AIDs decimating ISIS

a reporter who wished to remain unnamed went to Shaddadi, Syria to learn more about this potential AIDS outbreak and the claim that there was a special center dedicated to the monitoring and treatment of AIDS in Almayadeen City at an Islamic State group-controlled hospital.

In the reporter's report they were able to set up communications with an ISIS fighter named Abu Qatada. Qatada corroborated the claim that AIDS was a serious concern to the Islamic State and that they have actually designated special doctors within their camps to help monitor and treat the AIDS issue.

Furthermore, there are reports that a man from Indonesia knew that he was infected with AIDS and intentionally donated blood to an Islamic State-run hospital. Shortly after ISIS discovered that the man was intentionally harming ISIS militants he was executed.<<

Dont you love it when they ask you for proof and then when you provide the source , they tell you it's fake half the time. Meanwhile those type of thinkers have no idea our sources aren't fake bs information, and theirs is. lol
Is it seriously that hard for people to go and google it themselves if they don't believe shit.

With friends from the region, I also have personal sources not on the record that keep me informed well before it's in the press. Better idea what is real and fake stories, at least in many areas of world news. Not all news is mainstream american media, nor in english.

I've know about AIDs in the MENA for decades.......and yes, some even among homosexuals.
of course you do.....

I grew up there and worked with the UN and other groups in the regions.
I have family that have worked across the region in many fields including health care.
I've traveled extensively to extreme part of the world and most countries.
So, yes I do.
Some people have unconventional lives and a broad range of experiences, I'm lucky enough be one of them, and in some cases unlucky enough.
We have AID like disease in US livestock. We have know it for decades

I wasn't aware of this! I thought HIV only affected primates.

AIDS-Like Virus Is Found At High Rate in U.S. Cattle -
Jun 1, 1991 - The virus, bovine immunodeficiency-like virus, or BIV, is spread through the blood and is a member of a family of slow-acting viruses that have been shown to reduce the activity of an animal's immune system. ... The virus, which was first isolated in 1969, has been shown to cause ...
Is HIV/AIDS a threat to livestock production? The example of Rakai ...
by M Haslwimmer - ‎Cited by 29 - ‎Related articles
Since AIDS is predominantly a sexually transmitted disease, there is often more than one death .... He also would like to keep cattle, but lacks the capital to start.
Bovine immunodeficiency virus - Wikipedia
Bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) is a retrovirus belonging to the Lentivirus genus. It is similar to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and infects cattle. ... the National Animal Disease Center; Dr. Van Der Maaten was able to isolate the ... the discovery that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was caused ...
more fuel for the fire.............

the short testimony of one of eleven recruits who were sodomized by the ISIS “prince” Abu Ala’:

Abu Ala’ made a fatwa permitting himself to marry and sodomize his recruits, with the exception that no man can sodomize him.

ISIS is truly the manifestation of the purest form of the homosexual agenda: sodomizing men as both torture and pleasure, and killing those who disagree with them.

The incredible testimony confirms a documentary broadcasted on August 27th on the Kurdish station STERK TV, it was said that ISIS has been raping men in a ceremony it describes as “marriage” and records them to use as blackmail and force them to join.

ISIS uses rape, including gang rape, as a tactic of fear to intimidate populations it seeks to control, according to an August 28th report by the Firat News Agency, a Kurdish agency based in Amsterdam.<< Terror Scoop

Then there is Trudeau's involvement

ISIS has AIDS, Justin Trudeau FUNDS Medical Center for them
Jun 4, 2016 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since “AIDS” most often spreads through gay sex, promiscuous sex with an ...


AIDS spreads among ISIS militants انتشار مرض الإيدز في صفوف داعش ...
upload_2017-1-3_23-25-34.jpeg▶ 1:41

Aug 20, 2015 - Uploaded by ARA News
AIDS spreads among ISIS militants انتشار مرض الإيدز في صفوف داعش ... TOP SECRET : ISIS Full Documentery - Inside The ...

Then you have other disease for the to contend with

Really? AIDS Is Now Running Rampant Amongst ISIS Fighters
Jun 24, 2015 - It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among ISISmembers since “AIDS” most often spreads through gay sex, promiscuous sex with an ...

Isis Caliphate Struggling With Flesh-eating Microbe Epidemic | Ehow ...
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Doesnt matter to these trolls; if they dont like it it is "fake news
These losers are going to call "fake news" on any report favorable to Trump and negative to our enemies. I see no reason to contort oneself to prove anything to them. They won't accept it, so don't bother.

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