Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

Seldom are life sentences given for such actions.

Get informed before posting.

So you say sans proof.

Oh well, too bad.

Also a shame you didn't read & learn as I recommended...

Almost every state in the United States has a felony murder rule, and federal law recognizes the felony murder rule, as well. In most states, felony murder is categorized as a first-degree murder and can result in sentencing from several years to a life imprisonment.

Fuck around and find out.
He didn't steal anything and he wasn't casing anything. That excuse for murder was invented by the killers.
No, you're making the argument of a frame-up artist. There had been burglaries in the area, and he did go over to the building site and look around. However, this by itself, as any lawyer would tell you, would not justify a citizen's arrest.

If they had really wanted to catch him stealing, they would have left something valuable at that site, and video'd him stealing it. Since he was a frequent jogger, they could then have arranged to have him arrested next time, assuming his face was not identifiable from the video. (I don't know if his previous conviction meant his photo was on file.)

If they had just wanted to kill this kid, they could easily have ambushed him from a distance. It would just be another unsolved murder, probably put down by the police to yet another Black-on-Black crime (the huge majority of Blacks who are killed are killed by other Blacks), probably a dispute over a woman or who gets to sell the dope on a certain street corner.

They wouldn't have video'd what they did, they wouldn't have called the police.

They didn't know the law. They were not smart. But most of us don't know the law. Most of us are not 'smart' about many important things.

That's why patriots, if any are reading this, need an organization. Organizations let not-smart people act like smart people, because we can find smart people (lawyers, policemen, doctors, electricians, combat vets) to advise us.

Right now, we have no viable national organization. The Three Percenters and the Oath Keepers were not up to the job. (That's a long story, but the conclusion is clear.)

So we have to start locally. A good place to look for advice on how to approach this can be found here: [ https://YCPT.org ] -- and the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia show how to do 'outreach work' (and I don't mean reaching out and touching somebody by proper adjustment of windage and elevation, although that's important to learn as well). [ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]
No, you're making the argument of a frame-up artist. There had been burglaries in the area, and he did go over to the building site and look around. However, this by itself, as any lawyer would tell you, would not justify a citizen's arrest.

If they had really wanted to catch him stealing, they would have left something valuable at that site, and video'd him stealing it. Since he was a frequent jogger, they could then have arranged to have him arrested next time, assuming his face was not identifiable from the video. (I don't know if his previous conviction meant his photo was on file.)

If they had just wanted to kill this kid, they could easily have ambushed him from a distance. It would just be another unsolved murder, probably put down by the police to yet another Black-on-Black crime (the huge majority of Blacks who are killed are killed by other Blacks), probably a dispute over a woman or who gets to sell the dope on a certain street corner.

They wouldn't have video'd what they did, they wouldn't have called the police.

They didn't know the law. They were not smart. But most of us don't know the law. Most of us are not 'smart' about many important things.

That's why patriots, if any are reading this, need an organization. Organizations let not-smart people act like smart people, because we can find smart people (lawyers, policemen, doctors, electricians, combat vets) to advise us.

Right now, we have no viable national organization. The Three Percenters and the Oath Keepers were not up to the job. (That's a long story, but the conclusion is clear.)

So we have to start locally. A good place to look for advice on how to approach this can be found here: [ YCPT ] -- and the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia show how to do 'outreach work' (and I don't mean reaching out and touching somebody by proper adjustment of windage and elevation, although that's important to learn as well). [ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]

No. There hadn't been burglaries in the area. The building contractor said there were no thefts from the job.
So you say sans proof.

Oh well, too bad.

Also a shame you didn't read & learn as I recommended...

Almost every state in the United States has a felony murder rule, and federal law recognizes the felony murder rule, as well. In most states, felony murder is categorized as a first-degree murder and can result in sentencing from several years to a life imprisonment.

Fuck around and find out.
You need to get informed before posting. Stop looking foolish.
No, you're making the argument of a frame-up artist. There had been burglaries in the area, and he did go over to the building site and look around. However, this by itself, as any lawyer would tell you, would not justify a citizen's arrest.

