ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

It's essentially the same thing.

McMichael cannot legitimately claim self defense. I know you want him to be able to, but he can't. When he got out of the truck with the shotgun, he escalated the entire incident. He put Arbery in a position where Arbery felt he had to defend himself.

If Travis McMichael doesn't get the death penalty, it'll be a miracle. Redneck in a pickup, with a loaded shotgun and a Confederate flag license plate on the front, and overheard saying "Fucking n*gger" after he killed him??

Dude, what the fuck planet are you living on?
If we lived in a sane world Travis would have been awarded a medal for public service.
There is no video of Travis pursuing ahmaud....

You know what? You're incapable of intelligent thought, and you'll now be treated accordingly.

There is, in fact, video. The third redneck shot it...

Travis was a fellow who made a career serving in the Coast Guard, no criminal record....as upstanding and innocent as any citizen can be and had even saved lives whilst patrolling our coasts in the service and also as a lifeguard.
So what?

That doesn't make him immune from making the type of poor decision he made when he decided to get out of his truck, after chasing Arbery, with a loaded shotgun...

What had ahmaud done besides being convicted of stealing and taking a gun to school?

He was given lenience by the judicial system...being placed on parole.

If he had been in jail where he belonged he would still be alive.

Past deeds have no bearing on this case. You can whine all you want, but none of it will be pertinent...
If we lived in a sane world Travis would have been awarded a medal for public service.
Travis McMichael is a coward who's going to end up as someone's girlfriend in general population. for the rest of his life.

Sad that you admire cowards...
There is no video of Travis pursuing ahmaud....Travis was a fellow who made a career serving in the Coast Guard, no criminal record....as upstanding and innocent as any citizen can be and had even saved lives whilst patrolling our coasts in the service and also as a lifeguard.

What had ahmaud done besides being convicted of stealing and taking a gun to school?

He was given lenience by the judicial system...being placed on parole.

If he had been in jail where he belonged he would still be alive.
Who needs video when all three men admitted to chasing Arbery? :cuckoo:
The statistics show that the 500 killings of white people attributed to blacks last year were the most since black perpetrators were determined to be responsible for the homicides of 504 white people nationwide in 2008. Last year's total was up 12 percent from the 446 recorded in 2014 and 22 percent from the 409 seen in 2013, a year that saw the lowest total this century and one that capped seven years of general declines in black-on-white homicides. Prior to that, 2006 saw the most black-on-white killings since 2001, with 573.
How many of those killers went to prison?
only to a narrow minded geriatric idiot,, I see hundreds and some of them to make fun of the pursuers,,

So, you've never been there, so you have no first hand knowledge of what it actually looks like up there.

I do.

I'm debating whether or not to attend the trial. I figure it shouldn't take very long to convict them...
sorry baby killer, but youve shown you dont know a fraction of what happened,,
so run back to your abortion group and leave the thinking to people that know whats going on,,
And you do? Blaming the victim because he wouldn’t give himself up to a bunch of armed rednecks and tried to defend himself? Oh I get it alright. Self defense is only for whites.

Strange fruit hangin'
From the poplar trees

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