Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

"Now ... suppose Ahmed Arbury had been white, doing the exact same things, and his killers had been black. 75 years ago in Georgia they may well have been lynched before a trial, and would certainly have been convicted if they lived long enough to stand trial."

This is the crux of the issue for many of these fragile minded right-wingers....their belief that they are losing their way of life.....see, in the good old days, you could just Lynch black folks on sight, for simply existing...and you will be backed up by the full power of the state.....conservatives are pissed those days are over....
No, that's factually untrue. Conservatives now are pretty much like you liberals. They pay lipservice to Black equality -- equality before the law -- and in their great majority, they are overjoyed to find Black conservatives in their ranks.

When people like Herman Cain, or Ben Carson, entered the lists for the Republican Presidential nomination, they got a lot of white conservative support. And these white conservatives were perfectly happy to vote for Herschel Walker for Senator in Georgia. (All three men were totally unsuited for the office, by the way.)

Thomas Sowell, a Black conservative economist, is practically worshipped by conservatives.

However, like white liberals, they know social reality. So they make sure they live as far away as possible from areas of heavy Black concentration, because they -- both liberals and conservatives -- know that these will be areas with high violent crime rates.

There are, of course, some explicit Black-haters on the Right, and some 'racial realists' (who are really 'racial pessimists' with respect to America's multi-racial future). But their influence -- at the moment -- is slight.

And sweet little liberal white boys would be shocked if they could hear what some Hispanics and some Asians think about Blacks.

[ Tensions Mounting Between Blacks and Latinos Nationwide]
[ Black attacks on Asians: racism or opportunity? ]

But in fact, America is remarkably free of the sorts of horrible tribal hatreds you find in many non-white societies, like almost any Muslim country where both Shia's and Sunni's live; or India [whose current leader, Mr Modi, told his police to allow Hindus to slaughter Muslims for three days about 20 years ago; any African country ...see Ethiopia for corrent mass rapes and killings -- where the tribal hatreds routinely result in mass murders. (The Chinese, like the Jews, are hated by people not as smart and hard-working as they are, and so periodic targets of pogroms in places like Malaysia and Indonesia.)

America is in fact a paradise for racial minorities, compared to countries run by those racial minorities. If they work hard, they get ahead.

Take immigrants from Asia, many of them dark-skinned, not having English as a first language ... I suppose idiot-Leftists must think dumb white racists make an exception for Asians, because in the US, the median annual family income for people originating from Asia is $100 000 , whereas for white families, it's $70 000.

These Asian immigrants are smarter than white people and they work harder, so they reap the rewards. Good for them!

[ Median household income by race or ethnic group U.S. 2021 | Statista ]

Some racism! But Lefties are not just ignorant of the facts, they have no interest in them, since the facts undermine their comfortable, smug self-satisfaction as 'anti-racists'.

So serious people can dismiss them with a wave of the hand. But then we have to ask ... why has America become so inter-racially tolerant, given its white racist past? And will this last forever?

I don't think it has to last forever. I can foresee circumstances -- not improbable ones, too -- occurring that will push us towards the human norm, ie horrible inter-tribal warfare. But that's another discussion.
No, that's factually untrue. Conservatives now are pretty much like you liberals. They pay lipservice to Black equality -- equality before the law -- and in their great majority, they are overjoyed to find Black conservatives in their ranks.

When people like Herman Cain, or Ben Carson, entered the lists for the Republican Presidential nomination, they got a lot of white conservative support. And these white conservatives were perfectly happy to vote for Herschel Walker for Senator in Georgia. (All three men were totally unsuited for the office, by the way.)

Thomas Sowell, a Black conservative economist, is practically worshipped by conservatives.

However, like white liberals, they know social reality. So they make sure they live as far away as possible from areas of heavy Black concentration, because they -- both liberals and conservatives -- know that these will be areas with high violent crime rates.

There are, of course, some explicit Black-haters on the Right, and some 'racial realists' (who are really 'racial pessimists' with respect to America's multi-racial future). But their influence -- at the moment -- is slight.

And sweet little liberal white boys would be shocked if they could hear what some Hispanics and some Asians think about Blacks.

