Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

The Brits called the brown skinned people in the empire wogs and coolies.

I lived in the Middle East for two decades.. the Shia Sunni thing is far more nuanced.
So when they kill each other, as they do a lot, it's nuanced? They kill Christians more enthusastically? Or what? Please, explain the nuances.

Take that Wiki article and explain where it leaves out the nuances.

By the way, I'm not saying this stuff is confined to Muslims! Protestant and Catholic Christians in Northern Ireland, Serb Orthodox Christians and Croat Roman Catholic Christians in the former Yugoslavia, Ukrainian Orthodox Christians and Catholic Poles 70 years ago, Orthodox Christian Ukrainians and Orthodox Christian Russians at this very minute -- kill each other happily!

Buddhist Sinhalese and Hindu Tamils kill each other with great gusto!

In India, where Muslims are a minority, Hindus had a great time when Mr Modi (now their national leader) let them have three days of uninterrupted rape and murder against Muslims in Gujarat -- in retaliation for a Muslim mass killing of Hindu pilgrims -- at least it was blamed on Muslims.

Religion is superficial. Humans are the 'third chimpanzee', a species that can be really nasty, and really ingenious, in killing 'the other'. We have slowly -- oh, so slowly -- begun to evolve away from that.

But we are a long long way from getting to the universal brotherhood of man.
So when they kill each other, as they do a lot, it's nuanced? They kill Christians more enthusastically? Or what? Please, explain the nuances.

Take that Wiki article and explain where it leaves out the nuances.

By the way, I'm not saying this stuff is confined to Muslims! Protestant and Catholic Christians in Northern Ireland, Serb Orthodox Christians and Croat Roman Catholic Christians in the former Yugoslavia, Ukrainian Orthodox Christians and Catholic Poles 70 years ago, Orthodox Christian Ukrainians and Orthodox Christian Russians at this very minute -- kill each other happily!

Buddhist Sinhalese and Hindu Tamils kill each other with great gusto!

In India, where Muslims are a minority, Hindus had a great time when Mr Modi (now their national leader) let them have three days of uninterrupted rape and murder against Muslims in Gujarat -- in retaliation for a Muslim mass killing of Hindu pilgrims -- at least it was blamed on Muslims.

Religion is superficial. Humans are the 'third chimpanzee', a species that can be really nasty, and really ingenious, in killing 'the other'. We have slowly -- oh, so slowly -- begun to evolve away from that.

But we are a long long way from getting to the universal brotherhood of man.

You're glib but you don't know anything about the Middle East.
No. You're on the road to Thoughtcrime there.

And you're also implying that if these men had been, say, Hispanic, or 'rooftop Koreans', then they could have killed Arbery and you would be okay with that.

They killed him because they tried to make a citizen's arrest of someone they sincerely thought was a burglar. It was a stupid thing to do.

And, true, if he had been a Korean, they might have acted differently ... not because of any ideation -- they very probably had the unpleasant 'ideation' of many older whites -- but for the same reason that YOU, yes, YOU, if you were walking down a dark street at night, heard footsteps behind you, turned around ... and saw that the people following you were white, not Black, would feel relieved.

You would feel relieved, wouldn't you? Regardless of your progressive ideation?
Hate crimes are real crimes. The kind that require the standard of “ beyond a reasonable doubt”. Hardly a thought crime.

Your defense of such undesirable behaviors is curious though.
I understand that it may be hard for you to imagine your ole pap and grandpap, who no doubt filled you with stories of how special you are as a young white man, as undesirables.

What you see as “going to hell in a hand basket”, the the rest of see as “about time”.
They also struck him with the pickup before the video.

We watched a lynching in progress. If this were the 1960s that could have been Emmitt Till.
Nah, Emmett Till was murdered because he whistled at a white woman. True, his father was convicted of murder and rape, and hanged for it, but the murderers had no way of knowing that. (And, of course, some liberals think his father was judicially lynched -- I have no way of knowing -- it's not impossible.) [ ]

Till made a terrible mistake -- he was in a foreign country, effectively, and didn't learn the rules of the local ruling savages. What happened to him was what could very well happen to me, an old white Southern male, if I went to South Chicago on a Saturday night and whistled at an attractive young Black woman while some Black youths were around.

Race is real. We cannot escape it. But we can act in ways that transcend it.

