Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

"Doesn't quite mesh?" What does that mean? You think it's not true?
I think that despite your story, your allegiance lies closer to home. ;)
I’ve watched you make enough excuses so as to not reconcile with your crusading past.
All these crystal clear facts and you still have legions of rightwing white people who simply cannot bring themselves to see the truth.

Imagine the injustice our black brothers and sisters faced during the Civil Rights Movement and before.

Society was simply hostile to them. History does it no justice.
They can not and will not. This business is conducted only with winks and nods.
It’s almost as if they know it’s wrong.

Unrepentant degenerates.
These people have no honor. They are beneath contempt.

But not everyone on the Left is like that. And I've seen similar slimey comments by people on the Right when something similar happened to their opponents. (For example, Rush Limbaugh's disgraceful gleeful reporting on deaths from Aids for awhile, which he later stopped and regretted, donating $10 000 to the Paediatric Aids Foundation. I don't expect similar regrets from our Lefties though.)
I agree that not all Leftists are like that. I have several friends who are Leftist/Democrats some since college. I have a relative who is a very belligerent Trump hater, vax pusher but we get along great. We just never talk politics.
Yep. She bled out on the floor like a dog.

Gave the time needed to fully evacuate the House floor. In that regard, we should honor her sacrifice.
Officer Byrd should have been removed from duty. I hope he is haunted by what he did every day of his life. I will never understand Leftists who cry crocodile tears for George Floyd and make jokes about an innocent unarmed woman being murdered point blank by a Capitol Cop. You people are twisted.
"Officer Byrd...."
......did the right thing. An effective officer. Right place. Right time. Thankfullly.
He stopped an angry vicious mob from getting their hands on any number of our elected Congressmen and their staffs.

He aimed.
He aimed to stop a mob.
His aim was true.
They stopped.
Good shoot.
True that!
Officer Byrd should have been removed from duty. I hope he is haunted by what he did every day of his life. I will never understand Leftists who cry crocodile tears for George Floyd and make jokes about an innocent unarmed woman being murdered point blank by a Capitol Cop. You people are twisted.
It’s a given that you will never understand.
Officer Byrd wasn’t removed and Ashley is still dead. Bless her heart. Her sacrifice for the safety of those in the House chamber will not be forgotten.
......did the right thing. An effective officer. Right place. Right time. Thankfullly.
He stopped an angry vicious mob from getting their hands on any number of our elected Congressmen and their staffs.

He aimed.
He aimed to stop a mob.
His aim was true.
They stopped.
Good shoot.
True that!
He shot an unarmed immobile woman at point blank range. He is a coward and he panicked. And all of you Leftist apologists make jokes about Ashli Babbitt. You are disgusting examples of Americans. If you even are Americans.
"He shot an unarmed immobile woman at point blank range."

He stopped the point-man of the attackers.
He stopped the point-of-the-spear.
He aimed to stop a mob of violent attackers of our democracy.
His aim was true.
And he stopped that mob of violent attackers.
Right man. Right place. Right time. Good shoot.

Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.
May her family find peace.
And may the MAGA-world of RWNJ's cease dragging her poor corpse across the internet to advance their partisan polemics.

Shame on them.
He shot an unarmed immobile woman at point blank range. He is a coward and he panicked. And all of you Leftist apologists make jokes about Ashli Babbitt. You are disgusting examples of Americans. If you even are Americans.
Americans don’t typically endeavor to subvert the rightful electoral process either though.

What do you imagine a “domestic” enemy is or could be?
Ask those "black conservatives" -- exactly what about America's past are they trying to conserve.....see the self hating jibberish and word salad you get.......black Conservatives have to demean themselves in order to get a pat on the head from morons like you...and be told how they are one of "the good ones" -- without even paying attention to the fact that label is in itself, racist....