[ Tensions Mounting Between Blacks and Latinos Nationwide]
[ Black attacks on Asians: racism or opportunity? ]

But in fact, America is remarkably free of the sorts of horrible tribal hatreds you find in many non-white societies, like almost any Muslim country where both Shia's and Sunni's live; or India [whose current leader, Mr Modi, told his police to allow Hindus to slaughter Muslims for three days about 20 years ago; any African country ...see Ethiopia for corrent mass rapes and killings -- where the tribal hatreds routinely result in mass murders. (The Chinese, like the Jews, are hated by people not as smart and hard-working as they are, and so periodic targets of pogroms in places like Malaysia and Indonesia.)

America is in fact a paradise for racial minorities, compared to countries run by those racial minorities. If they work hard, they get ahead.

Take immigrants from Asia, many of them dark-skinned, not having English as a first language ... I suppose idiot-Leftists must think dumb white racists make an exception for Asians, because in the US, the median annual family income for people originating from Asia is $100 000 , whereas for white families, it's $70 000.

These Asian immigrants are smarter than white people and they work harder, so they reap the rewards. Good for them!

[ Median household income by race or ethnic group U.S. 2021 | Statista ]

Some racism! But Lefties are not just ignorant of the facts, they have no interest in them, since the facts undermine their comfortable, smug self-satisfaction as 'anti-racists'.

So serious people can dismiss them with a wave of the hand. But then we have to ask ... why has America become so inter-racially tolerant, given its white racist past? And will this last forever?

I don't think it has to last forever. I can foresee circumstances -- not improbable ones, too -- occurring that will push us towards the human norm, ie horrible inter-tribal warfare. But that's another discussion.
So, religion trumps color on the hatred scale for conservatives?
Going through houses under construction looking to steal.

Doesn't warrant being chased down and shot to death. Then again, he went for the dude's gun, from what I understand.

Both parties were out of line.
Yes, anyone who bothers to read about this case will know that if these men had had active racist backgrounds -- KKK membership, for example -- it would have been all over the mainstream media.

They thought they were making a citizens' arrest of a thief. But ... he was not a thief. He had not stolen anything. Maybe he wanted to, but he hadn't. (And, come on, how many white teenagers do you know who would have passed up the opportunity to pinch a hammer from a building site?)

We can legitimately ask, had Arbrey been white, would this have happened? I suspect not. The curse of racial awareness, of pre-judgement based on reality, is always with us.

The lesson for all patriots is: YOU MUST KNOW THE LAW. And you must be alert to how it will be enforced, depending on your race.

We have seen in this case that being white was a disadvantage, in the workings of the law, which is the other way 'round from how it usually works. (Just because Lefty spoiled white brats scream 'racism-racism-racism' all the time, does not mean it does not exist.)

We had a somewhat similar case a few years ago. In this case, the shooter was set free by a jury, thankfully. But I wonder how it would play out now? [ Joe Horn shooting controversy - Wikipedia ]

We're heading down. Patriots of all colors should move to Red States, and prepare.
Yes, anyone who bothers to read about this case will know that if these men had had active racist backgrounds -- KKK membership, for example -- it would have been all over the mainstream media.

They thought they were making a citizens' arrest of a thief. But ... he was not a thief. He had not stolen anything. Maybe he wanted to, but he hadn't. (And, come on, how many white teenagers do you know who would have passed up the opportunity to pinch a hammer from a building site?)

We can legitimately ask, had Arbrey been white, would this have happened? I suspect not. The curse of racial awareness, of pre-judgement based on reality, is always with us.

The lesson for all patriots is: YOU MUST KNOW THE LAW. And you must be alert to how it will be enforced, depending on your race.

We have seen in this case that being white was a disadvantage, in the workings of the law, which is the other way 'round from how it usually works. (Just because Lefty spoiled white brats scream 'racism-racism-racism' all the time, does not mean it does not exist.)

We had a somewhat similar case a few years ago. In this case, the shooter was set free by a jury, thankfully. But I wonder how it would play out now? [ Joe Horn shooting controversy - Wikipedia ]

We're heading down. Patriots of all colors should move to Red States, and prepare.
For inbreeding.
Convicted murderer. Gregory McMichael is being moved to a medical prison. That means he's not too long for this world.

They did say he won't get out of prison alive, looks like it's coming to pass sooner, rather than later.

Being moved to a medical unit doesn't mean you're going to die.
So, religion trumps color on the hatred scale for conservatives?
No. Most conservatives hate criminals, and hate those who hate America. It's Lefties who despise religious people.

