AIDs decimating ISIS


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
Seems there is widespread AIDs due to blood transfusions and sex slavery.

..............(an act of their god?)
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.
Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.

SO 16 people with HIV/AIDS means ISIS is decimated huh? Wow, go look up decimate.
Too bad about the innocent captives of this satanic cult.

Where are the Crusades when we need them.
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<

Dont you love it when they ask you for proof and then when you provide the source , they tell you it's fake half the time. Meanwhile those type of thinkers have no idea our sources aren't fake bs information, and theirs is. lol
Is it seriously that hard for people to go and google it themselves if they don't believe shit.
Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.

SO 16 people with HIV/AIDS means ISIS is decimated huh? Wow, go look up decimate.

18 months ago ISIS admitted two women had infected 16 men with AIDs

now it is epidemic

There is infected blood being given to ISIS soldiers as well.

I know from past wars that drug use can be widespread among muslims and have little doubt that too is a contributing factor.

stories have been filtering out about AIDs for years from both syria and iraq but with little corroboration it has not made much waves in the media.

The fact ISIS have a special hospital for AIDs patients would be a very good indication it is much more than 16 fighters.

If you choose not to believe, that is up to you. You can choose to believe the moon is made of green cheese if you want. You can choose to believe the american flag colors are grey and black if you wish.............does not make it factual to other look at the flag.

Did you think AIDs did not exist in muslim countries?

AIDS Remains a Costly Taboo in the Muslim World - IslamiCity
Jul 27, 2000 - Yet arguing that the Muslim world is largely AIDS free, or that the epidemic has little presence among Muslims is a mere fantasy, which could ...
[PDF]The Virus and the Scriptures: Muslims and AIDS in Tanzania
by F Becker - ‎2007 - ‎Cited by 16 - ‎Related articles
Tanzania, Muslim reform, healing, AIDS education, religion and politics ..... sexual relations that the AIDS epidemic seems to reveal runs deep amongthem.
Muslim Statistics (Health and Disability) - WikiIslam
Jump to HIV/AIDS - The study cited Iran and Bangladesh as among Muslim... The AIDS virus is spreading like an epidemic in some Middle East and North ...
Is it seriously that hard for people to go and google it themselves if they don't believe shit.
I'm tired of doing the easy homework for the libs only to have them declare everything they want to disagree with, "fake."

Check out this map you might find it interesting if you don't know about it already..


HealthMap | Flu Map | Contagious Disease Surveillance | Virus Awareness
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<

Dont you love it when they ask you for proof and then when you provide the source , they tell you it's fake half the time. Meanwhile those type of thinkers have no idea our sources aren't fake bs information, and theirs is. lol
Is it seriously that hard for people to go and google it themselves if they don't believe shit.

With friends from the region, I also have personal sources not on the record that keep me informed well before it's in the press. Better idea what is real and fake stories, at least in many areas of world news. Not all news is mainstream american media, nor in english.

I've know about AIDs in the MENA for decades.......and yes, some even among homosexuals.
Now ISIS is, allegedly, using AIDS-infected soldiers as suicide bombers. Note the link is over 15 months old.

ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide bombers | Daily Mail Online
At least 16 ISIS fighters who contracted HIV after having unprotected sex with two Moroccan sex slaves have been ordered to carry out suicide attacks, a doctor forced to treated them has claimed.

The men, most of whom are foreign fighters, were treated at an ISIS-run hospital in the east-Syrian city of Al-Mayadeen and then quarantined, it is reported.

ISIS beheaded a fighter who knowingly allowed his HIV-infected blood to be transfused to another terrorist this year.

An investigation into the Indonesian's medical records revealed he knew he was a carrier before joining ISIS in September 2013, local activists Sound and Picture claimed.

Its undercover journalists revealed that ISIS has been carrying out extensive blood tests on all fighters since the Aids scare.

He told another anti-ISIS activist group, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, that the terror group set up an Aids-detection centre in Al-Mayadeen.

A doctor working there said ISIS commanders 'stressed the need to check each drop of blood transferred to IS members,' the journalist claimed.

Hospitals in Islamic State's adopted capital, Raqqa, has suffered from a lack of equipment which detects Aids for more than two years, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently claimed in July.

The activists said transfusions had been carried out with blood or safety tests to check if it was disease-free.

It said the virus is prevalent in ISIS because a large number of fighters 'are drug addicts or have criminal backgrounds' and disease spreads quickly because the extremists frequently swap wives and sex slaves.
Now ISIS is, allegedly, using AIDS-infected soldiers as suicide bombers. Note the link is over 15 months old.

ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide bombers | Daily Mail Online
At least 16 ISIS fighters who contracted HIV after having unprotected sex with two Moroccan sex slaves have been ordered to carry out suicide attacks, a doctor forced to treated them has claimed.

The men, most of whom are foreign fighters, were treated at an ISIS-run hospital in the east-Syrian city of Al-Mayadeen and then quarantined, it is reported.

ISIS beheaded a fighter who knowingly allowed his HIV-infected blood to be transfused to another terrorist this year.

An investigation into the Indonesian's medical records revealed he knew he was a carrier before joining ISIS in September 2013, local activists Sound and Picture claimed.

Its undercover journalists revealed that ISIS has been carrying out extensive blood tests on all fighters since the Aids scare.

He told another anti-ISIS activist group, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, that the terror group set up an Aids-detection centre in Al-Mayadeen.

A doctor working there said ISIS commanders 'stressed the need to check each drop of blood transferred to IS members,' the journalist claimed.

Hospitals in Islamic State's adopted capital, Raqqa, has suffered from a lack of equipment which detects Aids for more than two years, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently claimed in July.

The activists said transfusions had been carried out with blood or safety tests to check if it was disease-free.

It said the virus is prevalent in ISIS because a large number of fighters 'are drug addicts or have criminal backgrounds' and disease spreads quickly because the extremists frequently swap wives and sex slaves.

Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.

SO 16 people with HIV/AIDS means ISIS is decimated huh? Wow, go look up decimate.

18 months ago ISIS admitted two women had infected 16 men with AIDs

now it is epidemic

There is infected blood being given to ISIS soldiers as well.

I know from past wars that drug use can be widespread among muslims and have little doubt that too is a contributing factor.

stories have been filtering out about AIDs for years from both syria and iraq but with little corroboration it has not made much waves in the media.

The fact ISIS have a special hospital for AIDs patients would be a very good indication it is much more than 16 fighters.

If you choose not to believe, that is up to you. You can choose to believe the moon is made of green cheese if you want. You can choose to believe the american flag colors are grey and black if you wish.............does not make it factual to other look at the flag.

Did you think AIDs did not exist in muslim countries?

AIDS Remains a Costly Taboo in the Muslim World - IslamiCity
Jul 27, 2000 - Yet arguing that the Muslim world is largely AIDS free, or that the epidemic has little presence among Muslims is a mere fantasy, which could ...
[PDF]The Virus and the Scriptures: Muslims and AIDS in Tanzania
by F Becker - ‎2007 - ‎Cited by 16 - ‎Related articles
Tanzania, Muslim reform, healing, AIDS education, religion and politics ..... sexual relations that the AIDS epidemic seems to reveal runs deep amongthem.
Muslim Statistics (Health and Disability) - WikiIslam
Jump to HIV/AIDS - The study cited Iran and Bangladesh as among Muslim... The AIDS virus is spreading like an epidemic in some Middle East and North ...

So... where's your evidence for this? You have a source for 16 with HIV/AIDS and nothing more.

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