Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

Faun my good man

Just because somebody has a shotgun ad is questioning a potential trespasser(surade the law is broken anyway you look at it) doesn’t mean they want to shoot them. No it’s called attempting to make a citizens arrest. Unless people can read brain waves they have no right whatsoever to say the MacMichaels we’re going to kills the guy. they have no right to say that arbery was defending his life that is satanic. And that viewpoint just assumes. one cannot assume in a case like this where them and Michael’s are languishing in jail for the rest of their lives potentially. It is anti-American it is against European values and it is against Christianity things like that as it is so ugly and disgusting to just assume the MacMichaels were the bad guys or arbery was the bad guy


I think you’re an Arab Muslim guy from what you said. You’re cool I totally respect you. But I hope brother you can see that this case is disturbing it is anti-American the way the media treated this case arbery case…. and the way white people were treated it’s counterproductive and ugly. The media made race the main part of this case and that should’ve never gone down that way. It’s their fault for doing that. And it’s on people like us to stand up to the medias corruption

Hey there’s way way more to this picture than one sentence or one statement. Your argument about it being a construction site or for it to be normal for people to look around(I don’t understand this to be normal this is not accepted as normal in my area or anywhere in America that I have been to) that might be the case in some areas of the world but not all areas. That and What is to be explain below and so much more. That’s part of the medias problem they concentrate on one thing and then run with it in cases like this they are so satanic an ugly

The world demands justice our Lord demands justice. If someone’s not religious ok atheist can also see that an injustice was committed by sending the MacMichaels to prison for life. OK they have to show video evidence of the mcmichaels saying that they are intending to hunt down and kill some random person that morning in question to justify A life sentence.

People need to stop talking about civil rights stop talking about racism. That’s an invention is a smokescreen. Unless video evidence of the McMichaels at the KKK meeting can be produced then nothing is to be talked about when it comes to race

Yes there’s some bad cops in the country. Most cops are good people. Yes there’s black racist yes there’s white racists but most Americans are good people. Why does the media have to make this white versus black the media is trying to divide us just to get better ratings and more money. So watch out for this my fellow liberals. To my fellow Democrats just remember the John F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt will be the first ones to stand up to BLM race dividers. Because it was John F Kennedy who said we don’t need race in this country. standing behind my argument are all the great Democrats of the 20th century.
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"Illegal vote rigging springs to mind."


Well, the conundrum then for all those folks in the MAGAMob was that....no court sanctioned their 'protest', their 'demostration'. At least, not to the degree of savagely protesting on a Capitol policeman's body.

And that's a problem for the all those folks who did the beating, clubbing, stomping.....not to mention pissin' and poopin' in the Capitol halls and offices. I'm sure you understand. It would've helped their case immensely if a court, any court, had said....'You are right! Go spray MACE into the cop's face."

Now, to be sure, they tried to get a court to say grace over their intentions. About 60 times, before about 95 judges. (see Ben Ginsberg's testimony on June 13th, before the January 6th Committee .....start here: Who is Ben Ginsberg and why is he testifying in the Jan. 6 hearings? ).

But as you should know by now.....their arguments were not successful. Not successful x60. See Ginsberg above.

But, good poster 'gtopa1'.........you can still demonstrate your patriotism, your love of America. You can call the FBI if any of your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors are pictured in Sedition Hunter's 'Perp Sheet'. (see below)

Let us know, if you do.
Thanx in advance.

ps......didja see that just yesterday....2 years, and 2 weeks after that violent attack on our democracy....they arrested three current on-duty Marines for their attack on the Capitol. HooooYa!!
they have no right to say that arbery was defending his life that is satanic.
Ummm, watch the video taken by one of the murderers. The video given....voluntarily.....to a media outlet.
What I saw was a black man running down a relatively uninhabited road and being chased and terrorized by two guys in a pick-up.....and sandwiched by a trailing vehicle.
Now, to be sure, you may sincerely believe that the pick-up and the trailing car were just 'pace-cars' helping the jogger in his exercise routine.
But, you'd probably be wrong.