However, let's not have any bullshit here. I'm sure there is some unwarranted suspicion and pre-judgement about Muslims to be found on the Right, just as there was in the past against Catholics and Jews.

It's not so much the abstract religious issue -- I doubt there are many conservatives who are especially prejudiced against Buddhists -- but it's a fact that

(1) Islam is a politicized religion: it does not consider your religion a private belief which the state should ignore. In countries where Islam is the dominant religion, non-Muslims face persecution.

Islam is rather like Catholicism used to be in the past, in that respect. Anti-Catholicism used to be called "the Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals" because of Catholicism's involvement in politics (on the conservative side, on social issues [but not on economic isssues] in those days).

In fact, a leftwing liberal wrote a whole book attacking the Catholic Church's role in American politics: It began as a series of articles in The Nation, an ur-leftist/liberal publication. [American Freedom and Catholic Power - Wikipedia]

Well, the Church has changed, and we can hope Islam will as well.

One of the things that works against this change is

(2) Islamic countries, unlike Catholic ones, were dominated by European colonialism, supported by America -- and many Muslim youth have not forgotten this, and see America as 'the Great Satan.' I seem to recall something about the World Trade Center, and the Boston Marathon ... someone else can fill me in on these events.

Whether the secularism of an America in decline will have the same attractive power to Muslims, as an America on the rise did to Catholics, is another question. (And it's always good for a laugh to see leftwing pro-LBGBTXYZ types, whose naivite knows no bounds, cheering for the Palestinians. Turkeys greeting Thanksgiving!
[LGBT rights in the State of Palestine - Wikipedia]

For conservatives who have not thought about it very much, here are some examples of good Muslim patriots, starting with the Revolution and extending to our misguided intervntion in Iraq:
[11 American Muslims Who Have Earned The Title Of Patriot]

Now, I have a proposal for good Lefties. Many Muslim children have not had the chance to explore their gender identity. So, here's what you have to do. Go down to your nearest mosque with leaflets, requesting that the worshippers there bring you in to teach their children about becoming gender-queer, how surgery and hormones can turn assigned-at-birth males into females and vice versa, etc etc. Bring a Drag Queen with you!

I'm sure you'll get a very warm welcome.
No, that's factually untrue. Conservatives now are pretty much like you liberals. They pay lipservice to Black equality -- equality before the law -- and in their great majority, they are overjoyed to find Black conservatives in their ranks.

When people like Herman Cain, or Ben Carson, entered the lists for the Republican Presidential nomination, they got a lot of white conservative support. And these white conservatives were perfectly happy to vote for Herschel Walker for Senator in Georgia. (All three men were totally unsuited for the office, by the way.)

Thomas Sowell, a Black conservative economist, is practically worshipped by conservatives.

However, like white liberals, they know social reality. So they make sure they live as far away as possible from areas of heavy Black concentration, because they -- both liberals and conservatives -- know that these will be areas with high violent crime rates.

There are, of course, some explicit Black-haters on the Right, and some 'racial realists' (who are really 'racial pessimists' with respect to America's multi-racial future). But their influence -- at the moment -- is slight.

And sweet little liberal white boys would be shocked if they could hear what some Hispanics and some Asians think about Blacks.

[ Tensions Mounting Between Blacks and Latinos Nationwide]
[ Black attacks on Asians: racism or opportunity? ]

But in fact, America is remarkably free of the sorts of horrible tribal hatreds you find in many non-white societies, like almost any Muslim country where both Shia's and Sunni's live; or India [whose current leader, Mr Modi, told his police to allow Hindus to slaughter Muslims for three days about 20 years ago; any African country ...see Ethiopia for corrent mass rapes and killings -- where the tribal hatreds routinely result in mass murders. (The Chinese, like the Jews, are hated by people not as smart and hard-working as they are, and so periodic targets of pogroms in places like Malaysia and Indonesia.)

America is in fact a paradise for racial minorities, compared to countries run by those racial minorities. If they work hard, they get ahead.

Take immigrants from Asia, many of them dark-skinned, not having English as a first language ... I suppose idiot-Leftists must think dumb white racists make an exception for Asians, because in the US, the median annual family income for people originating from Asia is $100 000 , whereas for white families, it's $70 000.

These Asian immigrants are smarter than white people and they work harder, so they reap the rewards. Good for them!

[ Median household income by race or ethnic group U.S. 2021 | Statista ]

Some racism! But Lefties are not just ignorant of the facts, they have no interest in them, since the facts undermine their comfortable, smug self-satisfaction as 'anti-racists'.

