AIDs decimating ISIS

a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<

Dont you love it when they ask you for proof and then when you provide the source , they tell you it's fake half the time. Meanwhile those type of thinkers have no idea our sources aren't fake bs information, and theirs is. lol
Is it seriously that hard for people to go and google it themselves if they don't believe shit.

With friends from the region, I also have personal sources not on the record that keep me informed well before it's in the press. Better idea what is real and fake stories, at least in many areas of world news. Not all news is mainstream american media, nor in english.

I've know about AIDs in the MENA for decades.......and yes, some even among homosexuals.

We even have Leprosy , and that hasn't been here for a long, long time many diseases are coming here because of that idiot Obama leaving those borders open. What kills me are these people who support it and think they are put into a safe bubble where their kids are concerned. These infected kids are sitting right next to someone's kid. Geeeze oh man.
Now ISIS is, allegedly, using AIDS-infected soldiers as suicide bombers. Note the link is over 15 months old.

ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide bombers | Daily Mail Online
At least 16 ISIS fighters who contracted HIV after having unprotected sex with two Moroccan sex slaves have been ordered to carry out suicide attacks, a doctor forced to treated them has claimed.

The men, most of whom are foreign fighters, were treated at an ISIS-run hospital in the east-Syrian city of Al-Mayadeen and then quarantined, it is reported.

ISIS beheaded a fighter who knowingly allowed his HIV-infected blood to be transfused to another terrorist this year.

An investigation into the Indonesian's medical records revealed he knew he was a carrier before joining ISIS in September 2013, local activists Sound and Picture claimed.

Its undercover journalists revealed that ISIS has been carrying out extensive blood tests on all fighters since the Aids scare.

He told another anti-ISIS activist group, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, that the terror group set up an Aids-detection centre in Al-Mayadeen.

A doctor working there said ISIS commanders 'stressed the need to check each drop of blood transferred to IS members,' the journalist claimed.

Hospitals in Islamic State's adopted capital, Raqqa, has suffered from a lack of equipment which detects Aids for more than two years, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently claimed in July.

The activists said transfusions had been carried out with blood or safety tests to check if it was disease-free.

It said the virus is prevalent in ISIS because a large number of fighters 'are drug addicts or have criminal backgrounds' and disease spreads quickly because the extremists frequently swap wives and sex slaves.


Suicide bombs used to use infections and waste to spread disease.

Might now have a vaccine for HIV, but it is not widely available yet.
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<

Dont you love it when they ask you for proof and then when you provide the source , they tell you it's fake half the time. Meanwhile those type of thinkers have no idea our sources aren't fake bs information, and theirs is. lol
Is it seriously that hard for people to go and google it themselves if they don't believe shit.

With friends from the region, I also have personal sources not on the record that keep me informed well before it's in the press. Better idea what is real and fake stories, at least in many areas of world news. Not all news is mainstream american media, nor in english.

I've know about AIDs in the MENA for decades.......and yes, some even among homosexuals.

We even have Leprosy , and that hasn't been here for a long, long time many diseases are coming here because of that idiot Obama leaving those borders open. What kills me are these people who support it and think they are put into a safe bubble where their kids are concerned. These infected kids are sitting right next to someone's kid. Geeeze oh man.
This man has so much blood on his hands. His work of colonizing America with the Turd World has killed more Americans than any act of Terrorism.
Thread summary:

Some barking right wing loonies are having a group meltdown because the dirty liberals dared ask for evidence to back up their loopy conspiracy theory, and, as usual, they had none.

Now they've moved on to pissing themselves over how the scary mooooslems and other brown people are supposedly living bioweapons.

You can't fix stupid like that.
Thread summary:

Some barking right wing loonies are having a group meltdown because the dirty liberals dared ask for evidence to back up their loopy conspiracy theory, and, as usual, they had none.

Now they've moved on to pissing themselves over how the scary mooooslems and other brown people are supposedly living bioweapons.

You can't fix stupid like that.

Some loons only use the dialogue taught by their lying gov. and it's all they know ... Those scary boogie men come from all over the world zombie... The color card is OLD used up and nobody feels a fkn thing nor guilt tripped by that indoctrinated bs.

you should wake up to reality before you find yourself or you kid infected with some disease... don't think your little ole gubbemint is gonna save you lmfao.