Every emancipation effort, civil rights fight, liberation movement has been OPPOSED PRIMARILY by CONSERVATIVES thru out the history of this country....so where about in America's past are you conservatives trying to return us back to; since your ideology has been consistently wrong every step of the way....
God you’re so stupid it’s pathetic. And that goes for the idiots thinking this pile of garbage you posted was a “winner”. It was Democrats who filibustered the Civil Rights Act, started the Klan, and have remained racist scum to this very day.
Let's offer an alternative view about the Babbitt shooting than the one presented by the poster Doug1943:

Babbitt was attacking officers on the other side of that door.

She participated with an armed mob to batter an opening into a barricade specifically erected to bar them.
Once a breach was effected she was warned to 'back off', to not enter, to leave.
Instead, she took it upon herself to charge towards those same officers who were warning her. And she did so knowing a police firearm was unholstered and brandished at the mob.
She was shrouded in a cloth concealing from those officers her weapons, if any. And her sudden movement towards them prevented them from checking her backpack for explosives or other weaponry.
And yet, she continued to aggressively moving towards them.

Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.
May her family find peace.


"exulting over" the sentences given the three men is NOT because they are white.

It is because of the near universal perception by the American populace----and most importantly, the jury ----- that the egregiousness of this murder required the severest of penalties.

Putting a period to the issue was this revelation: After the victim was shot and bleeding out on the pavement....the shooter approached, kicked him in the head....and called him a ni**er!

If that is NOT egregious......
Now retard, you get to show EXACTLY where Babbitt was “attacking a cop”. Go. Or be shown to be a no evidence producing liar once again.
"Now retard, you get to show EXACTLY where Babbitt was “attacking a cop”.

Ah, good question from one of my most fav posters. The earnest avataree, "lantern2".

So OK poster, here is how it works:

You are the leading element of a mob that has exhibited its violent intent by viciously battering a barrier specifically in place to prevent your entry. The police on the other side of that barrier warn you. They brandish a gun to intimidate you. But you are the self-appointed 'tip-of-the-spear' to lead the attack against those police. You voluntarily jump into the just battered-down opening that breaches that barrier....and you leap directly towards the protecting police on the other side.
You leap towards them....NOT... away from them.

THAT....gentle "lantern" is how 'attacks' happen. So, no surprise, the deceased attacker had....hold for it....'attacked'.

Now if you wanna make that 'attack' a verb....OK, let's do that: "to set upon or work against forcefully"

Or, good poster 'lantern' if you wanna make 'attack' a noun....we can do that too: "a belligerent or antagonistic action"

So I'm cool with whichever description you choose of the two....verb or noun.

And, good luck. Glad to see you are back.
I feared you had been banned because of that tic of the over-use of 'f-bombs'.

So, welcome back. ;)

Ah, good question from one of my most fav posters. The earnest avataree, "lantern2".

So OK poster, here is how it works:

You are the leading element of a mob that has exhibited its violent intent by viciously battering a barrier specifically in place to prevent your entry. The police on the other side of that barrier warn you. They brandish a gun to intimidate you. But you are the self-appointed 'tip-of-the-spear' to lead the attack against those police. You voluntarily jump into the just battered-down opening that breaches that barrier....and you leap directly towards the protecting police on the other side.
You leap towards them....NOT... away from them.

THAT....gentle "lantern" is how 'attacks' happen. So, no surprise, the deceased attacker had....hold for it....'attacked'.

Now if you wanna make that 'attack' a verb....OK, let's do that: "to set upon or work against forcefully"

Or, good poster 'lantern' if you wanna make 'attack' a noun....we can do that too: "a belligerent or antagonistic action"

So I'm cool with whichever description you choose of the two....verb or noun.

And, good luck. Glad to see you are back.
I feared you had been banned because of that tic of the over-use of 'f-bombs'.

So, welcome back. ;)
They are very sensitive for such tough guys
We all know for a fact, that the murderers were in the wrong.

However, you're assuming that Ahmaud was doing something wrong.

Why is that?
Not assuming at all; MAY have been and the white fellas wanted to hand him over to the police. Why do you assume the white fellas were racist? May have just been sick of being robbed.

Not assuming at all; MAY have been and the white fellas wanted to hand him over to the police. Why do you assume the white fellas were racist? May have just been sick of being robbed.

Hmm… to counter your query…why do you assume he was a robber?

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