If they had really wanted to catch him stealing, they would have left something valuable at that site, and video'd him stealing it. Since he was a frequent jogger, they could then have arranged to have him arrested next time, assuming his face was not identifiable from the video. (I don't know if his previous conviction meant his photo was on file.)

If they had just wanted to kill this kid, they could easily have ambushed him from a distance. It would just be another unsolved murder, probably put down by the police to yet another Black-on-Black crime (the huge majority of Blacks who are killed are killed by other Blacks), probably a dispute over a woman or who gets to sell the dope on a certain street corner.

They wouldn't have video'd what they did, they wouldn't have called the police.

They didn't know the law. They were not smart. But most of us don't know the law. Most of us are not 'smart' about many important things.

That's why patriots, if any are reading this, need an organization. Organizations let not-smart people act like smart people, because we can find smart people (lawyers, policemen, doctors, electricians, combat vets) to advise us.

Right now, we have no viable national organization. The Three Percenters and the Oath Keepers were not up to the job. (That's a long story, but the conclusion is clear.)

So we have to start locally. A good place to look for advice on how to approach this can be found here: [ YCPT ] -- and the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia show how to do 'outreach work' (and I don't mean reaching out and touching somebody by proper adjustment of windage and elevation, although that's important to learn as well). [ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]

In truth, there had just been one burglary in that neighborhood in recent months. A gun was taken from an unlocked vehicle. No one knows who stole it and the crime went unreported.

As far as not knowing the law... the father was a former cop. He should have known the law. He should have known it's illegal to yell, "stop or I'll blow your fucking head off," at someone he wanted to detain.
No, you're making the argument of a frame-up artist. There had been burglaries in the area, and he did go over to the building site and look around. However, this by itself, as any lawyer would tell you, would not justify a citizen's arrest.

If they had really wanted to catch him stealing, they would have left something valuable at that site, and video'd him stealing it. Since he was a frequent jogger, they could then have arranged to have him arrested next time, assuming his face was not identifiable from the video. (I don't know if his previous conviction meant his photo was on file.)

If they had just wanted to kill this kid, they could easily have ambushed him from a distance. It would just be another unsolved murder, probably put down by the police to yet another Black-on-Black crime (the huge majority of Blacks who are killed are killed by other Blacks), probably a dispute over a woman or who gets to sell the dope on a certain street corner.

They wouldn't have video'd what they did, they wouldn't have called the police.

They didn't know the law. They were not smart. But most of us don't know the law. Most of us are not 'smart' about many important things.

That's why patriots, if any are reading this, need an organization. Organizations let not-smart people act like smart people, because we can find smart people (lawyers, policemen, doctors, electricians, combat vets) to advise us.

Right now, we have no viable national organization. The Three Percenters and the Oath Keepers were not up to the job. (That's a long story, but the conclusion is clear.)

So we have to start locally. A good place to look for advice on how to approach this can be found here: [ https://YCPT.org ] -- and the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia show how to do 'outreach work' (and I don't mean reaching out and touching somebody by proper adjustment of windage and elevation, although that's important to learn as well). [ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]
Dipshit, Gregory McMichaels was former law enforcement. These racist fuckwits knew the law they just assumed they were above the law and that this was still a Country where entitled white racists could give black people orders. If you want to stop these incidents from happening you have to get your racist buddies to accept the fact that this ain't their fucking country any more.
Read, and learn...

This isn’t difficult.

Now you’re going to spout GA law. I’m talking about all states.

Almost every state in the United States has a felony murder rule, and federal law recognizes the felony murder rule, as well. In most states, felony murder is categorized as a first-degree murder and can result in sentencing from several years to a life imprisonment. In almost half of these states, felony murder is considered a capital offense, which means that the death penalty is available. However, the Supreme Court has imposed additional restrictions on states that seek to impose the death penalty for a felony murder.
Felony Murder.
This isn’t difficult.

