ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

You know what? You're incapable of intelligent thought, and you'll now be treated accordingly.

There is, in fact, video. The third redneck shot it...

So what?

That doesn't make him immune from making the type of poor decision he made when he decided to get out of his truck, after chasing Arbery, with a loaded shotgun...

Past deeds have no bearing on this case. You can whine all you want, but none of it will be pertinent...
The only peetinent thing is that Ahmaud attacked Travis.

No excuse for that....do you understand the Geoegia law on self defense? obviously not.
And you do? Blaming the victim because he wouldn’t give himself up to a bunch of armed rednecks and tried to defend himself? Oh I get it alright. Self defense is only for whites.

Strange fruit hangin'
From the poplar trees
go away baby killer,, we have enough uneducated trolls on this forum,,,
dont care what words he used,, arbrey wasnt blocked,,

The killer says otherwise. As does the video. Again, his choices were backup to the truck that hit him, dash to either side onto private property which started this chase, or run forward and defend his life against the guy holding a shotgun at him.
So he could have just jumped over the truck.
bwaaaaaaa get real....the truck was parked he jogged around it to the right...if he had just kept on jogging he would not have gotten shot.

The police were almost there.....they would have just questioned him and released him.
The only peetinent thing is that Ahmaud attacked Travis.

No excuse for that....do you understand the Geoegia law on self defense? obviously not.
Do you understand how to fucking spell?

Obviously not.

If you're going to attack someone else's intellect, you might want to make sure you're not making yourself look like a fucking retard in the process...

The killer says otherwise. As does the video. Again, his choices were backup to the truck that hit him, dash to either side onto private property which started this chase, or run forward and defend his life against the guy holding a shotgun at him.
you idiots are so narrow minded,, no wonder the human race is going through an extinction,,,

I would have been out of there and laughing the whole way,,,
Do you understand how to fucking spell?

Obviously not.

If you're going to attack someone else's intellect, you might want to make sure you're not making yourself look like a fucking retard in the process...
I have a splint on my trigger finger....kinda makes typing difficult.
Case in point, fruit boy.

I’ll wait to here your explanation as to why Arbery isn’t allowed to defend himself.
maybe you should explain why a black babys have no right to defend themselves from your abortions,,,

now fuck off troll,, you made it clear you dont know what happened and are wasting my time,,
bwaaaaaaa get real....the truck was parked he jogged around it to the right...if he had just kept on jogging he would not have gotten shot.
How would he know the guy wouldn’t shoot him?

The police were almost there.....they would have just questioned him and released him.

Did Arbery know that?
The only peetinent thing is that Ahmaud attacked Travis.

No excuse for that....do you understand the Geoegia law on self defense? obviously not.
Both men had a claim of self-defense. Travis, because Arbery was trying to take his shotgun from him; Arbery, because Travis pulled a shotgun on him.

So it will come down to who provoked the incident and I believe that will be Travis as there was no right for him to pull a gun on Arbery, who had done nothing wrong.
So Ahmaud isn’t allowed to defend himself?
He had no reason to believe his life was in danger....if for some misguided reason he thought it was....he would not have kept jogging towards the parked pickup truck with one guy in front of it armed with a shotgun and the other one in the bed of the pickup with a pistol.

Use some common sense....if it had been you what would you have done?
maybe you should explain why a black babys have no right to defend themselves from your abortions,,,

now fuck off troll,, you made it clear you dont know what happened and are wasting my time,,
Major fail. Looks like you can’t address any of the points, fruit boy. Now better hustle, you‘re late to your lynching party and I bet you didn’t remember to grab the rope on the way out.
Have you ever had 3 racist rednecks chase you with guns?
at the time they were in front of him and he ran towards them,,
and as for your info I have been jumped at least 10-15 times by 4 or more blacks and not a single time have I ever done that or seen it done by whites,,

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