ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

If America is so racist why do Africans still clamor to come over here and why are most the ones coming here from Africa now become sucessful and look down on lowlife ghetto scum like you.
Because they are ignorant to who you are and they think you view them differently than you do Black Americans, but don't worry you educate them pretty quickly when they get here. Especially when they have to deal with racist, redneck trailer trash like you.

You can't even get that right. The human race is expanding.

Your ignorance aside, again... what you claim you would have done is utterly meaningless. All that matters is what the people involved with this did.
correct,, the idiot ran right at a guy with a gun instead of running away,,

and what the human race has turned into is pathetic and one power outage away from extinction,,
correct,, the idiot ran right at a guy with a gun instead of running away,,

and what the human race has turned into is pathetic and one power outage away from extinction,,
His choices: run away and pray he doesn’t get shot in the back; or attempt to disarm tbe man and pray he doesn’t get shot in the process.
They did not display their weapons until they parked the truck and got out.

When they first drove up to ahmaud they just told him they needed to talk to him......thus no threats were made and thus ahmaud had no motivation to be in fear of his life.

What he was afraid of most likely was the police...he knew they were on the way....and he knew he was on probation....thus he probably assumed he would get jail time for violating his parole.

Why do liberals onsistently try to defend criminals unless they are white?
How did Arbery know the police were on their way??
If that were the case they would have just shot him when they first caught up with him and throwed the body in the back of the pickup and dumped in the ocean.
That's pretty much what they did moron, they just didn't know the other coward was videoing it.
No....they were not vigilantes.....they were trying to do everything by the law
They screwed that up the moment they grabbed their guns.
.....tried to question him to see what his reason for being in a home under construction, called the police, kept him under observation whilst waiting for the police to arrive.
See now you are lying, tell me which one of them saw him in the home under construction.
His choices: run away and pray he doesn’t get shot in the back; or attempt to disarm tbe man and pray he doesn’t get shot in the process.

Ahmaud was very agressive even towards the police...that is documented on video and posted on here.

He was a hundred yards or more away from the McMichaels no way they could have shot him at that distance and again if they wanted to shoot him they would have shot him when they first encountered him...not and wait to do it....knowing the police were enroute.
lookie here sweet cheeks have you been down south anytime?

Blacks and whites get along better in the southland than in any other area of the country except in democrat controlled big cities.

Where do you live?

Yeah, no one treats blacks better than whites in the Confederate states.

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