AIDs decimating ISIS

ISIS has further restricted internet access out of their area of Iraq.

It will be harder to get info on ISIS out, and more dangerous
ISIS has further restricted internet access out of their area of Iraq.

It will be harder to get info on ISIS out, and more dangerous
The left can't accept the fact that there are Natural LAWS in place by GOD, that if violated, will incur a natural penalty. It is as sure as the law of gravity.

ISIS is guilty of the worst of all sins. They are paying a price for their sins.

Deadly Epidemic Sweeps The ISIS Ranks - Being Called A 'Biblical Plague' ⋆ US Herald
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a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
There is a simple blood test, that all hospitals and blood banks do on any donated unit of blood that Identifies the AIDS virus, those units of blood are not used if they are positive....along with units that test positive to syphilis....and other diseases that can be transmitted thru the transfusion of blood and their byproducts.

The story seems very made up and highly unrealistic to me.
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AIDs decimating ISIS

Poor fellas. Couldn't happen to anyone more deserving.
“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword” (Revelation 13:10a).
So called known reliable reporters are too busy trashing Trump.
Trump is TRASH!!!

Then you think America is trash. I thought you'd hold this opinion with a name like 'Rastamen'.

Trump isn't America. Have you lost your ever loving mind.

Let me tell you something........your job is to continue to cheer-lead your members who voted for Trump that he is the 2nd coming since......tried paint was invented, because you guys made the tragic horrible mistake for voting for a Con-Man Fascist!!!

My job is to sound the alarm! Protest and Resist and show the Banana Republicans the error they made.

Point is.....what will Trumps Corporate America look like after 4-8 years???

Thats a question that both conservatives and liberals need to ask themselves and predicts. and DEBATE!!!!!!!

Take Care.
ISIS has further restricted internet access out of their area of Iraq.

It will be harder to get info on ISIS out, and more dangerous
The left can't accept the fact that there are Natural LAWS in place by GOD, that if violated, will incur a natural penalty. It is as sure as the law of gravity.

ISIS is guilty of the worst of all sins. They are paying a price for their sins.

Deadly Epidemic Sweeps The ISIS Ranks - Being Called A 'Biblical Plague' ⋆ US Herald
Yo make no sense. Please quit while you are ahead.
AIDs decimating ISIS

Poor fellas. Couldn't happen to anyone more deserving.
“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword” (Revelation 13:10a).
Revelations won't get the U.S. off the never ending war on terrorist or terrorism nor Trumps love affair with Russia and Putin. All it will do is increase the killing and destruction on both sides.
yes more recent news through months old

Over 20 ISIL Terrorists Infected with HIV from Unprotected ... - Farsnews
Jun 14, 2016 - The ISIL security officials threated the hospital's staff to death penalty if ... treated at an ISIL-run hospital in the Eastern-Syrian city ofAl-Mayadeen. ... who are tested positive with AIDS,” a civil rights activist inal-Mayadeen said.

US might have 1-5% of HIV in the populations, but we also have educations and treatment about it.
In a culture like ISIS even a .01- 1% of their population of fighters is a biblical epidemic or a decimations. Not being isolated to a specific group like gay men or drug users is overwhelming and given the conditions and medical care there, makes it worse.
The fact that it is even coming out shows the fear they have about it. Most countries would try to hide all cases. This is an epidemic of their own making with widespread sex slavery, not to mention the fact it got into their blood supply and that they are constantly in need of blood due to war.

Their total might be in the 100,000 but their fighting force is only in the 30,000 range.

I firmly believe many that might know or suspect they have been infected would never seek medical help to let others find out about it, and even blindly pass it on further.

Infections can take years to present as HIV and longer still a AIDs. The world has been finding out for only a couple of years. The women, and men, infected have been spreading it around in ignorance and who knows how many will actually come down with AIDs in the next decade or two?

Not like they can immunize against it now even if they had the vaccine and were willing to take it. Now that there is a potential cure they would die rather than than take it, considering where it came from.

Most still won't allow children to take a polio vaccine or most other preventable diseases.

What we know about now in ISIS areas is the very tip of the iceberg and anyone that remembers the 70's and 80's HIV/AIDs history in the US understand this.