There's a growing health concern over illegal immigrants bringing infectious diseases into the United States. Approximately 500,000 legal immigrants and 80,000 refugees come to the United States each year, and an additional 700,000 illegal immigrants enter annually, and three-quarters of these illegal immigrants come from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Illegal Immigration and the Threat of Infectious Disease - Southern Medical Association
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Thread summary:

Some barking right wing loonies are having a group meltdown because the dirty liberals dared ask for evidence to back up their loopy conspiracy theory, and, as usual, they had none.

Now they've moved on to pissing themselves over how the scary mooooslems and other brown people are supposedly living bioweapons.

You can't fix stupid like that.

And this isn't even the full truth..................Beings it is from a GOV. CONTROLLED site CDC they sugar coat the truth.
Annual Estimate of People Entering the U.S.
Refugees: ~60,000

Immigrants: ~500,000

Non-immigrants: ~39 million*

Short-term transit: ~35 million

Others: ~4 million

*Non-immigrants include students, temporary workers and trainees, and fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens.

Each year, close to 60,000 refugees and 500,000 immigrants come to the United States from around the world. Standards of care, access to health care and treatment, and exposure to infectious diseases differ around the world. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ) works to keep infectious diseases and other diseases of public health significance from coming into and spreading in the United States. To accomplish this goal, the Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health (IRMH) Branch focuses on promoting and improving the health of immigrants, U.S. bound refugees, and migrants through domestic and overseas programs.

Core Activities
CDC - IRMH Fact Sheet - Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ) - NCEZID
SO 16 people with HIV/AIDS means ISIS is decimated huh? Wow, go look up decimate.

roflmao, he made a direct quote from one of the sources he gave you, lazy fucker.

AIDS Is Now Running Rampant Amongst ISIS Fighters And Its Getting So Bad That They Even Set Up An AIDS Center


ISIS has now established an AIDS center since AIDS is being acquired from their practice of sex slavery. It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISIS members since “AIDS” most often spreads through gay sex, promiscuous sex with an infected person, or by sharing drug needles, which are supposedly prohibited by ISIS. As it seems, that sex slavery is going rampant and ISIS is now forced to screen their fighters and their slaves as well. Logic dictates that ISIS is filled with bi-sexuals who are transmitting AIDS to the sex slaves who in turn are infecting ISIS fighters who desire to practice Islamic sex slavery.

One reporter moved to Shaddadi south Hasaka, to investigate this matter and uncovered the circumstances. The reporter contacted secretly one of ISIS members named “Abu Qatada” who confirmed the existence of AIDS infection cases amongst ISIS fighters. He said : “In the beginning we discovered one case, an Indonesian nationality, and that happened when he was donating blood at one of the ISIS hospitals”. The donor was later executed...

a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
More Fake News.......shame.....shame.
Some barking right wing loonies ...
Wow, irony out the wazoo

Amazing there are some who after all this whatever we call it has come out into the open on Obama, etc there are still those who I swear are on dope and so out of it even if not on any dope , they are like freaking zombies.
Either they missed everything the entire year and or have denied the entire year. This is the year many people have woke up and caught onto this political game.
Seems there is widespread AIDs due to blood transfusions and sex slavery.

..............(an act of their god?)
So Trump will but boots on the ground further endangering U.S. service women to rape (when they are caputred) and getting aids from ISIS. Yeah that will be smart!
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
More Fake News.......shame.....shame.

Sources including european news, HRW, UN, WHO, india, morocco, ANA and alalam............. but you deny its evidence. That is your problem

If you don't like news sources, try organization gophers, PDFs or the library for medical papers and NGO magazines and papers as well as those old standby books. College/University/Government libraries actually have more access to research and information than public.
a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<
More Fake News.......shame.....shame.

USSA, shoebat, vice, ANA, huffington, tribune or herald?

or is it the reporter remaining unnamed because he might be killed while over there?
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More Fake News.......shame.....shame.
USSA, shoebat, vice, ANA, huffington, tribune or herald?
or it the reporter remaining unnamed because he might be killed while over there?
Doesnt matter to these trolls; if they dont like it it is "fake news".

I question stories and sources, and then go looking for other sources, and in other languages, many times.

