ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

The video you're referring to is from a different day and shows someone who could be Arbery but it's hardly conclusive. On the day Arbery was killed all they witnessed was him jogging down the street. As I said, educate yourself moron.
Why do you think they began the pursuit?

I never denied it. People are allowed by law to use force when defending themselves against a threat of death or great bodily harm.
So Persuader, I dare you to answer this, without some dramatic SPIN.
This is not apples to oranges, this is an identical situation (only l.store versus neighborhood).

Myself and 2 other friends find you alone in the back corner of a large store, after we suspect you are attempting to steal from the store, with ONLY us 4 in the remote area.

We chase you around with our shopping carts and block all your attempted escapes.
We flash our perfectly legal firearms, but make no threats. Unless flashing our weapons at you is considered a threat. But no verbal threats. You retreat and seek new paths repeatedly, we cut you off again, and we flash our weapons again.

After many minutes of this, you decide that this will continue until you get caught/captured, or you can try something else.

At that point you decide to cross in front of my shopping cart and you go for my perfectly legal gun. WHY? Yes, good question. Why did you attack me?

I then shoot you to defend myself.

What you say Persuader
thats not what happened,, he wasnt blocked in by the trucks and could run several other directions but chose to run straight at them,,
trapped by him being free to run in any directing except where they were??

my god youre a fucking idiot,,
Any direction…where? When one of them was ARMED? Let’s see…choice #1…run for it, pray the redneck with the shotgun has bad aim, #2 give yourself up to these thugs and hope they don’t beat the shit out of you or kill you, or #3. attempt to defend yourself.

My God, you are pathetic, strange fruit.
I just covered his options. There were only 4. Back towards the car that hit. Forward to the guy with a shotgun. Or to either side onto private property which is what initiated the chase.
youre such a narrow minded person,,,

I see hundreds of options,, more so if my life depended on it,,
Any direction…where? When one of them was ARMED? Let’s see…choice #1…run for it, pray the redneck with the shotgun has bad aim, #2 give yourself up to these thugs and hope they don’t beat the shit out of you or kill you, or #3. attempt to defend yourself.

My God, you are pathetic, strange fruit.
sorry baby killer, but youve shown you dont know a fraction of what happened,,
so run back to your abortion group and leave the thinking to people that know whats going on,,
Free to run where?

Back to the car that hit him? Forward to the guy with the shotgun? To the side onto private property which started the chase to begin with?
Ahmaud had no problem with going on private property he had already demonstrated that.

It is very easy to run away from someone on the street in a automobile.....just dart behind some houses....look ---black people down south are not afraid of whites....if he felt his life was being threatened he could have just knocked on someone's door.

What he did though makes absolutely no sense unless he was afraid of going back to jail and decided to do a suicide by cop sort of routine.....not to forget he suffered from hallucinations.
your lack of logic is on display very cleaely as in Travis was standing innocently in front of his truck holding his shotgun for protection when ahmaud jogged up to the truck....jogged around to the right side of the truck and then very quickly darted to the left across the front of the truck and attacked Travis who was standing to the left front side of the truck.....undeniable. The video cleaely shows it....all the jury needs to see is that video and the case is over.....justifiable homicide. case closed.
You guys who try to make it as though Travis was some peaceful guy are fucking laughable.

He chased down an unarmed man with a fucking shotgun. He wasn't "innocently" doing anything. The video will also show Travis pursuing Arbery. The jury will see that, too.

You seem quite sure of the outcome. Care to make a wager?
Ahmaud had no problem with going on private property he had already demonstrated that.

It is very easy to run away from someone on the street in a automobile.....just dart behind some houses....look ---black people down south are not afraid of whites....if he felt his life was being threatened he could have just knocked on someone's door.

What he did though makes absolutely no sense unless he was afraid of going back to jail and decided to do a suicide by cop sort of routine.....not to forget he suffered from hallucinations.
its comical to say he had no where else to run,,
They merely told him they needed to talk to him....no one was yelling at him.
Great, now the dumbfucking racist is resorting to lying.

Dumbfuck racist, McMichael himself said he was hollering at Arbery to stop.
thats not what happened,, he wasnt blocked in by the trucks and could run several other directions but chose to run straight at them,,

So Arbery after being chased through the neighborhood and cut off several times wasn't blocked? It was 3 armed men in cars chasing someone unarmed on foot. How long do you think Arbery could have kept running before collapsing? Where was he supposed to run to? He shouldn't have to run, he made it clear he didn't want to talk to them. But they pursued him anyway. This is murder for sure.
So Arbery after being chased through the neighborhood and cut off several times wasn't blocked? It was 3 armed men in cars chasing someone unarmed on foot. How long do you think Arbery could have kept running before collapsing? Where was he supposed to run to? He shouldn't have to run, he made it clear he didn't want to talk to them. But they pursued him anyway. This is murder for sure.
the video proves he wasnt blocked,,,
thankfully thats not what happened here,,

It's essentially the same thing.

McMichael cannot legitimately claim self defense. I know you want him to be able to, but he can't. When he got out of the truck with the shotgun, he escalated the entire incident. He put Arbery in a position where Arbery felt he had to defend himself.

If Travis McMichael doesn't get the death penalty, it'll be a miracle. Redneck in a pickup, with a loaded shotgun and a Confederate flag license plate on the front, and overheard saying "Fucking n*gger" after he killed him??

Dude, what the fuck planet are you living on?
You guys who try to make it as though Travis was some peaceful guy are fucking laughable.

He chased down an unarmed man with a fucking shotgun. He wasn't "innocently" doing anything. The video will also show Travis pursuing Arbery. The jury will see that, too.

You seem quite sure of the outcome. Care to make a wager?
There is no video of Travis pursuing ahmaud....Travis was a fellow who made a career serving in the Coast Guard, no criminal record....as upstanding and innocent as any citizen can be and had even saved lives whilst patrolling our coasts in the service and also as a lifeguard.

What had ahmaud done besides being convicted of stealing and taking a gun to school?

He was given lenience by the judicial system...being placed on parole.

If he had been in jail where he belonged he would still be alive.

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