Aides Say Mueller Is An Asshole And A Screwup

Outside California, HIllary basically lost the popular vote.

Okay, and if you take out Texas, Trumpenfuhrer lost the popular vote by even a bigger margin.

I’m not sure what your argument is.

Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Lay out your scenario for all of us. What is going to happen to Trump and how will that help Democrats regain power in the House, the Senate, Govenorships, elected legislators, and POTUS?


2018- The Democrats regain the House. Maybe the Senate, definitely a lot of the statehouses. They need 23 house seats and 2 Senate seats if Roy Moore loses next month. The average flip on an mid-term is 30 house seats and 5 senate seats, so this is easily doable.

They also pick up governorships in IL, FL, WI, MI, and a lot of other states.

2019- Articles of Impeachment against Trump are issued. Depending on where his approval rating is, Republicans will be happy to railroad him out of office.

Behind the scenes, the newly elected Democratic state reps will repeal a lot of the voter suppression measures Republican put in to keep the darkies from voting.

2020 - Assuming Trump is impeached, Pence loses re-election because he can't escape Trump's stench. They make considerable gains in the Senate as well, because all the knuckle draggers who won in 2014 will be gone when voters actually bother to show up.

The 2020 Census happens, and Democrats are in charge of the state legislatures, so they can get rid of all the Gerrymandered maps.
Poor stubborn snowflake, I sympathize with you....just having gotten over Gore losing to Bush, now you suffer another historic, mind0numbing loss that will take you several more decades to get over...

Uh, dude, I voted for Bush in 2000. Then he actually took office, and I found myself with an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

The mindnumbing loss is going to be the recession we are going to get because of Trump's gross incompetence.
The mindnumbing loss is going to be the recession we are going to get because of Trump's gross incompetence.
'Mind-numbing gross incompetence'?! You are obviously thinking of Hillary, the woman who did not know the US Presidency was decided by the Electoral College and therefore chose to skip visiting several key states. :p

'The Recession we are going to get under TRUMP'?

Dude, been there / done that with Barry - the longest the US has ever had. You are obviously not paying attention to the increasing rate of GDP, stock market rise, the falling unemployment #, fewer Americans on Unemployment, Food Stamps.....

( you even know how foolish you look right now saying the things you are saying...? Just looking out for you, Joe.....)
This thread is a hoot. We have the biggest fuck up president in history being investigated by a brilliant public servant all republicans and democrats admit is a stellar choice for the job so we now get these scurrilous accusations on him.

The right is in pure panic mode and it’s a delight to see.

What is your dream scenario here?

You claim Trump is going to prison within 3 is that going to help your personal agenda? How will you personally be affected when Trump goes to prison?
Show me the quote where I said within 3 years.
Funny you take on all the attributes of your fuhrer with his disinformation campaign.
Guy, you can jerk off to the dog-catcher elections you won, but the end of the day, the People Said No, and you can't be president to only half the country.
Poor stubborn snowflake, I sympathize with you....just having gotten over Gore losing to Bush, now you suffer another historic, mind0numbing loss that will take you several more decades to get over... :p
This dumbfuc is still in victory mode after watching his president threaten nuclear war against an equally unhinged leader, obliterate consumer protections, replace scientists with fossil fuels CEO’s in the EPA, and lie 5.5 times per day, every day with the most recent one saying the Access Hollywood tape is a fake after already admitting he said those words.

There’s a lot of reasons why he has the lowest approval ratings of any president in history but all Tiny dick wants to do is strut around like it’s still Nov 2016.
So a career government employee who couldn't hack it in the real world, got it.
Still dwelling in the bottom of the barrel I see.

It doesn’t get any more real than this:
Bob Mueller is a graduate of Princeton University, Mueller served as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War, receiving the Bronze Star Medalwith Combat "V" for heroism and the Purple Heart Medal. After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1973, he worked at a private firm in San Francisco for three years until his appointment as an assistant U.S. Attorney in the same city. Prior to his appointment as FBI director, Mueller served as a United States Attorney, as assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division and as acting deputy attorney general.

He earned a reputation as a no-nonsense, straitlaced attorney and investigator.[3][4][5]Lauded for his non-partisan and non-political approach, he has been credited with transforming the FBI from an agency primarily focused on law enforcement into one of the world's top organizations handling counterespionage and counterterrorism.[6]

In May 2017, Mueller was appointed by the Justice Department as special counseloverseeing an ongoing investigation into alleged foreign electoral intervention by Russia in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
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So a career government employee who couldn't hack it in the real world, got it.
Still dwelling in the bottom of the barrel I see.

