ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

By their own admission they were chasing him through the neighborhood and trying to cut him off to stop him for questioning. There's no law that I know of that allows someone to grab their gun, form a posse and chase someone down in an attempt to hold them for questioning. Especially when the people doing the chasing had not witnessed any laws being broken. As you know Ahmaud Arbery is under no obligation to stop and talk to these guys. They cornered him after an illegal chase and he fought back. Ahmaud was probably tired and scared as shit.
You are making up stuff out of thin air....he was not cornered ....he had freedom of movement at all times.....the video shows him freely jogging down the road like he didnt have a care in the world.

There was no attempt made to arrest or hold ahmaud.....McMichaels was a former cop deputized to deal with the likes of amaud.....he had been a cop for 30 yrs. thus very experienced in how to subdue and arrest someone and would have had no problem doing that if that is what he had wanted to do.

Sr. McMichaels did 3 things......attempted to talk to ahmaud to find out what he was up to and then kept him under observation and called the police.
Because running away from them didn't work.

I've never had anyone chase me in a vehicle with a shotgun and an armed, fat redneck in the back, but I have to think that if I wasn't able to get away from them, my only choice might be to confront their attack.

That's what Arbery did.

When Travis got out of the pickup truck to confront an unarmed man, he escalated the situation. He cannot, therefore, legitimately claim he was acting in self-defense. I promise you, that will be one of the first things the prosecutors put to rest.

A scenario:

Person A walks up to Person B and slaps Person B.

Person B punches Person A.

Person A draws a firearm and blows Person B's head off.

Person A cannot claim self defense...
your lack of logic is on display very cleaely as in Travis was standing innocently in front of his truck holding his shotgun for protection when ahmaud jogged up to the truck....jogged around to the right side of the truck and then very quickly darted to the left across the front of the truck and attacked Travis who was standing to the left front side of the truck.....undeniable. The video cleaely shows it....all the jury needs to see is that video and the case is over.....justifiable homicide. case closed.
Except no one who was there is saying he hit Bryan's car. So there's that.

Makes no difference one way or the other.....the only relevant fact is that ahmaud attacked Travis....no excuse for that.
dont you have a baby to kill somewhere baby killer??
Your obsessive fascination with killing babies is gross, not to mention off topic. I’m guessing you don’t think a black man being hunted down by three white guys in a truck has a right to defend himself? Strange fruit.
Your obsessive fascination with killing babies is gross, not to mention off topic. I’m guessing you don’t think a black man being hunted down by three white guys in a truck has a right to defend himself? Strange fruit.
they arent very good hunters is they had to wait for him to attack them,,

and as many black babys are killed by your abortion fetish I dont understand your complaints,,
they arent very good hunters is they had to wait for him to attack them,,

and as many black babys are killed by your abortion fetish I dont understand your complaints,,
So you you support vigilantes hunting down black men…why am I not surprised? Strange fruit.
Makes no difference one way or the other.....the only relevant fact is that ahmaud attacked Travis....no excuse for that.
Of course it makes a difference. The prosecution is expected to present evidence that Bryan struck Arbery with his truck.
Your obsessive fascination with killing babies is gross, not to mention off topic. I’m guessing you don’t think a black man being hunted down by three white guys in a truck has a right to defend himself? Strange fruit.

You do support abortion......right?

Watch the video.....the truck is parked at least a hundred yards down the road ahead of ahmaud ...yet ahmaud kept jogging towards it....if he felt his life was in danger he could have jogged in a different direction....just common sense.

There was no threat to ahbery's life until he charged the guy holding a shotgun.

Not even to mention Gregory MacMichaels had been delegated as the go to guy in the neighborhood if anyone was having problems with trespassers, theft etc.
So you you support vigilantes hunting down black men…why am I not surprised? Strange fruit.
they didnt hunt him down and kill him,, they suspected him of wrong doing and attempted to stop him for questioning and to wait for police,,

why would you lie like that??
Watch the video.....the truck is parked at least a hundred yards down the road ...yet ahmaud kept jogging towards it....if he felt his life was in danger he could have jogged in a different direction....just common sense.

There was no threat to ahbery's life until he charged the guy holding a shotgun.
I’ve watched multiple videos. The truck had been following him. Then pulled in front of him. Why?
they didnt hunt him down and kill him,, they suspected him of wrong doing and attempted to stop him for questioning and to wait for police,,

why would you lie like that??
Hmmm…three white men … armed…in a confederate flag festooned truck , following an unarmed black man jogging. Boy…I’d sure stop for them.

Don’t you have a lynching to go to, strange fruit?
Hmmm…three white men … armed…in a confederate flag festooned truck , following an unarmed black man jogging. Boy…I’d sure stop for them.

Don’t you have a lynching to go to, strange fruit?
you missed the part where they had several chances to shoot and kill him,, I am sure its just an oversight on your part,,

dont you have an abortion of a black baby to celebrate??
I’ve watched multiple videos. The truck had been following him. Then pulled in front of him. Why?
How long do you think it took for them to catch up to arbury? It took them maybe a couple of minutes....they caught up to him....did not get out of the truck, did not display their weapons.....merely rolled down the window and told ahmaud they needed to talk to him....ahmaud ignored them and kept jogging.

Whereupon the McMichaels drove to a point at least a hundred yards down the road in front of ahmaud....parked their truck and travis got out of the truck with his shotgun and stood to the left side and in front of the truck....

Gregory McMichaels got into the back of the pick-up ...I forget the reason for that...I do recall the reason for that was discussed but i forget...it might have been because he was having trouble reaching the police on his cellphone but anyhow he got in touch with them and was talking to them when ahmaud jogged up to the truck and attacked Travis.
There is no evidence of that.
I'm sure you're wishing that but there is a palm print and cotton fibers found on the car right near a dent. If the palm print matches Arbery's or the cotton fibers match the clothes he was wearing, it will be very easy to prove the car hit him.
you missed the part where they had several chances to shoot and kill him,, I am sure its just an oversight on your part,,

dont you have an abortion of a black baby to celebrate??
Well they tried stopping him with their trucks. Only when that failed them did they resort to a shotgun.

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