ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

We don't have video of that event. We have someone's word about what happened. Then it is up to a jury to decide if the account they have heard is believable or not. In this case we do have a video. And it is compelling.
no we just have one sided view from a l,iar
Bryan has cut a deal with the prosecution saying what they want to hear trying to avoid being prosecuted.

That kind of thing happens all the time.
Dumbfuck racist, before he cut any deals, Bryan said he thought Arbery was trying to open his door.

Try harder. :eusa_doh:
At this point he has no credibility.

Again, dumbuck racist. Even if he has no credibility now, and I'm not saying he dies or doesn't ... he said that on the day it happened.

Try harder.
If he was fleeing foe his life why was he running towards the white guys?

Because running away from them didn't work.

I've never had anyone chase me in a vehicle with a shotgun and an armed, fat redneck in the back, but I have to think that if I wasn't able to get away from them, my only choice might be to confront their attack.

That's what Arbery did.

When Travis got out of the pickup truck to confront an unarmed man, he escalated the situation. He cannot, therefore, legitimately claim he was acting in self-defense. I promise you, that will be one of the first things the prosecutors put to rest.

A scenario:

Person A walks up to Person B and slaps Person B.

Person B punches Person A.

Person A draws a firearm and blows Person B's head off.

Person A cannot claim self defense...
You are no brother of mine or anyone else that stands up for the truth.

This case reminds me of the Zimmerman case.....the majority never got the facts right in that one either....people get emotional and come on here and spout b.s. that supports their agenda.

Just like the guy above....clueless, uninformed and spreading b.s.

There is a video out and it has been out for a long time and it was posted on here multiple times when the incident happened and it clearly shows the black dude running across the front of the truck ......trying to grab the shot gun the white guy was holding.

Thus he was not shot for doing whatever he was doing in the house under construction.

He was shot out of self defense....watch the video and get back with us.
Nope. Read below and see if you still agree.
There is no doubt Travis McMichael killed Ahmaud but it was in self defense
See Above and Below.
ahmaud was killed because he attacked Travis and tried to take his weapon....what actually happend was more like suicide
See if you agree with what is written below.
At no time did the McMichaels threaten arbary.
You don't know that. You got video of the entire chase/manhunt?

So Persuader, I dare you to answer this, without some dramatic SPIN.
This is not apples to oranges, this is an identical situation (only l.store versus neighborhood).

Myself and 2 other friends find you alone in the back corner of a large store, after we suspect you are attempting to steal from the store, with ONLY us 4 in the remote area.

We chase you around with our shopping carts and block all your attempted escapes.
We flash our perfectly legal firearms, but make no threats. Unless flashing our weapons at you is considered a threat. But no verbal threats. You retreat and seek new paths repeatedly, we cut you off again, and we flash our weapons again.

After many minutes of this, you decide that this will continue until you get caught/captured, or you can try something else.

At that point you decide to cross in front of my shopping cart and you go for my perfectly legal gun. WHY? Yes, good question. Why did you attack me?

I then shoot you to defend myself.

What you say Persuader
Because running away from them didn't work.

I've never had anyone chase me in a vehicle with a shotgun and an armed, fat redneck in the back, but I have to think that if I wasn't able to get away from them, my only choice might be to confront their attack.

That's what Arbery did.

When Travis got out of the pickup truck to confront an unarmed man, he escalated the situation. He cannot, therefore, legitimately claim he was acting in self-defense. I promise you, that will be one of the first things the prosecutors put to rest.

A scenario:

Person A walks up to Person B and slaps Person B.

Person B punches Person A.

Person A draws a firearm and blows Person B's head off.

Person A cannot claim self defense...
thankfully thats not what happened here,,
Unbiased law. You don't get to play cop and kill people because you don't like them...
Ahmaud was killed whilst assaulting a innocent man....kinda like suicide by cop.

Perhaps Ahmaud was tired of living and feared going back to jail.

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