ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

Bullshit. People are racist because they're ignorant and suffer from low self-esteem. Being racist is nothing but a tool to make the racists feel better about themselves.
No it is just human nature......eveyone is racist and there is nothing wrong with it per se.
The statistics show that the 500 killings of white people attributed to blacks last year were the most since black perpetrators were determined to be responsible for the homicides of 504 white people nationwide in 2008. Last year's total was up 12 percent from the 446 recorded in 2014 and 22 percent from the 409 seen in 2013, a year that saw the lowest total this century and one that capped seven years of general declines in black-on-white homicides. Prior to that, 2006 saw the most black-on-white killings since 2001, with 573.
You see race. I see law. Black or white or green, you don't get to mow someone down who is no threat to yourself regardless of who shot whom yesterday. None of your reasoning will make it into court. It is totally irrelevant to the case at hand.
Unbiased law. You don't get to play cop and kill people because you don't like them...
It was just a case of self defense and the video proves it....ahmaud attacked a man with a gun....it cost him his life. case closed

So it was the armed chasers who were in danger that day? Did Arbrey attack them in their home or did he run them down with a firearm pointed at them while they were out side barbecuing?

Lethal force necessary? Against an unarmed man? Couldn't hop out of your safe zone and kick his ass without the weapon? Really big boy? Why did you get out of your truck and confront Mr. Arbery with a loaded weapon while he was retreating?
They were never in danger until Arbery fought for his life. It was Arbery who was trying to flee from them and it was the 3 of them who repeatedly chased him down.
Not exactly. McMichael was on the phone with a 911 dispatch and spoke for about 11 seconds when his son and Arbery began fighting over the gun. All he managed to spit out was, "I'm out here at Satilla Shores. There's a black male running down the street. [Where at Satilla Shores?] I don't know what street we're on."

So no, they didn't "call the police and were waiting for them whilst keeping ahmaud under observation." McMichael never even gave them the name of the street they were on. Nor did they wait for police as the struggle over the gun occurred just seconds after Greg McMichael called 911.

And that call came after more than 4 minutes of chasing Arbery around the neighborhood, blocking his escape every time he got close to getting out of their neighborhood. And again, they admitted to that with police
why did arbery even touch the gun
They were never in danger until Arbery fought for his life. It was Arbery who was trying to flee from them and it was the 3 of them who repeatedly chased him down.
if arbery was fleeing for his life he never would have grabbed the gun.
No it is just human nature......eveyone is racist and there is nothing wrong with it per se.
^^^ more bullshit.
The man with the gun precipitated the attack and put himself in danger when he exited the vehicle and held a man who was up until then attempting to get away from his stalkers, at gunpoint.

How could the man with the gun protected himself from what he perceived as a threat? Yes, says the jury! Roll up the windows, lock the door, park the truck, wait for the police to determine if any action against Mr. Arbrey was warranted.
why did arbery even touch the gun

if arbery was fleeing for his life he never would have grabbed the gun.
Looks to me like after more than 4 minutes of being chased by men in 2 cars, being struck by one and blocked numerous times by both, when he saw one of them get out with a shotgun, he felt in fear for his life and chose to defend himself.
Looks to me like after more than 4 minutes of being chased by men in 2 cars, being struck by one and blocked numerous times by both, when he saw one of them get out with a shotgun, he felt in fear for his life and chose to defend himself.
when trayvon martin did the same she you all didnt defend him.
Did you even watch the video? The homeowner said nothing was taken. Also, the same surveillance camera shows dozens of people going in and out of the same property including children. A white couple entered on the same day Arbery was shot.
1. it doesn't matter what other people do--that's totally irrelevant
2. doesn't matter if he took anything or not--he is up to no good going INTO private property
3. lots of black people do crimes --don't get caught and white people do crimes and get caught
again--like in the police shootings-race has NOTHING to do with it
why did arbery even touch the gun

if arbery was fleeing for his life he never would have grabbed the gun.

He was fleeing. The time for fleeing was over when the killer exited his vehicle with a gun and pointed it at the victim.
Stand in front of me and threaten me with a gun. My choices are limited. I can stand there and hope you won't kill me or I can become actively involved in trying to save my own life, since trying to get away from the perps wasn't working. Keep in mind, Arbrey did not call the police and had no idea the police had been contacted or were possibly en route. He was all alone in a situation not of his making.
What would you do when an angry man has a gun pointed at your chest? Ignoring them wasn't working. Trying to make it home without a confrontation wasn't working. His choices at that point were get the gun or hit your knees and beg...
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The time for jogging away was over when the killer exited his vehicle with a gun and pointed it at the victim.
Stand in front of me and threaten me with a gun. My choices are limited. I can hope you won't kill me or I can become actively involved in trying to save my own life, since trying to get away from the perps wasn't working.
What would you do when an angry man has a gun to your chest. Ignoring them wasn't working. Trying to make it home without a confrontation wasn't working. Get the gun or hit your knees and beg...
why didnt you all feel the same for trayvon. double standard here,
They don't. You only think they do because you're a piece-of-shit racist.
wait how was it imprionment when the black rabn towards them and tried to take the gun away

By their own admission they were chasing him through the neighborhood and trying to cut him off to stop him for questioning. There's no law that I know of that allows someone to grab their gun, form a posse and chase someone down in an attempt to hold them for questioning. Especially when the people doing the chasing had not witnessed any laws being broken. As you know Ahmaud Arbery is under no obligation to stop and talk to these guys. They cornered him after an illegal chase and he fought back. Ahmaud was probably tired and scared as shit.
And the McMichael's had access to this video right before they started chasing him?

See, the point is that for them to legally do what they did, they had to know that he had just committed a crime.

They had no such information, therefore, their actions were no legal and, as a result, will land them in prison, and probably for the rest of their lives...
sure sure--whatever --but again--the black man INITIATED the problem by committing a crime/violation ..the black man is not innocent at all
ALL committing crimes/INITIATING the problem

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