If I were Black, or a Native American [I'm actually 1/16th Choctaw but that's just a genetic curiousity], or a Japanese American, I would burn with resentment over what was done to my people in the past by the whites. I don't know if I would have the internal strength to think, "This is how human beings are, any color ... and we're making slow progress towards a better and fairer world."

If I had been a Nisei, born 20 years earlier than I actually was, and then been put, with my relatives, in an internment camp --- when German-Americans and Italian-Americans were not --- would I have joined the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which earned the highest number of medals of any American unit of its size for its action in WWII?
[ 442nd Infantry Regiment (United States) - Wikipedia ]

If I had been Black, like Dorie Miller, who could, as a mess attendant (the only job Blacks were allowed to have in the Navy then), hid below decks but instead went on deck and manned an anti-aircraft gun at Pearl Harbor, later dying in action when his ship was torpedoed... while my kin were being lynched in my native Texas.. would I have done what he did? [ Doris “Dorie” Miller - Pearl Harbor ]

Or if I had been a Mexican-American ... in America because 'the border crossed my ancestors' when the US stole half of Mexico .. would I have come anywhere near being like the late Roy Benavidez? (Read his story. If it were a Hollywood movie, you wouldn't believe it: [ Roy Benavidez - Wikipedia ] )
Hispanic immigrants? I'll take a few million like him, legally of course.)

I would hope so, but talk is cheap.

Japanese, Black, Hispanic ... these were Americans! Any white patriot ought to feel that they have a million times more in common with people like these men, than with pure-white flag-burning AntiFa scum.

And ... that's the only way we'll overcome racism, via Americanism. Racism is group solidarity, with powerful genetic roots. But we are not prisoners of our genes. Patriotism is another kind of group solidarity -- real patriotism, not the newly-discovered faux-patriotism of the Left.

Sadly, the Left is working hard, and with success, towards the goal of effectively destroying America. The economic success of capitalism, and even more, the abject failures of real socialism where it was tried, have moved them away from trying to ignite the class war.

Now they're trying to open up the racial fracture lines. We must not let them succeed.
I always felt terrible for the McMichaels and Mr. Arberry in this case. Neither of them at Michael’s woke up that they thinking they were going to shoot anybody. And I saw the video the young man lunged at the McMichaels who is holding a shotgun. So what of course happened was the shotgun was fired I suppose that Travis McMichael was nervous. But he doesn’t deserve life in prison at most may be a few years in prison. There is a clear massive difference between intentionally going to kill somebody and then getting involved in a scuffle or somebody’s trying to take away your shotgun like Arberry was trying to take away the shotgun for McMichael..

This case was terribly handled by the media. And I think the media oughta be ashamed of themselves for how they put a pro BLM spin on this case when BLM should’ve had nothing to do with it. Race has nothing to do with this topic. But the media made it out to be that way at least much of the media dead. That’s a shame it’s against Christianity and civility…

This goes back to the 2020 BLM riots all built on nonsense. You know here’s a fact. And I truly wonder what some young white man or young black man who supports BLM has to say to the following. What do they say to the fact that there are white Vietnam veterans who are drug addicts living homeless on the streets of Las Vegas? nobody gives a darn about them. What about the millions of white and Black people what about the millions of white people and millions of Black people who live either homeless or with a very low wage. ? the struggle is real we’re in this together poverty knows no color. Injustice happens to white people and Black people so that’s it full stop It’s common sense throughout all of history. I hope that the few people who support BLM in this country wake up to stop supporting BLM. Most cops are good cops…..
Hate crimes are real crimes. The kind that require the standard of “ beyond a reasonable doubt”. Hardly a thought crime.

Your defense of such undesirable behaviors is curious though.
I understand that it may be hard for you to imagine your ole pap and grandpap, who no doubt filled you with stories of how special you are as a young white man, as undesirables.

What you see as “going to hell in a hand basket”, the the rest of see as “about time”.
I have to laugh when I see little radicals, who've never risked a hair on their precious little heads, talk about my 'pap and grandpap' etc.

My parents were FDR liberals -- from the working class, not intellectuals, not even high school graduates -- and they taught me to believe in racial equality from the get-go.