Bob Mueller is a graduate of Princeton University, Mueller served as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War, receiving the Bronze Star Medalwith Combat "V" for heroism and the Purple Heart Medal. After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1973, he worked at a private firm in San Francisco for three years until his appointment as an assistant U.S. Attorney in the same city. Prior to his appointment as FBI director, Mueller served as a United States Attorney, as assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division and as acting deputy attorney general.

He earned a reputation as a no-nonsense, straitlaced attorney and investigator.[3][4][5]Lauded for his non-partisan and non-political approach, he has been credited with transforming the FBI from an agency primarily focused on law enforcement into one of the world's top organizations handling counterespionage and counterterrorism.[6]

In May 2017, Mueller was appointed by the Justice Department as special counseloverseeing an ongoing investigation into alleged foreign electoral intervention by Russia in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

You obviously failed to read the thread, apparently the guy is a douchebag.
This thread is a hoot. We have the biggest fuck up president in history being investigated by a brilliant public servant all republicans and democrats admit is a stellar choice for the job so we now get these scurrilous accusations on him.

The right is in pure panic mode and it’s a delight to see.

What is your dream scenario here?

You claim Trump is going to prison within 3 is that going to help your personal agenda? How will you personally be affected when Trump goes to prison?
Show me the quote where I said within 3 years.
Funny you take on all the attributes of your fuhrer with his disinformation campaign.

You said that Bannon said he wouldn’t serve a second term. That’s 3 years. Why did you post his comment?

How will you personally be affected when Trump goes to prison as you predict over and over?
Poor stubborn snowflake, I sympathize with you....just having gotten over Gore losing to Bush, now you suffer another historic, mind0numbing loss that will take you several more decades to get over...

Uh, dude, I voted for Bush in 2000. Then he actually took office, and I found myself with an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

The mindnumbing loss is going to be the recession we are going to get because of Trump's gross incompetence.

Explain specifically how that is going to happen. Walk us through the economic collapse Trump is causing.
Explain specifically how that is going to happen. Walk us through the economic collapse Trump is causing.
Euphoric success will cause the collapse of the western world, or at least the US.

Haven't you ever heard of 'Too Much Of A Good Thing'?! :p
This thread is a hoot. We have the biggest fuck up president in history being investigated by a brilliant public servant all republicans and democrats admit is a stellar choice for the job so we now get these scurrilous accusations on him.

The right is in pure panic mode and it’s a delight to see.

What is your dream scenario here?

You claim Trump is going to prison within 3 is that going to help your personal agenda? How will you personally be affected when Trump goes to prison?
Show me the quote where I said within 3 years.
Funny you take on all the attributes of your fuhrer with his disinformation campaign.

You have to lay it all out for us. When will Trump go to prison and for what specific crime and how will that help the Democrats push through their social justice agenda?
100% of what happened? No one has plead guilty to "colluding" with the Russians.

There is not a crime called "collusion", there is a crime of CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WIRE FRAUD, perjury and then there is also obstruction of justice.

He pleaded guilty to lying to FBI about his dealings with Russians, specifically dealings related to materials against Hillary Clinton and his attempts to set up a meeting between candidate Trump and Putin.
Who committe wire fraud or perjury?

Poppawhatshisname lied. What does that have to do with Trump?
Asswipe says Papodopolous lied as if he knows.
Trump whores are the dumbest people on earth.

The FBI says he lied, not me, dumbass. No one in the Trump administration has been convicted or perjury.
Trump’s campaign manager was indicted. I guess he had no connection to trump, right?
Many more indictments to come bedwetter so hold on your panties for a wild ride.

what part of "no one in the Trump administration has been convicted or perjury" didn't you understand?
View attachment 162962 Trump said Papadopoulos was only a volunteer. What the hell is a volunteer doing in a national security advisers meeting?
Trumpies stretch all means of credabily in defending their criminal president.

sessions is at the meeting, and he's a volunteer, moron. This isn't some kind of official government meeting. It's a campaign meeting.
Jeff, the racist garden gnome, and now Attorney General was a volunteer?
I see you provided no proof of your lie like I requested.
Same ole same ole

Was he getting paid?
Progs, when is Trump going to prison and for what specific crimes?

You guys have been on the clock for 2 years.
One thing Republican Administrations are good at......getting members indicted and convicted of crimes.
Liberals SUCK at Special Counsels and 'Witch Hunts'

Over a year, hundreds of hours of committee hearings, tens of thousands of documents reviewed, millions of tax dollars wasted - 1 indictment of Scooter Libby for Perjury that had nothing to do with Bush to show for it all, a claimed 'victory' as justification for the Witch Hunt.

Over a year.

Multiple committees.