We all get caught at first glance at times. I though I had provided enough articles and variety of origins, but it seems nothing is enough for some if they really don't want to accept.

How is AIDs among ISIS so hard to believe when they have set a hospital to deal with it? Shooting, burning alive, using a suicide bombers might work in some cases but if they did that to all those who get AIDs from sex slaves, drugs and transfusions it would be bad for their numbers, and moral, knowing it comes from other than homosexual behavior and anyone of them might be waiting for it to present itself at any time, perhaps decades.
More Fake News.......shame.....shame.
USSA, shoebat, vice, ANA, huffington, tribune or herald?
or it the reporter remaining unnamed because he might be killed while over there?
Doesnt matter to these trolls; if they dont like it it is "fake news".

I question stories and sources, and then go looking for other sources, and in other languages, many times.

We all get caught at first glance at times. I though I had provided enough articles and variety of origins, but it seems nothing is enough for some if they really don't want to accept.

How is AIDs among ISIS so hard to believe when they have set a hospital to deal with it? Shooting, burning alive, using a suicide bombers might work in some cases but if they did that to all those who get AIDs from sex slaves, drugs and transfusions it would be bad for their numbers, and moral, knowing it comes from other than homosexual behavior and anyone of them might be waiting for it to present itself at any time, perhaps decades.
They don't "get" AIDS, they're the ones spreading it. Their rapes, violence, sex with boys and goats. Is anybody but a libtard really surprised? THEY deserve what they get, but like I said, too bad for their victims -- especially the christian girls. They need to be exterminated

ISIS fighters 'are filming themselves raping sex slaves' in Iraq | Daily Mail Online
More Fake News.......shame.....shame.
USSA, shoebat, vice, ANA, huffington, tribune or herald?
or it the reporter remaining unnamed because he might be killed while over there?
Doesnt matter to these trolls; if they dont like it it is "fake news".

I question stories and sources, and then go looking for other sources, and in other languages, many times.

We all get caught at first glance at times. I though I had provided enough articles and variety of origins, but it seems nothing is enough for some if they really don't want to accept.

How is AIDs among ISIS so hard to believe when they have set a hospital to deal with it? Shooting, burning alive, using a suicide bombers might work in some cases but if they did that to all those who get AIDs from sex slaves, drugs and transfusions it would be bad for their numbers, and moral, knowing it comes from other than homosexual behavior and anyone of them might be waiting for it to present itself at any time, perhaps decades.
They don't "get" AIDS, they're the ones spreading it. Their rapes, violence, sex with boys and goats. Is anybody but a libtard really surprised? THEY deserve what they get, but like I said, too bad for their victims -- especially the christian girls. They need to be exterminated

ISIS fighters 'are filming themselves raping sex slaves' in Iraq | Daily Mail Online
Captured U.S. military service women will come back home with aids after having been raped by ISIS.
More Fake News.......shame.....shame.
USSA, shoebat, vice, ANA, huffington, tribune or herald?
or it the reporter remaining unnamed because he might be killed while over there?
Doesnt matter to these trolls; if they dont like it it is "fake news".

I question stories and sources, and then go looking for other sources, and in other languages, many times.

We all get caught at first glance at times. I though I had provided enough articles and variety of origins, but it seems nothing is enough for some if they really don't want to accept.

How is AIDs among ISIS so hard to believe when they have set a hospital to deal with it? Shooting, burning alive, using a suicide bombers might work in some cases but if they did that to all those who get AIDs from sex slaves, drugs and transfusions it would be bad for their numbers, and moral, knowing it comes from other than homosexual behavior and anyone of them might be waiting for it to present itself at any time, perhaps decades.
They don't "get" AIDS, they're the ones spreading it. Their rapes, violence, sex with boys and goats. Is anybody but a libtard really surprised? THEY deserve what they get, but like I said, too bad for their victims -- especially the christian girls. They need to be exterminated

ISIS fighters 'are filming themselves raping sex slaves' in Iraq | Daily Mail Online
Captured U.S. military service women will come back home with aids after having been raped by ISIS.

Last one was released two years ago. Other american women have been killed. Many captive women have committed suicide rather than be raped.

Most of US involvement is air force and support not ground, though that could change in the future.

Women in the military are aware of the risk in combat, well most that might be placed in forward areas.

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