Now you’re going to spout GA law. I’m talking about all states.

Almost every state in the United States has a felony murder rule, and federal law recognizes the felony murder rule, as well. In most states, felony murder is categorized as a first-degree murder and can result in sentencing from several years to a life imprisonment. In almost half of these states, felony murder is considered a capital offense, which means that the death penalty is available. However, the Supreme Court has imposed additional restrictions on states that seek to impose the death penalty for a felony murder.
Felony Murder.


Dumbfuck, you didn’t actually post anything to support your made up claim that felony murder seldom leads to a life sentence.

All you did was post a link to me that I already gave to you earlier which describes what felony murder is.

You're such a loser.
Well, we've all read now the treatments here on "felony murder". The McMichaels and the fellow murderer who video'd it all....certainly qualify.

Good riddance. Entitled racist white-folk got what was comin' to 'em.....and hopefully, with a broader view, it sent a message to others who harbor an entitled white-eyes racist view of America....and are prone to violence.

OK, with that said ----I have lurked on this website for about two years. Have read quite a lot of racist views here. Intolerance towards American Blacks, African Blacks, all Blacks. Intolerance towards Muslims from any country. Intolerance towards Chinese. Towards American Indians.


But the most scabrous hostile racist views that I have read here come from the anonymous poster under the avataree-handle of "Dudley Smith". THAT.....gentle reader, is a peek at the KKK-style intolerance that hung black folks from bridges. And hung nearly 600 blacks in Georgia alone.....which is where this 'lynching-by-shotgun' occurred.

Anonymous avataree Dudley Smith exemplifies that zeitgeist.


Dumbfuck, you didn’t actually post anything to support your made up claim that felony murder seldom leads to a life sentence.

All you did was post a link to me that I already gave to you earlier which describes what felony murder is.

You're such a loser.
I don’t know what you think I’m claiming, but clearly life sentences for this charge seldom happens in many states.
I don’t know what you think I’m claiming, but clearly life sentences for this charge seldom happens in many states.

Again, you're just saying that but not offering up anything to prove that.
Patriots take note. These people do not believe in the rule of law. And they would like to see us all dead. (They honor the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg, burn the flag or defend those who do, and then call us "traitors", a word they never used in their lives until they saw it might be a useful tool. )

Yes, they want us dead.

But how many patriots have yet to take this fact on board? How many of us are still sitting at our computers, or watching the flat-screen ... when we should be thinking about how to organize to defend ourselves?

The 6 January fiasco, and the killing of Arbery by those three men, happened because OUR SIDE IS NOT ORGANIZED.

If we were, those three men would have been taught about what a "citizens' arrest" really involves, and the consequences of white people trying to carry one out on Black people in today's America. If they thought Arbery was a thief, there would have been a much better way to catch him.

In Washington, we should have had an organized group of prepared and equipped stewards -- a few thousand men with the appropriate gear, encircling the edge of the crowd, ready to deal with provocateurs -- who certainly played A role, if not THE role, in the breach of the Capitol [Ray Epps!] (a monumentally stupid idea), and with deal with any AntiFa vermin that might try to attack the crowd. ("Appropriate gear", at this point, does not mean firearms, atlhough we must be organized and trained for their use as well.)

Things are changing in America, fast. AND the world is moving towards war. The last 30 years have been a Golden Age, compared to what's coming. We don't have forever.
Patriots take note.
Okay but that doesn’t make him a murderer. This case was an obvious travesty of justice.

Travesty of Justice, a young, innocent black man was murdered because 3 racist decided his life wasn't worth nothing. The travesty is racist like you think that a black man's life is less than that of the family pet.


Not my point. Life sentences for two men who killed no one is a bit harsh. One without a possibility of parole and the other with possiblity of parole.

I suspect you would have preferred all three received capital punishment.

Not my point. Life sentences for two men who killed no one is a bit harsh. One without a possibility of parole and the other with possiblity of parole.

I suspect you would have preferred all three received capital punishment.

Putz, one of the two men actually killed Arbery.

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