A stacked, discredited, conflict-of-interest' kangaroo Counsel...Led by A reported 'f*-up' who should be investigated by a Special Counsel for aiding the Russians in 2009

No evidence a crime was committed.

No evidence of a Crime Trump was involved in.

No evidence against Trump

2 x Indictments for 2006 tax evasion charges, nothing to do with Trump

1 Investigation into a non-crime in Israel...nothing to do with Trump

1 Investigation into a documentary of an exiled Turkish Cleric ... nothing to do with Trump

The closer Mueller gets to your pussygrabber, the more you try to pretend he isn’t.
I’m so enjoying your delusions.

Enlighten us on what Mueller has. Go ahead, we will wait while you make something up. If he had anything, there would already be indictments. The fact he is taking so long means he's looking for more unrelated stuff like Mannafort to justify his existence.
What an ass you are. You’re not used to anyone like Trump doing something in a professional way, so you can’t conceive of a true pro like Mueller doing things in a methodical professional manner.
It took almost 2 years to bring down Nixon. This investigation has many more parts than watergate did.

Come on unreasonable, throw us a frickin' bone. Just one thing. Something. Anything Trump did to "collude" with the Russians. Hell, Obama's admin opened up FISA records during the campaign in the hopes of revealing something and to date, nothing has materialized. There is no there, there. In the end, a couple of indictments totally unrelated to Trump colluding with the Ruskies will be all the wishers and dreamers will be able to claim victory over. You know it, you just can't admit it because it destroys your small world view.
Poor stubborn snowflake, I sympathize with you....just having gotten over Gore losing to Bush, now you suffer another historic, mind0numbing loss that will take you several more decades to get over...

Uh, dude, I voted for Bush in 2000. Then he actually took office, and I found myself with an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

The mindnumbing loss is going to be the recession we are going to get because of Trump's gross incompetence.

Funny, we bought our dream home in 2001 and our 401k did great. Then Obama hit, our 401k tanked and we had to sell our dream home and move to something smaller due to a sinking economy and my banker wife getting laid off after 22 years. Thanks for going after the banks Obama and ruining our retirement.
If this guy comes up with zero on Aunt Hilda he gets his ass fired.
He covered for the establishment. You know he's got goods on lots of political whores, and he will take them down as quick as hitlery would if she went down. Is anyone still questioing why I call those political whores in DC "sociopaths"? Can you find "professionals" with so little integrity anywhere else? They'd get prosecuted in the public sector for certain.
The Russian collusion conspiracy is one of the craziest smears the Dirty Democrats have ever come up with and the worst part about it is that the Press plays along with it.

Where are you posting from? Greenland?

1. No Evidence A Crime of 'Collusion' Ever Happened.
-- 'There is no such criminal act / law regarding 'Collusion'. .

2. No Evidence A Crime Involving Trump Happened.

3. No Evidence Trump Was Involved In the 'Non-Crime'

4. Evidence Exists Showing Conflict Of Interest Of Entire Special Counsel Team

5. Evidence Exists That Lead Special Counsel is an a$$hole, that Lead Counsel is a F*-up - having 'blown the biggest terrorist case since 9/11', and that Lead Counsel collaborated with then US AG Eric holder and then President Barak Obama to hide Russian crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, 'buying politicians (like Hillary), and yet hit the evidence until after the Uranium One deal went through.

6. The only indictments Mueller have are 2 tax evasion charges dating back to 2006 / 2009?! There is an additional 'indictment' of a Mueller / Obama-plant who was caught wearing a wire and who was shopping a book deal weeks before 'indicted'.

7. Having found ZERO crimes involving Trump and ZERO evidence against Trump, Mueller has abandoned his 'Russian Interference / Russian Collusion' tasking to investigate non-crimes in Israel and a documentary regarding an exiled Turkish Cleric ... none of which have anything to do with President Trump.

8. The media just reported Mueller has a history of being a f*-up as a prosecutor, and he was Comey's mentor ... which explains why Comey has been / is such a f*-up

9. The media is reporting that Mueller's Counsel is not leaking like a sieve...mostly about how he has nothing, is a f*-up, and how he has 'wandered off the reservation' in his witch hunt...

10. Mueller and his Counsel have undermined and sabotaged their own investigation from the very start, stacking the deck - making it look like a witch hunt from the start.

Mueller, his Counsel, and the DNC's entire witch hunt is now a PUBLIC joke...they are a laughing stock...and everyone knows it - but snowflakes refuse to admit it - THERE IS NOTHING THERE, THIS IS A WITCH HUNT, AND NOTHING MORE THAN 1 OR 2 'SCOOTED LIBBY' INDICTMENTS WILL HAPPEN.

You left out Obama being born in Kenya.
he was, glad you found out.

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