Want more specific information you go to eastern syria and iraq and do the count if anyone will talk to you, then make it back alive.......but it won't be the whole picture or the numbers yet to be diagnosed.........but it is still being spread.

If 20 or 200 have AIDs, then twenty times are probably infected with HIV and 90% of them would not know it and with each week or month it is spread exponentially in ignorance.

If you count only those with AIDs, you still have in invisible hundreds or thousands with HIV.......and yet those who still have no idea they might be at risk of HIV.

You don't designate a hospital for just 16 or 20 cases when you are on a budget fighting a war on so many fronts, even with oil and illegal trade.

Saudi has less than 100 beds for AIDs patients, and all cases are sent to just one hospital. How much do you think a war zone and a group like ISIS is going to dedicate?

Three to four years, how many do you really think there should be with full blow AIDs? Or worse, how many willing to admit it? Suicide or a death fighting is their exit to paradise and those they infect along the way will still be in danger of spreading if further before they find out they have HIV or AIDs

Even if the whole population of ISIS held areas had been exposed or had HIV, you still might have less than 2% with full blow AIDs after just a few years. In ten years it might well have spread much further with those sneaking across europe, africa and western asia.

Just a few years and already there is an epidemic, basically untreated other than symptomatically. Took the US some thirty years to get over the "panic" of HIV, but the problem will long continue. Africa is still struggling to come to terms with diagnosing and preventing it and decades more before it is properly treated.
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
There is a simple blood test, that all hospitals and blood banks do on any donated unit of blood that Identifies the AIDS virus, those units of blood are not used if they are positive....along with units that test positive to syphilis....and other diseases that can be transmitted thru the transfusion of blood and their byproducts.

The story seems very made up and highly unrealistic to me.

Modern wester blood banks. Eastern syria and western Iraq in ISIS held areas are far from that.

ISIS is suffering from the same pains at the US did in the last century over the unknown AIDs virus. Till Hudson, most have never even heard about it let alone tested blood supplies for it, even though it had been in the US since the 60's and the congo since the 50's, that we know of, and primates for who knows how long before even that.

Did you think about testing blood supplies for HIV back in the 50's or 60's??

Now explain to a culture that does not use condoms that they have to begin using something they consider against their faith to prevent disease from spreading. The pope only just came to accept their use in Africa. How long to get radical muslims to even allow them to be imported to their area?

Hopefully ISIS will be history by that time at least as a fighting/terrorist force. Ideology will take much longer to eradicate.

You really can't try to solve problems in eastern cultures with western ideas, that is what groups like ISIS are killing over.
Trump isn't America.

Trump holds to many American values and represents many real Americans. That you consider him trash and a fascist shows us quite clearly you're opinion of America and real Americans. You're not only an America hater but a phony who denies to himself his own perverted thinking.
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
There is a simple blood test, that all hospitals and blood banks do on any donated unit of blood that Identifies the AIDS virus, those units of blood are not used if they are positive....along with units that test positive to syphilis....and other diseases that can be transmitted thru the transfusion of blood and their byproducts.

The story seems very made up and highly unrealistic to me.

Modern wester blood banks. Eastern syria and western Iraq in ISIS held areas are far from that.

ISIS is suffering from the same pains at the US did in the last century over the unknown AIDs virus. Till Hudson, most have never even heard about it let alone tested blood supplies for it, even though it had been in the US since the 60's and the congo since the 50's, that we know of, and primates for who knows how long before even that.

Did you think about testing blood supplies for HIV back in the 50's or 60's??

Now explain to a culture that does not use condoms that they have to begin using something they consider against their faith to prevent disease from spreading. The pope only just came to accept their use in Africa. How long to get radical muslims to even allow them to be imported to their area?

Hopefully ISIS will be history by that time at least as a fighting/terrorist force. Ideology will take much longer to eradicate.

You really can't try to solve problems in eastern cultures with western ideas, that is what groups like ISIS are killing over.
they may be getting AIDS from having sex, and ignorance on how to protect themselves, but one man, known to have AIDS donating 1 unit of blood, that at most was made in to 2 components, a unit of packed blood cells and a unit of plasma, would only be given to 1 or 2 at most, would not cause an epidemic. The standards are worldwide on testing blood donations, an Islamic State Hospital would know the risks involved in blood transfusions and HIV and know how to eliminate occasional mistake can happen, but it would not cause an passing the virus through unprotected sex, or via drug users sharing needles, is much much more likely....imho.

