Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

Ha ha. Preparing by agitating for 'gun laws'. Right. I think your slogan during Trump's presidency was "Trump is a fascist and we want him to take away all our guns!"

Before the 6 January riot, all we heard from the Left was "Defund the Police!" ... If you listened to the Left, innocent unarmed Black youth, on their way to do charitable good works or study for their degrees in aeronatical engineering, were being mercilessly gunned down by racist white policemen almost daily. But suddenly .... it's "Back the Blue"!

Now, I'll tell you a secret: the poor deluded people who thought they were going, for once, to use the tactics of the Left to right an electoral wrong ... are paying the penalty for not being as smart as they should be.

They handed the Left an enormous victory, a gift that will go on giving for years, wiping out the memory of the events of the summer when it was the Left burning buildings, torching police cars, leaving bodies of innocents behind.

We lack competent leadership, and our people are the prey of demagogues and grifters. This is just a cold hard fact that serious patriots must face.

I haven't followed these events with respect to Mr Trump's role, or with respect to the role of infiltrators like Ray Epps who egged them on, or with respect to whether advance knowledge of what was going to happen was deliberately ignored so that the Capitol was not protected.

Police infiltration of groups and provocation is not at all unknown, although it's usually used against the Left. But I don't know if it happened here, on a planned scale (certainly individual infiltrators like Ray Epps were active).

All the spokesmen for all sides are untrustworthy here, obviously driven by partisan animus.

And ... as a rightwinger, on the one hand, my reflex is to 'back the Blue' in these situations, regardless of the politics. So although I think Mr Byrd was over-hasty, and that killing this poor woman was not justified, I don't think he deserves any penalty for it. And as I said, he's set a precedent that the people laughing about Babbit's death may come to regret.

On the other hand, I know that the police have some bad apples among them.

A personal acquaintance of mine, Ron Burkholder, a gentle, eccentric science worker -- who however liked to indulge in mind-altering drugs -- was shot to death by a Los Angeles policeman, in what appeared to me to be totally unwarranted circumstances. And of course the policeman walked. [ LOS ANGELES POLICE SCORED ON SHOOTING (Published 1977) ] So I may be a bit prejudiced here with respect to police killing unarmed people.

Ron's killer walked, as did the policeman who shot Daniel Shaver to death as he lay on the ground walked, and as the policemen who shot Duncan Lemp did as well. As did the men who killed the family of that eccentric at Ruby Ridge, and as did the men who carried out the Waco Massacre.

(By the way, a good book on that terrible event was written by a very leftwing friend of mine, and is worth reading. I appreciate his ability to transcend his political hostility towards the victims and give an honest account of their fate: You can't link to Amazon on here, but go there and look up THE ASHES OF WACO by Dick Reavis.)

So Leftists who cheer the killing of Ashli Babbit by a policeman -- and those who, like the person who originated this thread, warmly hope to see a lynching, really ought to think twice. It's usually people on my side who have this reaction.

"2020 riots"
"defund the police"
"Ray Epps"
"Ron Burkholder"

Dude, you are all over the place. Try to focus, ok?

Byrd was facing a violent mob trying to break into the House chamber where some members of Congress and staff had not yet been evacuated.

Their lives were in danger and his job was to protect them.

He did and took out a traitor too. Byrd is a hero who deserves the Medal of Freedom.
It was driven by your hero and sex symbol Saddam attacking three countries we had defense agreements with. He went on to violate the ceasefire nearly every day for years afterward. We were far too tolerant as it was; Bush Sr. failed to finish the piece of shit off. Bush Jr. was delusional and thought the Muslim cretins would actually want o join the 20th century and develop a civilized country. He was dead wrong. He should have cleaned the place out and sold it to Disney for a theme park, or to Israel and make them an oil power for a little while.

Hero and sex symbol? Are you senile? You don't know anything about the Middle East or the oil business. You really are a loser.
Agree, but it wasn't a first degree murder deserving of the death penalty. It was a fight gone bad. The white guys lost so now they will pay the politically correct price


By "fight gone bad," you mean a jogger fighting for his life against thugs threatening to blow his head off.

Hero and sex symbol? Are you senile? You don't know anything about the Middle East or the oil business. You really are a loser.

lol triggered the Muslim terrorist apologist. I know more about the oil industry than you ever will.
Yes, we know you and your peer group of deviants and commies get off on fantasizing about white guys getting gang raped in prison and other sick stuff, but it really doesn't happen all that much in real life.
Blaming the victim is typical of the racist right.
See that just goes to show how much of a racist idiot you are, they didn't see him in anybody's yard. When Greg McMichael saw him, he was jogging down the street dumbass.
lol fake news, Ghetto Fab Boi. They saw him more than once, and they have him on camera casing a house. You of course can't find any 'black victims' so you're stuck with having to defend a train of Darwin Award winning morons. lol
Dumb Dudley is back with that racist narrative, sorry dumb dudley this is 2023 not 1923. See you can't just chase a black man down and lynch him anymore, especially when someone records the whole incident. Your racist white ass is going to jail.

SupaBadBreath is back with his Whitey Sucks! racism and sniveling over yet another Darwin Award winning black criminal being stupid.
They have a right to be on the road what the cuck whites don't have a right to do is accost people on that road with their weapons. Your rights are what we say they are you cuck, not what you fantasize. Fuck around and find out like these 3 assclowns. 😄

^^^^ lol another spastic howler monkey brays in the darkness, unable to face his racist hate.
"lol he wasn't a 'jogger', he was a thief casing scores."

You know, good poster Smith, you can make a corrosive allegation on an internet chatroom.....and do it without having to back yourself up.
After all, you post anonymously and using a fake name.
Not a whole lot of skin in the game.

Or me either.
So......so, I call your avatar a fake and a phony who is either unable or unwilling to back up his own word.

But, you can...if able.... rehabilitate yourself.
Articulate to the forum how you know deadsolidperfect.....that this guy was NOT jogging.
Articulate how you know he was a thief that afternoon.
Articulate that he was 'casing' the framed-up house that afternoon.

Or go.
Lest other avatars also will think your avatar is a fake and phony too.

Batter up, mon ami.
lol fake news, Ghetto Fab Boi. They saw him more than once, and they have him on camera casing a house. You of course can't find any 'black victims' so you're stuck with having to defend a train of Darwin Award winning morons. lol
No dumb dudley, they never saw him that's why their racist asses will spend the rest of their lives in prison. They didn't have a camera on any house, the home owner had a camera on the house and he said Ahmaud never stole anything from his property it was whites who were stealing his shit. Get up to speed on the case instead of just running your stupid ass, racist mouth.
SupaBadBreath is back with his Whitey Sucks! racism and sniveling over yet another Darwin Award winning black criminal being stupid.
Tell you what dumb dudley, get with the rest of your Klan boys and see if you can get these 3 idiots out of prison since you claim they are so damn innocent.

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