"But I’m telling you that this case is disturbing it is anti-American the way the media treated this case arbery case…. and the way white people were treated .....The media made race the main part of this case and that should’ve never gone down that way."

OK, let's go there.
First, the media: It was one of the murderers who provided to..."the media" .... the video footage of the chase and shooting. Can't blame the media for letting viewers view that. It is what news media does. Rightly. It's a First Amendment thingy. IMO

And then the media---again ---reported that after the two shots one of the murderers said that the murderer who twice pulled the trigger approached the bleeding victim lying in the road , kicked him in the head, and screamed "Nig*er" at the dying body.

I, for one, kinda sorta thought that added a 'racial'-vibe to the incident.

Your mileage may vary.
Lastly, your concerns over " the way white people were treated ".

OK, let's go there too. If you recall these three white guys were not arrested by the white sheriff or charged by the white prosecutors (two separate ones) ....for months after the shooting.

They murdered the jogger on February 23rd....but were not arrested until May 7th, and only after the outrage over the video now being widely aired that illustrated the egregiousness of the event.

So there is that.
Okay, fair enough. (I didn't know that police couldn't fire warning shots. Interesting.)

You condemn the violence that occurred during the BLM riots, I condemn the violence that occurred on 6 January.

You support the police killing violent protestors under the situation that Mr Byrd was in and I will assume from that, that when future riots occur sparked by police/Black encounters, you will support the police killing the rioters if they are in similar situations.

So we're in agreement, except that I believe that the situation that Byrd was in did not justify lethal force at that point -- and I note that he was the only policeman who killed someone -- , and wouild not justify lethal force in a similar situation were the police facing Leftist rioters ... but now we have a precedent, and I believe the bar has been lowered. And of course every riot will be different.

I also agree that the Left, like the Right, is composed of lots of different currents and groups, some of which are in strong disagreement with each other.

It's tempting for know-nothings on my side to condemn everyone on your side as 'commies', and for know nothings on your side to condemn everyone on my side as 'white supremacists'. [I think that the 'white supremacist' jibe is less honorable than the 'commies' slur, but let that pass.

Many people find it hard to think. All that confusing information, so little of it available as cartoons ...

Well, it's a cold civil war and in wars one always demonizes the other side. And if we think it's bad now. wait until it goes hot.

Yes, he was the only cop who shot and kill someone.

But there's a reason for that....

She was the only one stupid enough to breach a police barricade leading into the House chamber where there were still lawmakers holed up, waiting to be evacuated.
How sad you make a joke about an unarmed woman shot point blank in the face by a cowardly, panicked Officer Byrd.

He wasn't panicked. He didn't shoot her in the face. He was just doing his job. That one shot saved lives.
These people have no honor. They are beneath contempt.

But not everyone on the Left is like that. And I've seen similar slimey comments by people on the Right when something similar happened to their opponents. (For example, Rush Limbaugh's disgraceful gleeful reporting on deaths from Aids for awhile, which he later stopped and regretted, donating $10 000 to the Paediatric Aids Foundation. I don't expect similar regrets from our Lefties though.)

Who regrets a traitor getting shot?

He shot an unarmed immobile woman at point blank range. He is a coward and he panicked. And all of you Leftist apologists make jokes about Ashli Babbitt. You are disgusting examples of Americans. If you even are Americans.

