ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

I will wait for you to set an example.
I did,,
you said it was in the middle of no where and I told you the street was lined with houses,,

you said they were hunting him and I showed they werent and that they didnt shoot until he attacked them,,,

do you want more??
I did,,
you said it was in the middle of no where and I told you the street was lined with houses,,

you said they were hunting him and I showed they werent and that they didnt shoot until he attacked them,,,

do you want more??
You said they were crowded together so tightly he couldn't get through.

You said they just wanted to "talk", yet the followed him in a truck then pulled over to block him then the one got out with a shotgun.

Need any more ore are you going to keep defending these idiots?
You said they were crowded together so tightly he couldn't get through.

You said they just wanted to "talk", yet the followed him in a truck then pulled over to block him then the one got out with a shotgun.

Need any more ore are you going to keep defending these idiots?
can you prove me wrong or are you going to keep making shit up that can be proven wrong??
You said they were crowded together so tightly he couldn't get through.

You said they just wanted to "talk", yet the followed him in a truck then pulled over to block him then the one got out with a shotgun.

Need any more ore are you going to keep defending these idiots?
Ahmaud was not blocked.....he had plenty of room to run around the truck which he did......get real.....kinda like down on the border the tv news showed lines of cop cars they said were lined up to stop illegals from getting through...such nonsense.

Anyhow...you are boring....why dont you ger busy and find some posts to send to da badlands? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You dummie.....bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa houses are usually on private property. You are tooooo stupid to be a mod. hehheh

Dumbfuck racist... and do those houses cover so much of the property that there is no room between them?
That is true....why dont you visit someday and bring your black boyfriend wid ya...you will have a great time.
I was just in Georgia a couple of days ago visiting in-laws. Those fuckers are racist as shit.
you married a racist??? wouldnt that make you a racist??

You're beyond brain-dead to think I said that.

There was plenty of room for ahmaud to jog around the truck which he did.....his mistake was not to just keep on jogging....the police were almost there and he might have been questioned by the cops but that would have been the end of it.

He probably just wanted to stretch his legs whilst his father talked to the police....and also to keep sight of the suspect to be able to tell the police which direction he was going if he started running in a different direction
Still waiting for you to explain how Arbery could know the police were almost there.....
Well, no one knows at what point ahmaud first saw the weapon....but whenever it was he showed no fear of it...just kept on jogging towards the white guys.....maybe he was having another hallucination did not realize he was operating in real time.
Well we can see on video where Travis is getting out of tbe truck. Doesn't appear to be armed. Then the camera pans away. When the camera's on them again, we see Arbery maybe 30 or 40 feet away from the truck and now Travis is armed and standing in the oncoming lane.
If he had just kept on jogging all would have been well....unfortunately he quickly darted to the left and began punching Travis....on video.
We'll never know but again, that's irrelevant. He decided to fight for his life. Which was his right.

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