ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

Ahmaud was very agressive even towards the police...that is documented on video and posted on here.

He was a hundred yards or more away from the McMichaels no way they could have shot him at that distance and again if they wanted to shoot him they would have shot him when they first encountered him...not and wait to do it....knowing the police were enroute.
You're lying again. He wasn't 100 yards away when the shotgun was visible.
Why'd he block the lane with his truck and get out?
There was plenty of room for ahmaud to jog around the truck which he did.....his mistake was not to just keep on jogging....the police were almost there and he might have been questioned by the cops but that would have been the end of it.

He probably just wanted to stretch his legs whilst his father talked to the police....and also to keep sight of the suspect to be able to tell the police which direction he was going if he started running in a different direction
what do you call a street with houses lining both sides for blocks???

sure the fuck isnt the middle of no where,,

and faun even said the house were so close together he couldnt get through them,,
Now you're lying again. I never said that.

A pity your position can't stand up without your lies.
You're lying again. He wasn't 100 yards away when the shotgun was visible.
Well, no one knows at what point ahmaud first saw the weapon....but whenever it was he showed no fear of it...just kept on jogging towards the white guys.....maybe he was having another hallucination did not realize he was operating in real time.
Now you're lying again. I never said that.

A pity your position can't stand up without your lies.
so he could have ran sideways and not limited to front or back,,

got it,,

as I said he had 364 directions other than right at them,,
Which he was allowed by law to do.

The rest of your nonsense is just you gurgling noise.
If he had just kept on jogging all would have been well....unfortunately he quickly darted to the left and began punching Travis....on video.
Well, no one knows at what point ahmaud first saw the weapon....but whenever it was he showed no fear of it...just kept on jogging towards the white guys.....maybe he was having another hallucination did not realize he was operating in real time.

Anyhow a shotgun can be easily seen at 100yds. maybe you have poor eyesight...might account for you not getting what is shown in the video.
before my time.

you must be a ole fogey.
Nope. There's this thing called education. It provides me information dating back millions of years. Sadly, it's something you sorely lack.

Regardless of your ignorance, I'll educate you... the reasons for Tills lynching had nothing to do with him raping or murdering anyone. Pretty much exposed your bullshit for why blacks were lynched.
Nope. There's this thing called education. It provides me information dating back millions of years. Sadly, it's something you sorely lack.

Regardless of your ignorance, I'll educate you... the reasons for Tills lynching had nothing to do with him raping or murdering anyone. Pretty much exposed your bullshit for why blacks were lynched.
So why was Till lynched?
Nonsense......all they did was pull up beside him and tell him they needed to talk to him....he just kept on jogging.
As was his right. If a bunch guys followed me in a truck to "talk to me" I sure as hell would not stop.
Correct. And I showed a satellite image to prove progressive hunter was lying again when he falsely claimed there was a "huge field" where Arbery could have run to.
and I said "sorry a huge yard",,

did you see what coyote said??
she said it was in the middle of no where and based on her picture there were no houses at all,,,

help her put would ya,,

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