Which is why I, as a high school student (segregated school) was in the first sit-in at Weingarten's supermaket in Houston (it had segregated lunch counters), picketted Foley's Department Store (it wouldn't hire Blacks), went door-to-door with petitions to abolish the poll tax, took part in 'stand-ins' at the segregated movie theatres in downtown Houston, and spent 'Freedom Summer' (1964) registering Blacks to vote in Fayette County, Tennessee -- where I had two scary 'close encounters' with white racists, one a car chase -- they were in a convertible and threw their tire iron and other things at us, only breaking off when we reached the Black area where we were staying -- ... the other encounter, at night, when I stupidly took a walk down the isolated country road that ran in front of the Black home we were staying in [when you're young, you're dumb] and encountered two whites in a pickup truck -- I'm sure I broke the world record for the 100-yard dash and ended up lying motionless in the middle of a cotton field. They were probably drunk and didn't get out of their vehicle to find me. God looks after his idiots.

And by the way: during the winter of 1964, there were several big public meetings at my university to publicize what was happening in Fayette County (Google 'Tent City' if you're interested). Hundreds and hundreds of students attended, almost all supportive of the fight to register Blacks to vote in that Black-majority county, where they had been denied the vote.

Then the academic year came to an end, and it was time to actually 'go Souith'. But something happened then: three civil rights workers in Mississippi (right over the line from Fayette County) disappeared.

And those hundreds and hundreds of white liberals who had crowded into the auditorium to hear about, and support, the voter registration drive? Hmmm.... when it was time to go down South, where civil rights workers might disappear ... their number had shrunk to about 50.

So I've had the number of big-mouth white liberal boys and girls for a long time. Malcolm X was right about white liberals. (And a lot of other things to.) Deeds, not words.

And, that goes for patriots today, if any of you are reading this: talk is good, destroying these snotty little leftist june-bugs online is fun ... but hard times are coming, and we must act. This means, at the moment, preparing your familiy with all the necessaries, and then organizing with like-minded people in your area.
You're glib but you don't know anything about the Middle East.
Okay. Me and Wiki and every news magazine I read -- from The Economist to The Guardian -- and every political magazine and website ... we're wrong.

So ... set us right. Where are we wrong? Shia's and Sunni's love each other and don't kill each other? Please, elaborate.
Okay, let's assume that everything that was said about Ashli Babbit is true: she was 'charging' toward officers, and could have had a gun concealed on her -- just as you and I could have one concealed on us right now.

So you're saying that in this situation, a policeman is justified in shooting the rioter dead? And you'll be perfectly happy when the next BLM/AntiFa riot occurs, and rioters charging toward policemen -- unless the rioter is stark naked -- are shot dead? Really?

Well, as Julius Caesar would have said, 'In war, the laws are silent'. The Left is happy, or at least not unhappy, that this woman was killed, because she was a Trump supporter. That's the long and the short of it. We all know that if the tables had been turned, if she had been Black, shot by a white policemen in abolutely identical circumstances, the Left would be shrieking blue murder.

Let me make something clear: this woman was foolish, like all the 6 January rioters. Like them, she deserved and should have received the same punishment a group of Leftist rioters would receive in similar circumstances. So long as we believe in the Rule of Law, that's what every decent person should believe.

But we're clearly moving away from the Rule of Law. A pity, because, since about 1970 or so, we had been making great progress towards establishing it for everyone.

And I don't need any lectures about the egregious departures from the Rule of Law that we saw in the past. I grew up in Houston Texas, and saw one friend jailed for six months because he wore a good imitation of a military uniform in an anti-war guerilla heatre performance -- he appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, and won. A step forward for the Rule of Law [Schacht v. United States - Wikipedia]

Another acquaintance was sentenced to 30 years in prison, and served four, for giving a marijuana cigarette to an undercover policemean. The real reason for his sentence was that he was a Black radical activist and a thorn in the side of the Houston Police Department.
[ Release of Black Activist Ordered in Marijuana Case (Published 1972) ]

In the summer of 1964 the Houston Socialist Forum sponsored a meeting on the upcoming presidential elections. One of the speakers was a member of the Communist Party. The John Birch Society showed up and disrupted the meeting and prevented it from continuing. We [I was a Socialist then] called the police, the disrupters were arrested ... but in court, their lawyer got up and said just once sentence, a famous quote from the Republican Presidential nominee, Barry Goldwater: "Extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice!"