Faun my good man

Just because somebody has a shotgun ad is questioning a potential trespasser(surade the law is broken anyway you look at it) doesn’t mean they want to shoot them. No it’s called attempting to make a citizens arrest. Unless people can read brain waves they have no right whatsoever to say the MacMichaels we’re going to kills the guy. they have no right to say that arbery was defending his life that is satanic. And that viewpoint just assumes. one cannot assume in a case like this where them and Michael’s are languishing in jail for the rest of their lives potentially. It is anti-American it is against European values and it is against Christianity things like that as it is so ugly and disgusting to just assume the MacMichaels were the bad guys or arbery was the bad guy


I think you’re an Arab Muslim guy from what you said. You’re cool I totally respect you. But I hope brother you can see that this case is disturbing it is anti-American the way the media treated this case arbery case…. and the way white people were treated it’s counterproductive and ugly. The media made race the main part of this case and that should’ve never gone down that way. It’s their fault for doing that. And it’s on people like us to stand up to the medias corruption

Hey there’s way way more to this picture than one sentence or one statement. Your argument about it being a construction site or for it to be normal for people to look around(I don’t understand this to be normal this is not accepted as normal in my area or anywhere in America that I have been to) that might be the case in some areas of the world but not all areas. That and What is to be explain below and so much more. That’s part of the medias problem they concentrate on one thing and then run with it in cases like this they are so satanic an ugly

The world demands justice our Lord demands justice. If someone’s not religious ok atheist can also see that an injustice was committed by sending the MacMichaels to prison for life. OK they have to show video evidence of the mcmichaels saying that they are intending to hunt down and kill some random person that morning in question to justify A life sentence.

People need to stop talking about civil rights stop talking about racism. That’s an invention is a smokescreen. Unless video evidence of the McMichaels at the KKK meeting can be produced then nothing is to be talked about when it comes to race

Yes there’s some bad cops in the country. Most cops are good people. Yes there’s black racist yes there’s white racists but most Americans are good people. Why does the media have to make this white versus black the media is trying to divide us just to get better ratings and more money. So watch out for this my fellow liberals. To my fellow Democrats just remember the John F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt will be the first ones to stand up to BLM race dividers. Because it was John F Kennedy who said we don’t need race in this country. standing behind my argument are all the great Democrats of the 20th century.

I'm not saying Travis intended to shoot Arbery when he pulled a shotgun from his truck. I am saying he had no reason to grab a weapon. And I am saying he committed an aggravated assault when he pointed it at Arbery. And I am saying doing that produced a reasonable fear of great bodily harm to Arbery, for which Arbery was then legally allowed to engage in self-defense and which he had no duty to retreat. All those actions are due solely to the actions of Travis McMichael -- which left one man dead and 3 others rotting in prison.
Faun my good man

Just because somebody has a shotgun ad is questioning a potential trespasser(surade the law is broken anyway you look at it) doesn’t mean they want to shoot them. No it’s called attempting to make a citizens arrest. Unless people can read brain waves they have no right whatsoever to say the MacMichaels we’re going to kills the guy. they have no right to say that arbery was defending his life that is satanic. And that viewpoint just assumes. one cannot assume in a case like this where them and Michael’s are languishing in jail for the rest of their lives potentially. It is anti-American it is against European values and it is against Christianity things like that as it is so ugly and disgusting to just assume the MacMichaels were the bad guys or arbery was the bad guy


I think you’re an Arab Muslim guy from what you said. You’re cool I totally respect you. But I hope brother you can see that this case is disturbing it is anti-American the way the media treated this case arbery case…. and the way white people were treated it’s counterproductive and ugly. The media made race the main part of this case and that should’ve never gone down that way. It’s their fault for doing that. And it’s on people like us to stand up to the medias corruption

Hey there’s way way more to this picture than one sentence or one statement. Your argument about it being a construction site or for it to be normal for people to look around(I don’t understand this to be normal this is not accepted as normal in my area or anywhere in America that I have been to) that might be the case in some areas of the world but not all areas. That and What is to be explain below and so much more. That’s part of the medias problem they concentrate on one thing and then run with it in cases like this they are so satanic an ugly

The world demands justice our Lord demands justice. If someone’s not religious ok atheist can also see that an injustice was committed by sending the MacMichaels to prison for life. OK they have to show video evidence of the mcmichaels saying that they are intending to hunt down and kill some random person that morning in question to justify A life sentence.

