Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

And what did you think of the New York City Council's passing a resolution honoring the executed Soviet spy, Ethel Rosenberg? We're not talk flag-burning AntiFa here, the ones who chant "No border, No wall, No USA at all!". These people are about as representative of mainstream liberalism as you can get ... along with the oh-so-patriotic Board of Education in San Francisco that wants to cover up a "Life of Washington" mural -- one that was painted by a Communist in the 1930s, and accurately depicts some of seamier sides of American history.

Please. Lay off the faux patriotism. It's almost as funny as Southern Republican Congressmen lecturing the Democrats about their racism.

Mainstream liberalism? What are you smoking?
Mainstream liberalism? What are you smoking?
Really? New York City? Not mainstream? What's mainstream then, California?
But since you claim they're not mainstream, I suppose we can assume you don't approve of their honoring of a Soviet spy? And other liberals didn't? Did we we see any protests by liberal of progressive leaders of this act? If not, why not?
Really? New York City? Not mainstream? What's mainstream then, California?
But since you claim they're not mainstream, I suppose we can assume you don't approve of their honoring of a Soviet spy? And other liberals didn't? Did we we see any protests by liberal of progressive leaders of this act? If not, why not?

You're all over the place. Can you focus on this thread's topic?
Did arbury have an open casket I heard he got his head blown off.
The hoodlum attacked and tried to take a man's gun away from him, to do who knows what. This is just another ' let's get Whitey' farce by your usual scumbag defenders of feral animals. Make it illegal for white people to defend themselves from feral hood rats is the agenda.
You sound confused. This is not a precedent. Cops have long had the law behind them to use whatever force they deem necessary to stop a threat to people, whether the assailant is armed or not. In fact, every state has a law on the books that even private citizens can resort to lethal force if they reasonably believe they are facing imminent threat to grave bodily harm or death. And not one of those statutes limits the amount of force necessary based up whether or not the assailant is armed.

We are.
Ha ha. Preparing by agitating for 'gun laws'. Right. I think your slogan during Trump's presidency was "Trump is a fascist and we want him to take away all our guns!"

Before the 6 January riot, all we heard from the Left was "Defund the Police!" ... If you listened to the Left, innocent unarmed Black youth, on their way to do charitable good works or study for their degrees in aeronatical engineering, were being mercilessly gunned down by racist white policemen almost daily. But suddenly .... it's "Back the Blue"!

Now, I'll tell you a secret: the poor deluded people who thought they were going, for once, to use the tactics of the Left to right an electoral wrong ... are paying the penalty for not being as smart as they should be.

They handed the Left an enormous victory, a gift that will go on giving for years, wiping out the memory of the events of the summer when it was the Left burning buildings, torching police cars, leaving bodies of innocents behind.

We lack competent leadership, and our people are the prey of demagogues and grifters. This is just a cold hard fact that serious patriots must face.

I haven't followed these events with respect to Mr Trump's role, or with respect to the role of infiltrators like Ray Epps who egged them on, or with respect to whether advance knowledge of what was going to happen was deliberately ignored so that the Capitol was not protected.

Police infiltration of groups and provocation is not at all unknown, although it's usually used against the Left. But I don't know if it happened here, on a planned scale (certainly individual infiltrators like Ray Epps were active).

All the spokesmen for all sides are untrustworthy here, obviously driven by partisan animus.

And ... as a rightwinger, on the one hand, my reflex is to 'back the Blue' in these situations, regardless of the politics. So although I think Mr Byrd was over-hasty, and that killing this poor woman was not justified, I don't think he deserves any penalty for it. And as I said, he's set a precedent that the people laughing about Babbit's death may come to regret.

On the other hand, I know that the police have some bad apples among them.

A personal acquaintance of mine, Ron Burkholder, a gentle, eccentric science worker -- who however liked to indulge in mind-altering drugs -- was shot to death by a Los Angeles policeman, in what appeared to me to be totally unwarranted circumstances. And of course the policeman walked. [ LOS ANGELES POLICE SCORED ON SHOOTING (Published 1977) ] So I may be a bit prejudiced here with respect to police killing unarmed people.

Ron's killer walked, as did the policeman who shot Daniel Shaver to death as he lay on the ground walked, and as the policemen who shot Duncan Lemp did as well. As did the men who killed the family of that eccentric at Ruby Ridge, and as did the men who carried out the Waco Massacre.

(By the way, a good book on that terrible event was written by a very leftwing friend of mine, and is worth reading. I appreciate his ability to transcend his political hostility towards the victims and give an honest account of their fate: You can't link to Amazon on here, but go there and look up THE ASHES OF WACO by Dick Reavis.)