So serious people can dismiss them with a wave of the hand. But then we have to ask ... why has America become so inter-racially tolerant, given its white racist past? And will this last forever?

I don't think it has to last forever. I can foresee circumstances -- not improbable ones, too -- occurring that will push us towards the human norm, ie horrible inter-tribal warfare. But that's another discussion.
Ask those "black conservatives" -- exactly what about America's past are they trying to conserve.....see the self hating jibberish and word salad you get.......black Conservatives have to demean themselves in order to get a pat on the head from morons like you...and be told how they are one of "the good ones" -- without even paying attention to the fact that label is in itself, racist....

Every emancipation effort, civil rights fight, liberation movement has been OPPOSED PRIMARILY by CONSERVATIVES thru out the history of this country....so where about in America's past are you conservatives trying to return us back to; since your ideology has been consistently wrong every step of the way....
Ask those "black conservatives" -- exactly what about America's past are they trying to conserve.....see the self hating jibberish and word salad you get.......black Conservatives have to demean themselves in order to get a pat on the head from morons like you...and be told how they are one of "the good ones" -- without even paying attention to the fact that label is in itself, racist....

Every emancipation effort, civil rights fight, liberation movement has been OPPOSED PRIMARILY by CONSERVATIVES thru out the history of this country....so where about in America's past are you conservatives trying to return us back to; since your ideology has been consistently wrong every step of the way....
So here's a little white boy telling Black men what to think.
Ask those "black conservatives" -- exactly what about America's past are they trying to conserve.....see the self hating jibberish and word salad you get.......black Conservatives have to demean themselves in order to get a pat on the head from morons like you...and be told how they are one of "the good ones" -- without even paying attention to the fact that label is in itself, racist....

Every emancipation effort, civil rights fight, liberation movement has been OPPOSED PRIMARILY by CONSERVATIVES thru out the history of this country....so where about in America's past are you conservatives trying to return us back to; since your ideology has been consistently wrong every step of the way....
Wheee another reach back into the past to smear modern day Conservatives as your favorite boogeyman RACISTS!!!! Democrats are your worst nightmare, they play you like a fiddle.
This event underlines the importance for every patriot to KNOW THE LAW. It's not what is morally right that counts, it's WHAT THE LAW IS that counts.

These men thought they were making a "Citizen's Arrest" of a potential thief, (Arbery had at least one previous conviction for shoplifting.) There had been burglaries in the area. So they may well have been right. But that is irrelevant.

Every patriot should read at least the Wiki article:
[ Citizen's arrest - Wikipedia ]

Now ... suppose Ahmed Arbury had been white, doing the exact same things, and his killers had been black. 75 years ago in Georgia they may well have been lynched before a trial, and would certainly have been convicted if they lived long enough to stand trial.

Today, though, I believe they would have been acquitted.

These men should have been convicted of something ... ignorance of the law is no excuse ... but this was not a murder.

However, America is hurtling towards a situation in which justice will take second place to politics, as it does in most Third World and authoritarian countries.

Therefore: learn the law, and prepare for what's coming.
Blah, blah, blah, save that bullshit. These 3 racist cowards murdered an innocent man and if it wasn't for that idiot Roddy filming the incident these 3 racist murderers would have gotten away with it. Plain and simple. If 3 black men would have done this to a white guy, they would've been arrested the same day it happened not 6 months later. The man is dead at the hands of these 3 morons how in the hell do you think it wasn't murder, this is not 1923 when you could just gun down a black man and the local sheriff would just give you a pat on the back.
The Ahmaud case got international Press coverage and sympathy.
Have you ever noticed how differently the American Press covers interracial crime?
The hate crime victims Tamara Durand, 52, Jane Kulich, 52, LeAnna Owen, 71, Virginia Sorenson, 79 and Wilhelm Hospel, 81 and Eight-year-old Jackson Sparks did not get nearly as much Press attention as Ahmaud did.
How many of their killers walked away Scott Free? How many of those killers had a DA trying to cover up their crimes? How many of those killers were arrested 6 months to a year after committing those crimes?
Darrell Brooks is a violent racist who wanted to hurt white people and he did.
He ran over 60 people, and he murdered 6 of them.
But the Press never called it a hate crime.
The Press never talked about the lives of murder victims very much.
The Press didn't make it a racial issue or a political issue.
It would be nice if there was a little balance in the News.