If this Islamic Hospital, is not really a Hospital, and has no doctors or nurses or phlebotomists to draw the blood and is really a tent in the middle of nowhere, then of course this could happen...

I still say the assertion by this alleged journalist reeks of being propaganda or basically fake news with a purpose.
Trump isn't America.

Trump holds to many American values and represents many real Americans. That you consider him trash and a fascist shows us quite clearly you're opinion of America and real Americans. You're not only an America hater but a phony who denies to himself his own perverted thinking.

Hillary made the mistake of thinking any one that did not support her and supported trump were irredeemable and deplorable human beings.

Sorry but Hillary was a lousy candidate for the dems to get behind, even if it was part of the deal with Obama so he could get elected.

It should never have been her "turn". It should be the choice of the citizens in each state. They did not choose her, for many reasons.
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<

Dont you love it when they ask you for proof and then when you provide the source , they tell you it's fake half the time. Meanwhile those type of thinkers have no idea our sources aren't fake bs information, and theirs is. lol
Is it seriously that hard for people to go and google it themselves if they don't believe shit.

With friends from the region, I also have personal sources not on the record that keep me informed well before it's in the press. Better idea what is real and fake stories, at least in many areas of world news. Not all news is mainstream american media, nor in english.

I've know about AIDs in the MENA for decades.......and yes, some even among homosexuals.
of course you do.....
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
There is a simple blood test, that all hospitals and blood banks do on any donated unit of blood that Identifies the AIDS virus, those units of blood are not used if they are positive....along with units that test positive to syphilis....and other diseases that can be transmitted thru the transfusion of blood and their byproducts.

The story seems very made up and highly unrealistic to me.

Modern wester blood banks. Eastern syria and western Iraq in ISIS held areas are far from that.

ISIS is suffering from the same pains at the US did in the last century over the unknown AIDs virus. Till Hudson, most have never even heard about it let alone tested blood supplies for it, even though it had been in the US since the 60's and the congo since the 50's, that we know of, and primates for who knows how long before even that.

Did you think about testing blood supplies for HIV back in the 50's or 60's??

Now explain to a culture that does not use condoms that they have to begin using something they consider against their faith to prevent disease from spreading. The pope only just came to accept their use in Africa. How long to get radical muslims to even allow them to be imported to their area?

Hopefully ISIS will be history by that time at least as a fighting/terrorist force. Ideology will take much longer to eradicate.

You really can't try to solve problems in eastern cultures with western ideas, that is what groups like ISIS are killing over.
they may be getting AIDS from having sex, and ignorance on how to protect themselves, but one man, known to have AIDS donating 1 unit of blood, that at most was made in to 2 components, a unit of packed blood cells and a unit of plasma, would only be given to 1 or 2 at most, would not cause an epidemic. The standards are worldwide on testing blood donations, an Islamic State Hospital would know the risks involved in blood transfusions and HIV and know how to eliminate occasional mistake can happen, but it would not cause an passing the virus through unprotected sex, or via drug users sharing needles, is much much more likely....imho.

If this Islamic Hospital, is not really a Hospital, and has no doctors or nurses or phlebotomists to draw the blood and is really a tent in the middle of nowhere, then of course this could happen...

I still say the assertion by this alleged journalist reeks of being propaganda or basically fake news with a purpose.

He knowingly gave blood over a period of time before it was discovered and later executed.

7 days for blood donation generally, it is used within days, and a few weeks for whole blood.

He might have been giving blood for months before being discovered.

We know of this one because he was executed, but we don't know about all of them, some might still not know they are passing on HIV when they give blood.

The full extent of this might take decades and by then thousands of known cases of not ten and hundreds of thousands. These are not people that ever considered taking precautions for such things. If they are infected they will make sure to have a warrior's death and care less about who they have infected along the way. The stigma would be more harmful to them than how many others they kill in the process, even their own family, who would then be expected to follow him if they were infected.

Death in killing others is the only sure way to paradise. For them it is a holy war. There are rules but groups like ISIS ignore the inconvenient within their faith for a greater end.

You care more about them than they care about themselves. The end game might be centuries in the future, not the next few months or years.

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