriate gear, encircling the edge of the crowd, ready to deal with provocateurs -- who certainly played A role, if not THE role, in the breach of the Capitol [Ray Epps!] (a monumentally stupid idea), and with and any AntiFa vermin that might try to attack the crowd. ("Appropriate gear", at this point, does not mean firearms, atlhough we must be organized and trained for their use as well.)

Things are changing in America, fast. AND the world is moving towards war. The last 30 years have been a Golden Age, compared to what's coming. We don't have forever.
This cuck gets it. You bitch as cosplayers, you weekend warriors, you've been indoctrinated and groomed so long to believe that you're all tough guys that when you fuck around and find out like the McMichaels or like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on Jan 6th it's looks bad on the Simps like this guy who would rather you all lose quietly and respectful of the establishment. 😄
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The woman they beat to death on the steps was an een bigger atrocity, but the media didn't have good videos of that so nobody pays any attention to that crime, even though ti went on for minutes on a woman who was already down and never threatened anybody, just got caught in a mob and some of those wonderful D.C. thugs in uniform enjoyed themselves beating on Whitey. Claiming the feral animals were 'saving the republic' is just ludicrous.


They beat a woman to death who died from a drug overdose after getting trampled by MAGAts?
lol he was so scared of an old man he ran up and tried to steal his gun and kill him with it. You vermin are hilariously stupid liars.

They threatened Arbery's life, dumb dudley. They pulled out a gun for no good reason. They threatened to blow his fucking head off. They chased him around that neighborhood until, according to papa surf, they had him "trapped like a rat."

Why do you convince yourself Arbery didn't have a right to defend himself?

And Arbery didn't run up to, and try and take a gun, from an old man. It was Travis, the "old man's" son he ran up to.

You don't know shit about this case you're lying about.
See post #206. gimp. lol


Post #206 is bullshit, ya moron. Arbery tried taking the gun from Travis, not Gregory.

Are you threatening me?
Are planning to cosplay as a police officer like these 3 fuckwits? 😄 You're the one who called their conviction an injustice you dipshit. I'm just giving you advice. Don't fuck around and end up like them. Know your place.
Are planning to cosplay as a police officer like these 3 fuckwits? 😄 You're the one who called their conviction an injustice you dipshit. I'm just giving you advice. Don't fuck around and end up like them. Know your place.
Are you threatening me?

Don’t misconstrue my point. Life sentences for the two who didn’t kill anyone is clearly a travesty of justice.
Yes, he set a precedent. But actually, I hope our policemen, when the Left riots [and Leftist riots outnumber the one Rightist riot by about a hundred to one], don't just shoot unarmed women banging on doors, but only fire in self-defense, as they did the other day in Georgia.

Let the moral chasm between us and you be obvious to all decent people.

Why lie?

She wasn't "banging on doors." Nor was she shot for "banging on doors."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Patriots take note. These people do not believe in the rule of law. And they would like to see us all dead. (They honor the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg, burn the flag or defend those who do, and then call us "traitors", a word they never used in their lives until they saw it might be a useful tool. )

Yes, they want us dead.

But how many patriots have yet to take this fact on board? How many of us are still sitting at our computers, or watching the flat-screen ... when we should be thinking about how to organize to defend ourselves?

The 6 January fiasco, and the killing of Arbery by those three men, happened because OUR SIDE IS NOT ORGANIZED.

If we were, those three men would have been taught about what a "citizens' arrest" really involves, and the consequences of white people trying to carry one out on Black people in today's America. If they thought Arbery was a thief, there would have been a much better way to catch him.

In Washington, we should have had an organized group of prepared and equipped stewards -- a few thousand men with the appropriate gear, encircling the edge of the crowd, ready to deal with provocateurs -- who certainly played A role, if not THE role, in the breach of the Capitol [Ray Epps!] (a monumentally stupid idea), and with deal with any AntiFa vermin that might try to attack the crowd. ("Appropriate gear", at this point, does not mean firearms, atlhough we must be organized and trained for their use as well.)

Things are changing in America, fast. AND the world is moving towards war. The last 30 years have been a Golden Age, compared to what's coming. We don't have forever.

He didn't steal anything and he wasn't casing anything. That excuse for murder was invented by the killers.

Even had Arbery been casing that property, and there's no evidence he was, they still had no legal right to perform a citizen's arrest since they never saw him casing it that day, a required element of that now defunct GA citizen's arrest law.

They were required to have been in Arbery's presence of committing a felony or within the immediate knowledge of him committing a felony AND Arbery would have had to be attempting to escape after committing a felony. A felony that never was never witnessed by anyone because he didn't commit a felony.

Since they didn't see him on that property ythat day, or even have immediate knowledge of him on that property that day, that meant they had no legal cause to enforce a citizen's arrest.

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