So if you were a Leftist then, in Texas for sure, you could not count on the protection of the law. Things changed, and it's a good thing they did. [I give the examples above because I witnessed them. There were far, far worse examples: for instance the leaders of the Communist Party were sent to prison in 1949 for violating the Smith Act. (A friend of mine, on the National Committee of the Communist Party, was waiting in prison in Boston to go to trial when the Supreme Court pulled the teeth of the Smith Act in the Yates decision.) [ Yates v. United States - Wikipedia ]

And everyone should know the names of the heroes Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner. The Rule of Law finally caught up with at least one of their murderers. Good.

But now it is the Left who disrupts and attacks conservative meetings and rallies. And, under the pressure of the threat of more violent riots, it's white conservatives who cannot count on the fair application of the Rule of Law in many areas.

Too bad.

I hope that we see a reversal of this trend, and return to equal justice for all, Black militants and rednecks alike, but I doubt very much that it will happen.

At the moment, many people on the Right still, nominally, adhere to a belief in the rule of law. (They rationalize 6 January by saying it was the work of provocateurs, which shows they know it was wrong to do what the rioters did.) But if things continue as they are ... and there is no reason to think they won't ... then this will change.

Too bad.

So, any patriot reading this, remember that, as old Bismarck said, "All the great questions of humanity are settled not by parliamentary majorities, but by iron and blood." Act accordingly, remaining within the law as long as we can.

But the law is not a suicide pact. The Left is destroying it. (Yes, a certain leader of the Republican Party is helping them. History is a series of accidents, and we got really lucky with the Founders, with Lincoln, with Churchill and FDR. Now apparently history has decided we've had enough good luck.)

Too bad.

You're leaving out many grave details which justify the shoot. Intentionally, no doubt, to condemn the shooter.

1. A huge mob converged on the Capitol. Capitol Police, in communication by police radio, heard that some people in that mob were armed.

2. Many in that mob became violent and attacked Capitol police who fought, and failed, to keep that violent mob out.

3. Capitol Police, in contact by radio communication, were aware of the brutality, danger and escalation of the situation.

4. Many among that violent mob broke into the Capitol, smashing doors and windows.

5. It became so dire, all of Congress, VP and staff had to be evacuated for their own safety.

6. During that period of evacuation, as it became evident that rioters had entered the Capitol, Capitol police, whose job it is to protect lawmakers and staff, setup makeshift barricades with furniture to keep that violent mob out. At one entrance to the House chamber, police had to draw their service weapons when rioters busted a window being barricaded. Police were not fucking around while lawmakers were still inside the chambers.

7. On the other side of the House chamber, at an entrance to the Speaker's Lobby, the mob there became outraged at the sight of lawmakers being evacuated, yelling, "they're getting away! They're getting away!" And began beating the glass despite there being police right there, in front of the doors, which were in front of another makeshift barricade.

8. That situation became so virulent, some of the police guarding that door had to be replaced with more heavily armed cops to keep that mob out of the House chamber until everyone inside could be safely evacuated.

9. During that transition, that mob became even more violent and began smashing the barricaded doors and windows leading into the Speaker's Lobby. On the other side of that barricade was a door to the House chamber just feet away and not barricaded.

10. Some House members and staff were still holed up inside the House chamber who had not yet been evacuated to safety from that violent mob. That violent mob, in the process of breaking into the House chamber, was a dire threat to those members of Congress and their staff.

11. Also on the other side of that barricade were Capitol police who were prepared to use lethal force, just like the other cops inside the House chamber, to keep that mob out until all were safely evacuated. Lt. Byrd was one of those cops who then drew his service weapon.

12. Police were yelling at that violent mob to 'get back!'

13. A rioter broke out a window that was maybe 6 feet away from the unbarricaded door to the House chamber. House members still inside, a cop whose job it was to keep them out, and a violent mob trying to break in. Benedict Babbitt, ignoring police commands to get back, forges ahead and climbs up to where the window was busted out by that violent mob, of which Ashes was a member. As she's breaching the police barricade, being the first member of that barricade to break through, Lt. Byrd, vastly outnumbered by a violent mob violently breaking in, had no choice but to resort to lethal force to keep that mob out, shooting the first person to break through. His actions worked as only then did the rest of that violent mob cease being violent and backed down.

