AIDs decimating ISIS

Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.

To be fair, it is common courtesy to post the links in the OP.
Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.

I'm guessing BO will give the AIDS infected terrorist refugee status in the US along with heaping helping of free Obamacare.
Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.

I'm guessing BO will give the AIDS infected terrorist refugee status in the US along with heaping helping of free Obamacare.

Many refugees with AIDs are here, 14% according the CDC
Sources including european news, HRW, UN, WHO, india, morocco, ANA and alalam............. but you deny its evidence. That is your problem

And still none of your sources talked about "AIDS decimating ISIS".

And all of them were anecdotal. No hard evidence anywhere, just all "this unnamed source said" type stuff, published by tabloids and kook right bloggers.

That kind of weak tea clearly passes muster with your post-reality cult of bedwetters, but it doesn't come close to meeting the evidence standards used by the reality-based community. You fell for some nonsense because you wanted to fall for it. You saw what you wanted to see, so you just shut down your brain and BELIEVED.

Now, if you want everyone to stop laughing at you, back up your bull, and post some actual evidence that "AIDS is decimating ISIS", for the first time. We'll wait.
So Trump will but boots on the ground further endangering U.S. service women to rape (when they are caputred) and getting aids from ISIS. Yeah that will be smart!

If the military listened to idiots like you, we'd all be speaking German.
Now watch this fool Mamooth come back and say: Well, it doesn't USE the term 'decimate'.

Cultist, can you tell us what "decimate" means?

Can you then show ISIS is being "decimated"?

Ask a grownup if you need help

Oh, I see you ran from the whole "it's an unsourced rumor from a kook blog" thing. If I need to find you, I can follow the trail of piddle.
I'm beginning to think all these alt-Left morons are 14 years old.

Cultist, can you tell us what "decimate" means?

Can you then show ISIS is being "decimated"?

Ask a grownup if you need help

Oh, I see you ran from the whole "it's an unsourced rumor from a kook blog" thing. If I need to find you, I can follow the trail of piddle.

Putin and Russia do a good job if decimating ISIS.....Obungles should have paid attention
If I found a link that actually used the term 'decimate', I'm positive Mamooth would claim they spelled it wrong. LOL!!

baby will cry still because it was not published yesterday with a "known" reliable reporter or find some other fault with it, just because.

Not enough physical evidence as proof. Perhaps a ticket into ISIS territory to see the hospital and count heads of those infected..........and still maybe come back alive to tell the tale to us all.
So called known reliable reporters are too busy trashing Trump.
Is there a link to this story somewhere? A search on "AIDS decimating ISIS" turns up nothing.

You can't be that dense

16 ISIS militants tested positive with AIDS in Syria's Deiz ez-Zor - ARA ...
Aug 19, 2015 - Deir ez-Zor, Syria – At least 16 cases of AIDS were reported in the ranks of the Islamic State radical group (IS/ISIS) in al-Mayadeen cityin the ...
ISIS fighters who contracted HIV from sex slaves to become suicide ...
Aug 20, 2015 - ISIS fighter is executed for spreading Aids after he donated. ... 'ordered by the group's leadership' to quarantine the infected in the citycentre. ... for militants who tested positive with HIV,' an activist in Al-Mayadeen told ARA.
Sep 26, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since ... The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting ...
Two Moroccan Women Infect 16 ISIS Terrorists With AIDS
Morocco World News | Morocco News meets the World › Morocco World News
Aug 20, 2015 - Two Moroccan women have reportedly passed on AIDS to at least 16 terrorists of the so-called Islamic State in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern ...
ISIS Executes Jihadist for Infecting Communal Yazidi Sex Slave with ...
Jun 26, 2015 - ISIS executed an Indonesian man infected with AIDS after he passed ... “Almayadeen City didn't has [sic] a center for AIDS tests before,” said ...
ISIS militants who contracted HIV from captured sex slaves forced to ... › News › World news › ISIS
Aug 20, 2015 - At least 16 fighters were diagnosed in al-Mayadeen city in the eastern Syrian ... with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency.
Sounds like the AIDS cases are not "stopping" or "decimating" them after all.

They just get on the short list for suicide vests so they can get their 72 virgins in the afterlife before they rot first in a hospital bed.
I'm beginning to think all these alt-Left morons are 14 years old.

I'm beginning to think you're my sweet little bitch.

And look, I'm right! After all, you're squealing like my bitch, and leaving a piss trail behind as you run from the questions I post to you.

Reach down, son. Look for your testicles. Get a magnifying glass, if necessary.

After you find them, try to come up with a source that isn't some anonymous person on a right wing kook blog.

And then try to come up with one that says ISIS has been decimated by AIDS.

Oh, adult diapers will help you. You won't have to sit in a wet chair all the time.

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