People need to stop talking about civil rights stop talking about racism. That’s an invention is a smokescreen. Unless video evidence of the McMichaels at the KKK meeting can be produced then nothing is to be talked about when it comes to race

Yes there’s some bad cops in the country. Most cops are good people. Yes there’s black racist yes there’s white racists but most Americans are good people. Why does the media have to make this white versus black the media is trying to divide us just to get better ratings and more money. So watch out for this my fellow liberals. To my fellow Democrats just remember the John F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt will be the first ones to stand up to BLM race dividers. Because it was John F Kennedy who said we don’t need race in this country. standing behind my argument are all the great Democrats of the 20th century.
What LAW gives you the right to make a citizen's arrest or to detain anyone that you didn't see commit a crime? What Law says you can detain someone you THOUGHT committed a crime? Folks will stop talking about civil rights and racism when there is no longer a need to talk about them.
What LAW gives you the right to make a citizen's arrest or to detain anyone that you didn't see commit a crime? What Law says you can detain someone you THOUGHT committed a crime? Folks will stop talking about civil rights and racism when there is no longer a need to talk about them.

The McMichaels' crime led to Georgia repealing their citizen's arrest law altogether. Now it's never legal in that state to enforce a citizen's arrest for any reason.
Yes, he was the only cop who shot and kill someone.

But there's a reason for that....

She was the only one stupid enough to breach a police barricade leading into the House chamber where there were still lawmakers holed up, waiting to be evacuated.
Okay, every incident like this has its own unique set of circumstances. But now a precedent has been set: unarmed, or not obviously armed, demonstrators ... and not 6' 8" men, either ... who, in the judgement of the police, represent a threat to others -- presumably lawmakers are not more important than ordinary citizens -- can be shot dead.

Fine. That's the way it works in Africa, in Iran, in other Third World countries. Just remember that a 'rightwing riot' is a very rare occurrence. 'Leftwing riots' are far, far more common. They're trying to stir one up now, over the death of a protestor who fired at police first, in Georgia.

So let the 'Byrd Rule' prevail.

Patriots, prepare.
Faun my good man

Just because somebody has a shotgun ad is questioning a potential trespasser(surade the law is broken anyway you look at it) doesn’t mean they want to shoot them. No it’s called attempting to make a citizens arrest. Unless people can read brain waves they have no right whatsoever to say the MacMichaels we’re going to kills the guy. they have no right to say that arbery was defending his life that is satanic. And that viewpoint just assumes. one cannot assume in a case like this where them and Michael’s are languishing in jail for the rest of their lives potentially. It is anti-American it is against European values and it is against Christianity things like that as it is so ugly and disgusting to just assume the MacMichaels were the bad guys or arbery was the bad guy


I think you’re an Arab Muslim guy from what you said. You’re cool I totally respect you. But I hope brother you can see that this case is disturbing it is anti-American the way the media treated this case arbery case…. and the way white people were treated it’s counterproductive and ugly. The media made race the main part of this case and that should’ve never gone down that way. It’s their fault for doing that. And it’s on people like us to stand up to the medias corruption

Hey there’s way way more to this picture than one sentence or one statement. Your argument about it being a construction site or for it to be normal for people to look around(I don’t understand this to be normal this is not accepted as normal in my area or anywhere in America that I have been to) that might be the case in some areas of the world but not all areas. That and What is to be explain below and so much more. That’s part of the medias problem they concentrate on one thing and then run with it in cases like this they are so satanic an ugly

The world demands justice our Lord demands justice. If someone’s not religious ok atheist can also see that an injustice was committed by sending the MacMichaels to prison for life. OK they have to show video evidence of the mcmichaels saying that they are intending to hunt down and kill some random person that morning in question to justify A life sentence.