You left all of that out.
I always felt terrible for the McMichaels and Mr. Arberry in this case. Neither of them at Michael’s woke up that they thinking they were going to shoot anybody. And I saw the video the young man lunged at the McMichaels who is holding a shotgun. So what of course happened was the shotgun was fired I suppose that Travis McMichael was nervous. But he doesn’t deserve life in prison at most may be a few years in prison. There is a clear massive difference between intentionally going to kill somebody and then getting involved in a scuffle or somebody’s trying to take away your shotgun like Arberry was trying to take away the shotgun for McMichael..

This case was terribly handled by the media. And I think the media oughta be ashamed of themselves for how they put a pro BLM spin on this case when BLM should’ve had nothing to do with it. Race has nothing to do with this topic. But the media made it out to be that way at least much of the media dead. That’s a shame it’s against Christianity and civility…

This goes back to the 2020 BLM riots all built on nonsense. You know here’s a fact. And I truly wonder what some young white man or young black man who supports BLM has to say to the following. What do they say to the fact that there are white Vietnam veterans who are drug addicts living homeless on the streets of Las Vegas? nobody gives a darn about them. What about the millions of white and Black people what about the millions of white people and millions of Black people who live either homeless or with a very low wage. ? the struggle is real we’re in this together poverty knows no color. Injustice happens to white people and Black people so that’s it full stop It’s common sense throughout all of history. I hope that the few people who support BLM in this country wake up to stop supporting BLM. Most cops are good cops…..
Woefully ignorant.
Convicted murderer. Gregory McMichael is being moved to a medical prison. That means he's not too long for this world.

They did say he won't get out of prison alive, looks like it's coming to pass sooner, rather than later.

15-20 years later.....
I always felt terrible for the McMichaels and Mr. Arberry in this case. Neither of them at Michael’s woke up that they thinking they were going to shoot anybody. And I saw the video the young man lunged at the McMichaels who is holding a shotgun. So what of course happened was the shotgun was fired I suppose that Travis McMichael was nervous. But he doesn’t deserve life in prison at most may be a few years in prison. There is a clear massive difference between intentionally going to kill somebody and then getting involved in a scuffle or somebody’s trying to take away your shotgun like Arberry was trying to take away the shotgun for McMichael..

This case was terribly handled by the media. And I think the media oughta be ashamed of themselves for how they put a pro BLM spin on this case when BLM should’ve had nothing to do with it. Race has nothing to do with this topic. But the media made it out to be that way at least much of the media dead. That’s a shame it’s against Christianity and civility…

This goes back to the 2020 BLM riots all built on nonsense. You know here’s a fact. And I truly wonder what some young white man or young black man who supports BLM has to say to the following. What do they say to the fact that there are white Vietnam veterans who are drug addicts living homeless on the streets of Las Vegas? nobody gives a darn about them. What about the millions of white and Black people what about the millions of white people and millions of Black people who live either homeless or with a very low wage. ? the struggle is real we’re in this together poverty knows no color. Injustice happens to white people and Black people so that’s it full stop It’s common sense throughout all of history. I hope that the few people who support BLM in this country wake up to stop supporting BLM. Most cops are good cops…..

Arbery was shot and killed while engaged in self-defense from a goon threatening his life with a shotgun. Both McMichaels deserve life in prison.
Arbery was shot and killed while engaged in self-defense from a goon threatening his life with a shotgun. Both McMichaels deserve life in prison.
I disagree with you and the other gentleman Mark ATL

Arbery was being questioned for trespassing into a property. There was video footage of him walking around the property. The MacMichaels attempted a citizens arrest.

It’s a matter of logic and common sense what happens when somebody has a shotgun and they see somebody that they know has trespassed on property they want a question and then that person tries to wrestle with a shotgun. Well obviously a situation is going to occur that’s basically life or death. What if Arbery decided not to wrestle away the shotgun? these are legitimate questions that the media should be asking and the way I see it is the media caved into the far left when it came to cases like this ..they are to be ashamed of themselves. Please statistic show us that only a few unarmed white people and unarmed Black people have bad encounters with cops in my my girls were not cops apparently one of them the other one was a retired cop. But isn’t it a case that citizens of the neighborhood have a right to defend their neighborhood?