CNN insists ‘a car’ killed six people at Wisconsin Christmas parade

Repeat felon Darrell Brooks killed six people and injured more than 60 when he plowed an SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, last week.
Darrell Brooks was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of extended supervision and will spend the rest of his life behind bars. Judge Jennifer Dorow threw the book at Brooks Wednesday, Nov. 16, handing down the maximum sentence, drawing applause from the courtroom filled with victims and their families.

Why was there a need for uproar?
Going through houses under construction looking to steal.

Doesn't warrant being chased down and shot to death. Then again, he went for the dude's gun, from what I understand.

Both parties were out of line.
Which one of the 3 saw him going into a house under construction?
White folks were trespassing on the same property, why weren't they suspicious?
If you read my first post, I said both parties were doing things they should not have been doing, which led to the confrontation. There was a struggle for the gun and Ahmaud was killed. That is not murder one. Had they driven by in the truck and sniped him and killed him, now you have a murder one case.
If you read my first post, I said both parties were doing things they should not have been doing, which led to the confrontation. There was a struggle for the gun and Ahmaud was killed. That is not murder one. Had they driven by in the truck and sniped him and killed him, now you have a murder one case.
What was Ahmaud doing that he shouldn't have been doing? Sure it is, for the simple fact they should have never been chasing him and trying to apprehend him in the first place.
These men should have been convicted of something ... ignorance of the law is no excuse ... but this was not a murder.
Yes. Yes, it was.
So sayeth the jury of their peers.
I'll give my confidence to the jury.
Most of us condemn lynching, the extra-judicial murder of a suspected criminal.
Which, judging by what I could see on the telly of a cellphone video......I would vote, in a second, that that sure looked like an 'extra-judicial' killing.
True that.
We have seen in this case that being white was a disadvantage, in the workings of the law, which is the other way 'round from how it usually works.
Ummm, I am not persuaded of that suggestion.
Rather, these three murderers were being protected by white prosecutors who refused to prosecute....until.....they were forced to because of the publicity surrounding the video that demonstrated the egregiousness of the murder.

Trespassing through homes under construction. He was not going for a nature walk.
Yeah, he was trespassing. And as another poster observed......there had been other incidents of trespassing by white folk walking through the very same construction site.

Here's a personal view that may or may not apply here, still let's roll with it: I started my business career in a construction company and I am here to tell you that new structures, steel or wood, under construction are like eye-candy to folks. They are magnets. Good folks, curious folks, and bad folks, and thieves.....all like to come and see what is going on. That is why our crews...and all attentive crews....take portable stuff with them at the end of the day, or hoist less-than-portable stuff up on the crane cable, or they chain stuff down tight. That is the way it is in new construction ---- everywhere that doesn't have guards. I think most readers here recognize that.

So the victim wandering through a residential construction site is not out of the ordinary. Nor was it out of the ordinary for all those other white folks to wandered through that same framed-up jobsite.
if it wasn't for that idiot Roddy filming the incident these 3 racist murderers would have gotten away with it. Plain and simple.
I believe that. The prosecutors who did nothing were eventually disciplined for their inaction and unprofessionalism, I think. They should have been. Their actions, as much as the actual killers' actions perpetuated the cliche' of southern white folk murdering black folk and then being protected by white authorities. The whole episode was disgusting. Not to mention tragic.
There was a struggle for the gun and Ahmaud was killed.
The victim "struggled" in self-defense.
He was threatened and harassed as he ran along the road. Then he was physically blocked by one of those doing the menacing. He could not know what was about to happen as the man held a shotgun in a threatening stance. To defend himself he attempted to prevent the perp from shooting him.

And the final note on this episode in the road is ------ is after the victim is down on the road bleeding-out, the shooter walks up to him and kicks him in the head and screams 'Nig**r' at his dying body.

That sorta seals the deal.
Doncha think?
Convicted murderer. Gregory McMichael is being moved to a medical prison. That means he's not too long for this world.

They did say he won't get out of prison alive, looks like it's coming to pass sooner, rather than later.

“Convicted murderer. Gregory McMichael is being moved to a medical prison. That means he's not too long for this world.”

OR, it could mean that the prisoner is sick. Possibly an appendectomy is needed?

, maybe he’s got COVID or a

(This random bolding is fun!)

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