People need to stop talking about civil rights stop talking about racism. That’s an invention is a smokescreen. Unless video evidence of the McMichaels at the KKK meeting can be produced then nothing is to be talked about when it comes to race

Yes there’s some bad cops in the country. Most cops are good people. Yes there’s black racist yes there’s white racists but most Americans are good people. Why does the media have to make this white versus black the media is trying to divide us just to get better ratings and more money. So watch out for this my fellow liberals. To my fellow Democrats just remember the John F Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt will be the first ones to stand up to BLM race dividers. Because it was John F Kennedy who said we don’t need race in this country. standing behind my argument are all the great Democrats of the 20th century.

I'm a grandmother and a Christian. My heritage is Dutch and Irish... and my family has been here since New York was New Amsterdam.

Aubrey had not committed any crime... Jogging while black?
Okay, every incident like this has its own unique set of circumstances. But now a precedent has been set: unarmed, or not obviously armed, demonstrators ... and not 6' 8" men, either ... who, in the judgement of the police, represent a threat to others -- presumably lawmakers are not more important than ordinary citizens -- can be shot dead.

Fine. That's the way it works in Africa, in Iran, in other Third World countries. Just remember that a 'rightwing riot' is a very rare occurrence. 'Leftwing riots' are far, far more common. They're trying to stir one up now, over the death of a protestor who fired at police first, in Georgia.

So let the 'Byrd Rule' prevail.

You sound confused. This is not a precedent. Cops have long had the law behind them to use whatever force they deem necessary to stop a threat to people, whether the assailant is armed or not. In fact, every state has a law on the books that even private citizens can resort to lethal force if they reasonably believe they are facing imminent threat to grave bodily harm or death. And not one of those statutes limits the amount of force necessary based up whether or not the assailant is armed.

Patriots, prepare.

We are.
You sound confused. This is not a precedent. Cops have long had the law behind them to use whatever force they deem necessary to stop a threat to people, whether the assailant is armed or not. In fact, every state has a law on the books that even private citizens can resort to lethal force if they reasonably believe they are facing imminent threat to grave bodily harm or death. And not one of those statutes limits the amount of force necessary based up whether or not the assailant is armed.

We are.
Ha. You are telling me that if this had been a BLM/AntiFa mob in identical circumstances and a white policeman had shot a Black woman dead, you and your friends would have said, 'Fine, she was a threat, deserved to die'. ??? Really ??? Sorry, you know that's not true.
Ha. You are telling me that if this had been a BLM/AntiFa mob in identical circumstances and a white policeman had shot a Black woman dead, you and your friends would have said, 'Fine, she was a threat, deserved to die'. ??? Really ??? Sorry, you know that's not true.

Need I really repeat myself? Did you really not understand the first time I said ... I repeatedly condemned the BLM riots and my position is that police should use any force necessary to protect someone from at attack that could reasonably perceived as an imminent threat?
Benedict Babbitt. She, as part of that violent mob, attacked the U.S..
And what did you think of the New York City Council's passing a resolution honoring the executed Soviet spy, Ethel Rosenberg? We're not talk flag-burning AntiFa here, the ones who chant "No border, No wall, No USA at all!". These people are about as representative of mainstream liberalism as you can get ... along with the oh-so-patriotic Board of Education in San Francisco that wants to cover up a "Life of Washington" mural -- one that was painted by a Communist in the 1930s, and accurately depicts some of seamier sides of American history.

Please. Lay off the faux patriotism. It's almost as funny as Southern Republican Congressmen lecturing the Democrats about their racism.
And what did you think of the New York City Council's passing a resolution honoring the executed Soviet spy, Ethel Rosenberg? We're not talk flag-burning AntiFa here, the ones who chant "No border, No wall, No USA at all!". These people are about as representative of mainstream liberalism as you can get ... along with the oh-so-patriotic Board of Education in San Francisco that wants to cover up a "Life of Washington" mural -- one that was painted by a Communist in the 1930s, and accurately depicts some of seamier sides of American history.

Please. Lay off the faux patriotism. It's almost as funny as Southern Republican Congressmen lecturing the Democrats about their racism.

Ethel Rosenberg was way before my time and has no bearing on this debate.

Try to stay at least in the 21st century.

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