So Leftists who cheer the killing of Ashli Babbit by a policeman -- and those who, like the person who originated this thread, warmly hope to see a lynching, really ought to think twice. It's usually people on my side who have this reaction.
You're not that smart. You're just smug. I resigned the Republican party just before they invaded Iraq after 35 years.
Okay, so I'm not smart. It should therefore be easy for you, who presumably is smart, to refute the things I say. But all you can do is to post inane generalities.

I showed, with extensive evidence, that there is huge hatred, resulting in deaths, between Sunni's and Shia's ... something the whole world knows. You said, that lacks nuance, and gave an example of a Shia appointed to high position in Saudi.

Well, yes. The monarchs who rule these places would rather have social peace. As for'nuance' -- yes, a full account of anything should have 'nuance': being a Jew in Berlin in 1937 was not a life of continual beating and tormenting by your Aryan neighbors.

As for the Republicans and their invasion of Iraq ... yes, they covered themselves in shame there, joined by most Democrats including Hilary Clinton, whose vote for war was 'cast with conviction' [ Hillary Clinton Iraq War Vote Speech- Oct. 10, 2002 ] as well as in their attempt to bring Lesbian Outreach Centers and other appurtenances of liberal democray to Afghanistan.

But then Republicans have generally been more pro-war than the Democrats since about 1941 -- so they just acted in character. Maybe you didn't know that when you were a Republican.

We can thank our neocon friends for that invasion ... who have now joined you in the Democrat Party -- just returning home for most of them -- and who are busy pushing us towards World War III with the Russians, a project they began 30 years ago.
[ The First US Onslaught to “Weaken” Post-Cold War Russia. ]
Okay, so I'm not smart. It should therefore be easy for you, who presumably is smart, to refute the things I say. But all you can do is to post inane generalities.

I showed, with extensive evidence, that there is huge hatred, resulting in deaths, between Sunni's and Shia's ... something the whole world knows. You said, that lacks nuance, and gave an example of a Shia appointed to high position in Saudi.

Well, yes. The monarchs who rule these places would rather have social peace. As for'nuance' -- yes, a full account of anything should have 'nuance': being a Jew in Berlin in 1937 was not a life of continual beating and tormenting by your Aryan neighbors.

As for the Republicans and their invasion of Iraq ... yes, they covered themselves in shame there, joined by most Democrats including Hilary Clinton, whose vote for war was 'cast with conviction' [ Hillary Clinton Iraq War Vote Speech- Oct. 10, 2002 ] as well as in their attempt to bring Lesbian Outreach Centers and other appurtenances of liberal democray to Afghanistan.

But then Republicans have generally been more pro-war than the Democrats since about 1941 -- so they just acted in character. Maybe you didn't know that when you were a Republican.

We can thank our neocon friends for that invasion ... who have now joined you in the Democrat Party -- just returning home for most of them -- and who are busy pushing us towards World War III with the Russians, a project they began 30 years ago.
[ The First US Onslaught to “Weaken” Post-Cold War Russia. ]

I lived there. There was very little friction between Sunni and Shia.

The invasion of Iraq was driven by Clean Break Strategy, the PNAC and Operation Mass Appeal.
A tragic case. Both Ahmaud and his attempted arresters were doing things they should not have been doing. As often happens in person to person conflicts, things went from bad to worse and the young man was killed. I don't think this should have been a death sentence.
…and the racist right continues to defend the indefensible.
I lived there. There was very little friction between Sunni and Shia.

The invasion of Iraq was driven by Clean Break Strategy, the PNAC and Operation Mass Appeal.

It was driven by your hero and sex symbol Saddam attacking three countries we had defense agreements with. He went on to violate the ceasefire nearly every day for years afterward. We were far too tolerant as it was; Bush Sr. failed to finish the piece of shit off. Bush Jr. was delusional and thought the Muslim cretins would actually want o join the 20th century and develop a civilized country. He was dead wrong. He should have cleaned the place out and sold it to Disney for a theme park, or to Israel and make them an oil power for a little while.
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Convicted murderer. Gregory McMichael is being moved to a medical prison. That means he's not too long for this world.

They did say he won't get out of prison alive, looks like it's coming to pass sooner, rather than later.

That's because he committed the unpardonable sin. A white guy killing the government's protected species. Had he killed a white man, he would be allowed to live DECADES.

Black privilege
Going through houses under construction looking to steal.

Doesn't warrant being chased down and shot to death. Then again, he went for the dude's gun, from what I understand.

Both parties were out of line.
Agree, but it wasn't a first degree murder deserving of the death penalty. It was a fight gone bad. The white guys lost so now they will pay the politically correct price
white guys lost so now they will pay the politically correct price
Sounds like a win/win/win to many.

Though not for the young murdered jogger's family.
Still, they must have some satisfaction that the murder of their son did not go unnoticed or unpunished. Maybe.....that will help assuage some of their grief.

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