ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

sure the fuck isnt out in the middle of no where,, correct me if i'm wrong, but arent those houses lining both sides of the street??

you should really shut up,, the more you talk the more fucked in the head you show yourself to be,,
Hmmmm….the only fucked in tbe head stuff I see is the person defending the guys who hunted down and murdered an unarmed black man who was minding his own business.
Hmmmm….the only fucked in tbe head stuff I see is the person defending the guys who hunted down and murdered an unarmed black man who was minding his own business.
more uneducated babble,, if they were hunting him down to murder him why did they wait until arbrey attacked them and not the many chances they had prior??
It is almost comical watching these 2 racist clowns trying to defend 3 more racist cowards and then they wonder why folks think America is still racist.
If America is so racist why do Africans still clamor to come over here and why are most the ones coming here from Africa now become sucessful and look down on lowlife ghetto scum like you.
What video shows us Arbery’s perception of the situation ( you know, 3 armed male rednecks in a truck trying to intercept one unarmed black guy)…haven’t seen that video, fruit boy,
according to you he was in the middle of no where and had several options other than right at them,, so why did he charge at them instead of running out into no where??
It's amazing how they think that it is open season on a black man walking down the street.
If that were the case they would have just shot him when they first caught up with him and throwed the body in the back of the pickup and dumped in the ocean.

No....they were not vigilantes.....they were trying to do everything by the law.....tried to question him to see what his reason for being in a home under construction, called the police, kept him under observation whilst waiting for the police to arrive.
you idiots are so narrow minded,, no wonder the human race is going through an extinction,,,

I would have been out of there and laughing the whole way,,,

You can't even get that right. The human race is expanding.

Your ignorance aside, again... what you claim you would have done is utterly meaningless. All that matters is what the people involved with this did.

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