ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

We also dismantled Monument Ave. But we'll get to Yale eventually, like we will the Founders of this country. Isn't like there's fuck all your lot can do about it. Lol.
You commie agenda will fail and fail catastrophiclly. It's going to be fun to watch you pinko bastards go up in flames.
Maybe you should do more research. That video is the end of the confrontation not the beginning. They had been chasing Ahmaud for a while. He had turned around on them multiple times already before we get to that point in the video.

I know a murder when I see one. They pulled up behind that man, got out of the truck and killed him. Ask the murderers this question. Is there anyway they could have avoided killing Mr. Arbery?
Nonsense.........the video proves you are lying.
Not at all as you falsely claim....the real facts which contradict you will be presented at the trial......you have either been duped or you are a propagandist.

It is all very simple but those that are biased like you have blinders on.

Let me ax you chump.....how long do you think it would take to catch up to someone jogging if you are in a truck? You lack common sense much less any analytical ability.

You claim you have seen the video but what you say contradicts the video.

At no time did the McMichaels threaten arbary......you have no evidence of that and there is no evidence of that....you simply make it up out of thin air or you are just blindly repeating what some propagandist has said...and how would they know....were they there? Of course not.

The truth will come out in the trial and it will be clear to all exactly what happend and the jury will have to vote not guilty in order to conform to the law.

Perhaps you should watch the video again....and put it on slow motion....unless you have some sort of perception or visual problem....it clearly shows ahmaud jogging to the right of the truck and then darting across the front of the truck and then attacked Travis.

Just look through the windows of the truck and you will see it.

Just out of curiosity are you a black muslim?

P.S. ahmaud was a convicted thief with mental problems out on probation when he was killed.

Ahmaud suffered from a mental illness that caused him to hallucinate.

Travic McMichaels served for several years in the coast guard and had saved the life of a black person once.

  • A recently filed bond motion says that McMichael likely saved the lives of six people, one when he was a teenage lifeguard and the others when he patrolled the waters for the U.S. Coast Guard.

The Sr. MaMichaels was a former policeman....both upstanding citizens with no criminal history.
Can you think of any way they could have avoided killing an unarmed man? How about calling the actual police? And tell them, "There was a man looking at a construction site and is jogging home now...."
The hell it does. The video proves my point. So do you, when you proclaim they had been CHASING HIM FOR A WHILE!!! How do you react when some one chases you down for a while? Chase me down and my concealed weapon would become a revealed weapon real fast. Arbery didn't have that option. He had hands, that was his only line of defense.

Was it the chasers bizarre intent to prevent Arbery from jogging away from them? In that case, a shot to the foot would have sufficed and the shooter would have never had to get out of the truck or put himself in danger! So, what was their ultimate objective when they began the chase?
The end of the video shows a man trying not to be shot while having a gun pointed right at his chest.
Answer my question. Is there anyway that the men on trial could have prevented the situation? How could the man who shot Arbrey avoided killing an unarmed man that was running away from him?
1. Not following him.
2. Calling the police if they felt there was suspicious activity.
3. Not getting out of the vehicle to force a confrontation.
4. Not brandishing a weapon.

^ There are several choices the killers had and chose not to use. Instead, they made bad decisions and are facing murder charges, that they could have avoided had they just minded their own business. I bet they wish that they had made different choices now...

Do you realize there are states that insist by law that you must try to run away from an attacker in your own home before you have the right to turn and protect yourself? Did the shooter, fearing for his life, try to flee the situation before he felt compelled to use deadly force against Mr. Arbrey?
You certainly aren't allowed to chase humans down like game and kill them for sport.
Prosecuting this case would make my mouth water...
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Can you think of any way they could have avoided killing an unarmed man? How about calling the actual police? And tell them, "There was a man looking at a construction site and is jogging home now...."
If you are going to post on here you should try and keep up aka read what has been posted.

They called the police and were waiting for them whilst keeping ahmaud under observation.

However, ahmaud decided to attack Travis who in order to protect his life was forced to shoot Ahmaud.
Why do you refuse to watch the video?
If you are going to post on here you should try and keep up aka read what has been posted.

They called the police and were waiting for them whilst keeping ahmaud under observation.

However, ahmaud decided to attack Travis who in order to protect his life was forced to shoot Ahmaud.
Why do you refuse to watch the video?
Sorry that BS story isn't going to fly, hell one of the racist cowards actually struck Arbery with his vehicle.
The hell it does. The video proves my point. So do you, when you proclaim they had been CHASING HIM FOR A WHILE!!! How do you react when some one chases you down for a while?
It shows a man trying not to be shot while having a gun pointed at him.
Answer my question. Is there anyway that the men on trial could have prevented the situation? How could the man who shot Arbrey avoided killing him?
1. Not following him.
2. Calling the police if they felt there was suspicious activity.
3. Not getting out of the vehicle to force a confrontation.
4. Not brandishing a weapon.

^ There are several choices the killers had and chose not to use. They made bad decisions and are facing murder charges, that they could have avoided had they just minded their own business. I bet they wish that had made different choices now...

Another example of the rampant stupidity amongst those on here who simply refuse to accept the truth.

If they were chasing ahmaud why do we see ahmaud in the video running towards them and attack Travis.....you are very confused or just plain stupid or some combination thereof.

They were perfectly within their rights to follow the suspect....most especially as a former policeman who had been deputized to deal with such problems in his neighborhood.

The McMichaels had called the police...advised them where was going on, what their location was and were waiting on the police when ahmuad jogged up and attacked Travis....all seen on the video.

Which you seem unable to comprehand because of your extreme bias and racist hatred of white folk.....seek help before you harm yourself or others.
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Another example of the rampant stupidity amongst those on here who simply refuse to accept the truth.

If they were chasing ahmaud why do we see ahmaud in the video running towards them and attack Travis.....you are very confused or just plain stupid or some combination thereof.

They were perfectly within their rights to follow the suspect....most especially as a former policeman who had been deputized to deal with such problems in his neighborhood.
Where in that text dies it say he was deputized?
Sorry that BS story isn't going to fly, hell one of the racist cowards actually struck Arbery with his vehicle.
That is media b.s. exacerbated by those who have a radical agenda to transform this story into something far from the truth.

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