I feel bad for arbery , But a responsible adult must look at the McMichaels and they cannot make a knee-jerk reaction and call them racist …we have to look at the whole picture here. I would want to see video evidence of the McMichaels constantly using the N-word maybe some video evidence of them at a KKK meeting then sure I’ll agree that they’re racists and we could have a situation here. But I haven’t seen what you are apparently seeing or what you are imagining perhaps.

The absolute bottom line is the media makes it out as if the McMichaels intentionally went around hunting blacks. It’s just not the case none of them (mcmichaels and arbery )woke up that morning expecting the situation to occur that’s why a sentence of a few years at max is appropriate. People have to remove emotions from this case and the media did a bad job how emotions were involved there how they was rioting. Seemingly the jurys verdict was influenced by the media … that should never happen.
So when they kill each other, as they do a lot, it's nuanced? They kill Christians more enthusastically? Or what? Please, explain the nuances.

Take that Wiki article and explain where it leaves out the nuances.

By the way, I'm not saying this stuff is confined to Muslims! Protestant and Catholic Christians in Northern Ireland, Serb Orthodox Christians and Croat Roman Catholic Christians in the former Yugoslavia, Ukrainian Orthodox Christians and Catholic Poles 70 years ago, Orthodox Christian Ukrainians and Orthodox Christian Russians at this very minute -- kill each other happily!

Buddhist Sinhalese and Hindu Tamils kill each other with great gusto!

In India, where Muslims are a minority, Hindus had a great time when Mr Modi (now their national leader) let them have three days of uninterrupted rape and murder against Muslims in Gujarat -- in retaliation for a Muslim mass killing of Hindu pilgrims -- at least it was blamed on Muslims.

Religion is superficial. Humans are the 'third chimpanzee', a species that can be really nasty, and really ingenious, in killing 'the other'. We have slowly -- oh, so slowly -- begun to evolve away from that.

But we are a long long way from getting to the universal brotherhood of man.

The Gulf States have a very low crime rate. I was very safe going anywhere in the country even after dark. Assault, theft and violent crime are very rare.
I disagree with you and the other gentleman Mark ATL

Arbery was being questioned for trespassing into a property. There was video footage of him walking around the property. The MacMichaels attempted a citizens arrest.

It’s a matter of logic and common sense what happens when somebody has a shotgun and they see somebody that they know has trespassed on property they want a question and then that person tries to wrestle with a shotgun. Well obviously a situation is going to occur that’s basically life or death. What if Arbery decided not to wrestle away the shotgun? these are legitimate questions that the media should be asking and the way I see it is the media caved into the far left when it came to cases like this ..they are to be ashamed of themselves. Please statistic show us that only a few unarmed white people and unarmed Black people have bad encounters with cops in my my girls were not cops apparently one of them the other one was a retired cop. But isn’t it a case that citizens of the neighborhood have a right to defend their neighborhood?

I feel bad for arbery , But a responsible adult must look at the McMichaels and they cannot make a knee-jerk reaction and call them racist …we have to look at the whole picture here. I would want to see video evidence of the McMichaels constantly using the N-word maybe some video evidence of them at a KKK meeting then sure I’ll agree that they’re racists and we could have a situation here. But I haven’t seen what you are apparently seeing or what you are imagining perhaps.

The absolute bottom line is the media makes it out as if the McMichaels intentionally went around hunting blacks. It’s just not the case none of them (mcmichaels and arbery )woke up that morning expecting the situation to occur that’s why a sentence of a few years at max is appropriate. People have to remove emotions from this case and the media did a bad job how emotions were involved there how they was rioting. Seemingly the jurys verdict was influenced by the media … that should never happen.

I built a lot of houses, both spec and custom. Lookers were always welcome. It's an asinine assumption that Aubrey was stealing. His running clothes couldn't hide a handful of nails.
Arbery was being questioned for trespassing into a property
Arbery was.....NOT....'being questioned'.
He was running for his life while assaulters in a pick-up were chasing him and angrily screaming at him.
THAT is abundantly clear in the video by one of the killers.

The pick-up had swerved trying to either hit him or block him.
And then the guy doing the angry screaming stepped out of the truck with a shotgun in a threatening position.

Arbery could not know what these angry violent acting thugs had in mind.
He attempted to defend himself by keeping the assaulter from levelling the gun and shooting him.
THAT is abundantly clear.

It was tragic.
It was murder.
And the jury thought so too.

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