Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap


Ah, good question from one of my most fav posters. The earnest avataree, "lantern2".

So OK poster, here is how it works:

You are the leading element of a mob that has exhibited its violent intent by viciously battering a barrier specifically in place to prevent your entry. The police on the other side of that barrier warn you. They brandish a gun to intimidate you. But you are the self-appointed 'tip-of-the-spear' to lead the attack against those police. You voluntarily jump into the just battered-down opening that breaches that barrier....and you leap directly towards the protecting police on the other side.
You leap towards them....NOT... away from them.

THAT....gentle "lantern" is how 'attacks' happen. So, no surprise, the deceased attacker had....hold for it....'attacked'.

Now if you wanna make that 'attack' a verb....OK, let's do that: "to set upon or work against forcefully"

Or, good poster 'lantern' if you wanna make 'attack' a noun....we can do that too: "a belligerent or antagonistic action"

So I'm cool with whichever description you choose of the two....verb or noun.

And, good luck. Glad to see you are back.
I feared you had been banned because of that tic of the over-use of 'f-bombs'.

So, welcome back. ;)
Yet you still show no proof of her “attacking a cop”. Nowhere does Babbitt (by YOUR OWN WORDS) “leap at” anybody except in your imagination. Proving yourself an uninformed, uneducated LIAR. So fuck off asshole.
No dumb dudley, they never saw him that's why their racist asses will spend the rest of their lives in prison. They didn't have a camera on any house, the home owner had a camera on the house and he said Ahmaud never stole anything from his property it was whites who were stealing his shit. Get up to speed on the case instead of just running your stupid ass, racist mouth.

lol another lie spread by .... you. And, th woner menat he hadn't stole anything yet, but he kept checking back, and no doub casing the rest of the neighborhood. Same as your hood rat heroes do when they're cruising around scouting out stuff to steal.
Yet you still show no proof of her “attacking a cop”. Nowhere does Babbitt (by YOUR OWN WORDS) “leap at” anybody except in your imagination. Proving yourself an uninformed, uneducated LIAR. So fuck off asshole.

The woman they beat to death on the steps was an een bigger atrocity, but the media didn't have good videos of that so nobody pays any attention to that crime, even though ti went on for minutes on a woman who was already down and never threatened anybody, just got caught in a mob and some of those wonderful D.C. thugs in uniform enjoyed themselves beating on Whitey. Claiming the feral animals were 'saving the republic' is just ludicrous.

By "fight gone bad," you mean a jogger fighting for his life against thugs threatening to blow his head off.


lol he was so scared of an old man he ran up and tried to steal his gun and kill him with it. You vermin are hilariously stupid liars.
lol another lie spread by .... you. And, th woner menat he hadn't stole anything yet, but he kept checking back, and no doub casing the rest of the neighborhood. Same as your hood rat heroes do when they're cruising around scouting out stuff to steal.
The only person lying is you dumb dudley, you can't show us a damn thing to indicate that this young, black man had stolen anything or was casing anything. Just more of the same lies you racist love to spew.
Convicted murderer. Gregory McMichael is being moved to a medical prison. That means he's not too long for this world.

They did say he won't get out of prison alive, looks like it's coming to pass sooner, rather than later.

Except that he didn’t kill anyone.
Okay but that doesn’t make him a murderer. This case was an obvious travesty of justice.
Maybe it doesn't make him a murderer to your soft ass feelings but your soft ass feelings ain't enough to save these fuckwits from all dying in prison. 😄
"2020 riots"
"defund the police"
"Ray Epps"
"Ron Burkholder"

Dude, you are all over the place. Try to focus, ok?

Byrd was facing a violent mob trying to break into the House chamber where some members of Congress and staff had not yet been evacuated.

Their lives were in danger and his job was to protect them.

He did and took out a traitor too. Byrd is a hero who deserves the Medal of Freedom.
Yes, he set a precedent. But actually, I hope our policemen, when the Left riots [and Leftist riots outnumber the one Rightist riot by about a hundred to one], don't just shoot unarmed women banging on doors, but only fire in self-defense, as they did the other day in Georgia.

Let the moral chasm between us and you be obvious to all decent people.
lol fake news, Ghetto Fab Boi. They saw him more than once, and they have him on camera casing a house. You of course can't find any 'black victims' so you're stuck with having to defend a train of Darwin Award winning morons. lol

They didn't see him on that property that day. And they never saw him steal anything. Made their attempt to enforce a citizen's arrest, illegal.

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