ahmaund arbery trial getting closer

And what was he doing that caused them to murder him?
Come on you racist big mouth dickhead?
Defend the statement or shut your gob.
he was trying to take their firearms!!!!!
AND, your opinions on US issues are worthless
Blacks should learn not to attack people....most especially someone with a gun....now it is known that ahmaud had mental problems .....suffered from hallucinations.

Yet we see blacks constantly do stupid stuff who are supposedly sane.

Look at chicago....blacks demonstrate constantly they are violent savages that even attack their own if there are no white people around.
......ANOTHER black man with a HISTORY of crime doing something stupid/he's not supposed to do/violation/etc........
^^^ An ignorant, low self-esteemed, piece-of-shit racist finds a webpage on the Internet which agrees with him.

......ANOTHER black man with a HISTORY of crime doing something stupid/he's not supposed to do/violation/etc........
Jogging in a neighborhood? There is no evidence Arbery was doing anything but that when the McMichaels chased him down and shot him.
1. it doesn't matter what other people do--that's totally irrelevant
2. doesn't matter if he took anything or not--he is up to no good going INTO private property
3. lots of black people do crimes --don't get caught and white people do crimes and get caught
again--like in the police shootings-race has NOTHING to do with it

How do you know he was up to no good? Better question is, how to the McDaniels know? They didn't witness him on the neighbor's property. They didn't witness any law being broken. By the time Arbery ran past them he wasn't breaking any law and he wasn't trespassing. Citizen's arrest does now apply here.
How do you know he was up to no good? Better question is, how to the McDaniels know? They didn't witness him on the neighbor's property. They didn't witness any law being broken. By the time Arbery ran past them he wasn't breaking any law and he wasn't trespassing. Citizen's arrest does now apply here.
Ahmaud was not arrested. He had freedom of movement at all times.....he made a stupid mistake....attacked a guy with a gun....not something a sane person would do.
sure sure--whatever --but again--the black man INITIATED the problem by committing a crime/violation ..the black man is not innocent at all
ALL committing crimes/INITIATING the problem

Agreed. Floyd (9 minutes on the neck was to long), Brown, Freddie Grey all initiated the problem. Police acted accordingly. This one is different. No law was being broken at the time and Arbery was under no obligation to talk to these guys.
Ahmaud was not arrested. He had freedom of movement at all times.....he made a stupid mistake....attacked a guy with a gun....not something a sane person would do.

A sane person would not chase someone down with a gun and his buddies and corner him.

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yes they do. they did in my school too. only in high school though.
Maybe in your school, they wanted to avoid racists like you. Here's a school where that's not a thing...


Lemme guess... you're conservative?
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If he was fleeing foe his life why was he running towards the white guys?
Where else could he run? Back towards the car behind him which already struck him? Or onto someone else's private property? Which is what got people in that neighborhood to chase him down to begin with.
Where else could he run? Back towards the car behind him which already struck him? Or onto someone else's private property? Which is what got people in that neighborhood to chase him down to begin with.

Why was he running around in a white neighborhood to begin with?

Ever see a white person jogging in a black neifghborhood.
Where else could he run? Back towards the car behind him which already struck him? Or onto someone else's private property? Which is what got people in that neighborhood to chase him down to begin with.
The car did not strike him....he ran into the car and banged on it trying to scare the driver.

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